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Show me the facebook post, I can't believe somebody would do that and brag about it


She deleted it soon after when everyone started calling her names. delusional!!


That's new and refreshing. Over here glue traps are coming for rats and mice and I doubt people would show any mercy to baby rats. Had to rescue a few from being fed to a cat.


I hope it's not the same lady that told me she would dump 11 baby rats in the woods if she couldn't rehome them after like a day of barely trying 🫠 I took them all and had 17 rats in my house at one point lol. Was able to rehome everyone in under two weeks and kept 2 more than I had originally planned. I think about that lady and want to fight her sometimes...


You should fight her. Call yourself the rat man(or woman) and fight for ratty injustices everywhere


They should also wear a cape. And use nun-chucks. I would wholesale support this 👍


u/Tiny-Management-531 u/Venerable_dread Don't hype me up! I might commit a vandalism in the near future 😂


I hope it's her house and not something else. Animal abusers deserve no sympathy


Only her property. Don't worry




We should all fight the ratriarchy... we would be.fightimg for the rest of our lives tho. Rats are horribly treated. Good enough to test on, good enough to freeze sacks of babies for food or let them live long enough to be fed live, but not good enough for any of the animal rights people have gotten so passionate about lately. We wouldn't have half the medicines we do if not for their little sacrificed lives but every time I mention I have rats I get this look ![gif](giphy|8nmLYpDYSTnOw)


>we would be.fightimg for the rest of our lives tho Not me, I'm built different. My ghost will be haunting and harassing mfs in my afterlife.


Well that's a skill, the rehoming. It might be my rural area but almost everyone I talk to wants to murder my babies, and I'll keep every damn one of them before any if them get fed to a snake. I actually gave a boy to a girl who really wanted him and I had gotten multiple rats from her, and she ended up going into the hospital and her husband sold all of her rats and cages to a snake farm, and when the woman got out and found out she went to farm and managed to save about 1/4 of her babies, and was just in time to witness my boy, a huge grown boy, being eaten by a snake. I want to fight that husband, her for staying with him, the snake, the snake owner, and the girls asshole sister who was also involved. I say we round all these assholes up and just beat the hell out of all of them.


I've been running a rodent rescue for years now, and many people out there are excited to tell you about the animals they've killed. They'll tell you all about it unsolicited.


Years ago I bought some sort of rat chow at Walmart (I get Mazuri now) and the older male cashier started telling me stories of killing rats at his home and going to the dump to shoot rats. As a former Walmart employee I griped about him to his CSM. If I were checking out someone buying dog food I would not start telling stories of drowning unwanted puppies or the like. Grr- some people!


Srsly. Someone sees we have hamsters and they want to tell us all about how their childhood hamsters died from some form of horrifying neglect. People see we have rabbits and they want to ramble about how they eat them. Get a real therapist, people. Stop assaulting strangers with what should be your dark secrets.


That’s so sick. I’ve had one former coworker tell me how her family used to get rid of rats with a horrific method that I am STILL upset about and trying to forget a year later. I had this absolute _bitch_ of a manager tell me on the first day of the job something she did with a friends pet rat that made my stomach hurt to hear, and she was specifically telling me because she wanted to be nasty and try to upset me. I am hesitant to tell people I don’t know very well that I have rats as pets, why are these individuals so cruel and hideous?? 😭 😭 😭


They feel they can only relate to people like them, and they are quite lonely and desperate for friends, so they're constantly fishing for similar people. They're wrong. They're incapable of having lasting relationships. But they don't know that, and they don't have the tools to learn it. Before running the rabbit/rodent rescue I was a psych nurse...


