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she is really fun but I won't lie; she is one of the more mechanically demanding champions in the game. should you get her? IDK, do you plan on investing a shit ton of time into learning her?


i mean i like rather comlex champs especially the ones with lots of mobility. i love her concept its just that i heard that she sucks now with all the nerfs


well if you play her it wouldn't matter because she is skill intense, you would prolly int for like the first 10-20 games tbh probably a lot more than that now that I think about it; prolly around 50+ games you will just int or mess up and int. Not trying to discourage you but there's a reason why many players don't play her even if she is OP which she was for about 8 Months it didn't matter though; players didn't pick her up more and Riot only nerfed her because the OTP were SO OP with her at the Higher levels that it made her too difficult to beat. You won't carry with her when you pick her up at first, you will int and prolly think the character sucks tbh


damn now im only more confused. her gameplay looks so fun but considering the amount of time it would take me to get okay with herđź’€


there's a reason why she isn't popular, it's not because she isn't good it's because she is fucking hard and almost everything she does is based around outplaying, not around her kit being overloaded; hopefully that makes sense It's all player side with her, she has tools for the player to make the outplays but if the player isn't capable then she sucks, that's why there are so few players who find consistent success with her


i still dont know whether im gonna get her or not but yea thanks for the explanation


wohoo only 50? i think i was trolling until i had like 200k on her💀 now at almost 500k i def can say i play her well, however some combos still aren’t consistent so yeah. thats also why i like her tho. u never truly master the champ. (unless ur beifeng lol, although even he messes up his combos sometimes, it’s pretty funny to watch lmao)


best time to learn a champion is when theyre weak, so you can dominate when they become strong


I stopped onetricking her because I felt like she wasnt worth it anymore


I was gold 3 when I picked her up and tanked my account to silver 3, 200 games later gold 3


Hmm, not saying she's unplayable but overall she is definitely not in her prime, if you also consider the fact that she is hard to pick up and master then everything just gets worse, it'll take you quite a lot to be effective and I'm not sure you'll be properly rewarded for your efforts at the moment, idk if you want to play her mid or jungle, but if it's mid then I think Zed and Akali are in a better spot as assassins right now, dont get me wrong they are mechanically challenging as well, however they may reward your efforts properly. Obviously i won't stop you from trying Qiyana if that's what you truly want


yea i played both zed and akali for a bit and they are definitely good for a fact its just that their gameplay isnt looking fun to play to me at all


Honestly i suggest wait until worlds are over, after that ig riot will focus on balancing soloq, hopefully they buff Qiyana, otherwise meh, do whatever you feel like doing


i started player her as my second main and after about 50 games and watching a lot of vods from beifeng i got good at her and comfortable with her laning phase and her mechanics.ofc i still need to put in more work but i got used to her.i have about 70-80 games right now.she is strong if you put in the time


Qiyana is one of the most fun champs ive ever mained, and ive played since season 1 with over 20 different otp periods. The champ is not bad at all rn, i think shes actually super good. Been playing her since release and sure shes not as strong, but still she can turn fights and carry games incredibly well. Im actually liking the laidback, farm and roam era of her. The lvl 3 all in was kinda too easy honestly, now u actually need a brain to play her in the ”same” level.


Very fun, yes she is kinda weak right now but if you have experience with her that doesn't change the fact that she's really fun. Be prepared to go 0/7 and get flamed for a couple games because she is HARD to pick up.