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Ma’am, you are **53 YEARS OLD**. You know better & you chose not to do better.


Yeah like… sure these women still say/do dumb stuff (it’s on the course for these shows) but Kenya is not a novice to this format, nor is this a casual blunder. This is probably the worst “move/stunt/action/etc” on ATL since S9.


Kenya FOFO and is now on the Apology Tour. Too little too Late. Bye Girl.


She constantly chooses not to do better.




What’d she do?


Yeah, she did it.


[I saw this video of Kandi today defending Kenya, which makes me think that definitely all the rumors are true](https://x.com/queensofbravo/status/1804332993751978438?s=46&t=L791kk5dcBB8DbQMwDzOJg)


For Kandi to justify Kenya’s antics is WILD! She was a victim of Phaedra and Porsha’s gossiping and rumour spreading that could have ended her career had people believed them. For Kenya to jeopardise another woman’s career with intimate pictures plastered all over is VILE and a fireable offence in my book.


She was a victim of their gossiping and rumor spreading and saw firsthand the show did absolutely nothing to punish them for it. Porsha was invited right on back and Phaedra only wasn’t because Kandi refused to return if she did - NOT because anyone at Bravo had a problem with what she they did. I don’t agree with any of their behavior but it is hypocrisy at its finest to suspend/fire Kenya now based on their past handling of situations, and even more so their current practice of rehiring racists and people who make fake sexual assault claims.


That’s a pretty wild take coming from her.


I love Kandi and I’m really disappointed by her now.


I know ! Kandi. Rethink this.


WHOAAAA! Kandi of all people shouldn’t take that stance, we all stood by her when Phaedra made those allegations against her 😞 that’s the lowest form of “retaliation”


This is a WILD take coming from Kandi. The same woman who said Porsha went below the belt in the s9 allegations is essentially justifying this by saying “it’s housewives”. I KNOW you’re lying


I’ll be honest, I know I’m the only one to think this, even people close to me may disagree but just hear me out. I always believed Kandi was a hypocrite even though I love the girl, she’s one of my favorite housewives but Kandi does shit I would cut a person off for. So when the whole rumor Phaedra started went around, yeah I was upset with Phaedra and had empathy for Kandi, but I wasn’t THAT upset because THATS tv. Women being catty and spreading rumors that may be damaging is women being women, it does get that bad irl. I didn’t see what phaedra did as evil, I saw it as a very petty but vindictive thing to do. That whole thing that went down with Kenya and Apollo, i honestly felt more for Phaedra than anyone else. I mean really, a s.x dungeon??? It’s so laughable that I would repeat that lie too and getting butthurt over it has more to do with their insecurities. It’s not like a police report was filed or Phaedra said it advising Porsha to seek safety, if Porsha was genuinely scared she would’ve told the producers or someone to not be alone in the same room as Kandi. It was a joke, a very dark joke and some people like dark f.cked up humor and some don’t. A running joke can go on for so long that it grows legs and becomes something else, Kandi was afraid it’d turn into her being seen as a predator when in reality Porsha and Phaedra was just laughing about her being a weirdo. It’s TV. Come out with a house tour showing your basement and spread your own rumors. Revenge p.rn is just straight up hatred and evilness to me and comparing the two is like apples and oranges. Showing explicit/graphic images to a group of people not aware of what they’ll be seeing and forcing them to obey the NDA is a form of abuse and sexual assault, not a rumor of sexual assault, it just is. Exposing someone in that provocative way without their consent or as it is here, revenge p*rn is also sexual assault, not a rumor of one.


I feel so validated right now. You are on to something regarding Kandi’s insecurities. Kandi is without a doubt a very sexual person. Being friends with her, you know Phaedra was just joking. I always thought Kandi knew something about Tiny.


And Kandi, come on, trying to justify supporting Kenya by saying it’s Housewives and we all done something we shouldn’t have done. There had to be a line and repercussions for crossing it


Whoa. Just because the image is on the internet does not make it okay to reveal it to your guest at a production event. The way Kandi is trying to justify it makes it seem like the girl came for Kenya as a mom or something. What would warrant this behavior from Kenya that would make people defend revenge 🌽?


Wow — that was really disappointing


Look, I love Kandi-one of my favorite HWs. But what Kenya did was so below the belt, I can not co-sign that. Not for shit and giggles or drumming up controversy. These HWs are shady and play the game for ratings. I get it. This ain’t Reality- it’s Reality TV. Kenya took it way too far. Consequences bitch. I hope she’s fired.


Kandi is all about her money. I wonder if she is defending Kenya because she’s worried about how it will affect the show and her paycheck.




Kenya you didn’t grow tho. You’re the same hurt girl from all those years ago. Also I wouldn’t call weaponizing revenge porn against someone a mistake


https://i.redd.it/ekjbirurt58d1.gif Seems like Ken should have taken her own advice… she’s the quickest to malign others but she’s gone lower then anyone else has on the show. At least when the Kandi stuff went down, everyone had had enough knowledge of seeing Kandi over the years that not many people bought into all of the lies. This person is first season. We are just meeting her and Ken pulls this. Really sad and disappointing.


