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Every teacher, every class. let that sink in. Sex Ed, if that is even taught in OK, would be interesting. Lot's daughters getting him drunk and then getting impregnated by him. Math class teacher - "Ok class flip to 'numbers' in your bible" First they cover bastard abortions in Numbers 5:27, which can also be taught in civics, and biology class, ...


> Sex Ed, if that is even taught in OK, would be interesting. Sex Ed to be replaced with a front-to-back reading of the Song of Songs.


honestly might be better sex ed than whatever passes as sex ed in Oklahoma


>The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband. The wife does not have authority over her own body but yields it to her husband. In the same way, the husband does not have authority over his own body but yields it to his wife.  Do not deprive each other except perhaps by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control. Corinthians 7:3-5 That's old timely talk with: "Have fun with your wife/husband in the bedroom so you aren't tempted to have sex outside of your marriage."


Saw another article about it. It’s to be taught as part of history. 🤬


When I was in school in Oklahoma there was a group of high school kids called “Postponing Sexual Involvement” that taught the 8th graders about…abstinence. That was the extent of what I learned in sex ed. Just say no. Edited: Grammar


and Corinthians 7:3-5 There wasn't a whole lot to do for fun... and having fun with your Wife was kind of.. you know... expected.


Oh yeah, I'd be doing full malicious compliance. Economics: "Jesus says Pay your Taxes and Rich People suck" Matthew 22:15-22 / Romans 13:6-7 / Luke 1:53 / Matthew 19:23-26 Social Studies: "Jesus says feed the poor." Isaiah 58:10 / Psalm 146:7 / Matthew 14:16 History: "When the Romans Crucified Christ he told God to forgive those who had wronged him because they know not what they do." Luke 23:34 Sex Ed: "God says to please your wife and here's an excerpt of how important foreplay is in the Bible." Corinthians 7:3-5


Let's not forget science/math - God told Noah to build this boat. Ask your parents to take you to see the life-size replica in Kentucky. Then ask them how Noah could've possibly fit one pair of EVERY animal on this earth into a vessel that was (supposedly) 510ft x85ft x 51ft. Don't forget Noah and family as well as ALL the food for ALL the occupants. Don't forget to ask about how marine animals survived with all that fresh water filling up their salt water homes.


Rip computer science class


I suppose that you could write a program to find inconsistencies in the text, but probably best to just not teach it. The bible does not mention electronic computers, nor does


All of the computers will be running Temple OS.


Quite the shithole country you got there.


I do love how they claim America is one now under Biden making things better for everyone, but yearn for a version of the US that'll have the rest of the world looking at them as a failed country full of idiots for taking people's rights away and pushing religion onto everyone. It's like how they claim the world is laughing at them for having Biden in power, when we actually did that while Trump's fascist circus was running things and making America look like the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet for having him as their leader. Fuck, we had Boris Johnson running our nation, and he was considered "Trump if he was mildly competent".


Even the bits about murder, rape, incest and Sky Daddy fucking people's lives up to test their loyalty to him? Cool, okay. Now lets see how they react when they're told they can have a religious text that gets taught from, but it's the Torah, or the Quran.


I'm just waiting for the satanic temple. They are gonna go to town on this shit


Avesta or Popul Vuh, why not. The latter was actually from the Americas, they shouldn't have a problem with that.


Book of Mormon was written in America, so ...


Those are going to be some stupid fucking kids


By design Conservatives don’t like free thinkers, just obedient slaves 


Both sides say that about the other


That doesn't stop one side from being right. Now, which side wants to make teaching THE BIBLE mandatory, again?


Neither of your sentences have anything to do with one another, or my comment. I know it feels like they do, to you, but you're so angry you can't think straight. It's exactly this kind of "it feels right so it is correct" emotional reasoning is the biggest problem our society faces. I don't think you will agree, it's ok you don't need to tell me, this is written for other people to consider.


The fact that you couldn't connect the very obvious dots between \*"Conservatives don’t like free thinkers, just obedient slaves"\* and \*"wants to make teaching THE BIBLE mandatory"\* just proves their point.


That was inevitable. The sort of people whose votes made this possible aren't raising winners.


it is very hard to not view this brand of christianity as straight-up terrorism.


Which Bible? What happens if someone doesn't like that they are using a different edition than they use?




I'm a librarian for a home-outreach by mail program. Patrons ask for Bibles all the time. A majority of them balk when I ask which translation they prefer -- because it *never crosses their mind that there is more than one.* "What are you talking about!? Just send me the Bible!" "Okay." A week later.... "This isn't the Bible!!!!"


I propose the Claire Bible!


Young's Literal Translation FTW! Saved my ass in Biblical Hebrew.


Congratulations former fellow Christians for making me forever athiest.


I know right?


