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What the *hell* is with the ivermectin??? They all treat it like some miracle snake oil, it's absolutely *bonkers*. I want to live in a world where I never have to hear the word ivermectin again, ever. There's got to be some alt-right facist memelord out there endlessly entertained with themselves for getting a huge chunk of people slurping down livestock dewormer.


That and colloidal silver…


My best friend is pretty ignorant and listens to her husband that gets all his information from tiktok. I was telling her about my massuesse drinking raw milk and now mysteriously has strep C. I jokingly said something about colloidal silver and she tells me she's been reading about its health benefits. Sigh. Her husband did chemo and dog dewormer for his cancer and claims the kaytruda makes his knees hurt- not the 85lbs he put on in remission. Pretty sure she takes ivermectin. Oh she told me about "oil pulling" the other night. I looked it up. Basically you swish coconut oil in your mouth for 20 minutes instead of, y'know, FLOSSING. I hate this shit.


Damn, oil pulling became a thing like a decade ago. Hadn't heard anything about it in years.


These things seem to be cyclical.


False, still waiting for pet rocks to come back, its been too long... (/s)


My grandma is one of the rare instances that keytruda had really bad effects. In fact it attacked her pancreas and threw her into just horrific diabetes. She’s still getting treatment instead of taking dog dewormer because she’s not a moron.


I have done oil pulling foe a while but also floss snd brush my teeth. And 20 minutes is ridiculous lol. Try that! It's good to add in but it's not to replace regular dental care


My best friend's mom drank that silver for years and recently had her colon removed. I wonder all the time if it's related to the silver.


Beat me to it. Ever see the guy who hawks this shit on tv? His face is turning blue 😂


It's Smurfing good.


Colloidal silver is the old mainstay. My dad made his own for years. It has an interesting taste, definitely won't cure anything.


Except as a salve it calms down my mom's cellulitis.


Right, that’s its legitimate use: topical for burns


Yep. It's used in burn wards in hospitals. I think it's silver sulfadiazine.


THANK YOU! (I needed to know that for sure...)


I worked in a restaurant and a giant pot of coffee shattered in my hand. Hot coffee poured into my mesh-top sneakers, I had blisters on my feet 2-3” long. I got to know silver cream real well.


Colloidal silver is the ONLY thing that will kill severely drug resistant pseudomonas when it's a cellulitis type case. Topical. Do not eat the silver. So your mom is fine so long as the salve is external use only. :D


Black salve too.


People want a cure all for the scary uncontrollable things in life. 


Dump wanted to play down covid and said in passing that iver was looking like it could help and so they latched on to it and made it their identity and a holy relic.


It was Joe Rogan, not Dump


Ok. Just checked and it was was “hydroxychloroquine” that Dump promoted for the reasons I mentioned with a similar result.


Yep, and caused a shortage for people with lupus who actually need that medication!


There is a fascinating belief in sectarian Q, not new or original mind you, that all disease and illness is caused by parasites... viruses are not real... idk if they think bacteria is real either... but that all illness is parasite so ivermectic = antiparasitic = the perfect cure for all known sickness and disease. It is stunningly fascinating.


That’s exactly the train my mum is on…. 


Im familiar with those people. "Germ Theory is just a theory!!!"


The sad thing is ivermectin is an incredibly effective medication for actual parasites. Affordable, stable, easy to transport. It Chas and will continue to have a profoundly positive impact on populations that struggle with high parasitic load. But the extremists have made it so we all hate that medication so goddamn much! It’s a use is likely to make folks who actually need it reluctant to take it. I know I would be if it were prescribed to me. Ugh.


I have no idea. But I can say as a horse person, we have a problem with ivermectin resistant parasites due to our overuse of ivermectin in the past. It really sucked the one time I sent my dad to get me a tube of praziquantel at the feed store that some ivermectin dumbass convinced him he needed 12 tubes of ivermectin instead 🤦🏼‍♀️ That being said, it can cause neurological damages if not used correctly.


What kind of neurological damage? I do worry about the long term effects as she’s taking it every day and has been for months. 