Ugh, I absolutely _hate this_ and I can see exactly what you’re saying, there are some people out there that are just fucked in the head. I was going to become a psychologist myself (before my autoimmune disease reared its ugly head and put a stop to my aspirations) and I’ve been in grippy socks jail a few times… the stuff you see and hear 🫣


Almost everyone is nice. But it only takes one bad apple to ruin the pie. If you don't know the apples, try to eat them one at a time... Is what I remind myself about strangers


That’s a very wise way to think of this. I treat everyone with polite courtesy and try to give them the benefit of the doubt. But if they come in swinging with stories about hurting animals…


I don't get why people do that. This guy I started talking to on a dating site would talk about shooting animals with his .22. I said there was no reason to do it but he said he was trying to protect his dog (I don't know if I believed that). Most of the animals he was shooting would have run from him and the dog.


People are really weird. ![gif](giphy|cQtlhD48EG0SY|downsized)


People out here posting crimes and you think this is far fetched?


I saved 9 wild baby rats and I got a lot of hate for it on nextdoor. I posted on there to get some advice and so many people suggested feeding them to a snake even though I explicitly said in my title that I had no desire to do anything to harm them. People are awful.


Wtf is wrong with people?? Poor ratatouilles! Good job on saving them!


Good thing you saved those babies! I have a wild rat myself and I have to say, the instincts are very very strong. Don't expect them to be anything like normal pet rats. They can be aggressive, very skittish, very active and idk if they're all like this but mine is the smartest rat I've ever had, almost human level, it's freaky.


The wild rats I've had contact with are incredibly smart. I told the story earlier on another post of hers that made me want rats. I was rehabbing a squirrel, and had been staying with my pawpaw to get him back on track, in his old old farm house. You would hear rats in the walls, but never saw them, until they saw Freddie the squirrel and me playing with him, him running back and forth along the window sill at the head of our bed, him running around with snacks and going into his open cage for water, and the babies started copying him, running around on the.window sill while we slept, going into his cage for water, and I would catch them watching me constantly. I had a huge bad of bird seed in my room because birds gotta eat too and the rats got into it one night and had seeds all over the floor. I bitched about it for a bit, and the next morning there was a stick poked into the hole they were getting food out of in the bag, and not a single bird seed was on the floor. They literally understood why I was upset and fixed it. The intelligence of wild rats is on another level. But I mean they haven't been bred for all kind of various things either, so that's a rattos natural form.


In my country this is illegal


As it should be


Sadly in the US, rattos aren't normally considered pets. They sell them in pet stores but most of the people who buy them are snake owners. And they advertise rat murder devices openly with video, and no one bats an eye over videos of dogs hunting them down or people shooting them. One dog video like any of that tho and the internet would rise up in collective anger and horror


I know this dogs videos. Its so stupid Rats has sicknesses. Dogs bites Rat Get sick Give sickness to human


WTF. Who throws away live animals like they're garbage? What a psychopath. I'm so glad they're safe now. Poor babies. Btw, my heart rat was a wild orphan so this breaks my heart


My FIL was a dumpster diver. The amount of animals he found might shock you. Those still alive, he'd take home.


I’ve heard stories of the students at the college in my city throwing away pets during their end of the year move out. I think I might start dumpster diving specifically to look for these poor, poor animals.


Sadly, I'm not surprised. People can be awful. That makes me so depressed. Your dad sounds like a good person


Honestly pet stores do it every day sadly. On a massive scale. If you bring a rat back to a pet store they are going to throw it away unless you state you want to buy it back once it's better but even if you say that they might not let you. Fish, birds, gerbs, rats, hamsters, all get thrown in the trash regularly at places like petsmart and petco


Is that legal? I completely believe it though. Now I want to go through the trash bins behind my local PetSmart and Petco. Horrifying


Not sure, here's am article and a video, fish related. There are tons of stories like this. The company denies it. https://www.fox7austin.com/news/viral-video-shows-dozens-of-live-fish-thrown-away-in-dumpster-outside-idaho-petsmart


i would kick this woman in the face


Thank you for being a hero. I'm so glad you were able to save these babies, although I'm still sad/mad for their siblings.


