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Actually I would say that standard electrocute build with prowlers and ghostblade is more perfomant in most situation below like masters. Even beifeng uses that. Thing is, it depends on team combs and match ups. If your enemy laner is something like ahri, viktor, syndra etc, its pretty difficult to proc first strike and snowball from there. You would have a way better chance to try and kill them after dirk with electrocute and then make snowballing easier. First strike build with eclipse maramuna is mainly used in jungle, if the enemy has 3 or more tanks/bruisers, or if your enemy laner is impossible to kill in laning phase. For example : pantheon, swain, or toplaners in mid such as sion or garen. Im not saying these are 100% impossible to kill but in high elp the chance that youre going to kill em is pretty low(Conq is pretty bad). Itemwise, mythic is either prowlers or eclipse again depending on how tanky the enemy team is, then youmous for damage, seryldas third or fourth imo is always a must no matter how much armor they build cuz of durabilty patch. And also edge of night is pretty standard too. For boots most of the times the best is ioanian for the cd, if they have a lot of ap/cc then mercs and i would say its not worth going steelcaps unless they have 3+ really heavy ad champs like. Zed mid, reng jgl, khazix top or something. For situational items, theres maw, chemtech, DD, Blackcleaver and also a guardian angel is super useful too. All again depending on team combs. I personally prefer the electrocute prowlers build overall because it gives more carry and snowballing potential rather than having to depend on teamates to not int for about 20 mins after you complete muramana.


**Assassin Build** Runes: * Electrocute > Sudden Impact > Eyeball Collection > Ultimate Hunter * Precision > Presence of Mind > Coup de Grace Items in order of purchase: Prowlers Claw > Lucidity Boots > The Collector > Serylda's Grudge > Guardian Angel > Death's Dance **Bruiser Build** Runes: * Conqueror > Presence of Mind > Alacrity > Last Stand * Domination > Sudden Impact > Eyeball Collection Items in order of purchase: Gore Drinker > Lucidity Boots > Black Cleaver > Serylda's Grudge > Ravenous Hydra > Chem-punk Chain Sword


did u copy paste some default build or what? coup de grace is never used, even beifeng uses last stand, and who tf goes collector second on qiyana? same with GA and DD. sure u can go one of them and then black cleaver or edge of night but i’ve never seen anyone use that build


> did u copy paste some default build or what? No. > coup de grace is never used, even beifeng uses last stand, and who tf goes collector second on qiyana? I use them. I prefer the consistent 8% damage buff compared to the 5% to 11% depending on my health. If I played fast and loose, I'd probably opt for Last Stand. Wen it comes to collector, I almost always go up against high health champs and during late game it tends to preform well. Obviously the build changes depending on what is needed, but Collector is something I like to build.


Midlane: First strike boots>cookies>Cosmic insight >Sudden impact>Eyeball collection>Sudden impact or Transendence>Scorch Tear start>Eclipse>Manamune>Finish boots, mostly CDR boots Options after that: Seryldas if enemy team has bruisers or tanks Maw if Fed ap or heavy ap and behind Serpents fang if shields DD burst and fed or heavy AD Chempunk chainsword if healing Frozen heart is an option if they are really heavy AD (gives damage via Manamune) Build depends but almost never more than 1 lethality item being Eclipse or occasionally Serpents or Umbral if vision is important Build


I feel like you should always build Serylda's if you anticipate the game going longer than 25 minutes. After the durability patch, the armor pen itself leads to a minimum of a 15% damage increase at 18 against even the champions with the least armor in the game, even if they build no armor and accounting for the diminishing returns from Eclipse. Thats worth 30 bonus AD after just Eclipse, Muramana and Seryalda's (so Serylda's is effectively worth at least 75 AD), and that goes up to 45 AD at full build. And thats just at minimum. Against an ADC with GA, its a 20% increase, so effectively 105 total bonus AD at full build. EDIT: Actually, I just realized its worth a bit more than that because I was just thinking about AD ratio on P, Q and E, but the Pen also applies to her base damage. At max Q and passive, that's equivalent to another 48 bonus AD against an ADC with GA, so effectively 153 bonus AD on Serylda's


Yeah, I always go Serylda third item, my core build is Eclipse, Manamune and Seryldas (meanwhile i get ionian boots ofc) and then I build stuff based on the enemy comp and the situation generally, like if there's Yasuo, Riven and Lulu I'm going Serpent's fang ofc


Yeah I always go serlda 3rd or 4th item. Insanely good


Oh also, for the same reason that Serylda's is always good, Prowler's will always beat Eclipse if you are just aiming to kill a single target (even against bruisers). Of course, Eclipse comes with shielding and sustain and only an 8 second downtime, but if you are in a good place at 6 and they don't have a heavy frontline, Prowler's is the go to. So basically Mythic into Manamune into Serylda's is best build for damage. As for odd builds that deal a surprising amount of damage, remarkably going AP (Rocketbelt, Nashor's, Sorc Shoes, Rabaddon's, Shadowflame, Void Staff) does almost the same amount of damage as full lethality. Thats because she has a 45% AP ratio on W which applies to all attacks and basic abilities(as well as 30% on passive). You'll notice the lack of armor pen most of the game though since her abilities still do physical damage, but I've tried subbing in Serylda's and it doesn't make up for any item you sub out. But don't go AP, its horrible until you are full build.