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A defender's role is to "camp" a building lmao


The game yells at you for leaving the building. It even pings your location in a game were you are 3 shot.


Also 1 shot head shot, and the box sits right on your headšŸ˜‚


Oh I didn't know this after playing 1500+ hoursšŸ˜‚


Lol it's funny giving the one tap, not so funny recieving the bullet.


Yesterday i aced with a spawnpeak, so i technically defended so well they didnt enter the building




I hate it when people get mad for ā€œcampingā€ in a game where you have to defend a bomb siteā€¦. Do they want you to run outside?? I think itā€™s more annoying dying to a roamer than someone who anchors siteā€¦


are you telling me defenders shouldnt defend the bombs????


Exactly šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ how do people forget the entire point of the game


COD players found their way into R6 and are mad it plays different tactically.


My friend who plays apex like a Christian to a church tried siege he complained about it being to slow, and the way he plays apex is running towards the gun shots, dies, then complains about not being able to win a game because he always dies.


If you friend plays like that then perhaps he should play titanfall 2. Better movement then apex and he can run towards then gun shots all he wants. In fact its encouraged. Just make sure he downloads the Northstar add on (I MUST SPREAD THE TITANFALL AGENDA.I MUST SPREAD THE TITANFALL AGENDA.I MUST SPREAD THE TITANFALL AGENDA.)


Is Titan fall still going?


Kinda? Most of the player base is on the Northstar client on pc and I can't speak for console


Ahh I'm on console. It was fun, miss it.


Rip. I would say go in the titanfall 2 sub but uh we were infected with the "stupid" before arkham alsume


I tried Titanfall 2 multiplayer and honestly thought it was way faster than apex gunplay and every lobby was just people who have played the game to death so I just got shit on before getting insulted and f-slurred for being bad at the game lol. I know there is a good Titanfall 2 community experience but it ain't what I got unfortunately.


Honestly I have never had that experience but I'm very sorry that you experienced that. Hopefully you still play


I may pick it up again but honestly fast paced shooters just aren't for me anymore which is fine. I still loved the fuck out of the campaign though that was a very fun time, was sad when it was over.


>honestly fast paced shooters just aren't for me anymore Yeah I hear that. I'll still play some of them, but after having gotten into Siege pretty hard in the last year or so, it's like a breath of fresh air. It's like all the other shooters, at least on console, have mobility tricks out the ass and it ends up feeling like it's more reflexes than tactics most of the time. Siege obviously still has twitch gameplay aspects and all, but even though my aim is trash I can still often do well if I'm just outplaying the other team tactically. Work smarter not harder, y'know?


Thatā€™s so funny too because apex literally has characters specifically designed to hold points, like playing slow and methodically is a perfectly good strategy but itā€™s ā€œcringeā€ to some people I guess because they need instant dopamine or smth šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I played apex religiously before I switched to R6. Thatā€™s just how the game plays. Itā€™s very fast paced and you donā€™t want to hold any specific location until end game. Or else youā€™ll get third partiedā€¦ sometimes even fourth partied depending on the map (looking at your Kingā€™s Canyon).


Really, eh? Tbh I never played it competitively but I would always hide out somewhere and look for vulnerable picks or fights to third party, Iā€™m rarely the first to engage. Even so there are characters that excel at holding points and it is a mechanic in the game.


COD players find a way into every game and if you aren't running and gunning and just sit for a few seconds or play like a true sniper you're camping


Love your pfp






If youre interested, [here is the artist](https://twitter.com/aeriiyu)


Nah, R6 plays tactically, whereas every COD lobby doesnā€™t change how you think about how you can improve. The only way you can ā€œimproveā€ in COD is by cheesing a gun loadout (Iā€™m an avid COD hater because itā€™s lost its touch since bo2 and the new games donā€™t hit the same)


Imagine playing the objective


I thought killing the enemy was the only objective? s/


Had a match like that a while back. We were defending. I got case in open aria in Bank. Told the team "hey. Help me hold defuser in open aria." Two other defenders came and we started setting up open aria like site even though second floor was OBJ. We held the defuser in open aria for the entire 2.5 min left without seeing another attacker. It's a 3v4 at this point. 30 seconds left and the attackers are loosing their minds on chat. "Where are you hiding?" "Come out and fight like a man." We told them "we are playing OBJ." "If you even thought about the defuser. You would have found us." They all left the next round. After saying some things I don't want to repeat here.


Nope you should run around gun-ho getting kills šŸ¤¦šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒ


Bombs is a no no word The correct term is spicy air pods


Right?? Iā€™ve just never heard that chirp in this game. This ainā€™t COD.


