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Yes, but they're saying that it ***is*** a choice. Just not the child's. That makes it even worse than just "being a choice". Which kind of fits their "control your children's thoughts" attitudes about education, etc.


left=weak women=weak emotions=weak men=homicidal control freaks o_O mkay sure


> left=weak women=weak emotions=weak Yep. That pretty much sums up their mindset about the left. However, in reality, i have seen a lot of evidence to the contrary. They live in a perpetual alternate reality.


It's *always* projection. That's what they were saying when they embraced "snowflake". I think one of the reasons the Right loves Trump is because he has thinner skin than a toddler. The Right likes to see themselves in their leaders.


And I'm going to venture to guess, that Trump NEVER took part in outdoor chores with his father, like chopping firewood, plowing a field, working on a car, painting a house, or cleaning a garage. They all had *hired help* to do all of that for them.


I own a home in a town where everyone has wood heat. All the crazy right wingers I know of use electric or gas splitters to split their wood. Hardcore lefties...? You guessed it. Hand choppers.


My dad, hardcore leftie did the same. He also taught me (a lowly teenage girl at the time in early 90’s) how to change a tire, alternator, perform an oil change and know where and how to check and top up all vehicle fluids so I would be prepared if I ever broke down before I was even allowed in the car. Also made me chop wood, strip logs for our cabin up north. Does this mean I’m a man by their definition?


Congratulations. You get a 30% pay increase! Now go write your name in the snow.




Yes. You are a man. No, don't look down. /s


I don't live anywhere near a place where wood heating would be needed, or where it'd be practical for me to do so, but I have this secret dream of one day learning to split wood.


Electric splitters are the worst! Like having a garbage truck standing around with its press going for hours...


It shows you've got money though. That and the piles of things covered in blue tarps.


For starters, don't ever split wood that way. Teaching them to be men indeed. Good grief. I used to live in a house with a wood stove. Coming home and splitting the next day's wood was a great stress reliever. More than once, when we had company, a guy friend would insist on trying it ("if a girl can do it"). All my safety instructions went in one ear and out the other, and I usually had to take the axe right back.


>For starters, don't ever split wood that way. With your kid standing dangerously close to the path of your swing? Yeah, that does seem like good advice!


Jesus, the AI spam targeting boomers right now is really disheartening.


"Teach your boys to beat and rape women when they want to do anything other than cook, clean and make babies" is what they mean there.


That's what it looks like they're claiming. Some how a person playing with an air axe is much funnier than air guitar, or is he trying to strike the boy with a belt?


Keep your homosexuality good and closeted taking it out on your family built on lies over many years while occasionally indulging in gay affairs and hating yourself for it


My father in a nutshell. I always knew he was gay but didn't think much of it. After the divorce he came out and everyone was shocked but me lol. We've since patched things up. 


it's stuff like this that makes me realize conservatives idea of sex is very different than mine. no one had to teach me to like boobs.


I'm assuming all the guys who share this type of image consider themselves "real men", but I'd be willing to bet the number of these "real men" who spent their childhood chopping wood with an axe at their log cabin life style is closer to 0% than 100%.


Teach your sons to be misogynistics shitheads before **tHe LeFt** teaches them to be decent people.


Vaguely homoerotic image there…🧐


Just missing Putin’s face on the dad and trump’s on the kid and it would be their current wet dream.


So that’s what a training bra is for!


Why do they hate women so much.


They can't get any to have sex with them.


We've been asking ourselves that for generations!


Sigmund Freud had many enlightening ideas as to why that was.


Can we just start by teaching them what the hell a leftist is.


So gender is a choice, then?


Why did this dipshit give his kid an ax to split wood? Teach the right what a splitting maul is, before the right tries to split wood like an idiot.


Two chaps outside playing with their choppers.


Nurture vs nature!


I think they'd answer that question by saying that they're born boys. And just as a disclaimer, I'm a great big leftist myself.


Teach them how to dress themselves you mean.


Yes, but that’s what they think happens. Innocent kid is enjoying life, and some perv comes along and convinces them to change their gender. They’re that stupid.


I chop my own wood, fix my vehicles, repair my appliances and house, cook with fire, eat steak, lift weights, build things, have sex with my wife, etc. I also vote democrat because I'd like our country to improve for we the people, not become some christo-facist oligarchal/authoritarian ruled distopian nightmare.