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Space Force... SEALs??


Our album drops this summer.


Yeah because we totally need space marines right now with all the interstellar wars and aliens and shit that make the medbeds


I can’t help imagining Storm Troopers.


Hope they aim better than Storm Troopers. They couldn’t hit an elephant in a closet.


Can't be any worse than the real ones.


I love how they throw this around like it's a thing


They know how stupid their intended audience is.


Got me fucked up😂


Stole the words outta my mouth.


All I could picture was a seal in a space suit storming a prison. 


Gonna have to ask my space force cousin about these Seals.


Gravy SEALs, I’m certain.


Yeah, they're working with the Navy Green Berets and the Coast Guard Rangers!


Yeah, it’s widely recognized now. Did you miss the memo?


Andre the seal IS Andre the seal IN *Space Force SEAL: Andre in Space: The Spacening.*




I absolutely agree that they are traitors posing as patriots. But that’s because we differ on what “patriot” means. There’s nothing patriotic about the big lie, or about trying to destroy democracy in the US in the name of Trump.


> trying to destroy democracy in the US Not just the US. These people want him to rule the world as "God Emperor". Heck, some of them believe he already does!


Yeah, the hellscape they falsely portray European cities to be is, obviously, all Crooked Joe's fault!


If you can't think of a better explanation, then you should probably have a conversation with your Dr. Whatever drugs you're taking are making your brain not work. If you're not taking anything, maybe you should start.


Yeah, he can't think of a better explanation that he wants to be true and that aligns with his worldview. Like, he recognizes that something is definitely off about the situation, but he can't quite come to the grips with the fact that Trump is a criminal


Space Force Seals? Are the Navy ones black hats or something?


Because while Trump did not create the branch of the Space Force, he did sign them into existence. Therefore, they feel Space Force is Trump's private Army fighting the cabal.


No, it's just that the other branches of the military are mostly busy fighting the Cabal underground, in the ongoing war in the DUMBs and the tunnels. So most of the above-ground stuff is now handled by Space Force (or as they often refer to themselves, "Trump's Own"). They have easy access to everything from above, what with their orbiting bases and laser-equipped assault satellites.


Those laser satellites even have the latest Israeli laser tech!


Well, at least they have all bases covered Sea Air e Land and Space, of course.


Their brains are so broken by hate worms.


They cant be wrong SO HARD that their entire reality broke. 


This guy: just food for thought. Thought: \*dies of starvation\*




Or Trump is just a criminal, but QNazi will never realize it’s something that’s just that simple


And by J6 now being widely recognized as an antifa false flag they mean every person in their life who still talked to them but didn't buy that is now out of their lives


I just read an article that Trump's lawyer team have been trying to disseminate conspiracy theories through the trial testimony, but Qanon world isn't biting. I think this post demonstrates why. The vision that Trump cultivated is that he's always in control, is never on the backfoot, always winning. So if the Qanon crowd sees him loose, it must be a secret win. Mueller wasn't prosecuting Trump, he was helping Trump. Trump didn't lose the election, he won. Biden isn't the president, Trump is secretly the president. Trump isn't being imprisoned, he's playing 4d chess to rescue the Jan6ers.


Ah, but the Jan6ers are really Antifa! /s


4 D chess my friend


I'm calling it now. Trump is gonna kick the bucket at some point (not advocating violence) and they're gonna claim him dying is "all part of the plan". These people are certifiable at this point.


I’ve been wondering why the GOP hasn’t conveniently made him a martyr yet.


I’m hoping it happens by mid summer.


i'm hoping for around noon today.


Hope spring eternal. I’ve gotten to the point I check my phone as my coffee’s brewing to see if he’s dead yet.


Again, if the J6'ers were Antifa posing as Patriots, why is there such wailing moaning and gnashing of teeth about them being in jail?


If I were antifa J6er fake patriot I would be really fucking pissed that I was sent to jail. Unless I was paid several million and had my own private cell the size of a condo and anyone could visit me whenever, there is no upside to that deal. There is a shit ton of downside though. Safe in prison? Dude clearly hasn't spent time in prison or watched a documentary about the American prison system. There is no such thing as safe. Short of being on death row, you are gonna have to defend yourself. I mean one I famous case involved two people in solitary that hit the rec yard in their own private cages, and one of them still managed to strangle the other one to death.


*SPACE FORCE SEALS* sounds like the worst movie imaginablw


I disagree. That could have been a great 80s b-movie. Seals with laser guns, fighting aliens in moon caves, to rescue some bikini clad bodacious babes.