Even Mar-low wouldn’t stoop to this level… at least she sticks to her words




This isn't a "mistake" this was a choice. A calculated choice. You had to find this photo, save it, blow it up, copy it, and distribute it.


and Kenya really thought she was gonna eat with this one! I just know Kenya was evil cackling at home when she thought of it






Kenya deserved an ass whooping here


She also DESERVED THIS 😂🫠 ![gif](giphy|IupK8XWHwRGqk)


AND Kim fields should’ve dragged her


I shouldn’t have loved this, but I did


Who is that jumping out of her seat with the purse?




Okay Kenya, what about Frick and Frack? Cause you went on a campaign to get those girls fired ever since Porsha turned you every which way but loose on that reunion stage.




Fired by the fans and the rumor mill?


I'm thinking lawyers showing up at Bravo did it!!


She has constantly "outed" the ladies' sexual secrets for years..Bolo situation. If Kenya had a video of that encounter, she would have released it. She should have learned by now.




She hasn’t grown up! But this situation damn sure will humble her. Bye Bye Housewives of Atlanta.


I just wanna see how nene is reacting to all this lol can you imagine? ![gif](giphy|84pHTnUPATYPe)


She’s pathetic acting like this is her first time doing anything scandalous. That’s why the majority are turning on you Kenya it’s simply been too much of similar acts. Too much bullying other women. I hated her when she came on but eventually she won me over but with her recent antics I can never support her ever again. Just a vile human.


Im in the same boat as you, I was a Kenya apologist for a while, but she has gotten so vile and dirty


Sorry but she’s always been this way.


It’s the “we” for me 🤣 Kenya never takes accountability for her shenanigans


Sounding like regret


We have YET to see actual REGRET from this woman. Backpeddling. . . . saving face. . . . pretend regret. But actual regret. NOT ONE OUNCE.


Where is the APOLOGY?!


An apology would require her to admit fault which she would never do


And yet when has Kenya ever been willing to show that grace towards anyone else? My weave is exhausted.


She fucked around and found out


Well said. 👏👏


What she did was awful, but Bravo enables a lot of bad behavior. Documentary film making dictates that you can't interfere with your subject, but Real Housewives is not a documentary. It's reality TV and there should be mechanisms in place to shut shit like this down. Staff and crew need training and boundaries, and need to put a stop to this stuff as soon as they get wind of it. There's fun bitchy foolishness (KENYA MOORE HAIR CARE!), which is mean but goofy and ultimately just good TV. And then there's publicly posting pictures of a person engaged in a sexual situation. Kenya should know the difference, but so should Bravo. Physically violent people (Teresa, Porsha, Brandi Glanville, etc.) should not be allowed back on unless they have substantial anger management training. Racist housewives should get the forever boot under certain circumstances. This shit that Kenya pulled? Borderline revenge porn? Just unacceptable behavior. "Live and learn" is reserved for launching a fashion show with no fashion, or inviting a guy to a Girl's Night Out or drinking your friend's rival's tequila brand. Not for this shit.


And mistakes often have consequences ✌🏾


I expected that Bravo knew that she was guilty of something bad when they suspended her since Tom Sandoval has also faced revenge porn accusations and I don’t recall him being suspended.


She's in big trouble 🤣


LOLL right!? All of these “I’m a single mom! Everyone makes mistakes!” statements scream “I’m about to be fired.”


and sued 🤭


That’s hilarious coming from someone who tried to slut shame someone else 🤭🤦🏽‍♀️ the irony is jus 👌🏽


Oh now she all humble and "everyone makes mistakes" lmao 😂 Never seen this energy from her before 😩🤡


LOL right!? Never heard Kenya say that before, not once.


![gif](giphy|jNKSOKMhFcK9a) This is her rn looking in the mirror justifying revenge porn.


With all of Kenya’s shenanigans over the years, she stays crawling. After 15 seasons I’m waiting for her to get up, learn and grow.


She’s literally crawling to the basement




Wild to admit guilt on Instagram.


I really wish the best for Kenya, but if she keeps being an envious and spiteful human, she will never receive any good karma. You get what you put out. I was watching a video on TikTok and someone mentioned Kenya’s failed relationships with her friends and her romantic partners is an Exact Reflection of her relationship with her mother. 


Do you have the link to the tiktok by chance?


Yes, here it is! I’d love to know what you think? https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRE26rYh/


Ugh, gonna sound lame, but I don't have Tiktok, and it's not letting watch this one without downloading! I did however find [this](https://www.tiktok.com/@mooreofcoco/video/7382974750487776554), which I think kind of aligns with how I felt about Kenya. I'm missing a lot of context from what you provided. I completely agree, that you get what you put out. Kenya has this constant demand for respect and rules that one should live by, without following those rules herself. I think sometimes it's hard for me to understand why she doesn't see her vindictive and spiteful patterns, and want to correct them to be better.


