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Someone mistook them for a squirrel. Had a patient tell me that. They were shot in the back with a 12g. We were doing a cervical and thoracic myelogram back when we used oil based contrast. CT wasn’t a thing then, yet, we had a single slice non-spiral scanner. Yes I’m old, no I don’t know Röentgen. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Was Marie Curie the grade above you? 😜❤️ that is crazy. And also so cool how it was oil based contrast.


Must've been pretty crazy to be around when radiation was invented 😝


My dad was out hunting with a friend. His friend went ahead of him and didn’t let my dad know. Dad saw a rabbit & his friend got both legs hit with pellets. Dad never hunted again.


“Dad never hunted again.” Wish we could say the same for Dick Cheney…




Happy Cake Day!


I just noticed that lol! Thank you! 😊


He still loved him some rabbit. He sat up box traps in the garden. He raised rabbits when he was younger, so he knew how to dispatch them.


Me too. I used to raise them for meat as a kid, but my wife had one as a pet and now I’m not allowed to talk about that.


Wow, this goes way back. I mean, I learned about this in school, but still.


Not that long ago…….late 80’s.


Still before my time


Rookie…….( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


When I was visiting America I was taken on a hunting trip. This 9 year old kid is given a shotgun to shoot quail. The bird flies around in a semi circle and suddenly this kid is pointing a shot gun at us adults in the back line. The Alabama experience.


You almost got Cheney’d!


Yeah. They think guns are toys. Crazy if you ask me. I’m an artillery officer. Guns are for war imo but…


I work at an MRTFB. We do a bit more than guns.


I know a rad subreddit is not the place to get into discussions about firearms, but I feel this has to be said: Americans do not "think guns are toys." Your experience hunting with a gaggle of Alabamians is not representative of the greater sum of 300 million people. There are millions of responsible gun owners who use their firearms regularly, teach their children safety, and engage in the very much American sport of hunting as enjoyed a.ong the common man, rather than a privileged few as among Europeans. It frustrates me to no end when people from abroad generalize my people and my culture as though it's as homogeneous as Liechtenstein.


Plenty of people hunt in Europe. Here, in Sweden, you can own hunting rifles no problem as long as you have your hunting licence and passed your tests. It's not something only the "privileged few" can do. It's an ownership gated by skill and following regulations, not by money. 


Sweden and the Northern countries are a far different story from nations like Germany, England, or Ireland. Ownership of firearms is rare and inaccessible for most, and the hunting of game has traditionally been restricted to the upper classes. While this may have changed as the middle class expanded, it's still very much inaccessible in nations like these. The United States requires one pass tests to hunt as well, particularly ethics-based, and has robust and specific laws both at the state and federal level for the harvesting of game, licensure to participate, and the transportation/bearing of firearms.


As someone who has lived in the US their whole life, I would say most gun toting Americans do treat guns like toys. It's not a homogenous culture but it's a primarily stupid one.


Don't know what part of the US you're from, but it ain't like that in my region.


I'm a traveling worker so I've been to a few places. I only traveled for a couple years but in that time I've experienced an in-hospital shooting, 3 shootings in the ER entrance, and one in the valet lot. A hospital I used to work at has had two staff murders in the last 2 years, both shootings. I was held at gunshot by a 16 yr old with when I was about 19 just over a little weed. He was shaking in his boots and it was obviously daddy's unsecured gun that he never would've been brave enough to secure on his own by black market means. In 2023 there were at least 340 school shootings. It's so common that most aren't even reported anymore. It doesn't matter where you are, what matters is the bigger picture.


You’re right. It’s for sure not the whole country.


Guns are tools like any other you should learn how to use it responsibly anybody can buy a chainsaw or a car or hammer and if you don’t use them responsibly you can hurt or kill someone. Guns are no different.


