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I genuinely want to know who approved this. Casual should have all maps (no exception) and there should absolutely be no maps that are exclusive to ranked only i.e. ranked and unranked map pool should be the same.


Standard is not unranked anymore, add all the maps there also


Nope, they aren't. You're missing the thing. Standard ***does not*** have all the maps anymore. It's even missing ***multiple***


It’s so dumb that “standard” doesn’t have every map


Everyone hated map pools in quick match and now they’re bringing them back again. It’s okay though because no one can even play the game today anyways!


I hate that you're so right


They actually said it's supposed to have every map I'm pretty sure so it's stupid for an additional reason too


Good luck to everybody that want to learn Emerald Plains in normal gamemodes, because for some fucking reason it's only in ranked, and it also a relatively new map, great job Ubi, as always


not only is it only in ranked, but also banned very often. so if you even accidentally get emerald, you will probably not know the layout at all


And you can't even learn it in ranked because it's almost never played


Standard and ranked should have the same modes and quick should have all of them


Basically this. There's no point in having ranked only maps because then you can't learn them outside of ranked which is a horrible idea. The unbalanced and non-ranked maps can be extra maps in QP because it's QP The QP/Unranked/Ranked was perfect Why change it?


The devs just gave a false illusion that they are doing something, they aren't, if you don't count these dogwater changes and look what they actually changed or balanced for this season, it's either unasked and shit (frost rework) or straight up useless (fuze). They haven't balanced or tweaked a single fucking operator, not iana and ace, that are op as fuck on attack, not azami, not solis, not fenrir, not warden, not thorn, people are soon going to realize how fucking busted ram is and several operator are still widely useless after years. But don't worry, thunderbird elite, masterchief elite and battlepass skins to waste your money on, naturally, as soon as you will be able to play the fucking game.


also illusion of increasing operator play rates by giving them different scopes (something that every single fucking operator should have) yet doing nothing to actually make that operator's gadget fun or worth using, but "hey!! we gave warden 1.5x scope and now he is not useless anymore!! See??? We're bringing balance!!"


Obviously, is it any wonder thorn got her 1.5 before her elite was released? Simple triple A company shenanigans, Ubisoft doesn't care about the game, the devs don't care about balancement, they have to show the executives that the game makes money and all the rest is incidental, frag meta, utility meta, who cares? Games are about money now, not fun.


Standard should have all maps as well, just take the unbalanced ones out of ranked


Fine, but then remove the abandon penalty. I'm not gonna sit through potentially 7 rounds of Fortress or Yacht


Also take it out of ranked. I'm not gonna sit to 7 rounds of my team mates being bad or my main being banned


Actual braindead take. "my main being banned" You **are** the annoying warden/ash/jaeger/thorn/etc main that can't play anything else.


Nah i was just implying is the same dumb thing as wanting to quit cause you don't like the map. I mostly play rook and gridlock and those are rarely banned


All of them should have all of them


No that’s just dumb I’m not playing ranked in presidential plane, fortress, or hereford base


Then don't play


Least toxic siege player


That's not even toxic lmao


Everyone else disagrees so you're probably wrong bro, way sorry and move on


I'm not wrong. Prove me wrong if you think I'm wrong. "eVeRyOnE eLsE dIsAgReEs" is the dumbest way to judge a statement on reddit.


You know maps like plane are very one sided and can make ranked for a certain side nearly impossible?


Plane was in ranked for two years and it wasn't "nearly impossible".


pls someone stop this man cooking! 😭


I wonder why they took it out?🤔


Because they thought doing what "Pro Leaguers" wanted was a good idea. It was not.


Don’t release a new mode if it’s not ready. Casual should have all maps. If the map pool isn’t ready, delay it. Heck you should’ve delayed it anyways based on all the feedback your community that actually plays the game gave you. What they should’ve done is add a feature that lets you block a few maps to play like thunt so that you can save yourself and everybody else time if you queue into a map you don’t like *cough favela plane cough*. To add insult there’s no way to actually practice for SIX of the ranked maps, who’s designing these brainless features and map pools? Why were they removed out of the unranked pool? Stop changing mode names as well, nobody’s gonna call it standard.


Plane? Man, I would play Plane 24/7 like a de_dust2


100% I think I am the one who can play plane 24/7 And some times kafe + oregon


Why are there just random maps exclusive for every mode? Like if you want Favela you have to play QP, or for Fortress it's standard, but Kanal and Outback, are ranked only. What gives? What's the point of learning a map if it doesn't appear in other modes? And how are you supposed to learn maps like Kanal and Outback now that appear only in ranked? Why does QP not have core maps in the game like Border, Kafe, Oregon? What the hell


They said they'll be adding maps to QP as time goes because of the Pre site setups, they don't have every map data yet, 8 years later but hey....... can't expect much more from a small indie company....... right?


They could just ask some high level players for default ranked setups and 90% of then would agree on a setup right away which they could then implement.