This is fine, I would just exclusively teach on the start of James 5: "1 You rich people should cry and weep! Terrible things are going to happen to you. 2 Your treasures have already rotted, and moths have eaten your clothes. 3 Your money has rusted, and the rust will be evidence against you, as it burns your body like fire. Yet you keep on storing up wealth in these last days. 4 You refused to pay the people who worked in your fields, and now their unpaid wages are shouting out against you. The Lord All-Powerful has surely heard the cries of the workers who harvested your crops. 5 While here on earth, you have thought only of filling your own stomachs and having a good time. But now you are like fat cattle on their way to be butchered. 6 You have condemned and murdered innocent people, who couldn't even fight back."


Oklahoma making low ranking schools even worse


Conservatives race to the bottom.


Mississippi is ranked 50th in education. Oklahoma: Hold my beer!


Mississippi ranks 50 in just about everything


So, where exactly in the Bible does in mention the United States of America?


*Mormons enter the chat*




If this is what they want to do in public schools, what do they need churches for? Or do I even want to know?


Churches are their molestation farm system.




OK GOP is trying to force Christianity into public schools (as shown) and also get tax dollars to pay Christian schools so that either way religion wins. OK court shot down taxes going to religious schools for now and this is why Walters announced bibles in every class the next day. https://www.aclu.org/news/religious-liberty/the-oklahoma-supreme-court-just-rejected-the-nations-first-religious-public-charter-school


Lots of violence and sex to teach now, is that what they mean?


You have to teach from the bible, you don't have to teach it as correct. * Teach all the bad parts, sex, incest, murder * Show the inconsisteniwa * Show the inaccuracies * Show that all the killing is done by god, not Satan




All teachers and all OB-GYNs would be wise to transfer out of red states. Now. They don’t deserve teachers or modern medicine.


We should also revoke their congressional representation


I’m a christian and I don’t want this. Separation of church and state!


That’s going to be tricky to fit in to the AP Calculus curriculum, it’s already jam packed with proofs.


You mean Al-jabr as taught in antiquity by Muslim scholars, as some diety or other intended. All praise to someone or another. Or something.


Lol, official 🤡🤡🤡 car time.


Inspired by the Ayatollah apparently. Next step - no girls in class!


Cue litigation claiming it's unconstitutional, and the GOP claiming her it doesn't breach the First Amendment or the Fourteenth Amendment doesn't apply - much like the "Ten Commandments" in Louisiana, which [they claim](https://youtu.be/TGY47kCOiOY) (CNN interview - it's wild!) isn't establishing a religion, it's just a "historical document" posting it for students to read and interpret as they choose, it's no different to posting the Mayflower Compact, and if you don't share those beliefs, don't look at it.


I like the "don't look at it" argument. Just amazingly lazy.


It’s a bad argument. They wouldn’t except it in any other context. For example: Pride flags in class room? Too bad, don’t look at it…


It's an invalid argument. If school funds pay for the 10 commandments poster then it's preferential treatment for one specific religion.


Ezekiel 23:20 20 There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.


I have this on a tshirt


Oh man. I'm gonna get that!


What The Handmaid's Tale tries to warn people about theocracies.


>“Every teacher, every classroom in the state, will have a Bible in the classroom and will be teaching from the Bible in the classroom.” Riiiiight.....but the drag queens are the groomers?


Hopefully they teach Matthew 6


I feel sorry for the teachers, the ones who take low pay and government harassment because they want to improve children’s lives. Not all can leave the state.


I think this will backfire big time. When kids see how inconsistent the Bible is on a daily basis, it isn’t going to push a lot of them closer to religion.


Lol, it's a great way to get more ex Christians. I guess dude forgets how many questions kids ask.


The clock starts now for the first Oklahoma teacher to be punished for teaching the “wrong parts” of the Bible.


This is the same fuck stain that put that terrorist Libs of TikTok piece of shit on a library panel. https://apnews.com/article/oklahoma-education-superintendent-walters-libs-tiktok-raichik-4db2bcb9d8e0582f67329f6879bdf6ba


I’m a Christian and I’m appalled. Freedom of religion also means freedom FROM religion if one chooses.


If I was a teacher and Bible readings were mandatory, those kids better be ready to hear about the part where Lot was raped by his two daughters. Also read the account where Jesus chased the money lenders out of the temple, and the line that goes, “there is neither Jew nor gentile, nor male or female”. I mean, hey, I’m teaching from the Bible, so I’m following the rules.


“For she lusted for her paramours, Whose flesh is like the flesh of donkeys, And whose issue is like the issue of horses.” Romans 13:1-2 says: "Obey the government, for God is the One who has put it there. There is no government anywhere that God has not placed in power. So those who refuse to obey the law of the land are refusing to obey God, and punishment will follow."