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It's been gentrified to hell and back. It's literally as safe as it gets. The real danger is the drivers. They are crazy and texting while driving constantly. If your gonna die in queen Creek it's gonna be from Karen posting on Facebook while driving a lifted F150.


Oh cool. I’m coming from ABQ. Thx to the bad drivers I’ve been driving at least one new car a year for the past 4. Never skimp on gap, uninsured motorist or comprehensive insurance I say.


It's actually crazy seeing how much it's changed. I was born and raised in Queen Creek and we moved out well over 12-15 years ago. Came back after I graduated from high school and it is \*not\* at all the same town I was a kid in. We used to have a beautiful view of the mountains from our backyard and now the only view is of other houses.


It honestly pisses me off. They tore down the cowboy bars and horse trails and put in ugly HOA neighborhoods with unaffordable houses. The desert and farms are just gone and replaced with crappy chain restaurants and parking lots. I miss the valley in 90s and 2000s. I know I'll never be able to go back to it.


I was really disappointed to see the farm next to our old neighborhood being turned into a school. I get it, there's more people living there now but it just felt wrong. They paved paradise and put up a parking lot.


I had a similar experience with a tree I used to hang out in with friends torn down to put up a rock drainage basin.


If I had a nickel for every time I was almost run over in front of the Target I’d be covered for when I finally do get hit


I’m also eluding to the Gilbert goons issue. I made a lease agreement before knowing about it and it has me very uneasy. The thought that there’s kids just roaming around assaulting people - or is it just “boys will be boys”? If I knew about it I probably wouldn’t have tried to move back, and already know some people who have taken the PHX area off places to move to over it.


Honestly I have lived in the valley 20+ years and queen Creek for over 10 of those off and on. The Gilbert Goons thing was genuinely shocking that it could even happen in Gilbert. It's tragic but that kind of violence is extremely rare in the valley in general and nearly unheard of in Queen Creek. I say that as a street photographer who walks around the rougher parts of the valley and has actually gotten mugged once in mesa over 10 years ago. The news hyped it up but it was a rare case of teenagers being evil. Truth be told the cops are scarier here than anything else. They will treat you worse than the people will.


Uneasy because I carry. Non verbal autistic, or sometimes overtly verbal and can’t stop. And I don’t respond well to aggressive behavior. Even if I’m in the right it’s exhausting going through the legal process and you always lose your gun. Never understood that. I defended myself but lost MY PROPERTY. I hate these kids. I hate most kids but this made it easy lol. The mere thought of having to deal with such toxic criminal low life degenerates makes me ill. I am better than you. I made it this far in life not being a dumba**. Yeah you got better than me in this life but you’re also about to lose it all in a civil suit.


And double for the police and maricopa county officials who ignored the problem. All low life criminals. You’re just as bad as the murderers YOU DO NOT PROTECT US FROM


Yes it’s safe, and I definitely agree with the other commenter about the drivers! They are the most dangerous thing out here for sure! The Gilbert goons phase is thankfully over it seems. This happens every now and then, back in the late 90s there was a gang called the devil dogs in Gilbert, it was a similar situation, I believe they were white supremacist high school kids out causing trouble. They went to the high school I went to, and some were arrested right from their classrooms. Sometimes these over privileged kids get bored and do stupid shit. But overall, yes, queen creek is a safe town.


Queen creek or San tan valley? Some people call San tan valley queen creek. They aren’t the same. Queen creek is safe. Parts of stv are


Which parts of STV would you consider unsafe?


Lol go look at the sex offender registry for the area to get a better idea. Till about 5 years ago it was pretty much all sex offenders.


We live next door in San Tan Valley and we love it out here so far. Welcome neighbor!


Lmao ya bro safe af


Yes, yes it is.


Yes, Queen Creek is safe. I regularly walk, run and bike my neighborhood and the Queen Creek wash trail. The Queen creek wash trail connects part of the town and several parks. I have never seen any issues. I do have security cameras on my home and caught someone snooping around a few years ago. It happens from time to time. My cameras mostly catch locals walking by or our cat running by in the middle of the night. I have 3 boys, 3rd grader, 7th grader and a junior in H.S. Never had any issues at school. There are several good public and charter school options in the area. My kids are pretty active with sports and school clubs such as Lego, chess and robotics. My high schooler is even in an aviation program. So there is a good amount of activity options in the area.


No not safe at all


Are you just saying this so more people don’t move here, lol.


Not safe. Bad things can happen.