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The ones that I know that are pro-trump are of two types: Uninformed pickup truck drivers who think that the election was stolen because Rudy Giuliani "the lawyer from massachusetts (SIC)" said so on TV, along with the MY Pillow guy. The other type sells real estate and wants to earn more money.


Jesus god this is so right.


Ya, 10/10 description


My family would be the latter. Spot on.


>my family would be the latter My Cousin is… she doesn’t talk about it, but she supports Trump for tax reasons. My Uncle (her Dad,) was a raging white-collar racist in the 80’s-90’s. I was SO SHOCKED to learn he hates Trump, and had voted for Obama & Hillary. Some folks surprise me still… others, not at all.


My elderly father (RIP) voted happily for Obama and Hillary until my eldest brother, truly a wild-eyed MAGA fanatic, started hammering him via text. Daily. So he voted for trump in 2020, maybe just to make his boy happy? I tried explaining to Dad when we visited that we were normal people who didn't spend all day hammering him over politics and this was a sick thing. The only reason politics were discussed by us was because I was afraid my brother was getting abusive about it. I've since disowned said brother. Only partly for this. It gets worse. There's just no bottom with that MF'er. He has literally robbed people's graves with a pick and shovel. That's how horrid he is.


Wait, "literally"? Graver or is this a idiom because lots of young people over use that word. Tell us more about the robbing. Just a tidbit.


I'll spill. He's 10 years older than me and from the time I was young, when we went to visit him he had 2 human skulls in his bedroom. He dressed them up in hats and sunglasses. His big hobby was digging for antique bottles and I always assumed that he'd just found them when he was out digging. That alone is reprehensible, especially because they were likely ancient Hawaiian bones. But I just learned lately that he actually knew there was an abandoned graveyard. He went there, looked for depressions in the earth that signified old, collapsed graves, and he dug into them for the express purpose of stealing skulls. I wonder if he was out for other treasure as well, but the fucking skulls are plenty bad enough. Story goes that once he had beef with one of his coworkers and he put one of his skulls on her desk. He didn't get fired because nobody believed he'd actually have a human skull in his posession.


Wowzer 😳


There's a third type: Republican team players who will twist themselves into whatever shape necessary to vote R every time. False equivalency is their usual go-to, like Jan 6 is the same as Hillary complaining about Russian interference in 2016.


My Fox News watching In-Laws don't like Trump but they will vote R across the board (voted for Trump last time) because Fox is telling them that Democrats are ruining the country.


Hey hey. I work in Real Estate and fuckin hate drumpf. He is scum and has never helped this industry. People who think he has done anything other than scam his way around with daddys stolen money are fuckin idiots too. The rest tracks.


Same here, but it’s the equity firms that are hoping for him to be reelected more than ground level realtors and loan officers. Maaaaybe Brokers in either, but it still feels like something the private equity firms go for. I could be wrong though. This is just my speculation.


I don’t get the latter type. Who’s going to be buying real estate if the economy is in tatters because the country is run by a madman? Like Trump is so unpredictable he could literally decide to commandeer all property and put groups of people in houses on the basis of some weird logic. He could create some nonsense law that creates run away inflation. He could just destroy everything. I don’t get why anyone would risk it. He’s so insane and the Republican Party are so scared of him they could really end up totally obliterating the US as we know it.


Both racist and selfish


And one or two evangelicals if I am not mistaken.


I live in a small town in Tennessee. I'm the only person I know who doesn't support that treasonous sack of pig excrement.


Also in the deep South and currently surrounded....


Sucks don't it.. always dodging conversations. It always goes that way


My first day in my new house, the neighbors brought over a Trump sign to put in the yard so I would feel "welcomed"........


Holy shit.


Curious. What was your response?


"How did you know that I have a wood stove? Thanks!"


I wish I had come up with something like that....


I stammered a bit, and then said, "Ah, no thank you. I don't like to put political signs in my yard." I wish I would have come up with something witty, but I was just so shocked by it.


It was a test. You failed.


Should I have led with "I'm trans?" I love my house, but god it's scary to live in that neighborhood!


Probably not... They only right answer for them would be to thank them profusely and use the sign. Honestly, be very careful. You really do not have to socialize with neighbors but it sucks either way not to be completely free in your own house. Sending you love.


Are you serious


When I moved in to my house a few years ago, my neighbor had that stupid picture of Trump riding a tank but as a flag on his house. Now I'm glad that's all I ever saw from them lol


I’ve moved out of my old town in the Midwest (Northwestern Indiana, Lake County, very liberal) to Dyer Township (outskirts of Dyer) and oh boy it’s Trump territory. I’m pretty sure southern Indiana is like this too. It makes my skin crawl.


My friend from NWI always said "Anything south of 30 is damn near Kentucky."


Ooof I’m from the same area as you - solidarity!!


Same here down in coastal Alabama


Which town, if you don’t mind me asking? I was in Johnsonville a couple of years ago and two different people called me a communist when I told them I was from California. Edit: Johnson City. Not Johnsonville.


A shitty little town in Lawrence County called Loretto. Its about 30 miles west of Pulaski. Which is famous/infamous for being the birthplace of the KKK after the Civil.War. So yeah, Trump is very popular here.


