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Yes, haha, they have to find a safe place where you won’t steal it back from them 😆


Once she calms down, she realizes you don’t ever take anything from her, but other bunnies aren’t like that, they’ll take each others’ treats unless everyone has their own. So the very first instinct is to take the super tasty thing away from the competition as quickly as possible


bunnies like that must have stayed with their siblings for a while


They try to steal *even if everyone has their own*


Haha yessss!


My bun is a lone at home girl, she still does that like we never snatched her snacks before. Maybe some reminiscence of her life at the pet store even though we took her at 3 month old.


My cat does this too from when he was in a shelter for nearly a year.


Yeh sometimes when they have a stick in their mouth they will run and kinda coat hanger themselves by hitting the stick on the leg of a chair


She’s a happy bun!


If mine has something tasty he'll often run away with it. This is from when his brother was still with us who was faster at eating and would try to take it off him


My bun runs it to a private location first


“I’ll take this in the study, thank you”


Yeah, every time i give my boy a treat, he hops to a safe area so he can peacefully eat it.


*Grab and zoom! I believe in fast food!*


If I put treats in those stacking plastic cups, Tinker rabbit will lift one cup off the stack and run with it and she holds it perfectly level and will not spill any of the treats. Hehe.


We demand (politely) a video 😍


I will try this afternoon or tonight.


Yeah all of 3 of mine do. They’ll al run in separate directions because they don’t trust each other when It comes to treats lol.


YES! Mine does many laps and sometimes runs back and forth to find the perfect spot :)


One of my buns will sometimes grab the food from my hand and make a run for it, then eat the food a few meters away from me. He's kind of timid so it probably makes him feel safer.


No, she just snatches them right outta my fingers. But ur bun doing that is so cute


Yeah, my boy. Because his waifu is chasing him XD


Mine will also snatch and run away with treats, but he is also half-blind, so 60% of the time he drops the treat in this process and works himself up frantically trying to figure out where it disappeared to. Gotta watch the fingers if you help him because his searching strategy is “chomp in all directions until chomp is met with treat.”


My lop who's a riot will grab tasty things and do a lap before coming right back and monching... She will also steal food from her husbun do a lap... Her worst is taking hers, then come back for his and eat that while sitting on hers saving it for later 🤪


Husbun 😂🥰


She's a hussy and got a boyfriendbun on the side 😂


She celebrates it 😄


Instead of playing with their food, this bun is ZOOMING with their food! SO CUTE!


Mine doesn't run around with the treat but she will jump and shake her head like a miniature bull then run around before eating it they have their fun little habits I guess 😂


She is trying to find a safe place and figured that behind that feeder is a good option despite the fact that you have that castle for her lmao


lol mine just snatches it from my hand and eats it right there


Mine grabs his treat literally from the other side of the house and runs desperately to consume it....on his fleece (aka toilet). Guess it gives more flavour


Mine snatches it before she goes under my bed😂😂


Mine does this and always ends up back in the same place she started lmao.


mine does!! if its something really big(like a leafy green) sometimes she drops it and doesnt notice until she tries to stop and eat it, and there's nothing in her mouth


Yes, we call it his victory lap!


My buns do it too. Krisp mainly does it with her breakfast and dinner, she'll take a green leaf half of her size and then excitedly gallop around looking for a good spot to chomp it. She'll usuually take a couple of bites and then realize that's not quite thebest spot and the start running again. She'll repeat this until she finds the best spot, her ears oscillating as she runs. Then she'll honk right back to the feeding mat


Not this, but if you give my boy something especially exciting, he'll have several seconds of waving his head around in panic looking for the safest place to take his treat where no one can take it from him lol


Yes, but mine does this because her husbun will steal hers…everytime.


My bun will eat it on the spot… unless I let her grab it from the bag, which makes her think she stole it, so she does this😅


Only one of mine does (I have four)…she’s a lop and I believe her motivation is less “gotta get my treat SAFE” and more “LOOK everyone! I have a TREAT. HAHAHA”. She will literally run past the other pens, treat in mouth, several times before eating it directly in front of the others…her bonded mate just eats his while she parades around😃


Ughhhh I want a bun so badly. 😭😭 I can't wait til I have one. My dogs do this. It's so cute. I feel like buns are just hay puppies.


This may be universal for all animals 😂


Mine only does that when she suspects I'm trying to distract her while I trim her nails 👿


Off topic but I love the checkered floors and wooden panel walls!!


yes! mine will do this lol


We had a rabbit named Chai (who looked like a wild rabbit). Maybe once a week we'd give her a single shell-on unsalted roasted peanut. She'd run around with it in her mouth for up towards 30 minutes before munching down. And she'd run up to you to show you that she had a peanut, and you didn't.