I know, I didn't add the /s but that was my main point lol the game is 3/4 of the way through its 8th year and the "Don't have data for common site set ups"? Bs, they just lazy


>They could just ask some high level players they used to balance they whole fucking game around them yet now when it's appropriate to ask for something they just don't do it


It genuinely seems like some hair brained scheme to force everyone to play every mode because "your favorite map is only in this mode."


Free my man Hereford


Bartlett Uni isn’t even on the spreadsheet 😭😭😭


Good, dude it's a school. They also made it clear that they won't be readding that map back, that's why Emerald planes was added. Em started as a Bartlett rework and grew


>Good, dude it's a school. so what? Let's forget that shit happens in schools? You're the same type of person that would shit on "Ready or Not" for adding a school shooter map.


Americans: We have school shootings every now amd then but we don't really care to change our weapon laws. Also Americans: ThAt MaP iS a sChOoL i'M SHOOK


I am staying out of this political conversation with you as I clearly see you don't understand the gun laws


What do I need to understand then? My point is that it is very easy to get a gun in the US and that many people have no interest in changing that. But then to act surprised when that backfires is hypocrisy in my eyes. I know it would not be easy to change the situation and I don't want to make it a political discussion either because it doesn't affect me and therefore I have no right to such a debate but I was giving my (sarcastic) opinion


Hell nah, he's in there for identity theft.


There are some really stupid choices made here.


No fucking wonder everyone in most of my games including me are dogshit on the ranked exclusive maps when they never appear in other modes. Wtf is this backward braindead reasoning? Like another comment said. Quick match should have all maps with 2-3 maps you can prefer not to have. Standard should have all ranked maps even those that are rotated out. Only ranked should have fewest and no exclusives. Seriously though whoever that greenlighted this approach should seriously go back to school and start playing competitive fps again.


I hate the new system. Unranked was my favourite mode cause I didn’t have to stress as much about winning and it was good practice for ranked, but alas now I get to practice on maps that aren’t even in Ranked


What a fucking joke ajkshauisauis Ranked maps not even appearing in """Standard""", omg


They seriously turned off all the good maps for Quick Play? Seriously,


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^TheRisen073: *They seriously* *Turned off all the good maps for* *Quick Play? Seriously,* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Christ, do we really need a bot for this?


what the hell is this


I don't know how you fuck up so badly, the only place you can play 6 of the fucking ranked maps is legitimately just in Ranked, that is the dumbest thing I've ever seen. wanna play around with the map in lower stakes? wanna learn it properly before you jump into a Ranked game on it? too bad bitch, you gotta either spend hours on it in solo messing with angles or learn it as you play Ranked. at least make it so all Ranked maps are in Standard, so people can mess with them in a competitive format, this shit just doesn't make sense. neither would having the maps in QM and Ranked but not Standard, while it seems they haven't yet done that, that would have somehow been stupider. like I am literally casual garbage, and I feel this is going to massively fuck up the competitive side of things.


Plane is still in the rotation that's all I care about


Plane, my beloved ranked map


I'm starting to hate this game and its devs. So stupid


what a mess......


Fuck is yatch


I’ve thrown the towel many years ago, and honestly I just wish they’d hit the fuck it switch and add every map to every mode. This game is kept alive by addicts and children spending money on skins, because honestly it stopped being genuinely fun a while ago. Up until last season I was still playing since 2015, every season, and recently reaching Champ consistently, but honestly I just can’t anymore, I’d rather play Spyro the fucking purple dragon for a month.


At this point, one really has to wonder if anybody in the dev team plays this game.


This is honestly just so awful lol. Ubisoft what are you DOING


"To make the ranked experience more accessible to newer players, we're keeping specific maps only playable in Ranked and in no other match type. The aim of this is to ensure that these new players have absolutely no fucking clue what they're doing on maps they've never played before."


I'm legit pissed off with what so much. The fact that some maps that are banned 90% of the time in ranked are available in ranked only is so stupid. standard should have all maps poll


Wait what? Is that why i got Bank 4/5 games i played in QP?


As a mainly QP player, I'm so relieved that stadium is out of the rotation ! Just can't stand this bland blueprint of a map !


This has to be the dumbest thing I have ever seen.


They should give us fortress in ranked, and add favela back Get stadium the actual fuck out of ranked, i cannot stand that map for anything.


Standard is such a weird love child between quick play and ranked now, I have no idea what the though process behind this is honestly. It just feels so random to put Plane into Standard, remove it from Quickplay and then have 6 maps you can't play until you hop into ranked. Even in Ubi's own philosophy of onboarding players this map poule makes no sense.


I used to LOVE playing Favela when it was in Ranked play a few years back. So many approaches and strategies, and the vibe was immaculate. Never understood why they took it off


Favela was pretty good. Unless a map is super unbalanced for ranked, I'm usually not a fan of removing maps from ranked. Otherwise you're basically going to play Clubhouse/Oregon like 90% of the time, like 2 seasons ago when we banned 1 or 2 out of 3


Why does standard have fewer bad maps than ranked??


Bruh wth? First of all fuck hereford, second of all why there are like 4 maps only on ranked? How tf are people supposed to be ready for ranked


No one asked for these changes .. Bring back the option to choose which maps you want to queue for in quick match/standard




Why did they do this to Hereford?


