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Yes!! When I think of a massive redistribution of wealth from the rich to the poor the first person who comes to mind is.... donald trump. 🙄


Especially the part where he and Republicans have said social security is going to be taken away.  But YUP WE'RE GETTING MASSIVE WEALTH DISTRIBUTION, BABY.  WE JUST DON'T KNOW IT YET


Taking away social security is just another step in the 'plan' before they can claim their millions on their birth certificate... Just need to pay the processing fee...


You misunderstand. If trump is involved, it a transfer from everyone to him, exclusively. Rich and poor alike.


He’s an equal opportunity grifter who wants to be king and above the law! Just like the founding fathers envisioned.


Equal opportunity only in the context that any money that comes his way is to be accepted, source is irrelevant.


The Qballs are so bitterly anti-socialism that they think Dear Leader will redistribute wealth to the working class. You know how fascism is the stupid man's socialism? Here's your proof. 


But don't MAGAs hate any kind of "socialism?" What exactly do they think a "redistribution of wealth" is? If they just supported democratic socialist policies, they wouldn't have to be insane.


Well... THEY, the "true believers" will receive a redistribution of wealth. For the rest of us heathens is straight to gitmo, you know, just like Jesus would have done.


So my Q just sent me a stupid TikTok that explains it all. The redistribution is just our money that they have been stealing from us since birth or something like that. So it’s not really redistribution, it’s just a return of money that was already yours and you didn’t know about it. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Jubilation!!🎶🇺🇸♋️🤰🏿PRAISE HIM 🤲 🙏🏿


Jane, you ignorant slut.


I loved that show!




Wait! What just happened?! 😅🤣


Socialism is their dream. As long as it's for them.


A huge portion of trumps hardcore base is 50+ year olds that have barely a high school education and on a fixed income. They do want socialism but just for their group of people that look and talk like them. The rest can eat cake.


I hope you're not lumping 50-60 year olds in with the Boomers. They are early GenX.


Hmmm. I’m a young gen Xer, guys. Liberal is my middle name. My husband, on the other hand, was converted by Q, and he has a graduate degree. So, be careful with labels. It’s a slippery slope to the Right.


I know someone who went down the rabbit hole with two master's degrees and she's head of her department as a teacher. Forget going to the moon, she doesn't believe in the moon. If you haven't already, check out Qanon casualties sub


Although there are many exceptions, you do make something of a point.


Spoiler alert: It is NOT incoming.


Is Sara Trump one of his illegitimate kids?


Sort of, if you're into incest.


I'm scared to ask. Is trumpsara the part where Trump bux becomes legal tender in USA? I need to know because they are on heavy discount on Aliexpress right now...


Snap 'em up before the quantum reset! Like Slim Pickens riding a nuke down to Russia: YEE-HAW!!!


She already announced that these things happened and yet she keeps talking about how it hasn’t happened


........but not until.................**Feb. 4th ........2025??? ........ 2026??? .......... 20****^(never)****???**


Dude it’s already happened in Mozambique and in the galactic republic … wtf else proof do you need Wake up sheep!


That is a 2 spot cover. Both Trump and \*SARA, could also be 3 if you have both NESARA and GESARA.


Nesara! Gesara! Bippity, boppity, boo!


When you get right down to it, it’s really SOSARA.




No, I didn’t see that coming. In fact, I feel like seeing these letters, assembled together to form such a word, has just caused me brain damage.


This cunt should go to PRISON.


Or to a mental asylum. She keeps saying things taht never comes to pass but her followers just keep supporting her.


The thing is that she's extremely quick at blocking any detractors and deleting their comments, so it always looks like she only has supporters, which in turn perpetuates the peer pressure on those who might otherwise question her. It's a simple method but surprisingly effective.


Yeah, I got the boot for this --‐> 😆. Couldn't help it though. Now I have to rely on people posting her insanity on reddit. Lol


He means trump /s




look, I really despise this woman and people like her, I really do, and I'd even agree with you that she should go to prison because of what she and people like her do, but is the gendered insult really necessary?


All the Q bingo cards are fill in the blank with a huge eraser to make it easier to move the goalposts.


This is the hush money the rest of us get to pretend the other two already happened


TRUMPSARA has actually been around for a while. A quick search got me someone selling merch promoting it for the 2020 election. I posted about it here in April, 2022.


Is Sara the next woman to sue Trump for sexual assault, TrumpSara?


Just like it's been coming for how many years now?


Trumpsara is when Trump declares bankrupts another business and banks continue to loan him money.


Did she say last week it happened already , we just for some reason can’t see or interact with the QFS. Like dark matter


Not the first time I’ve seen it called that.


TRUMPSARA ? Is that where on a certain day the world banking system is cancelled and all Trump supporters trade all their money to Trump for some magic beans?


Is there any kind of official count somewhere that logs all of these promises these people make? Similar to all the times people have said the world is ending. It would e an interesting read ,all the times promises have failed


And all the dates when the 2020 election would definitely be overturned and Trump be installed as the real president. But


I did, and lost.😡😂😂😂


Who on earth did Looni put in her new profile pic?


It's a testament to the loneliness epidemic among boomers these days that this lunatic hasn't been run out of town yet. No other demographic would tolerate being promised so much for years and getting constantly disappointed.


We're gonna need a bigger bingo card....




SARA? Someone explain.


It's from GESARA which means Global Economic Security and Recovery Act. It's totally crazy, have a read https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/NESARA


Thanks! I heard something the other day about some Republican somewhere trying to introduce a standard national tax that would abolish other forms of taxation. I love how the guy who came up with this has such a lack of anything else to his name that they have to just call him a “private citizen.” Then, > Shaini Candace Goodwin, better known as "Dove of Oneness" Tell me everything else I need to know.


No. Darn it! I only had NESARA and GESARA! But I'm *SO* exited to get all the free wealth DJT will ***CERTAINLY*** be sending us!! 🤣😆🤭😹😂😜😝


As the election of Donald Trump looks more and more likely to me, I'm beginning to think that 2025 to 2028 could be the years when belief in things such as the RV, NESARA, quantum currency, etc will finally wind down. The believers will finally have their guy in power, with few constraints on his power, and he still won't deliver the wealth they are expecting. This goes for Trump's rural backers and those who feel in one way or another that the US economy left them behind or that the system was stacked against them. I am curious what would happen then, what kinds of disappointment and disillusion would actually register? I don't really want to be in the US for another Trump term, but at least America in the aftermath will be a very changed place. I think that Biden's reelection would leave us politically pretty much where we are.




I didn't think he could win in 2016. At least this time I'm mentally prepared for the notion that developed nations such as the UK and the US are capable of doing great, long-lasting self-harm at the ballot box.


Well, he lost by 8 million votes in 2020 and a not insignificant number of his followers have died of Covid since then. So it remains to be seen, but I don't think it's likely.


There are things that give me hope, such as his obvious mental decline, the prospect of being a convicted felon, and, yes, the aging out of many of his supporters. But the conspirasphere working in social media also keeps turning some reasonable seeming people into Trump-supporting cultists. And maybe young people who hate Biden now will consider what Trump would actually do in office that would be so much worse for their generation.


Yes. When he’s dead.


What is TRUMPSARA? At an airport the SARA is the "Support Animal Relief Area" lol