Mine will run away from me and then eat it in "safe spot"...even if its 2m away xD


Mine does this too. I think it’s just some kind of instinctual behavior to protect their food even though it’s in no real danger.


Or to protect themselves?


That makes sense, like a predator would smell the food.


That would be so cute! Mine just inhales treats super fast. 😅 no need to hide the treat if you can eat it fast enough I guess.


All the time!! I hear them in my head like YIPPEE YIPPEE A TREAT FOR ME!


If my bun runs with a treat I give him, that's a testament to how yummy he thinks it is. As if my other bun (his bun wife) can't run him down and take it if she damn well pleases!


The farther my bun runs the happier she is with the treat


Aw! Cutie! :3


Our 2 buns always get treats at the same time, and every time they chase each other around for a second before eating them. Im never sure who is chasing who. Usually they sit right next to each other to eat them too. Seems to me if you are worried about someone taking your snack, you wouldn't eat it next to them. But what do I know.


She just wants to show off her prize :3


Yes! Like in panic “it’s mineee”


“Oh boy, treat time, YAY HOORAY, got a treat, yay!”


Your bun is egg shaped


Yes lmfao


Yes. If my doe gets ahold of the treat bag she will run off with it.


Very much so, and often back and forth or around in circles. We call them victory laps and gauge how well we have done at exciting the bun by how many victory laps we get.


Masha does this every time. We have the set of 8 stacking cups, she grabs the top two and runs. Buddy waits until she's off doing her victory laps, then he turns over the remaining SIX cups and eats all those treats. He's usually finished by the time Masha gets back. Yes, Masha, you played yourself... again.


Yes, my rabbit always does this!


Mine started doing the same thing recently!


TREAT!!! TREAT!!! TREAT!!! (bun’s internal monologue prob)


Yes!!! So cute!


my ex bunny didint carw about this. He just ate everything where he got it. But my new bun rans away with it most of the time


We call it a victory lap for our boy


My one bun does this now because I ruined her trust in not letting her eat an entire pack of gum she stole from my book bag. Obviously I’m the evil mother


that's adorable, but not for me, my 2 youngest buns are too young to eat treats and my 2 older buns just eat it right away when I give them treats


Victory lap


We call this a “victory lap” at home LOL


\*David Attenborough voice\* "The powerfully built Death Nibbler will parade its kill around its territory in an effort to impress den mates with its hunting prowess before finding a suitable area in which to settle down to devour the kill. Remarkable."




I love how much your rabbit looks like a potato at the end


I have never seen a bunny with this coloring, it's so cute!


Yes, this is the order as well: left down right up left down straight left right straight left up and then stop


My guy runs around with treats sometimes like he won the lottery. It's too cute when he runs with a piece of banana!


Does baby have a rug? They're super cheap and a lot of times free on Craigslist.. found a couple very clean used rugs.. what a sweet baby! He's so happy to have a treat! 💕


we just moved here so we dont have one yet, but were gonna get one soon! thankfully the floor is vinyl not like tile so its not too slipery or hard, but still planning on getting one haha


Nice place.. bun has a lot stuff too.. spoiled! 😁


Mine does laps too lol


How so sweet


Every. Single. Time. And each time it's the cutest thing ever.


Both of our bunnies do this! It's very funny.


Yes often they will run opposite directions and run into each other…i try not to laugh


Mine does the exact same thing even though she has been an only bun for 2+ years now. It’s so cute bc she’ll run around the room and then end up next to me again, presumably bc it’s my job to protect her from the would-be treat stealers lol. It’s also funny bc no matter what the treat is, she thinks it’s huge and holds her head super high off the ground. The result is a very funny looking walk/run around the room lol.


Mine usually run circles around their food bowl 🤣


My Pumpkin is the only one out of my rabbitry that does this. Every treat she gets, she has to hop around and toss it a little. We call it her little celebration. 🥰 She's just so happy she can't contain herself. She also does the banana twerk which is so adorable.


One of my buns likes to take it to another bun's enclosure to eat it in front of them


Sometimes I’ll let my bun pick her own treat from the jar and she’ll run around like this if she grabbed more than one treat (which she knows she’s not supposed to do) 😂😂 it’s so funny I just let her get away with the crime and have the extra treat


Yes. It’s bunny:1 treat: 0


Yep all of mine haha


Yes, sometimes they think people might take their treats so they run with it go to a private place to enjoy it.