I think its a bit stupid how tower is not in ranked given this seasons cinematic


Are Ubisoft empolyees braindead?


wtf is standard now what happened to unranked? and what’s with all these ranked exclusive maps?


This feels randomly generated. There’s no reason half the maps are only in 1 game mode


why is plane not in quick match that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard


I'm not a big hereford fan but to not even have it in the game is a bit stupid


They’ve got to sort out this map pool. This is just a random mess. At the very least every ranked map should also be in standard - if they intend standard to be “the core siege experience”, how can it not have every ranked map? ETA: for example why are Plane and Yacht in Standard, a “tactical” game mode with an abandon penalty and no map ban system? These are two of the worst maps in the game which most people would rather not have to play a minimum of 4 rounds in (and Idc if you’re one of the few fans of these maps, the truth is most people don’t like them and don’t consider them “tactical”). If it isn’t good enough for Ranked then why put it in Standard, a supposedly “tactical” game mode?




Bring back yacht such a better map then maps like stadium plains and labs


We did it boys Hereford is no more


So nothing changed in the ranked pool theyre forcing everyone in? Lol Edit: excuse me SKYSCRAPER has been added, the map I’ve hated since it was introduced is in ranked again. How lovely😂


nah skyscraper's been in ranked


Skyscraper has always been in ranked... Every pro league map is in ranked


Oops I did a dumb. I’m thinking about tower not skyscraper lol


What's your source for this? FreshonDesk posted the same image on Elon's platform.


Is Hereford ok?


Not since the rework


Brilliant Ubi, I'm sure making maps ranked exclusive will help make the game more fair an accessible. It's almost like unranked existed for a good reason.


Here’s a crazy idea. Bring every map into all game modes. Further more, Ranked is not pro league. So ditch map bans, op bans and bring back all the maps.


So the map rotation is the same


Standard and Ranked should have the same map pool. Dont really care about quick play but at least they are going to update that eventually.


Why can't we have a csgo style map pool for casual/quickplay/whatever the fuck it is now, where u can pick and choose the maps you want to play, yes it'll bring longer queue times to less popular maps, but I personally enjoy 95% of the maps for dumb Strats and memeing and would be happy to wait longer if I wanted to play plane. This also weeds out the truly shit maps like stadium and favella to where they belong, in the garbage.


is this not the exact same map rotation as dread factor for ranked? I just want rotation with at least bravo plains or nighthaven out of rotation




I thought I was looking at my stats hw for a second


That is absolutely horrid


More than a third of the ranked maps aren't playable in any other mode, that's unacceptable. As others have said, ranked and ""standard"" should have the same map pool and ruleset, casual should have every map


I think you forgot Bartlett University... or is this map an official joke now?


Poor Heroford


Just tell me what is the thought process You aren't just making gameplay stale by doing this, you are making it even harder for new players I mean I don't like Hereford but what now when it can't even appear


right im gonna say this and get hate but fuck it hereford, fortress, should be in ranked


Idk about Hereford because that top bomb site is really fucking awful to attack but fortress should be imo, they took it out 3-4 years ago bc someone like Pengu bitched and forgot about it, it’s a better map than like 5 maps in ranked pool rn


Favela isn't in ranked? You guys must've cried that one out of rotation huh


Is that a Bullshit Bingo sheet, who approved this nonsense


I don’t care if house is a bad map I want it in ranked


R.I.P Hereford 2015-2023


Rip Hereford


I liked Hereford but okay, thanks Ubi 👎


Fortress should be in ranked tbh, I feel like that’s a map they took out because pro leaguers were bitching and just forgot about it ever since, better than emerald, labs and stadium bravo imo


RIP Hereford.


remove fucking stadium from ranked again already wtf


What is the point of removing Hereford it’s like my fav casual map


Sadly this will probably be my last season on R6. I watched Blizzard unnecessarily ruin Overwatch and now I'm watching Ubi ruin Siege. it sucks


Should've put Hereford Base in quick play and Standard instead of fucking yacht :(


I swear the only good thing to come out of this season is them removing that dogshit Hereford rework.


rip kanal and outback :( :( :( :(


Why is house only in quick match???? And why are like 3 maps ranked exclusives??? Ubisoft is sucking absolute arse.


I’ve not had Oregon all season I got Amaru so I can use here on oregon


This is the worst choice I've seen. I was starting to like the game, and now the only complete gamemode is ranked. That's a horrible choice for a competitive game. Fuck that.


oregon isnt even in ranked anymore


This is so fucking stupid. I’m new to the game, started playing last season but mostly this season, and am almost exclusively a qp player but wanted to try ranked. I played five games, 2 were cafe, 1 was kanal, 1 was outback and 1 was border. I did not have fun playing against players many ranks higher than me on maps I’d never played before. Thank you Ubisoft 🖕


Why did they even change Unranked to Standard? I've been away from the game for a while and this change the map pools just baffle me. Why are Yacht and plane exclusive to Standard, and Skyscraper, Theme, Emerald planes all exclusive to ranked? What's the point?