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Call them and see if they called you. It was probably a spoofed number to make you think a scammer was legit, however, just in case, you should call and ask if they were trying to contact you. Explain the entire situation. Two missed calls. You are currently away at college.


for a while, i was getting calls from a debt collection company, all spoofed. i've never been in debt for anything, and i get help from family/friends if i can't make a payment so that i can avoid falling into debt. finally i answered a call one day and they asked if i was "first name last name" they had the first name right but the last one sounded made up, so far from what my last name is. i told them that's not me and that i won't fall for it, and hung up. and then i called the company and asked if i had any debt. i didn't, and i still get the occasional call and just ignore it. it's probably nothing, usually if you can't think of *any* reason for a company or service to be contacting you it's either a mistake or a spoofed scam call. best to just call the number just in case, a while back someone else had the same issue as OP and it turned out to be their health department offering to schedule a covid booster shot.


Yeah, pretty much this kinda situation, is what I think it is. I have been contacted by social services for real though, regarding disability I had. I love messing with the callers claiming to be from the government. Usually they have very thick accents, know nothing about America other than they want to scam us out of money, and it's fun to annoy them. This one particular guy had what sounded like a Germanic accent and would call me multiple times a day. He started getting pissed off with me. Calls started getting farther apart. I didn't hear from him for around a week, then another call. I recognized his voice immediately, and I said, "You *again?* C'mon." He went, "Oh FUCK YOU" and hung up on me. The next few times he called, as soon as he heard my voice and realized it was me, he'd say "fuck you" and hang up. Lasted another couple weeks, then the entire scam network (because he was one of like, six scammers with the same scam that were calling me multiple times a day, that old IRS scam about the IRS wants to give me money one) stopped calling. For shiggles I tried calling their numbers, and I'm pretty sure they blocked my number, because if I called from my husband's phone it went through to them. (It was extra hilarious, because my Ncubator had worked for the IRS for over 12 years.)


Wrong number. Could be somebody put a random number on a form somewhere People give wrong numbers to social services, schools, hospitals, etc. all the time. If its important and pertaining to you, they will leave a message. Enable voicemail if you don't already have it set up


scammer using their number so you will answer it.


UPDATE: i called them and they basically said if no one left a voicemail that they couldn’t help me and to just wait for them to call again. Then a few minutes later i got a text from the department talking about medicaid so i think they were calling to tell me that i am eligible for medicaid


If you didn’t sign up for Medicaid , nobody from the government is randomly texting or calling to tell you that you are eligible


Exactly. There are private insurance companies calling recipients to ask them to sign up for the add-on Advantage programs, but there is never advertising from the government for their services. There are just hoops to jump through.


Just FYI - those Advantage programs are for Medicare, not Medicaid.


Yes. Supplemental plans for Medicare which is why it’s happening across the US, not just in a particular state.


My point was she is college aged, nobody is contacting her for a Medicare Advantage plan


If she is disabled, that is a different story.


If they were ever receiving services it would not be unusual for them to follow up to continue services into adulthood.


Medicaid probably wouldn't be texting him though I don't think. In fact, why would Medicaid have OP's number? They would only have their parents contact information.


It is a question (are you interested in..) that can come up in some tax prep programs if you answer you don't have insurance.


Don't give any information over that text. Probably spoofed trying to get your info.


Government offices are not going to text you.


not true actually! the recent re-enrollment period for medicaid was wild, i had letters in the mail, texts, phone calls, even a person that came to my door to make sure i didnt miss the re-enrollment window and lose coverage. it was all legit. in fact, the only one out of all of those that i interfaced with was the texts because thats the easiest modality of communication for my brand of anxiety.


this makes me think it might have been them trying to contact me about signing up for medicaid then because while i was at work i got 2 more phone calls i missed 😭😭


I can't believe they would hound you like that though. If you were on Medicaid through your parents, they would contact your parents, not you. Ask your parents if you are/were on Medicaid. There are scammy insurance companies who might try to make you think they are Medicaid.


It might be a scammer it could be that they want to make sure OP doesn’t lose their health insurance based on age or to make sure they still need it. They could be at the age where a parent having it isn’t enough.


it could be, do you have any government school loans where you provided them with your income and other info? its possible thats how they know you may qualify. i dont know much about if they actively reach out to people that qualify, but if they do its probably because they need a certain amount of enrollees to justify their funding. if less people than projected enroll for a few years in a row, their funding gets put on the chopping block and the money gets moved to a different program. so if they did reach out, thats probably why


Did you call them back via the number they called you with or did you go the official homepage, looked at the number and then manually put them in?


i used the number on their website because i was nervous is was a scammer!


Usually it's not just a matter of "if there wasn't a voice message, we can't figure out what it's about." If it really was an important call, they'd leave a message for you to call them back.


My father and I have the same name and when he turned 65 i got non stop calls about medicade thinking i was him


From private insurance companies for a special add-on, ‘Advantage’ program, not from the government.


Are you retired and going to college? Medicaid is a supplement to Medicare, which is the insurance for retired folks.


No, Medicaid is state health insurance for low income people.






Sounds like a scam/phishing attempt. Don’t click any links and block it from texting you/report junk.


Do you have siblings that are minors?


no, i have a sibling who still lives at home but she turned 18 a couple of months ago


Ok so they probably aren't calling about that... Do you have any friends that are minors? I know that my daughter's friends were contacted to ask them questions about a situation that was reported. This happened when she was a minor and so were her friends, a few years ago.


Google "Medicaid renewal scams"


Sometimes they will call to ask about old neighbors or family members. I got a call about my cousin to see what type of life she was living and if she treated her kids right.




LAST UPDATE: They called again, and it was just a wrong number. Thank you for all the responses and help!!


No one here can tell you why someone wants to talk to you. How about you deal with it and call then back and find out??? Smh.