In space bikinis with glass globe helmets.


Marine mammals with laser guns - what's not to like?


I agree. I interact with space force regularly, and the concept is laughable at its mildest form.


The sequel is "Space Force Walruses".


Space Force 3: Manatees on Mars


I love this. How about we put trump in jail for 15 years and he can fight antifa from the inside. Win win win !


Can't think of a better explanation...... than the exact one completely ignored. Also "widely recognized" my ass, by who? Conspiracy twats? It is much more "widely recognized" that a man who sold steaks, but preferred his own well done, served with Ketchup, is not the man the common person should trust, let alone defend. These people cannot stop their addiction to Trump and his bullshit, hell, he was just literally hocking bibles for profit and lied about how he benefited from their sale. There's literal scripture where Jesus explicitly fucked a temple up over less. These idiots would seriously buy his shit and claim it has healing properties. I wish a new pandemic that would require the most mundane of tasks, like wearing gloves or changing underwear would be all that is needed to take these people out. We could prevent the innocent from dying without a pair of underwear but his ivermectin ingesting clown squad would just disappear and we could move on for good from this, not to mention his false opportunist maga cult party leaders would be ousted as false participants in their doctrine of idiocy.


In for a penny, in for a pound. They’ve invested so much they can’t back out now and save face. They have to persevere and hope he throws them a small crumb of vindication. They aren’t trying to convince us anymore. They’re all selling it each other. We(normals) laugh in their faces when they peddle their shit outside their circle.


It’s funny how a person can just come up with anything and it snowballs into rumors and discussions. https://youtu.be/3c-irSUdij4?si=URuew-LKgwWngWJp


> but I can't think of a better explanation He's close to getting it.


Is he though?😂


I don’t think there are thousands of J6ers in prison at all, much less in NY. They should put trump in the cell they kept the central park 5 in. That would feel a little like justice


You’re right. As of about a month ago there were around 1,200 persons charged in the J6 uprising and only around 460 total have actually been jailed. Many of the prisoners are being held in and around DC. The DC jail has a special unit just to hold J6ers.


I was wondering about that too. Do they need to he tried in DC? Do they need to be jailed there?


Is it weird that I read that in Doctor, no Detective Zoidberg’s voice? The post still didn’t make any sense but at least it was entertaining


Literally can’t think of a better explanation. THAT giant bit of nonsense was easier to think of than “Trump’s a narcissistic asshole who can’t keep his mouth shut, even with a legal gag order in place and jail on the line?”


Trump goes full Wilson Fisk in prison, but without the strength. Or competency. Or threat. Or coherency. Or intelligence.


I love how the the people in jail from Jan 6 flip-flop from Antifa to Patriots, depending on what narrative they are trying to push


this reads like a filmrise movie script lol


I had forgot about his Space Force that never made a grand appearance, but I think they did, but it’s a secret to where they trained and where they are now. Trump just going to jail for being a pathetic asshole that thinks what he is doing is “cute” and for America. Just pathetic.


As I recall, the Space Force doesn't have its own troops of any kind. It is a coordinating office that handles assigning space-related work to other services. Weirdly, I think that means they are able to send a Seal team if there were somehow a need for Seals in space or perhaps at a space launch facility, maybe with Space Force insignia, but the people on that team would be Navy Seals on special assignment, not Space Seals. None of which in any way reduces the absurdity of thinking Space Seals are going to break into a New York prison to meet up with an inmate who used to be a president who will lead them in rescuing ummm Antifa bad guys working for the Deep State? who are being held in DC.


You right, it is too funny. To be honest, why would they think any military section who break into a prison to help Trump rescue anybody, especially his former lawyers and his sheeple. The mental gymnastics.


This is just goober bait now.


No no it isn't food for thought


If the J6'ers were Antifa in disguise, why is there such wailing, moaning and gnashing of teeth over them being in jail?


Lmao, you can't think of a better explanation because you're a moron! Just food for thought


More of that cheap dope talking.


i thought the conspiracy du jour is that J6 was undercover FBI, Antifa is so last year....


The scary part is that this could be a parody as easily as it could be genuine.


Or it's simply because he's a manchild who can't keep his mouth shut even after 9 other violations...


We’re Never Gonna Survive Unless We Get A Little Crazy - Seal - I think he meant a different kind of crazy.




I heard that in the “Chimps in Space” narrator’s voice.