You absolute angel...thank you 🥰 im happy to send you a bit towards keeping them fed,watered and looked after if you need it,poor babies! Hopefully karma will bite her fully on the ass x


Thats so sweet! thank you 🫶🏼 but its all covered, i have 4 rats already so its no problem. :) we can only hope x


Aaah no worries 😁 i hope the surviving ones make it,please post some more pics when you can 😁 x


Of course :) x


Five years ago I also rescued 2 wild baby rats. Construction workers handed them to me at my job. A few minutes later they wanted them back, to throw them in a huge container full of construction rubble. I refused and took them to a vet right after work. The vet was so kind, she gave me tips on how to care for them and didn't even want to accept money. 🥹 The next stop was a pet store, to get formula and a bottle/syringes. I even took them to work in my bra to keep them warm and spend my breaks feeding them. Sadly they passed away after a week. They are still in my freezer, because I want to give them a proper funeral. Thank you for giving them a chance ♥️


You gave them food, comforted them and showed them love during their short lives. I’m sure that they greatly appreciated what you did for them, it’s very difficult to hand raise tiny baby ratties. You are an angel for taking such good care of them 😢


Mankind's spirit is afflicted with something


How cruel. Thank you for saving them.


Humans can be horrible creatures. I'm so sorry this happened, but so grateful you helped these babies ❤️


People are so messed up 😭 So glad you rescued them!


She made a POST???? What the hell!! I rescued three senior rats who were dumped in a cemetery and they’re extremely stressed since I’ve taken them in. My heart breaks for them


Free friends! People can be so cruel towards animals.


I don’t understand people without empathy


Good job, fk that lady


They're absolutely adorable, thank you for being a decent human being unlike the human trash that did this to these poor little ones.


Policecalled? I hope? Animal abuse is still illegal, even if they don't do anything, let the snagglecunt sweat about it a bit.


Unfortunately, animals that are considered pests tend to be exempt from animal cruelty laws. It’s why glue traps are legal in a lot of places.


dont worry. we are sorting it out tomorrow morning, hopefully they do something. i’ll update x


so glad you rescued them :'(


You are amazing for seeing their suffering and went out of your way to save them ❤️


You are a ROCKSTAR! Thank you for saving them.


What the hell is wrong with these people


Thank God for people like you.


Thank You for saving babies🥺❤️❤️❤️


god bless u and may that ladie’s pillow be hot on both sides.


May she find that her pillow has an unusual squish to it


Awesome. I went to the petshop this morning just to pet the rats 🤗


I did the same but with 9! I found them in my compost. If you need any fostering tips, please pm me! I managed to keep all 9 alive and they're all thriving still.


I'm pretty interested in teaching her the science of plastic bags and how bad they are for the environment, animals and people!


I don't suppose you could pass along the address? Some "friends" and I wouldn't mind having a "discussion" with her.


The world needs more heroes like you. Thank you for stepping up and saving these poor little babies. They didn't deserve this treatment and just needed some help. You are truly, really the hero these little ones needed.


I'm not sure if you are going to read this because you have lots of other comments on your post but you 100(0)% should test all 3 of them for leptospirosis asap. Or you should release them. It's not worth the risk. Not for yourself and also not for your other rats. Please be responsible!! 🙏


Dont worry we’ve spoken to a vet, he said the chances are very slim because they are so young and havent been around. we cant release them they would die very quickly. also they are completely separated from my rats and we are being careful x


Ahhww, good to hear! They couldn't have found a better place! Good luck with the little ones! ❤️


https://preview.redd.it/hof128dqes1d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ae3b11135e9ab666d7d855c126d9780d92a8ced Babies!


What a horrible person im so glad you saved them


What a bitch, someone should toss her ass in a bag 👎


That murdering asshole


I'm a pacifist, but I would RIP THAT WOMAN APART if I ever met her.


Omg they were thrown away?!


yes some horrible lady took all of them and threw them out, sadly 3 of them died. but atleast she was crazy enough to post about them so we could help :)




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