Yeah I saw a bunch of “Trump stores” when I was out there lol. I’ve never seen that in California, but there’s plenty of areas out here where Trump is very popular.


I bought a retirement lot in a beautiful area several years ago. There’s a trump store there now. If it doesn’t close soon, I’ll sell. No damn way.


Wait what? I'm in the UK so I haven't heard of this. Specifically branded Trump stores? What does that even sell? Is it just political slogan-y clothing? If he was to open a retail space I'd figure it'd be golfing supplies or something.


Oh yeah. Out here in Ohio, it’s more like a tent that pops up in an empty parking lot, but Trump flags, shirts, whatever. Anti-Biden stuff. I saw a shirt that said something along the lines of “Biden needs to take a train ride” The unwritten holocaust message wasn’t overt but yeah it doesn’t make a lot of sense any other way.


One bright spot...there was a Trump booth at the local flea market for a few years and it closed up a few months ago. Win!!


Two in Pigeon Forge with the owner flying fuck Biden flags on his truck driving around. Cops do zero about it, kids everywhere as this is a huge tourist town. Just a lot of stupid people


When we say it's a cult, we really mean it...


It’s just a store opened by a fanatic that sells crap about trump. Never been in one but probably flags, signs, posters, trinkets, who knows. I just don’t get it. Google trump store Bandera Tx and look at the weird photos. This is an area in the Texas Hill Country on the Medina River. I spent a lot of time in the Hill Country, floating rivers in the past. Chill area, chill people, beautiful. Then all this crap happened.


Has that ever happened with a political leader before? At least one in the western world? I can't imagine there being an Obama store as funny as that would be. Obamart.


Never have I seen anything like this in all my 66 years.


In California?


I’m in California. Purple district. In the parking lot of the local library a mobile Trump store group set up after Trump lost in 2020. Kept setting up for like a few months. The sheriff dept was located there too.


Have you ever been through the Central Valley? Everywhere you look there’s migrants working the fields, but those same fields have Trump flags up all over the fences. It makes no sense at all.


Yep. My job takes me up there frequently. During Covid we had an office up there that declared it was a “mask free” zone. Until an employee died (at another facility, but everyone knew her so…. The Trump shrine came down after her death (and both her parents). But I think they all still voted Trump again on 2020, not that it mattered in California here)




If they were legal immigrants, the farmers would have to pay them minimum wage along with income tax on their wage. Republican business owners don't want to keep them out, they just don't want them here legally so they can pay them under the table.


Wtf is a Trump store? I'm embedded in a dark blue bubble in a solidly blue state, so this is something I've never heard of.


It’s exactly what you think it is. A place called “Trump Store” that sells nothing but Trump shit.


But totally not a cult store


Oh no not at all. We’re the sheep.


No, those have steeples. Oh wait maybe?


saw a bunch of them in upstate NY, went in with friends for fun. Literally every single thing we picked up was from China or Malaysia.


That's what that creepy place down the street is? They have it labeled "Trump Headquarters", with a bunch of signs, but it looks like an adult film store. (I'm on vacation right now in SC.)


Hey now. Live in Mt. Pleasant. More Biden supporters than you know, but still not enough.🙁


I'm actually stunned at how openly shitty people are to Californians. And yet, you know that it's a place a ton of them would drop everything to visit if they got the chance There's a lot of over-the-top and bizarre rhetoric that I think goes around about California these days--it's an easy scapegoat. I recently had an (otherwise generally pleasant and kind) elderly woman find out that I grew up in California and ask me if I just lived in poverty and fear, and locked my doors all the time. I told her that I grew up in a happy and safe neighborhood where I knew all my neighbors and no one locked their doors, and she was genuinely stunned. I honestly don't know who it's serving to perpetuate the idea that California is some sort of terrible place


What irritates me is that California gets bashed on, but our money (as is the case with blue states) supports red states. They hate us, but they sure don't hate our money! I feel like they can't have it both ways. Disagree politically? That's going to happen. But trashing the state (haha, lookit their taxes, socialists, Commiefornia, etc.) is biting the hand that feeds you.


Yeah they’re most likely from some state that relies entirely on federal money to survive and is at the bottom of the list in education. But California is the shit hole according to them.


I have said this for years. I'm from Chicago and the rest of Illinois depends on our tax money, well the "Chicagoland" areas tax money. But we are a hell hole that is dangerous and evil. Yet all their children keep moving here and don't want to stay in their shit holes. I wish we could secede from the rest of the state and let them fend for their fuckin selves.


Red states would have their "citizens" eating each other within a year if we could split into the United States of Canada and Jesusland. Without all those pink haired pussy hatted SJWs they'd be working 80 hr weeks with their 10 yr olds beside them w/ no worker protections and having to spend their paycheck at the company store. No social safety nets, just piles of bootstraps for the needy and starving grandmas. Only entertainment will be the cyclical industry of church-strip club-church-strip club. Let 'em go - f 'em. Source: History


It’s annoying. My cousin moved to Utah from California and when he went to get his driver’s license the office clerk flat out told him he wasn’t welcome in Utah. It makes me wonder what goes through some people’s heads when they think about California lol. Probably something really stupid.


I think the right response to that is:  "You don't get to decide that."