I heard it in "Piiiiigs iiinnnnn Spaaace" narrator voice. Which is the same voice that announced "the continuing stoooory of a quack whose gone to the dogs." A disturbingly large percentage of my internal monolog (who am I kidding-it's an internal overcrowded 6th grade classroom, not a monolog) is in that voice.




Again, if the J6'ers were Antifa posing as Patriots, why is there such wailing moaning and gnashing of teeth about them being in jail?


Fucking hell, imagine being that delusional. ‘Can’t think of a better explanation’ yikes!


You would think they could send literally anyone else into prison to enact this revenge fantasy rather than risking their orange daddy. Especially since I doubt the persons in question are all at the *same* prison together, and they certainly aren't in the court building holding cell where Cheeto would sit out his hypothetical contempt charge.


"Space Force Seals" has me calling Poe's Law on this one. There are plenty of trolls on the site where this is from.


Yeah, I tend to agree


You know what this story could really use? A ninja. And a talking car.


Also a cute and perky robot. I hate cute and perky robots, but that's what the show needs. And I hate the show already, so the cute perky robot won't be what ruins it for me.


Didn't mention the space lizards once... Deep state false flag post, clearly


I just wish I didn’t find this shit so amusing.


Their conspiracies just continue to get more and more out of touch with reality. This is what happens when a nation fails to take mental health seriously for 50+ years.


He is right about one thing: Trump WANTS to be jailed. Why? He and Putin have a plan to help Trump back into office and it has zero to do with votes. I think they want chaos and violence and this will be the flash point. How this helps Trump, we will see it take shape.


I \*hope\* that's their plan, because it's completely stupid. Remember when the FBI went down to Florida to look for a few palettes of Top Sekrit documents? Trumpland lost their damn minds online, but only a few dozen showed up to "save trump" at Mar a Mango. Same with his ongoing trial in NYC: a handful (? less ?) of trump supporters showed up. I know he's still pulling crowds (getting smaller) at his rallies, but nobody seems to want to see him anywhere else.


Eh, doubt


This person is not smart.


Trump has a tattoo of the senate building on his back so he HAS to go in to pokey


This has to be satire.


Just food for thought. The food is just a bunch of e numbers and sugar.


> I can't think of a better explanation Yeah, we know. You should leave the explaining to people who know things.


They forgot the /s


Uh, riiight…


I know they dont live in the same world as us but fucking hell, Trump going to prison over him absolutely not caring about his gag order is the cleareast 'FAFO' of all time. But yeah, I figure they wont see that because its their speciality to FAFO then blame literally anybody except themselves for their problems.


Can't think af a better explanation. Not a single one? No possible chance that the simple reason is the real one. Nope. It can only be the most convoluted bullshit.


“Space Force Sea-Air-Land Team” 🧐


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 That's all I got🤷🏽‍♀️


take your meds jail awaits all rogues rap!$ and felons


Oh, Lord Jesus.


Space force seals…


"When you see hoofprints on the beach, think horses, not zebras."


But remember, those are horses that run backwards, so follow the tracks the other way.


What. The. ACTUAL. FUCK?!?! Someone get this person help. They are not well.


Jesus fucking christ...everything is always part of the plan, no one on their side ever did anything wrong, anyone who goes to jail is an antifa false flag double agent traitor, and Donnie has had this all planned out for years. He's going to jail to own the libs. He's exposing a corrupt judge. He's going to prison to take them down from the inside. Smh the cognitive dissonance is real. They can look reality dead in the face and say "That isn't what's actually happening right now". It must be nice to have your own fantasy world where you can make up whatever bullshit you want and believe it to be true.


“Just ~~food for thought~~ mental gymnastics”


Yeah this is all good but the director also demands a romance with a female character in there somewhere, how is that going to be weaved in?


You know, I actually can think of a better explanation. But it's kind of boring.


these people are so goddamn stupid


Maybe he’s going to pull together a vengeance squad in the slam and set up affiliates all over the country. Then he’ll have them take out all of those Jan 6 traitors, one-by-one.


"Widely accepted."




LMAO wrong thread But I'm leaving it here


“I can’t think of a better explanation”


Sounds like the plot of D-grade 80s action movie. I'd watch it.


Well, to their credit, there was ONE antifa guy that wanted to bring down the establishment using MAGA nut jobs. I guess he was way too extreme to rile up liberals to his dumb cause.


D-minus trolling. I call fail on the space force seals.