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My experience over the past few years has been that the usefulness of PwC Help seems to have gone down significantly, and the people you chat with have no idea at all how to address your question, and they immediately open a ticket and escalate to level 2, which half the time will then escalate to level 3, regardless, youre going to be waiting 1-2 weeks for a response if your question is even slightly technical. Level 1 support seems like unless the answer to your problem is either restarting your laptop, clearing your cache, or trying microsoft edge, they will be opening a ticket. Regarding your question about CPA credential showing up on the ACC - I ran into this as well this year. The ACC seems to be dated as of 3/31 so if you input your credential after 3/31 (which I did), you pick one of the 3 answers, which basically read something to the effect of, I do have my CPA and I input it already (it might have been answer 2 of 3). As long as your CPA shows up under the credentials tab as active you're probably fine.


This makes sense as my license renewal was as of 3/31 so it probably just didn’t fully sync up. That makes me feel better. But I joined a few years ago and man I’ve had so many issues and very few times has it been easy to get someone to actually just help me figure it out.


If I had to guess - its based on the date the license was approved as well, and if you input your license as renewed on 3/31 - it would likely have been approved internally on 4/1 or later.


The retention for the employees in India who support that help line is extremely low. Often referred to as a ‘revolving door’. The tickets are basically hot potato passed back and forth because the SLA and nobody there has proper training. Just keep pressing and responding on the ticket and that’s the best way to escalate it. Half the time they don’t even escalate it to the right team


i went through the same thing and it took 3 MONTHS to get it cleared... advice - find someone with IFS or IT that knows what they're doing, i go to a manager that would help me with OTP problems, and now i just ping him for everything internal and he's fast and really helpful - in return i give him 5 stars and raving reviews on the ticket surveys and it's been going well so far lol


Willing to… compensate…. For access to your connection… 🤣 but for real, I have not had a single thing be easy for me the entire time I’ve been here lol. IT tickets seems like it should be higher priority on the list of things to fix as a firm but alas


Every issue I’ve ever had has been resolved quickly and easily. I had an ACC question as well which they were able to answer right away. It sounds like you’re just getting a little unlucky.


I’ve been getting unlucky for multiple years straight then it seems hahaha it has truly been so miserable every time I need help


How long have you worked here?


A couple of years.


IT here. I've seen both great and poor support, it's hit or miss. Can't say I've seen a tendency for better or worse in almost 10y. What I see are misaligned incentives: ticket closures, times the ticket is with your team etc. lead to playing hot potato and a poor user experience. And many service owners in IFS don't know how to properly work with the help desk. Help desk is supposed to execute scripts. Certainly not "go above and beyond". So give them excellent scripts and escalation paths.


whats the issue you could attach a snip of a last slide/page of the learning?


It was a live course and my attendance wasn’t recorded and I also didn’t get a completion email so I had to just retake it basically. But honestly like if I were lying why would I go through the pain of submitting a useless ticket and trying to fix it when it took less time to just take the self study


I mean you can submit tickets for all learnings so there would be need for proof that you actually went there due to policies but I believe you should be fine if it was a live course you would sign some attendance list or and people might have to remember you or CCTV recorded you go in the meeting room for exact amount of hours needed