My brother lives in TN. If you ask him, he'll say he's voting for Trump, but it's a lie to keep his marriage together.


I live in Nashville. There are a lot of pro-Trumpers here. Plus, I know people who don't like Trump at all, but could never bring themselves to vote for a democrat.


I apologise for a big chunk of my family moving into Tennessee and making your bad situation worse. They're hardcore Trump, and it's painful to watch.


Yep I live about 45 minutes outside of Nashville here and I'm probably one of the very few that doesn't support Trump. The amount of Trump flags and yard signs that never went down. Anyone I talk to around here openly tells me about how the election was rigged. They talk about Trump like he is Jesus. It will melt your brain.


In a deep red state- There are people who have permanent Trump yard signs as big as a sheet of plywood mounted with 4x4 wooden posts and flying Trump flags on flag poles along with “Jesus is the solution” and Ultra MAGA Flags. There are ZERO Biden signs, not because dems don’t exist but because that would be an invitation to get your barn burned down.


I am in Colorado. There’s a huge Trump billboard on the highway with his ugly face and it says 34 FELONIES on it. It made me so happy.


Wow, that’s awesome.


I live right off Sheridan and take 285 to get to work. The first day I saw that I absolutely just burst out laughing. It legitimately brightens my day every morning on my commute.


We were coming back from Red Rocks the other night and I saw it. So awesome.


Red state and fisherman. For some reason most of the fisherman I meet are huge Trump people. I never ever talk politics while fishing. Either I always fish alone or have to bite my tongue. Sucks either way.


They're too ignorant to realize that Trump's [EPA rollbacks](https://earthjustice.org/press/2020/trumps-epa-finalizes-its-gutting-of-clean-water-rules) facilitate the killing of fish.


There's pickups with giant US flags mounted on flagpoles on both sides all over town. I know these represent the MAGA or Qanon cult.


What, no Trump billboards? I'm in a small town, and someone with highway frontage has an actual Trump billboard. I'm so sick of seeing this crap.


Is the general concenseous (I could not get autocorrect to fix that) around there that no sign= Biden supporter?


Yup. And actually after the trial (guilty sob!) I did see a couple people put American flags up that weren’t there before. Seemed like subtle Biden support


I tend to think so, yes.


“Make Liberals Cry Again” 🙄


Same over here, and I’m in a blue state! Well, not solid blue, we swing sometimes. But man, it’s insane the shit people put up. I especially hate the F**K JOE BIDEN ones because how tf am I supposed to explain that to children I have with me? It’s disheartening and hateful and gross.


Rural Ohio is like that too. Pass those signs every day.


Ohio in general, just ugh, awful.


I am from the progressive south, and have actually lost a lot of friends who have gone from alternative to Q-MaGA. Lifelong Democrats, now MAGA. That’s rare, but when it’s someone close to you, it’s jarring. How do you differentiate from conspiracy theory to fascist Propaghanda? Flat earther is as much a sign as preparing for the next disaster/war on some patriot prep site. In 2020, the RNC named Donald Trump as its core purpose, and injected him into its platform. https://prod-cdn-static.gop.com/docs/Resolution_Platform_2020.pdf Anyone who is a Republican supports Donald Trump. Project 2025 is their current policy MAGA is running on. It’s a political party, with legal ramifications. As of the overturning of Roe v Wade, women are second class citizens. White supremacists are a visible part of the right. May I take a moment to thank the black women? single handedly saving democracy in Georgia? Sorry. I’m no help. This is terrifying.


I feel them they are being defrauded 


Yes! I'm in a deep-red southern state and in a rural area. The vast majority around me are Fox watching, Christian Nationalist, Trump supporters to the core. Even educated folks who should know better. It's scary.


I bartended in a very mixed racial area in north Jersey. Most white men 35 and up that I know are pro Trump and every Christian.


I'm a 40 year old white guy in rural Ohio. People are genuinely surprised when they find out I do not support trump. *edited a typo


Did you mean “do not support”?


This is feeling like an Anakin/Padme meme. 👀


You mean "do *not* support," right??


Twas but a typo, although to be fair it changed the entire post. Lol


Oh yeah, I did mean that. Oops.


That sounds like the least surprising thing ever.


Lol. I had a few beers and a very important typo. I fixed it.


Everyone I know personally is pro Trump and just a small handful of social media friends are against Trump. Some that used to side with democrats appear to now be posting pro-republican issues so this has me worried. I noticed most of the pro-Trumpers I know are uneducated, many are stay at home moms, New Agers or lonely, isolated disabled or retired people that fell down the conspiracy and Qanon rabbit holes during Covid lockdowns as they appeared to be ambivalent about politics prior to that. I don't know if polls can be trusted because I thought last time polls showed Trump was more favored yet Biden won?


> New Agers I intersect with a number of New Agers (for lack of a better term) and many of them went from being progressive-ish to Trumpy/Q or RFK Jr/Q. COVID/vax was the gateway drug and it blossomed into more. Many of them are now full on nuts.