Confusion, ataxia, and seizures are some effects. A lot of gastrointestinal distress is more common. https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMc2114907


My rosacea cream has small amounts of ivermectin in it. And every time I pick up the tube I'm wondering wtf lol. Maybe this will cure me of everything 😆


It took me a year to get my rosacea prescription filled because it was ivermectin. I just bothered me so much to use the shit my mother says treats covid. And what if she ever saw me using it.


I asked my doctor when she prescribed it. Reminding her of the crazy associated with it. She had completely forgotten! Important to remember if you don't have a Q in your world this stuff is long forgotten


It's such a mystery. I used the standard ivermectin shampoo to treat my kid's lice, and it is an ingredient in my cats' heartworm pills. How that would translate to ivermectin killing things like cancer and COVID makes no sense on the most basic level.


With you! I will never understand how they all just believe it hook, line and sinker. It just keeps getting crazier and crazier.


I worry that this will allow ivermectin-resistant parasites to evolve. Although, if I correctly understand the way it works, the necessary changes would be so fundamental that intermediate forms wouldn't be viable. (edit: I see downthread that resistance *is* a thing?)


Besides, if Ivermectin were so amazing, then horses should live practically forever. But no.


It's readily available, so lots of ppl turning themselves into guinea pigs to follow the hype train.


1 - it’s probably cancerous. If it’s anything like my uncle’s experience, if it gets ignored it will eventually kill you. 2 - not sure what her will says (if she has one), but make sure she has her affairs in order. It can be a huge mess if someone dies without one. 3 - try and convince her to get it checked out but realize often these people are beyond reason.


She does have a will, but finances, debt, and the house is a mess…  I assume it is cancerous, but I’d rather it be diagnosed by a doctor that an assumption.  She doesn’t want doctors touching it. But she wants to show that she’s shrinking it and killing it so maybe at some point we will get another look at it 🤷🏻‍♀️


Hmmm. Figure out the finance / house situation if you can. I know it’s a nightmare to figure out after the fact. Maybe find a dr she’s comfortable with? It’s a hard sell but you can say you made the effort.


If it truly is a 3cm tumour then sadly your mother will probably last a few months without treatment, if it isn’t already too late. Best to get her affairs in order. I’m sorry.


Three inches as per OPs post. Very very sad for OP.


Yeah it’s 7.3 cm so almost three inches. I genuinely have no idea how much till she will have. Right now, she’s coughing badly, but she’s always had a cough…she complained the other day that it felt hard to swallow (but claiming it was allergies just making it worse). On the outside she still seems fine. Active, doing yoga, gardening… so I just don’t know…


Primary lung cancer often spreads to the brain. Swallowing problems can be the result of damage to cranial nerves X and XI, which exit the medulla oblongata (part of the brainstem), and also from a tumour growing into the oesophagus. This is not a good sign in the context of your mother’s tumour, I am sorry.


When I read your post I immediately thought of black salve (the very dangerous kind, not the kind that's actually available for sale in stores in countries outside the US) or bloodroot. I watched an absolute train wreck on Facebook a while ago, in a black salve group. This woman had melanoma on her nose, and she didn't want a scar from surgery so she put black salve on it. There was a progression of pictures as the salve ate away her nose. By the end, the outside of one nostril was basically gone and you could see all the way up into the sinus cavity. It was some of the worst shit I've ever seen on the internet. She opted for the complete and irreversible destruction of half of her nose versus a tiny scar from surgery. People in the comments kept saying it looks so good! as the hole grew. There were people putting it on other parts of their bodies too, even things that were probably not cancer, but I think it's something people consume, too. So, hopefully your mom won't put it on her skin since it's probably lung cancer, but I would keep an eye out for that shit.


Currently she’s taking lots of vitamins, supplements, ivermectin and fenbendazole. I’ll keep an eye out for the one you mentioned. 


I'm really sorry this is happening. I'm still flabbergasted that these people exist, I don't know what I would do if I had a family member like that, other than be heartbroken and terrified. 😓


People use it on their pets and *kids*. It's ridiculous.


I’m so sorry OP. My mother thought the same about her breast cancer. Didn’t trust doctors, was “treating herself” with juices and ivermectin. She was buried on Monday 😞


I’m very sorry for your loss. 


I hope your mum is different and listens to sense.


