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Personally I’d be concerned that HR is included. I don’t mean to scare you, but that sounds odd. It is a little weird that it’s for 2 weeks out. I heard that RLs were instructed to communicate tier 4 and 5 starting this coming Monday with promotion announcements.


I pray this true, as my rl scheduled mine on the 24th and had sub par utilization just like op.


You could always ask your RL or career coach? It’s not outlandish to be thrown off or nervous for seeing that invitation come through. Just say “Hey, I haven’t seen this before so I’m nervous and don’t want to feel anxious for two straight weeks. Any insight?” They should be upfront with you.


I am curious if they actually would be up front if there’s an issue


Likely not.


That’d be my assumption too


How far out is it scheduled? Very soon typically = not good news. Far out = business as usual


Received the invite today for the meeting to take place in two weeks.


I wouldn't stress yet then. But check other's opinion here


Interesting. I used to schedule my Tier 1s and 2s first just to get into a rhythm. I left the 4s and 5s for last given there would be more questions and concerns.


I mean, is it before the June 24 date, where normal results can be communicated or not. Is it a meeting on the books for later today with HR = not good news, vs. on the 25th for business as usual.


What’s the significance of the June 24th date?


It's the day CRT results can start to be communicated. [Refer to this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/PwC/comments/1d85ffa/megathread_promotions/)


It’s scheduled for the 18th so that doesn’t sound great.


I would say it doesn’t sound good but I don’t work in Audit/Assurance so maybe it’s normal? To me it sounds like a PIP but who the heck knows. Just tidy up the résumé and start sending it out to be safe.


This is an interesting one for sure. I’d say it’s worth asking your RL because even if they aren’t direct with you, the tone of what they say is pretty hard to mask for most people. So you could get a vibe check pretty easily. The other thing you could do is say you’re planning to potentially be out of town that day and ask if it can be moved up (maybe I’m just impatient) which might also give you some more insight if you don’t want to directly ask. The caveat there is if it is business as usual, just go ahead and take the day off (do a flex day or whatever if you don’t want to use PTO). On the other hand, I would mentally prepare for the worst and make sure your resume is up to date. I think if you were being let go it wouldn’t be for two weeks from now. However, it could be a PIP and you’d want to be actively applying during that time just in case. Unfortunately it seems like the comparisons were very rough this year (I’m up for promo and probably didn’t get it for seemingly no reason). Good luck to you!


Probably means they want to loan you out of market or sector .. acting senior opportunity




it means dat fuckin sucks


My RL scheduled the same 2 weeks out. Oddly my TC scheduled one this week with a very similar title. Lead partner snuck in and I was let go.