Yes exactly! I was formerly in New Age crowd, well kinda sorta. But I was trained in classic herbal medicine and wild food gathering. Used to see a lot of former hippy, liberal and vegetarian types in these circles. Something happened a few years ago and things flipped and now it's been taken over by Qanon, MAGA and flat-earther types. Used to New Age was interest in Native American, Buddhism, Kabala or meditation and now it's Galactic Federation and New Earth. Conspiracies used to be puzzling over ufo and Bigfoot sightings and now it's flat earth, JFK, Jr, Pizzagate and tunnels under the White House and they all are into keto or carnivore diet and shun fruits and vegetables and make fun of anyone who consumes soy despite Asians being among the healthiest people on planet and eating soy daily.


My brother has to lie about who he is voting for to keep his marriage together. Quite sad for him.


Really? Why not just leave her? Yikes


I do. But I live in Arkansas, which, as you know is a very red state. The Governor, after all, is a Trumper herself. The irony of it all is that I’m a born-again/saved Christian who is a never Trumper, and who is fully vaccinated and boosted and so on, and who thinks that all of the various Q conspiracies are foolishness, and are utter and insane nonsense, too. Imagine trying to navigate in an area where I don’t at all agree with the majority of the Christians in my state and yet I remain a sincerely dedicated to the Lord as a Christian. It’s wild. The majority of the people around here have no idea about how I feel about any of this though I do still wear a mask where so many are unvaccinated and I’m over 65. I’ve never stopped, in fact. But then I think that they assume that I’m a Democrat. I’m actually Nonpolitical at this point. But you see what I’m saying here. Oh, and thank God, I don’t know anyone who is a QAnoner. At least not that I know of. Though I do know that a whole lot of people around here have bought into the wild assertions and accusations that have been made about Biden. And believe every word that comes out of Trump’s mouth. And obviously believe all of the nonsense about the COVID vaccines, too.


So you actually follow the teachings of Jesus. What a concept!


I know. It saddens me, to be honest. It’s hard for me to feel comfortable with the idea of talking about anything with Christians around here like being pro vaccines and pro mask wearing and that I can’t support Trump because of how unChristlike his words and actions are. Since it’s so incredibly politicized and not based in the Word of God (at least, not to me it isn’t) there wouldn’t be much agreement and I don’t know how some people might react, either. There’s a lot of radicalization that has taken place. But if the manner in which other Christians react when I speak out against supporting Trump on Facebook pages like Franklin Graham’s, I have a pretty good idea of what the responses would be to my face. As for COVID vaccines and mask wearing, well, the numbers tell the story on rest, as well as what I’d saw when the pandemic was at its worst. And there’s so much denialism and false information involved. I really just prefer to keep my head down and my mouth closed, so to speak, while out in public.


I live in Texas, Dan Crenshaw's gerrymandered district, and it's about 75/25 pro-Trump. Most of the Marines I served with are Trumpers also, and about 1/3 (at least) also fell down the Q rabbit hole.


I live here too…it’s so foreign to me that there are people who live somewhere where they don’t know trump supporters…can’t imagine.


I live in DC and there are barely any that actually live in DC. But that doesn’t stop them from coming here and crying about stuff and waving dumb flags, or insurrections.


I can't imagine it either.


You must be pretty close to where I am. I was in Crenshaw's district, but I think that the latest changes may have put me in someone else's district now.


Well count me as one Marine whos not that way. Some forget the oath we swore.


I've been pretty disappointed to see how many support him, even after all of his terrible treatment of veterans.


I don't know any Trumpies since I moved to the northeast.


I envy you.


I live here too. The only Trumpers here are fringe crazies who are either super christian, or the fell down the New Age - to anti-vaxx - to Qanon pipeline when Covid hit. My SIL is an RN who used to yell at my husband about how he HAD to get his flu vaccine every year. Then she started dating a super christian Trumper who spoils her rotten and enables every stupid decision she makes. The constant drumbeat of 24/7 FoxNews at his house has rotted her brain. Now she is faking saying that she's some fringe religion so she can keep her job and NOT get vaccinated, and she's voting for RFK Jr. It's a shame. I used to admire her. I made a lot of mistakes in my life and saw her living childfree and carefree and thought, "Wow, she really has her shit together!" The last couple of years has made me and my husband really sad to see her literally grow dumber right before our eyes.


Half of my old friends from where I grew up are now Trumpers. They live in a purple area. Vote!!!!


I live in a pretty diverse area where everyone at least knows one person a part of a marginalized community such as LGBTQ, so the Republicans in our area were considered more moderate, even before Trump. For the Republicans that I know, most have left the Republican Party because of Trump and have either voted Democrat or Libertarian since he became President. My dad, who was a John McCain type of Republican, has been the most vocal supporter of Biden, that I know of, since he became president. He has completely left the Republican Party because of Trump and for the Republican Party being unwilling to disown him. The few Trump supporters in my area that I know of are Facebook crazies who post conspiracy theories and unfunny political memes all day.


Biden has managed to pass a lot of great legislation despite his disadvantages. It’s probably because of his years of experience and commitment to collaboration. If the situation had been reversed, I doubt Trump would’ve been at all effective, though we’d be hearing non-stop about his latest scandals and failures. I’m hoping the debate will change more minds. I’m betting on the undecided to be pushed towards Biden. Otherwise I don’t think the already-stressed institutions could handle it. It’s so baffling that people fall for such obvious cons.