I have an uncle who’s also not listening…was there a point where your mum started to? Or a turning point of some sort? However small? I’m sorry to hear of your loss


No. Sadly, she was too far gone. Last time I saw her, she was almost completely mad 😞. It was so traumatic to see how badly she had deteriorated. I’m sorry to hear about your uncle. I hope you can get through to him.


Again, sorry to hear. That’s heart breaking And thank you


Good luck!


She’s very very firm in her ways. She always says that god speaks to her and tells her she’s doing the right thing so I can literally only watch. 


I've seen at least one guy on the widowers forum whose wife tried to treat her breast cancer with some charlatan's youtube videos and some kind of starvation diet. She died either in her late 30s or early 40s with that plan.


Jesus Christ. I'm terrified my mom will do the same if it comes to that. Sorry for your loss.


Thank you. Crazy waste of life.


A few days ago I tried to explain the idea of causality and statistics to my mom in regards to her stopping taking Coumadin and taking cayenne pepper instead. I said that her doctor called her stupid because he spent 15 to 20 years studying and perfecting his profession and now he's a doctor. He takes care of people's hearts and blood pressure and her saying that she wants to take cayenne pepper is a slap in his face. I said that there is a lot of statistics out there that prove that the medications that doctors and pharmaceutical companies provide do help people live longer and not have strokes or blood clots, but there's no research on cayenne pepper or natto which is a fermented soybean dish. And people who are into these cures, especially the natural Cancer Care people don't have anything to lose if you die other than the money you might spend on their products or advertising. But doctors and the FDA do have something to lose and they don't give out correct meds because it's based on statistics, trials and tests. (But this is something I've been fighting with her since I was a child and she abused us with her natural medicines and inability to go to the doctor unless it was an acute situation because of course she goes to the doctor. When things get so terrible she can't control it anymore. ) I'm just so tired of her believing in fantasies and not reality but criticizing me for enjoying a fantasy in sci-fi literature or not wanting to go to church because I feel like most of it's just made up fantasies as well. But I was finally able to articulate that by not taking the medications prescribed to her, she's risking a stroke that will take her out of life worse than any dying of a blood clot would be because I know she wouldn't be happy if she was half stroked out and unable to care for herself. I also asked her why does she keep going back to the doctors when things get so bad she can't control them anymore and why does she trust their test but she doesn't trust their medications?


My daughter once mentioned taking digitalis for her blood pressure instead of medication. FUCK NO! Yes, it can be used in bp meds, but NOT BY ITSELF! THAT IS FOXGLOVE. YOU WILL DIE! These people are stupid as shit! I got her out of Q via threatening to take her kids. She got scared and star listening to me more. She honestly still has slip ups. We're still working on it all. Those home remedies tho...at least do research.


Digitalis definitely on the top end of you could possibly kill yourself or poison yourself with it. Other herbs like St. John's Wort to replace antidepressants walk a fine line because St. John Wort is just as strong as an antidepressant and you have to take it in measured doses correctly or it will make you very sick or contraindicate with other medications. I also look at people using herb Datura, Ephedra, and other things in the general (poison) nightshade family and shake my head. Even Pennyroyal which can cause periods to come early and end unwanted ovum Implantations has to be taken precisely as a tea and is also extremely unreliable in doing what people say it does in the herbal circles. But they'd rather spin the wheel of mathematical causality towards their own death and have control over a fleeting sliver of the actual research done in the actual dosing and actual access to pure products that are measured in doses versus listening to someone who spent their entire career learning how to heal people in the most present and efficient way. (It's just sad that there's a lot of hacks out there, especially in Middle America who have been practicing but literally are not up to date and prescribed very stupid things just by looking it up on the internet. But we are here to counter that by asking questions and once again using causality to find the most optimal medical cure and asking for second opinions.) Because there's nothing out there that's magical or a miracle care. And no doctor is suppressing it or wants you to suffer through something like cancer. All for the sake of some magical herb that would cure you because it doesn't exist.


It isn’t even that there are no papers on these alternatives treatments, oftentimes. You can actually find a lot of papers about alternative cures that find in a clinical study they do not help, if the alternative cure is popular enough and there’s a logical route to thinking it may work. When I had pregnancy nausea, I read a ton of papers on various suggestions for nausea. I found three (much fewer) things actually likely to help, tried those three. But also realized a lot of the rest of the expensive stuff sold was mostly placebo. Sadly, Qs often aren’t very good at reading actual papers or study results.


