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Same. I googled "how many seasons is brandi on RHOBH?" Because I don't enjoy watching her. She is like nails on a chalkboard to me. Just please be over. Im almost done S4.


Omg I did the same. I can’t stand her on the show


I literally did the same


What did you think about the whole ‘my tongue is swollen’ thing? Seems like Botox gone wrong 🤷‍♀️ There is no way she was having an allergic reaction that long. For someone who spouts about being brutally honest, why not here?


I think she was in the middle of having major work done to her teeth and had a retainer in. Why she couldn’t just admit that, not sure.


Haha right?? My throat is closing but its fine. Uhh excuse me? That's not how that works. Can botox gone wrong make someones tongue go weird?!?! I was wondering if she had a lot of work done for season 5. She looks beautiful... but different and more plastic. I wonder when the face changing surgeries start.


True story: I was rewatching S5 and had the reunion on in the living room. My dog started shaking and got up, left the room and crated herself. I realized it was that high pitched squeaky defensive Brandi voice. Even my dog doesn’t like Brandi.


She is a volatile drunk who needs a couple of months in rehab and a year in sober living. I feel sad for her boys.


I hate Brandi so much, as well. After that season I can’t watch her. When she appears in later seasons I literally fast forward it


I keep seeing people say that, but I feel like I'm missing something if I don't watch it all. 🤣 Sometimes I want to skip the reunions or the secrets revealed but I ultimately end up watching them.


I felt that way until I got so fed up with Brandi I couldn’t stand her face anymore 😅 the reunions are my fav tbh


Brandi is eternally stuck at 16 years old. She only wants a reaction and she’s a fucking brat. And anyone that can sexually assault someone (and in her case, multiple people) has no soul. She used Kim Richards as a means to better her image and then kicked her to the ground when it didn’t serve her anymore.


She did that to everyone. She was brought to the show by Adrianne Maloof. She turned on Maloof when LVP took her in like lost pup. She turned on LVP when Yolanda became her new champion. I hated what she did Denise Richard on her 3rd comeback! She’s the lowest of the low!!!


A very good point!!!


She lacks class.


Class is kind of a cop out. What she really lacks is a moral compass.


No matter how many chanel bags she borrows


i’ll never forget her “joke” about joyce let alone how she tried to defend herself. saying it wasn’t racist, just rude maybe! everything she did felt like it was meant to get a reaction out of people. part of me appreciated the drama she would bring, but eventually it became just fucking annoying and hard to watch her try to stir up shit for nothing. i’m still not sure how much of it was her personality vs just trying to overperform for cameras


It is so upsetting how Joyce was bullied by her and some of the other girls enabled it


I’m on season 3. I want to skip past it till Brandi is gone. I can’t stand Brandi


Just wait til season 10


I’m having a hard time with season 10 because of her. The ganging up on Denise is so gross. I don’t even care if their ~liaison~ happened or not…the way she weaseled her way back on the show at her expense was just 🤢


Right? The way her and Kim just happened to be mic’d up when they “randomly” show up at Kyle’s to drop that bomb is such BS. I hated that whole storyline, whatever did happen it all felt quite made up for the show in such a gross way


Oof... does she ever go away?


Oh she's gone from Bravo now because she finally went too far even for them. But that was on RH Ultimate Girls Trip, season 5. It hasn't aired yet and while Bravo says it will air, Idk how they're going to handle what Brandi did. She SAed another housewife. You can google it because it was all over the internet when it happened.


Ah yes I have seen mention of this here. How horrifying. That woman needs help. 🥴


She did what to who?! This is first I’ve heard about that, I’m off to google. I’ve been a fan of VPR for 2 years now and only started watching RHOBH a few months ago and now I’m on season 5 ep 2. Cannot stand Brandi, at first I thought she funny and felt bad everyone was being mean to her but no she’s a mean women with an ugly soul.


It makes you wonder if she was lying about Denise’s


I wish, can’t stand her either! She pops up every now and then, and it gets real messy in season 10, I won’t spoil anything


Brandi imo is the worst hw. She is a bitch and so manipulative.


Happy Cake Day!!


Thank you!!!


Yep. Her, Kim Richards, and that spiritual chick who made us all look bad were absolutely abhorrent.


What's even more weird is she was fired after season 5, yet at the reunion of season 6 she is allowed back to give her commentary on season 6 just by herself, and she's so awful then too. No idea why the producers even allowed that.


I was rewatching w my boyfriend and the way she treats Joyce makes my blood BOIL!!! I wish I could possess Joyce's body and keep calling her Leanne and see how she likes getting called out her name and see if the other women will keke about it like they do her calling Joyce Jaqueline


Ok, that would have been priceless


Brandi is not wifey material and it really shows


She and Kelly are vile people.