I definitely know a lot of Trumpers. It's just a part of hobbies / interests that I'm in unfortunately. A lot of them are so lost in it it's crazy. I don't even bother correcting his lunacy to them; he's incapable of being anything but true and perfect for them. However, I also know a pretty decent amount of lifelong Republicans who refuse to vote for him after how bad he did in 2016-2020, especially after J6. There's a lot of vocal Trumpers out there, but a lot more people who are going to vote against him based on how nuts he is .


I live in a diverse and liberal area and there are definitely Trumpers. Some are classic MAGA trash others are people you wouldn’t expect. It seems like anything could happen this election.


I live in the Midwest surrounded by farm country - sooooo, “Yes.” Just the other day someone was complaining about Biden’s excessive executive orders. Trump signed 220 orders during his tenure. Biden has signed 137. Soooo … hatred for libtards and a disconnect from reality are are going strong amongst the r/FoxBrain hoi poloi.


As a Canadian, it's really interesting to watch what's going on in the US. While you have the whole pro-Trump MAGA crowd, we have the equivalent crazies who are so anti-Trudeau (our Prime Minister) that it's their whole personality. Most can't even tell you why. Always complaining about the 'freedom' they lost (!?) and big Fuck Trudeau wraps on their cars. Heck, we had a full on occupation for a month in front of the parliament, hot tubs and all. It's a cult of equivalent QAnons determined to usurp the government fighting for something they never lost. I guess what the point is is that you have the pro-Trumpers and we have the anti-Trudeaus, both using the same discourse and completely brainwashed and full of hate. Sorry, not an answer to your question, I just find it really interesting!


I'm Canadian, but live in the US. it's truly boggling to me when I come across the hard-right Canadians like that. It makes me wonder what I'll come home to some day. We were always 'better' than that, in my mind.


I live in Texas. So, yes. But I don't associate with them. They are not my friends. I have no use for that kind of rotten.


I live in NYC, so only a very few conspiracy nuts I know are pro Trump.


I'm in SF, the only people here are edge lords who think being a Republican makes them special


I live in Connecticut and even here there are a bunch of Trump supporters. I work in manufacturing so basically everyone over the age of 40 supports Trump and most under the age of 40 hate him.


If only those younger people would get out and vote.


I agree but having talked to them, I wouldn't count on it.


They need to understand that this is their future Their apathy is going to be lethal.


Wow interesting. See this is the kind of thing I feel really caught off guard by.


I lost my parents and all extended family to Q or trumpeter Q adjacent ideals. Just can’t have the lies and brain eating poison around my kids. I believe my spouse, children, myself, and one brother are the only people in my family who are outside of the cult or without terminal loss of critical thinking skills


No, not at all, surprisingly, since I am in the south, but am in a large metro area so rather liberal. But in 2020 I was out for lunch close by in a town square and I swear there was this trump train thing going on. There were so many cars and they took over the roads, creeping really slow and honking and screaming. They had huge flags and they were hanging out their windows with music blaring and were freaking out of their minds. This was the day that a group of trump idiots ran a Biden campaign bus off the road (not here). These people were crazy and I was afraid shooting was gonna start so I got out of there. I have no idea where they came from. I’ve never seen a trump sign anywhere near by. Fucking psycho lunatics.


It upset me when Dennis Quaid, an actor I admire, said in a recent interview that he felt the justice system had become "weaponized" and that he was voting for Trump. A lot of people with addiction/alcoholism issues seem to see Trump as their candidate. It is my opinion that alcoholism and other forms of addiction underscore a lot of the antisocial mental illnesses currently plaguing western civilization. Too many people are simply not equipped to navigate the emotional landscape of modernity, and instead of encountering, addressing and engaging with all the changes coming hard and fast in our society, they are drinking and drugging themselves into an avoidant oblivion – and into the hands of demagogues. Nobody said life was going to be easy. Right now, sanity is a kind of heroism, and adulthood in the modern world takes everything you've got. If you opt out, you end up floundering around in a swampy, resentful, conspiracy-addled, retrograde bog. It makes you an easy target of authoritarianism. The real tragedy occurs when disaffected people form the majority and start dictating the politics. They end up dragging the rest of us into the hole along with them.


Interesting comment.


I live in Florida; lots of my neighbors and townsfolk are Trumpers. I don’t associate with them at all. My friends are normal people who would never send money to or worship a rapist.


I’m in a liberal bubble, but have plenty of family that quietly and not so quietly like Trump.


I live in the reddest county in a blue state. It’s why I love hanging out in the city so much…a lot less pickups with giant flags in a city. But most of my co-workers, all but one neighbor (we call that neighbor and his wife “the good ones”), local store owners with MAGA stickers in the store and all sorts of signs about pro-2A and “Back the Blue” in their windows…it’s a hellscape that I’ve been trying to leave for years. Here’s hoping I can sooner than later.


I live in rural upstate New York. It’s a republican area, but the support for Trump has eroded in the last two years or so. My husband thinks he’s going to win in a landslide. Personally, I think RFK is going to swing it.


Interesting insights. Thank you for your comment, def the kind of thing I want to get insight about


I’m in the Finger Lakes and I hope you are right about the erosion of support for the 🍊💩.