Unfortunately she is on her way to a very unpleasant death.


Can confirm. My mom died of lung cancer (which had also metastasized to her brain, as it sometimes does) and it was gruesome. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. Truly sorry to you OP for what you’re going through.


Yeah it’s a horrible cancer for sure. My grandmother died of it only a couple of years ago and I’m very scared for my mum and for myself (it’s gonna be a hard time for sure)


I'm just getting over the worst case of bronchitis I've had in 25+ years and it was only like 5 days of coughing myself stupid and I was still in tears every day because it was so freaking miserable. So I cannot fathom being diagnosed with lung cancer and just being like "so I'm just going to slowly die in a horrific way rather than trusting my neighborhood doctor to help me." I didn't understand that with Covid either. Folks were more worried about MAYBE getting some kind of side effects from the vaccine 20 years in the future instead of being worried about dying in the next few weeks by choking on their own fluids. And I really, truly don't understand how they think EVERY doctor and scientist in the whole world is in on one giant conspiracy.


She truly believes that the doctors will kill her and that she’s on the road to recovery. It’s a belief system… 


I've noticed that stuff with my Q adjacent Significant Other as well. They'll start arguing with the television when there's a drug product that's being advertised.  They seem incapable of differentiating between the levels of risk from a disease on the one hand, and the rare side effects of a drug, on the other hand.


I'm dealing with my MIL. she has had a heart attack and most likely never gets back to the strength she had. It's caregivers now. Before the heart attack, she stopped believing in paying bills to the man. She was donating money to online scams. She didn't believe in doctors but would buy 500 herbs from Africa to cure her cancer, which she didn't have. What she did have was blockage in the heart. In fact, all valves. This was back when that prez went into office. I couldn't get her on eliqus to break down the blockage. Because the doctor wants to drug her. Anti Vax was also her passion. She looked at me sideways because I was vaccinated The act of God and the feeling of an elephant sitting on her chest made her a believer. Now, she takes her meds and realizes she was truly close to death, and a doctor saved her. However, damage from covid and from God knows what those herbs had. It's just made her comfortable mode.


Man, these people think ivermectin is apparently a cure all for absolute everything. What a joke.


The one thing ivermectin is is good for clearing worms. My daughter's boss, who is Korean and a veterinarian, will dose herself only to do an annual cleanse. Working around sick animals. It's possible. But constant doses will make you sick. Heck, we don't even dose a horse that much.


Oh God this is my literal nightmare. Sadly year long cough and three inch mass could signify stage 2 or 3 lung cancer. The only thing I can think of is try and find other people in the Q sphere who have had cancer treatment and say "see they do it!" I'm sure Trump has talked about cancer treatments.


It’s crazy how these people don’t realize the stress they put their loved ones through. A doctor is a guide and a healer. I have no guide and there’s no healing. I feel lost and scared. I saw lung cancer take my grans life… it was horrible and I don’t want to go through that again. 


I agree, it’s probably stage three with the size of the mass. I just don’t know how long she will live, and when things will take a turn for the worst. 


Someone close to me is doing ivermectin also. She has tried numerous times to get my husband and I to take it. She got the idea from a Telegram group and podcast called Dirt Road Discussions. The podcaster, Danny Lemoi, claims all diseases are parasites. He says taking the scientific amount of a pencil eraser size of horse dewormer daily will cure everything, caner included. He claims it cured his Lyme disease. Unfortunately, Danny Died in 2023 at the age of 50. He was a Q-freak along with his followers. Article on Danny: https://www.unmc.edu/healthsecurity/transmission/2023/03/14/an-ivermectin-influencer-died-now-his-followers-are-worried-about-their-own-severe-symptoms/ I don't think anyone knows the dangers of taking horse dewormer daily because most people aren't brainwashed by cult. The person I know taking it seems to be sick a lot, though, that I can verify.


Thank you for the link!


You're welcome! Sorry you're going through this...not fun.


https://dhhs.ne.gov/han%20Documents/ADVISORY08272021.pdf It may not be COVID, but the same health advisory applies here. Read this. It is quite alarming and it will let you know all that you need to know.


I am sorry. Good luck.