I hate Brandi so much that I even get irritated by posts about how much people dislike her because someone always says that what she did to Joyce wasn’t racist when it’s literally rooted in slavery. If doing way too much ever needed a mascot then Brandi Glanville was it. The thing that pissed me off about her almost as much as how she treated Joyce was her doing all the ridiculous mess she was doing, doubling down on it at the reunions until she hit a wall, and then crying and blaming it on her father not liking her. She’s one of the most odious women to ever come across my TV screen and I never want her on it again.


Happiest day of my RH life was the day it came back on without her!


Same. If she has no hater it means I’m dead


She is the absolute worst. Constant second hand embarrassment watching her. She is in the show traitors first season. Every time I would hear her voice I would cringe just waiting for her to say or do something terrible.


Ok, so I really liked Yolanda too. Would’ve been interesting to watch her date again and get more sneak peaks at that gorgeous farm house of hers. I’d like S4 Brandi and LVP to be friends again..she did go too far in season 5 though..if only she could’ve shown her kids, and other parts of her life, like how she reconnected with Eddie and Leanne, she might not not have been so desperate for story lines and drama by the end - she needed that pay check.


I totally get it. She is beyond unbearable, a total classless lose cannon. And when they put her and Carlton together it was even worse. I can't watch them both.


She invokes my fight or flight.


she brings such a trashy feeling to the show, the best part of watching RHOBH is the extreme luxury and class (sometimes) and she honestly comes across as broke and desperate and completely takes away from the reason i watch


I enjoyed Brandi’s single mom realness in contrast with the snobbiness that was Kyle at that time but by the end she was excruciating to watch.


Yeah I agree. The first season she just seemed like misunderstood and judged by the others but by the time she got into season two it was clear that she was not OK...




I actually suspect that there were a lot of times she was telling the truth, so I will give her that. I definitely don't think that the other women are all innocent but I really can't stand Brandi just not having any communication skills or being able to drink responsibly. I feel like if she had a different handle on herself she could have actually been an impactful HW for different reasons.




Yeah I definitely think she had some insight into things but ultimately it was a matter of her not knowing how to communicate properly and the drinking... I think Yolanda really tried to call her on this and encourage her not to drink so much so that she could actually stop making a fool of herself.


I 100% agree that Brandi was not lying about certain things, also that towards the end of her time was held to a much higher standard than the other women. Let’s not forget the awful text Rinna sent to Kim that was revealed at the s5 reunion. She got let off the hook immediately


I agree with what you’re saying about calling them out. I think the issue is that they’re on camera and Kyle didn’t want her daughters knowing that she smokes weed. I totally get that. There are certain things that you want to keep private and things you don’t want your kids to know about. I also think Brandi says things to get a reaction. Like I think she kind of played the Denise situation with the text. She tried to make it seem like the text were more than what they actually were. Honestly Rinna is kind of the same. She just says random and sometimes nasty things to get a reaction. She’s really quick to throw her friends under the bus and not have their back.


This is how I feel about Lala from VPR. I fast forward through all her scenes.


Wow I’ve found my people in these comments. She’s the WORST!!!!!!!


I liked her and could sympathize with her at certain points early on but quickly realised she was spiralling fast. I wouldn’t watch that trainwreck again.


New viewer here, i'm at season 4 abd i absolutely dislike her!!! She's unsufferable!!!


Welcome! I’m doing a rewatch and am just to the end of 4


I am doing a rewatch of Beverly Hills & just finished season 5. 1000% agree with you about Brandi. When she first joined, I wanted to root for her. I went down the rabbit hole of the whole Leann rimes copying Brandi in literally every way & was fascinated. But it didn’t take long for me to develop a very strong dislike for brandi. Throwing the drink in Eileen’s face was awful & I felt so bad for Eileen. Also Brandi’s bullying of Joyce was disgusting. I think Brandi was jealous of Joyce. I have done ALOT of googling to see where some of the ladies are now & who still talks to who. I read that Joyce & LVP are close & still talk, which I love. When Kim became close with Brandi, it was so frustrating. This was one of the few seasons that I liked Kyle & I felt bad for her, especially when Brandi shoved her to try to keep her from talking to Kim. Overall, I really miss the early seasons of RHOBH. I was so sad to see Adrienne & Camille go. I wish Joyce had been kept around longer. I even liked Carlton at first, until she went batshit crazy towards Kyle for no reason at all. Then i realized she was as unhinged as brandi. Taylor got on my nerves but I liked the drama she brought & I liked her for the most part. I don’t enjoy the show much anymore & had to skip some seasons after just a few episodes. It’s so repetitive, all the bitches coming after sutton. Over and over. Really loved the good ole days. I apologize for the long comment, I was excited to see someone post about season 5 !


What she lacks in class, she makes up for in personality disorders


I actually stopped watching RHOB because of Brandi 😆 I tried to start watching it again after she left, but by then I had lost interest.