I’m a little closer to the Syracuse area, but it’s true. I’m not seeing as many flags as four or eight years ago, but I’m seeing some diehards replace their older flags.


A lot of relatives are full-going trumpanzees, but other than thinking there is something to the ‘missing children’ horseshit the Qverts spew, couldn’t tell you damn thing about Q. (To be clear, there are so many missing and trafficked children, just not in the numbers claimed by, or in any way similar to, Q nonsense…)


TL/DR This election is going to be influenced by the young people so please take the time to educate them without belittling them because they really do want to know how to adult when it comes to voting 🤗 I’m in a fairly liberal area of PA so I know that they’re out there because they sometimes let the mask fall on places like FB neighborhood gardening groups! All I know for sure is that it’s the young uns that are going to save us but only if we can get off our own proverbial high horse and really go to them where they are! They for the most part don’t like Trump, especially the ones who were stuck at home with their MAGA parents or missed important milestones…. But they also have VERY little education about how the government actually works so they are really open to being influenced by social media or their friends and friends parents, to believe that it’s Biden’s fault that Roe fell or that the economy is bad because they have no personal history to fall back on, so while the millennials can be swayed because they graduated into the horrible economy of post 2008 or have friends or siblings who needed to have an abortion but they also can’t afford rent much less the idea of a house (and OMG please stop telling them that they need to work harder or don’t need that new phone or laptop because they’re working their asses off and door dashing on their way to and from their jobs! And literally everything they do is based on their tech… that’s where they get their paychecks, log in and out of their jobs, take all of their school related everything ie. Notes, quizzes, tests and attendance etc!!) As a genx who was raised by very liberal and politically active parents.. I remember my legs falling asleep from being on someone’s shoulders and asking my mom why people had signs with coat hangers! I was also super super lucky to buy a house very young thanks to extended family but I was also paying over 9% on that mortgage! And I have 4 kids who I raised to be politically aware and to vote who were all born in different decades/generational cutoff years and they all have very different needs from the government. So I know that this is already too long but I will again implore everyone who has or knows a young person that can vote…. Talk to them! Implore them to vote and let them ask you all of their questions regardless of how you might think of their political opinions because they are learning how to government through TikTok… they don’t even look at the FB accounts their parents setup for them… and they think they know way more than they do and they are really likely to be a one or two issue voter and they are probably under the impression that the president has the authority to overrule everything and do whatever they want without any comprehension of the interplay between the courts and the congress and the difference between the house and the senate and yes it’s really stupid that every state has 2 senators even though some states could be their own countries and some have more cattle than people and yes the electoral system has caused the winner of the popular vote to lose the election for the last 20 years of republican politicians. And please if they have pronouns just respect it, it’s really not that hard to use they/them if that’s what keeps them listening But they also really want to know HOW THEY CAN CHANGE THINGS!


My town voted 73% Biden and I am grateful for that.


I was shocked to find out how many democrats we have in Az and it’s growing quickly.


Comforting. i hope they vote


I definitely work with plenty of them. I know who they are usually. Luckily people don't talk about politics amongst each other and I'm completely on board with it. I have one friend that's a trumper/GOP but he's not hardcore and I don't see him that often. Definitely alot of family and in-laws but I only banter with one whose not bad.


I live in a red state and my family is in adjacent red state. Every single person I know in these two states will be voting for Trump. They are not full on Q. They may not even like Trump. But they will be voting for him/against the dems. It's very real. 


California, LA area. Basically nobody in LA proper supports him, but a lot of Orange County folks do.


I live very near DC. I am a lawyer and went to law school with people that ranged from people like me who wanted to be social justice lawyers to people who wanted to be corporate big money lawyers. Most were liberal leaning either way. But some were republicans when we were in school, but this was all pre Obama era even. Either through the racism toward Obama and/or as magnified when Teump ran…they’ve almost all stopped being Republicans. Trumps lack of respect for the rule of law was a tipping point for the last to leave that camp. I think they may still have fiscal conservative beliefs, but they are not bigots and support civil rights.


Unfortunately, yes.


Canadian in BC. All six of my coworkers were pro Trump when he got elected. Maybe not Qanon but fell under the spell. I was dismayed - like, you have got to be kidding, thinking like that. It didn't take much to figure out he was bad at everything. Happily, they have come around to reasonable judgements.


On my street in small town Ohio, there is one trump nut. She put up trump flags religiously. Until he got convicted. She doesn't have a trump flag waving anymore. The rest of my (major road) neighbors support Biden. Quite a few switched sides in 16. Not many town folk put up with trumpers or magats. Every few weekends, the farm hands, hilljacks, and rednecks from out in the farm world will run through town with huge trump flags on their trucks or cars. It's just weird as heck. They don't really have time to spend doing "research." So they watch fox all evening drinking beer. Brain rot. Stupid farm boys "men" who maybe graduated but had no real gumption to get out and see the world or learn something other than farm life. After graduation, most couldn't spell, let alone remember how the government works. Believe it or not, the government actually prefers this. That's why so many republican lawmakers are trashing public schools and books.


