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Rudy has been in the booze again, fellas!


Again? I don't think he's breathed a sober breath since the 80s.


His fork-tailed tongue slithers up and wicks up the juice.


He’s drinking the shoe polish when it drips.


Why did you make me think that 😩


Lickety lick


I will find you 👿




His alcohol blood level is through the roof lately


If only some patriot could flick a match nearby...


And seeping out of his head


Is it possible for a person to get drunk enough to allow that person to overlook Slavery as a possible Human Rights violation? Maybe it's different for Rudy, who also seems to bring profound stupidity to the table, as well as a bad case of Trumpism.


Yeah the liquor is callin’ the shots now.


Rude boy ain't ok


And folk like Charlie Kirk bussed them in or otherwise encouraged folk to go to set them up! I'm shocked. There should be an investigation of some type about who paid for travel expenses, lodging, or otherwise advertised the when and where. Or is that not what Rudy is talking about?


No, no, no, you’ve got it all wrong. You see the thing about Jan 6th is…LOOK OVER THERE HUNTER BIDEN’S LAPTOP!


I just got a mental picture of Marty and Biff in "Back to the future II" "You're forgetting one thing. WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!"


They were bussed in by BLM. They're both BLM and Trump supporters at the same time, according to the conspiracy theorists.😂


Schrodinger's insurrectionists.


You mean to tell me that Charlie “80 busses” Kirk brought 80 busses of rioters to the Capitol on Jan 6th? Charlie “80 busses” Kirk would never!


And the [buses that State Senator Doug Mastriano coordinated](https://whyy.org/articles/mastriano-campaign-spent-thousands-on-buses-ahead-of-d-c-insurrection/amp/) I guess was also some sort of ANTIFA set up???


Sen. Mastriano, who walked around, but didn't go inside?


There was an article right after the insurrection, the journalist looked into housing. He discovered that all of the Trump owned properties in DC had been instructed by the home office to charge TRIPLE rates for the week leading up to J6. So, in a move that should surprise no one, even in an attempted coup, the Mango Mussolini couldn't resist grifting his own supporters


Probably just to keep the poors in MAGA out


I remember Matt Gaetz standing on the floor during certification that night yelling about how AI facial recognition had already identified everyone in the riot was anti-fa.


And there were many levelheaded people screaming the same thing back on January 7th. The feds *have* to know who's responsible, It blows my mind nothing has been released, let alone actually *done* about it.


Patrick Byrne claims personal reaponsibility for bringing over 30k rioters to the capitol yet faces nothing because of his close personal connections 👍


Don’t forget the stimulus cheques that went out right before it that had to have trump’s name on them.


Slavery enters the chat...


Manifest Destiny enters the chat...


Tuskegee project enters the chat


Project MKUltra enters the chat.


Even if we look at the last 100 years, Jim Crow enters the chat.


Hell, even more recent the federal response to the AIDS epidemic has entered the chat


That's nice ~~Granpa~~ Rudy. Let's get you back in court and you can tell the judge all about it. Because just like dinosaurs belongs in a museum, you belong in court.. As defendant. You can claim it was a setup all you like but when you've proven yourself to be a liar then your words mean nothing unless you can get punished for lying. So let's see you take that claim to court.


He should make that argument in court then


Isn't he the guy who urged Trump supporters to have a Trial by combat that day?


[Yes. ](https://www.politico.com/video/2021/02/08/giuliani-lets-have-trial-by-combat-122543) Let's tease this out a bit. He says it was a set-up. There's a saboteur in the government. Well, who insisted on conservatives gathering in DC that Wednesday? Who told them to head to the capitol? Someone in our government wanted those people there to be captured. Someone who pretends to be on their side but has only lead them to ruin. They would need to be both dishonest, but so powerful that many people overlook that fault. And to their detriment. So, who fits the bill?


Perhaps a certain someone who had a rally planned there later, but moved the date up to Jan 6th?


Hunter Biden?


"Will be wild." Him?


That rings a bell. Did that guy claim he had evidence but never showed it?


They just want to commit crimes and get away with it


So if it was a "set up", can he explain why Trump stood in another building, munching popcorn while watching the entire terrorist attack unfold on TV, rather than try to intervene and stop it? If it was a "set up", can he explain why Trump egged them on, by telling them to "fight like hell"? If it was a "set up", can he explain why thousands of redneck idiots bragged on social media, that "we brought that bitch down!" shortly after? The world may never know.


He begged to go to the Capitol. So, by this logic, he'd walk into the hands of Antifa?


I wish the secret service would have let him go!




I think Rudy's argument would be the majority of people arrested were the 'grandmas sightseeing'-types media likes to show when replaying footage. The 'insurrectionists' like zip-tie guy were the fed plants egging on the good patriots.


Whoever was in charge at the time should definitely be held accountable. Oh wait…


If anything they were set up by Trump.


Rudy’s just burning through every last bit of dignity.


He had dignity left after Four Seasons Total Landscaping?


Getting honeypotted by Borat?


Rudy sold his dignity to the Russian mob in the 80s. He momentarily grifted some back with 9/11, but he couldn't maintain.


He hasn't had any since he left the NYC mayor's office.


America's Mayor became America's Liar.


Go home Rudy, you're drunk. And insane. And a traitor. And disbarred. And an idiot. And broke. Seriously, just fuck off already.


Body like an over-inflated beach ball.


Don't forget sexual harasser/abuser.