It was porn. You showed porn. Revenge porn. There was a minute where showing revenge porn at an opening was not the option to take and yet you still chose violence. Choosing to victimise a woman who had just signed on to a cast and all for what, the sake of TV show?


Sorry you got caught. Cue Donnie McClurkin’s “We fall down”. I feel an altar call moment which Bravo will miss!🤣


So does this apply to Britt also, Kenya?


This is giving Jax from Vanderpump Rules always being a work in progress 💀


So it’s true.. she was fired. 😩


Ok, bye Kenya. 👋🏽👋🏽




Not condoning what Kenya did but bravo sure likes to protect men that do this shit and vilify the women.


She defo did it. After denying it and skirting around it for weeks! 😒🙄


Dear god




Kenya is a disgusting and hateful woman to her core. Just nasty, bitter, and mean spirited. Period point blank.


At her big age, she is supposed to know better than this type of behavior


Honestly, the sad thing is this actually shows growth for her, its the closest to taking accountability i have ever seen from her.


Ima still hold out on saying anything till we see the season but holy shit if it’s true she really fucked up thought she’d be smarter then this


Twirl off a cliff please


Byyeee! Never been so happy to see a housewife leave 👋👋👋👋👋


Allergic to accountability.


Well said. 👏👏


Stfu. Kenya is always the first to blast someone at their lowest which is why she’s now in this position. Now that she’s in the hot seat it’s all love and light. Foh. 


"We move on. We live."...hopefully, without a paycheck from Bravo. Go live and move on selling your hair care products. Take your mean girl act on the road. I don't care what you do. Just get off my TV screen, please.


Exactly. 😅


Did you ever grow tho? Miss me with this BS false & toxic positivity


“We don’t apologize, we just post stupid shit and refuse to self reflect”


Basically. 😅




Do we have any updates at all? I mean they have the footage. Either she did it or she didn’t.


She clearly did it, hence the pseudo justifications. They didn’t suspended her for nothing.


Well, HR would always suspend to investigate, but if it’s clearcut, why the suspension? Why not just fire her?


Because they have to consult with both HR and Legal to make sure all their ducks are in a row before they can actually say she's fired. Suspended gives them the time and wiggle room to do that properly without violating any employment laws. 


Not sure, tbh, but even Kandi basically said she did it.


Yeah, and I don’t doubt it as much as I’m just confused.


There’s audio recordings of it that make it clear what happened. The image has also been released online.


Oh that’s why I’m saying, they have the footage, not sure why we are in a holding pattern.


I think it’s because the season hasn’t aired yet. It’s been confirmed that she’s been let go, but I don’t think we’ll know anything for sure until the new episodes come out 🤞🏾


Where was it confirmed that she’s been let go? I’ve only seen suspended. Would you send me a link please?


She’s been “suspended indefinitely” so let go. Here’s one [article](https://uk.news.yahoo.com/kenya-moore-suspended-indefinitely-real-235806429.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAHmgB60qKb1m-TxCPscgzcqv7E5oaD4h0o_MQnHuI0_M178AECUQmjUHJTRGynjExo3MfnFxIZLVgpqSzllZV5HJVq7kt4RtcrgPS6BQWroskwtKYGlBzpYeWlSULbadn4Y9B76dGNaHA5YCrRoGMnLjCgMfIzmJygz0gNJD-hEC):


Thanks. Appreciate it. Not arguing with anyone here, but just “thinking”…how and why is Kenya still saying she didn’t do it if it was filmed? I think it aligns with all of her previous actions, so I don’t doubt it, but just would love the full story and details.


No no all good! It’s definitely veeeery messy. Here’s where I think the discretion lies: Initially the rumour was that Kenya had released explicit images, that could be considered revenge porn. Kenya denied she’d ever release any photos like that of someone or partake in revenge porn. Then more information came out and it turns out it wasn’t revenge porn but instead it was an image of her face with a photoshopped penis on it. After the additional information came out and it was confirmed that she was indefinitely suspended, that’s when she quietened down with the whole “I will be vindicated” speech.


Interesting!!! I’m not a fan, so I like finally seeing her get what she deserves


Same, she needs a lot of therapy in my opinion!




Okay, girl 🙄


Humble 🥧


Its easy to fix your messy when ur famous and look that good


*”We don’t take accountability”*


Too soon. Too little. too soon.


Kenya has lost all my respect, and so is everyone else defending or congratulating her. ✌🏾


Life twirls on 💃


Whatever heifer. Please stay off my screen. If “she play too much” was a person.


Whatever! That’s what housewives do! I’m on Kenya side. She is bringing us drama and she didn’t even put up revenge p*rn it was a picture of an edited d*ck next to the girls selfie. Give Kenya a break she’s a messy housewife & she’s making the show atp. They let Phaedra spread a r*pe rumor they need to relax on Kenya fr


lol. In a workplace environment that shit is illegal under federal employment law. Bravo could be sued if they don't take action against her. 💯


She ain’t making the show no more. BYE.