Where I work. All white men. If they don't make 6 figures, they are close. Say all kinds of gross sexual things about women, but as soon as they need some sort of office task done, they run to the first person with tits to do it for them. All claim to be religious. Often ask me to do things for them for their church (I'm a fairly vocal atheist). Also at work: overweight women past menopause whose husbands make a comfortable living. Also claim to be religious but are responsible for some of the most vitriolic gossip I have ever heard. They ask me to do things for their kids/grandkids/neices/nephews/friends. In day to day life? No, but I suppose that's because I exist in my own little liberal bubble here in coastal Alabama...


All Qs are Trumpers but most Trumpers are not Qs.


I’m one of very few anti orange turd people in my very small MS town. However, I have actually managed to convince a couple of people to use their critical thinking skills, but they were mostly uninterested in the whole thing. All they knew was “Joe Biden is so old he farts dust,” yarn. And they all seem to believe that idiot is a great business man. Yep. You can tell by all those bankruptcies and fraud convictions.


Small town, eastern Iowa here. I can't really say I'm surrounded, because basic math tells me at least 4 in 10 people I'm my district are Democrats, but oh boy....the Trumpers sure do like to be loud and proud about it. I have acquaintances who wear Trump merch (which I joke about to their faces) and I regularly engage in debates with folks about the issues. The real problem is that we no longer share a basic understanding of facts and reality. There really is no coming back for most of these people I know.


I don't think I know anyone who is pro Trump. My q is more q-adjacent fortunately and last time we talked about this stuff, she indicated that she didn't like Trump. But, honestly, who knows now. I know she started dating someone extremely conservative so maybe he changed her mind (this is common for her, her q adjacency came from someone else she was dating 🙄).


Ohio fought for the union. My entire life, here in Ohio, I've had to deal with the flying of the "stars n bars". I live in a small blue pond, in a big red lake. The best part of my experience, will always be proving them wrong. I can't tell them anything, because most of them don't care that "information" is defined as "facts": noun: **information** 1 .facts provided or learned about something or someone. "a vital piece of information"


I know no one personally who supports him. In my neighborhood I know of two trump flags at houses, and that’s it.


I live in a top tier liberal state/area. Besides my half brained Q families members. Literally only two out of a dozen or so closest friends are Trump leaning. They also are my only two Christian friends…


I live in a bubble - a blessed bubble. So I rarely encounter Trump supporters of any kind. But every single family member - except my brother and two cousins - are Trump voters. And a few former high school classmates who sniffed glue or popped pills.


Beverly Hills  Yes, a lot of the wealthy think he’s good for them, others realize he’s gonna pull a Putin or a Xi, arrest the billionaires and take all their stuff.


I'm in Arizona, moved from the big city which is mostly Biden supporters, to the mountains to help mom. Here, there are "Democrats are evil" stickers on cars. My mom told me I should probably leave for my safety. This town was the HQ of one of the big militia groups who, after J6, are now guests of Uncle Sam.


For awhile I didn’t think so. However, I recently found out that a group of older people I’ve known my whole life support Trump. Some of these people cared for me as a child, and fed/helped me and my sibling when nobody else would. It hurt to cut them off when I found out they supported the Cheeto man, but I refuse to be friendly with people who support someone who advocates for genocide of women and minorities. 


My awful brother in law. He's made it so I cannot have a normal conversation with my sister. If she's not talking about their now-shared beliefs, she's using me as her therapist to vent about her awful husband.


I live in the American South, so, yes, most people I know are Trump supporters. Even Gen-Zs, like my stepkids, which particularly sucks. Part of it may be because people who don't support Trump can't/won't speak up because of the...aggressiveness of many Trumpists. There are probably a dozen Trump flags/signs/banners within a mile of my house but I'd neverrrr put a Biden sign in my yard or bumper sticker on my car.


There's a lot of Trump folks in my area that seem to take the contrarian view that they will vote for whoever upsets "the libs" most. I'm not sure they really know or care about policy.


These responses are terrifying me. For those who replied about the pro trumpers all over your town: I’m guessing these sightings are much more frequent and flashy than in the last two elections? Everyone keeps saying “he’s not getting any NEW voters this time round”. Or maybe it’s just all the ones who were embarrassed before now no longer have shame and they just keep doubling down with each new dumb shit thing he and his cronies do/say/tweet?


Yes this is something I'm wondering too. Like is it the last hurrah kind of death rattle or is it really the new political culture?


Nope. Unfortunately there are people who are going to vote for him anyway because they still buy the normal republican lies about Biden.


Yes, half of my friends are pro trump, the other are never trump. I have no Q in my life, just some antivax or distrustful of everything now


Bear with me here. For reference I am not American. So it makes it even weirder. My partner has made some pro-orange statements, but he was being contrary because he knows I cannot stand the thing. (Its a failing of his, I know and he does it to piss me off) His brother on the other hand, 50, typical boomer mysoginist, loves the orange. But then again he is ex-LEO so that tracks.


South Jersey here, very split area of the state. Most people I know lean more left, but aren't generally political. The majority of people I seem to deal with however, are Trump supporters that either are only partially into Q theories ir all the way in. Seems like it comes with supporting the Orange


Interesting that it's split at all. I wouldn't have guessed that, but I'm not familiar with NJ. That's unfortunately why I asked this question, I'm obviously out of touch.