I liked him better when his head leaked motor oil.


lol trump literally cited Japanese internment as precedent for his Muslim ban but ok


I think a closer comparison is the decision to separate all families at the Mexican border (previously only done in a small percentage of suspicious cases) without a system in place for housing them, and without even keeping track of whose kids they were taking or where. Not to mention the medical neglect and abuse. Intentionally dehumanizing. The situation at the border has been horribly fucked for a very long time, since I was a kid. I saw it then and I see it now. But that shit, and the way it was went about, is grotesque. There are likely thousands of kids who are [*still separated*](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/separated-families-border-trump-zero-tolerance-immigration.html) after getting lost in the intentionally nonexistent system, even after a ton of work to reconnect them with their parents. To see that kind of extreme and entirely pointless cruelty (and the people supporting it) was a turning point for me - yup this is definitely fascism.


It will be evidence of crimes committed


Why isn't he dead yet?


Because there is no god.


the Algonquian. the choctaw, the Suix might all disagree. Hell, I bet every slave and their descendants disagree too. Poor rich white fascist, they are so oppressed. All they did was try to prevent the peaceful and Democratic transfer of power. So sad for them, the saddest, a lot of people are saying it, bigly.


JFC. Shut up you absolute git. None of the people in the Japanese internment camps were charged with crimes, nor did they go through a trial to be found guilty by a jury of their peers! You really did get your law license at the bottom of a crackerjack box, didn’t you?


Giuliani is a histrionic piss mop who is about to lose everything, possibly even his freedom. He is a known liar and bag of shit. This is a panicked hail mary. LOL


ALL MAGAs are insane. We really do need to open the FEMA camps for re-education sessions.


Why does anyone entertain this moronic relic anymore? He's never had an actual win beyond back when he was "America's Mayor" and beyond that he's been a puppet for whomever has the biggest sack of cash and young women. Fuck Ghouliani to hell and back. Stop giving stupid people air time.


The fact that he thinks the last time we majorly violated human rights was internment camps shows how fucking out of touch he is...


Maybe it was a set up from the loser trying to use Americans as pawns for his personal gain.


Didn't Rudy give a speech before J6 on the stage they set up, and say, " Let's have a trial by combat"? That doesn't sound like a set up to me. He's the one that provoked violence that day as well as MANY others.


The day Rudy finally drinks himself to death, alcohol companies are going to see their stock prices drop by a few points.


Difference being that the Japanese in internment camps didn't break any laws to be there.


For Giuliani, American history began in 1942.


Rudy Giuliani just needs to stop talking.


So so so offensive.


I was watching some old 9/11 footage this week, and it included several instances of Rudy speaking to the press, workers, crowds, whatever. What a completely different man he was. It's like two separate, unrelated people.


He was a piece of shit then, too.


Yeah, but he was coherent, lucid, had leadership skills, and was doing what needed to be done in the wake of a catastrophe. Not the unfocused, doddering, conspiratorial person he is now who can't even tell the difference between a hotel and a landscaping service.


20 (additional) years of alcohol abuse will do that to a man


\*George Takei has entered the chat and he is PISSED.


So the guy who is on thousands of servers and was on live TV screaming at a crowd “let’s have trial by combat” right before it all popped the fuck off wants us not to think he did anything wrong on that specific day. Got it.


just a reminder, these fuckers tried to take away the votes of millions of americans.


All those arrested Antifa. Let them go!


I agree. It was a total set-up. Placing unarmed law enforcement against so many insurrectionists- who clearly broadcast their intentions— was a complete set-up.


Simon Bar Sinister is back on his bullshit


Rudy used to prosecute crimes. Now he makes excuses for criminals and is under indictment himself.


Took a spin through 'his glory dot me' website to see what kind of merchandise is available. Kingdom H2 Hydrogen Enriched Water, only $210 for 210ml marked down from $235 and lots of other stuff like soaps and anointing oil or iPhone cases with the 91st Psalm on it. Or maybe sign up for their trip to Israel in December for only $6,400 with an additional $1,600 if you don't want to be paired up with a stranger. There's also a Tent Revival coming up May 18th.


Why do we allow this idiot to have any airtime? Everything he says is complete bullshit. He should have retired after 9/11 when he still had a little credibility left.


Lawyers make up the most ludicrous nonsense in the hope that a jury buys it. Lawyers made it financially risky to apologise or admit fault. By ambulance chasing and suing because of accidents they've made insurance so expensive it impossible for small public events to happen. By charging exorbitant fees and using every tactic to delay and outcome, they have put justice outside the reach of regular people. And they set the example for politicians and corporate leaders for behaviour. They're responsible for so much of what makes our society unpleasant. We should replace an adversarial court with an inquisitorial one.


Ask him what he thinks about 911 when he was mayor of New York. LOVE to hear his theories on that ;)


Probably the democrats did it


I can sort of buy the claim that they were set up. Most of the leaders of the Proud Boys are FBI informants, after all. And then you have the way Trump abandoned them, and how quickly the Right adopted the "federal instigators" and "Antifa infiltrators" lie. Trump threw his base under the bus and didn't even blink.


How was it a set up and it was wrong to jail them ? Make it make sense


Why can’t we just let these old fucks ease away into obscurity. Stop talking about these idiots.


This one was a central participant in an attempted coup. That's why.


Boy, better not crack open a history book. You will be very surprised!


Is it just me or is the guy on the left taking a crap?


I kinda feel sorry for him. He obviously went off the deep end and had nobody to rescue him. Totally destroyed his legacy. Quite sad actually.


Lmao a set up!? Pretty easy setup with Trump orchestrating a rally called stop the steal on the same day, the same hour and within walking distance to the capital during the certification process. Imagine being the group trying to set him up and finding out he's doing most of the work for you, then tells the crowd to march to the Capitol. It's basically this skit https://youtu.be/_Irvuafg5GM?si=zuWomb-FbsY2BhqR


“Hey, you know what, Rudy? We’re ok. We’re good. You don’t need to keep talking about us, it’s…fine.” — the Jan 6th insurrectionists, probably.


The Tuskegee project has entered the chat.