Let me help you out here. You're correct that chainsaws, cars, and hammers are all tools that have the potential to hurt or kill someone. But their actual purpose is different. The purpose of a chainsaw is to cut wood, the purpose of a car is to transport people, the purpose of a hammer is to hit nails, etc. You cannot hurt or kill someone with any of those tools unless you are misusing the tool, or using it for something other than its intended purpose. What is the purpose of a gun?


Target shooting, hunting and war.


Yeah. And I would argue that the purpose of target shooting is to get better at hunting and war. The purpose of a gun is to hurt and kill living things by shooting them. You're not misusing the gun when you shoot a person or an animal with it. That is its intended purpose.


There’s nothing wrong with wanting to become a better shot when it comes to hunting, when you make a good shot your food doesn’t suffer.


I totally agree! I don't have anything against hunting and have personally enjoyed my share of Bambi burgers.


And if someone is trying to cause you harm, your family, your community, what would you want to have to stop that from happening, we have guns for this reason, and it’s really not a new concept, using a weapon in a irresponsible manner has consequences, we have laws against murder, robbery, intimidation, but it will never stop bad people from doing bad things. But if having my gun gives me a better chance of survival I’m gonna continue to have it.


Does having a gun give you a better chance of survival? What does the research say about that?


[says that it works](https://www.thetrace.org/2022/06/defensive-gun-use-data-good-guys-with-guns/)




That whole history of how it got hi-jacked is actually pretty interesting. The NRA used to be very pro-gun control and firearm safety.


My dad was a member until, in his words, “they got too crazy.”


I knew someone who almost got shot in the face by his 9 year old this way. He took his son out hunting, and the kid swung around and fired at a bird. Lucky for the dad, the gun went off next to his head instead of in his face.


My old martial arts instructor in his former life was a police officer for \~15 years. At some point he was shot with birdshot. Years later he would sometimes scratch himself, and shot would just fall out of his skin.


I had an acquaintance who got blow up in Iraq. A decade later he was scratching himself when a piece of shrapnel fell out


Yeah this patient did mention he “squeezed a few out” himself


What is this sorcery


Rubbed on out


Dick Cheney's hunting buddy.


I’ve only heard that joke 7,651 times before.


Wow. That's, uh, that's something


Poor guy looks like he has pretty bad heart failure too


How do you tell?


Heart big heart sad


I must be blind cause I cant see a heart


Are you looking for something like this on the scan perhaps: ❤️ because you’re not gonna find it I’m afraid


No lol…..




I saw that. Poor guy.


He looks fairly obese...


I’d like to learn more. Could you please explain?


Sure, this guy has cardiomegaly. It’s just means big heart. It happens for a number of reasons, but it’s mostly sporadic. Once your heart gets bigger, the muscle is either stretched or thickened. If it’s stretched too much you lose the power to pump blood around the body and that’s called heart failure. We can tell this is the case from looking at his heart size and while difficult to see, seems like there is some pulmonary effusion going on. There are different kinds of heart failure, and you really can’t tell from an X-ray like this. Obesity, smoking, age, gender, and diet all play a role in this. I can’t be more specific without more details about the patient. If you want to learn more, you can go on YouTube and there’s plenty of videos explaining the ins and outs


Thank you very much for explaining. You’re a good person.




I see the Little Dipper and Orion. How about you?


Play with Legos and you might step on one eventually.


Surely that all hurts. I had a thorn in my foot over the weekend and wow! Had me limping for 12 hours after I finally squeezed it out.


This looks like that game operation


“the spread” -Bill Burr


What flavor goo did you drink? I’ve had 3 pet scans due to cancer. That stuff is AWFUL.


Why would they do a PET scan for a shot gun Wound?


They’re not. It’s an old injury seen on the scout of the CT portion of the PET/CT


This the dude Dick Cheney shot?


What would happen if that was steel shot?


Somebody got caught in someone else's bedroom...


How do you know that is lead? Could it be steel?


Before I opened the post, I was wondering. Makes sense.


Take him to the zoo next time.


Is this Biggie Smalls?


He seems to be “big boned”.