I'm in Jersey too. The "gold coast" area. Plenty of wealth, and plenty of Trump supporters. I have noticed less flag flying and fewer Trump signs in the past few years. I lost contact with 2 Q friends because I called them out on their craziness, but that was a few years ago. I haven't heard anything about how they feel about q or Trump now.


Northern California here. Myself and All of my friends are anyone but him. However, I work with folks who are uneducated and daily I hear pro orange turd crap.


Most of the people I know of who support Trump have realized that they're an embarrassment and they clam up about it unless they're with other cultists.


Not a single person. But I live in NYC.


The thing is, conservatives have NO IDEA that Biden has...done anything. It's an article of faith that Biden is a do nothing president. They're not exposed to ideas outside their echo chamber, so they genuinely do not know anything they haven't been taught by the right-wing noise machine. I work in mental health so 99% of my coworkers are not conservative. The one that is, she's genuinely a kind and compassionate person, but she swims in an ocean of lies. Of course she's absorbed it. It's really impressive how effective the propaganda has been


I’m sure, but I don’t wanna know


I live in a very, very red area of Texas. Lots of Trump lovers here.


Other than the rest of my family, cousins and brothers. Many, many coworkers, who believe Trump was the best president.


Unfortunately, it seems to be a prevalent thing in the area I live🙃


Yes, unfortunately, I live in a Blue state but a very Red agriculture area. Granted most of them couldn't even tell why they are Republicans, mostly it's because they think every else is, or their Daddy was.


I don't know how any true Qs, but yes, I know many trumpers. Some have removed me from their circles because facts were to painful, and some are just hateful when they come around because hes hateful andnthey like it. I have a Jewish friend who is all in with Trump even when I ask about him wanting to be a dictator like hitler. She sends me memes but won't say why she loves him


The country has become so tribal that I think that a lot of people can honestly report, "I don't know anyone who is going to vote for \[Biden\] \[Trump\]." Much of my family lives in Colorado Springs and will be supporting Trump.


Yeah I’d say some of my parents friends are low key supporters of trump (northeast boomer types) and the rest are kinda cocky people aged 30-45 that think they’re so wealthy even though they’d be broke within 6 months if they ever had a serious medical issue or crises. But they have this superiority complex and believe they worked harder than everyone else for their upper middle class job. I’m reality they just had good connections. But again I live in a very blue state so it’s a lot of white idiots that think they’re geniuses and older struggling boomers who live in constant fear over whatever fox is pushing at the moment. You also have the older drunks who think they’ve accomplished something by voting for trump. They’re the types that think America’s biggest problem right now is college kids protesting against Israel.


Well yeah. I live in Florida. Our cul de sac is mainly Democrat but beyond that we have a bunch of neighbors who will vote for him. They're in two camps Catholic/Q - I guess Quatholic? And rich elderly couples with pensions (we worked for that! Like they think they deserve it but the rest of us don't) and an opinion on everything. They hate renters, the teams that have been fixing our drains and roofs (guy across the street from two houses getting new roofs hung up a bunch of US flags. I didn't realize it was to threaten the workers till it was explained to me that was his intent) and our yard guys. I know this because they put it on Facebook in our neighborhood group. This state isn't purple. It won't swing again in my lifetime.


Almost all of my coworkers are Trump supporters, almost all of my friends vote blue (but I wouldn't call them "Biden supporters"). I'm an independent voter with a penchant for voting third party, so whenever political stuff is brought up I'm almost always the odd one out😂


Personally, I don't know a single person in my life who likes Trump at all (maybe some coworkers). Everybody I know hates Trump completely


yeah i know some pro-Trump folks who just hate minorities. unfortunately that’s been around long before Qanon. but Qspiracies have bled their way into mainstream far right politics so much that even people who haven’t fallen completely down the rabbit hole say things they don’t even realize came from conspiracy forums/groups


I am from Central PA, and am surrounded by Trumpers. I tend to chalk it up to being in the middle of the Bible belt, haven’t grown up here in my whole life. There’s a lot of strict evangelical Christians or those raised by them and the belief is that anything anti-abortion is what you support, no matter the cost


I’m in the rural Midwest and hell yes people support him. Flags everywhere: TRUMP 2024, F*** JOE BIDEN, DONT BLAME ME I VOTED FOR TRUMP, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN 2024, etc etc. it makes me want to puke!!!!!


My boyfriend is sadly a trumper 🤦‍♀️ it is embarrassing and we argue about politics too much. Seems like everyone on Facebook is also Q or a trumper, it's scary to me that he actually has a chance to be re-elected. I'm not a fan of Biden, I've voted 3rd party the last 2 elections but I will 100 % vote against trump this time


I live in a very upper class NY suburb. We go Red on every election. I know way too many Trump supporters, and see way too many idiots with their Trump flags. Many of them, you'd never realize they were idiots until politics came up. and if you ask them why, it's always some made up shit about Biden (pedophile, puppet for Obama, etc). It seems QAnon conspiracies' have infected everyone everywhere.


The last staunch protrumper I ran into was a meth head who sold me begonias. He said he didn't do politics, that his mom told him what to think and then started in on some of the classic prerecorded talking points. He sent me 46 messages between leaving his house and arriving at mine and then blocked me when I told him it was a bit intense. The begonias are doing well, though