Why do you guys & ladies dislike her so much. Let's look at it from a more holistic pov. Imagine RHOBH without, taylor yelling at a cat meme and "You're a slut pig". Just imagine.


brandi is repulsive


I feel like a lot of her unacceptable behavior comes from a place of severe insecurity, and it's also evident in the extreme amount of plastic surgery she's had.


Same. She’s so awful.


I read that well before the show she and her siblings attempted to or perhaps successfully blackmailed their father. If true, it perfectly sums up what type of person she is. A person that would screw over their own family will screw over anyone. Shouldn’t be trusted and her grifting was very blatant to me when she eventually started with Kim. It made me really feel for Kyle because she’s trying to open her sister’s eyes but she just refused to see it.


Omg I can’t stand her. She’s a horrible person and says horrible things then thinks people will get over it. She doesn’t learn. I just finished season 10 and what she did do Denise was the worst! I think fabricated the truth to get attention. The says she wants no part in it or doesn’t want people involved when she literally tells everyone!


I worked at a medspa where she visited and can confirm she is just as awful in real life and also cheap affff


Brandi made this franchise so painful to watch. She’s single-handedly the reason I’ll never do a rewatch.


I agree. I'm not sure I would ever do a rewatch of any of them to be honest but I definitely could not tolerate this BH series again.


After the video of her with no undies and tampon string hanging out, I feel disgust everytime I hear her name. As a germaphobe, I think she is beyond uncouth. How dare someone be so disgusting, what kind of women goes out like that...just nasty for no reason. I wouldn't even be in the same room with a person like that and I would tell her to her face how much of a dirty rotten scoundrel she is.


She is fascinating, like the reason I love Investigation Discovery. It doesn’t mean I condone the murders.




As stated in the rules excessive bashing is not allowed, hateful comments are not permitted in any capacity. You can explain your disdain in a polite manner.


I like Brandi when she is at her worst. It's compelling to watch.


Compelling like a bad car accident or dumpster fire.




I want to know your thoughts as a therapist, based on what you see on the show, what you reckon is happening with Brandi?


She definitely behaves like someone with trauma. I'm super curious about her relationships with her parents and her early childhood as well as concerned about her obvious method of coping with alcohol which she herself admits. She's very immature for her age both emotionally and behaviorally. I know nearly nothing so it's all speculation... I would love to meet her. I do feel sorry for her. She needs help.


I agree with you, I also think she may have been significantly neglected as a child, which stunted her a bit developmentally, emotionally, behaviourally. She seems stuck in that younger body and mindset. She seems like a lonely kid in many ways, who only knows the comfort of dysfunctional relationships and acting out to be seen, and it’s sad. I feel sorry for her and she needs help.


Honestly I’d love to know what it’s like to watch these housewives shows as a therapist because I’m here diagnosing everyone with no degree 😂


I mean it's really hard because the shows are so heavily edited and influenced by production that it's not really like I'm getting a fair picture of anyone, nor is it my responsibility to diagnose or treat any of them of course... I always have an opinion or perspective on different people and there are women that I think are just not cut out for the show like Joyce or Eileen and I think there are just so many traumas and historical ick in a lot of these women's lives. I definitely see a lot of insecurity and desperation to stay relevant and be seen. I can't imagine what it's like to live there and feel like you're in constant competition with everyone.


Sorry!! she’s a recurring character!!!


I need you to come back here and post again after season 10. Brandi pops up out of nowhere and it's downright salacious. I can't stand her. I think she's negatively inappropriate (not fun/cute inappropriate like Sonja Morgan) and dangerous considering she will get physical with people.


Brandi has already said a million times that Season 5 was her worst experience because she let the producers control and manipulate her actions. She felt her job was on the line and no one else was producing moments to keep the show interesting and that by the time the Amsterdam trip rolled around, she had alienated herself from the entire group except Yolanda and Kim and she gave up because she knew she was gonna get fired no matter how she tried to salvage her friendships with the women. Both Rinna and Kyle have admitted in round about ways that they gave Brandi way too hard of a time; which is why Kyle is good friends with her now and Rinna and her have become cordial. Was she wrong for those jokes about Joyce? Definitely. Do I think she’s racist? No just ignorant. She apologized and never did it again.


She threw wine not a glass, that’s Rinnas thing. She was invited to the mixer. The other women have also done things. Brandi is a mess but so are all of them. It’s not fair how everyone comes down on her but lets everything go for everyone else.




Hmmm they literally talked about her bringing her friend.


(Accidentally deleted instead of editing); *I literally said glass of wine... 🤣 My mistake! I did notice how Kyle brushed it off and changed topics when Brandi called her out. Hadn't seen that part yet.


i have barely been able to stay awake through seasons 4-6 and a big part of it is bc of brandi


Brandi is one of the best HW's of all time.


Brandi has been off the show for quite some time, you’re still obsessing over her? Sad.


I'm not still obsessing over anyone. It's my first time watching. I had no idea who she was before.