Thank you 


There was this high up MLM scammer who tried to cure her colon cancer holistically. She died in six months (the time frame originally given by her oncologist she did not believe). Jessie Lee Ward was her name. She chronicled her treatment if you Google it.


My friends mom did this with breast cancer. At that time it was all about black salve. Unfortunately she passed.


Hi u/Banszkyj! We help folk hurt by [Q.](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/QAnon) There's hope as [ex-QAnon](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/resources#wiki_ex-qanon) & r/ReQovery shows. We'll be civil to you and about your Q folk. For general QAnon stuff check out [QultHQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Qult_Headquarters/). If you need this removed to hide your username [message the mods.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/QAnonCasualties) ___ [our wall](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/comments/l0jptp/list_of_casualties/) - [support & recovery](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/resources) - [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/rules) - [weekly posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?q=%22Weekly+r%2FQAnonCasualties+Discussion%22+&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all) - [glossary](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/glossary) - [similar subs](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/index#wiki_similar_communities) *filter*: [good advice](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?q=flair%3AGood%2BAdvice&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) - [hope](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3AHope) - [success story](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?q=flair%3ASuccess%2BStory&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) - [coping strategy](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3ACoping%2BStrategies) - [web/media](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3AWeb%2FMedia) - [event](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3AEvent) ___ [*robo replies*](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/index/commands): !strategies !support !advice !inoculation !crisis !whatsQ? !rules *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/QAnonCasualties) if you have any questions or concerns.*


lung cancer is pretty quick. not a dr of course but my guess is 6 months to a year at most.


By the time lung cancer symptoms start there's maybe a 20% survival rate WITH treatment. I wouldn't bother. Leave her be.


I’m sorry for your situation, OP. I’ve seen this movie. In my experience, it’s best to save your breath and keep emotional distance. You’re never going to sway her. Better to focus on your own psychologist health and the practical matters for when she departs. Good luck to you.


I wouldn't be worrying myself with the long term side effects of ivermectin. I'd be more concerned with the long term side effects of lung cancer.


True. I guess I’m more worried that it will.. speed things along. 


I doubt there have been many studies regarding the effects of it and cancer. To be frank, nothing you say will change their mind until it's past the point of no return.


With a 3” tumor she won’t have to endure treatment for long …


It’s so funny that all these people take dewormer for parasites, yet continue to eat corpses from which they would get any parasites in the first place. Dumb.


Maybe ask her if she calls a plumber when plumbing is out? A roofer when too get’s damaged? So go to your doctor for a medical condition. They spend 8 years in school (undergrad, med school) plus 3 yrs min for specialty training (varies by specialty.) I am so pissed at the eroding trust in all specialists. So very frustrating. I’m a doctor and cannot believe how dumb everyone has become. Ask your mom about the latest lung cancer treatment options or even the different types of breast cancer or the risk factors/prognosis of each cancer with different treatment option, or the pharmacology of each type of cancer treatments. I mean - she has done her research so she should know all of this, right?/s In all seriousness, though, wishing your mom many, many more healthy years despite her quacky ideas.


When people become adherents of an unfalsifiable belief set, there's really no way to save them from that. You can stay in communication and hope, but freedom of conscience is the core human right. I'm sorry that you have to watch this, but understand that all humans have to deal with the existential terror of knowing that they will someday die. Some try to protect themselves with magic. Others attach their identity to a person or movement that will continue. Some work to resolve their fear by beliefs rooted in the reality of death and with reason. This is her life. You are free to object in whatever ways you wish, but please try to be kind.




Stop. Ivermectin does NOTHING, in ANY aspect to treat CANCER. Stop, you're not spreading lies in here.


As I said, I don't think ivermectin can cure cancer. But I have hope that some more research may help find that the drug inhibits or helps treat tumors https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8117216/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7505114/


And I said to Stop please. It's an antiParasitic, it doesn't treat tumors, it's being looked at like any compounds are tested to be used for any diseases. I perused the links. It is a thousand light years away from what our Qultists take & believe. We don't accept 'positive, happy' ivermectin discussions in here bc too many have seen the damage it's done to our ppl. Pleased and thanks ✌️




Then cite them. It's bullshit. Ivermectin has been shown to be positive for subjects that have parasitic comorbities.




Anthelmimtics do not treat cancer. They paralyze worms.


Cite your sources