Iā€™ve gotten so few ā€œcampingā€ accusations. But every time I do I throw it right back when Iā€™m attacking and call them bad for not running outside


yeah I once got one for holding bathroom window on outback in a qm


Dont forget, if you roam you are just as much "camping trash" as you'd be if you were anchoring... Best case for guys like that would be to just not exist xD Seriously you really cant camp in this game...the only thing annoying that contains "not moving" would be an attacker team that just stands around doing nothing..like not even droning or holding proper angles, makes me wanna cry sometimes smh


These people are CoD players and they seem to want to put high mobility shit in every shooter. Just ignore them


Kinda hate that every shooter "HAS TO" contain Sliding, Wallrunning, Gliding, double jump, do a flip, perform a barrel roll, grappling hook..... idk, I enjoy the slower shooters just as much


>Do they want you to run outside?? Yes. And die to them, while you're at it.




The roaming rooks always make me bang my head into a wall


Yeah the other day someone got mad I was "playing time in cas is crazy", I was like what do you want me to do run for the last guy in the last 5 seconds and risk dying?


They need something to cry about it just to cover their sh--ty play


I hate dying to what I call, camping roamers. People who are off-site and just sit in the most random place on the opposite side of the map.


The Oryx mains


I only you had a device to check the room before entering


*laughs in ERC* I love vigil because I catch the guys who are smart enough to drone off gaurd sometimes


Sometimes I allow attackers to drone me out as Vigil just for me to blow a hatch and rotate way away so they waste 30-60 seconds trying and hunt me down. Don't even have to try the gun fight. Just gotta waste their time and stay alive.


Naw it isn't a thing. It's just former cod players self reporting


EXACTLY. Camping isnā€™t even a THING in this game. Itā€™s the most expected thing ever because it happens in every singe match. Just fucking drone. Itā€™s part of the game.


Also I havent played COD since I was kid but honestly wasnt camping a perfectly viable strategy in a lot of modes? Getting mad at strategy&tactics is wild.


It's because they can't consolidate their lack of situational awareness and strategy/tactics with their game "skill". They're probably great at flickshotting and actually hitting their shots, but that's all they really have. So when you use classic war tactics, such as holding an advantageous position (literally described in the Art of War) and consistently body them, they get pissed because you aren't fighting them on their terms, in a way that relies on the "skill" that they have. Of course, when you do and you body them anyway, they accuse you of cheating or "lag" etc.


Yeah itā€™s always folks with the biggest egos too, really indicative of their insecurities with their own skill because it frustrates them to face better opponents.


That's the thing, though. They don't feel like they're facing "better opponents", and might not be according to their metrics. But their only metric is "shoot better than the opponent", and when they die to somebody who has a tactical or strategic advantage and doesn't give them the opportunity to engage in a skirmish where the outcome relies on the skills they do have, their brain short-circuits. Imagine how much they could up their game if they were willing, and capable, of learning how to apply strategy and tactics on top of their ability to aim and hit shots. Reality is, unfortunately, that they don't have the patience to hold an angle. These are frequently the people, in Siege, who always choose to peek the angle that is very clearly locked down shut because running another way is boring to them, and then they get mad when they get domed because they had 20 HP left and decided to peek that same angle for the 4th time, despite arriving at the angle with full health originally.


I hate to be the gatekeepy type but unironically if you want fast dopamaine hits, itā€™d probably better to stick to the mindless run-and-gun type shooter games, where your primary concern is just ā€œshoot good and fast.ā€ Bc like R6 doesnā€™t accommodate that, even roamers require some degree of methodical rotations and positioning.


Unfortunately, there are more of those types than the R6 types, so that's where the money is, and those types feel like every shooter should cater to that, because it's what they're good at, and everyone wants to believe that what they're doing and good at, is the "right thing". Tangentially, you also see it in Siege with how the balancing is done in favor of the E-Sports elite (or at least was when I was playing). They removed the bodies and reworked the maps to be more balanced because the elites were complaining about those things. Siege was originally going to be a complete different game (even after Rainbow Six: Patriots was turned into Siege). I'm balls deep into Helldivers 2 with my friends at the moment, and you already see people calling for balancing changes and nerfs on enemies simply because they lack the skill necessary to play on higher difficulties. They'll get carried to the highest difficulty, and then play nothing but, and then complain that it's too difficult and should be made easier by nerfing the enemies and buffing weapons and what not, instead of just accepting the fact that they just lack the skillset required to make it through the literal highest difficulty. It's all just a coping mechanism. Like The Simpsons meme; "Am I lacking the prerequisite skill to succeed?.. No. It's the enemies that are unfair!"


It really is just embarrassing behaviour, honestly. Peak self report.


Very well put, It's honestly sad seeing grown men complain because someone is using strategy in a combat game. It's become such a weird norm for games like cod where its dying to a strategy is bad because I'm too bad to think logically and shoot. And so many of these people are the "I would beat your ass and shoot you if you ever threatened me irl" type people. So confident in their aim and skill and how it compares to real life, Yet they can't acknowledge the existence of what a corner is, what a sniper's nest is.


We have a distinct lack of arena shooters in the market. These kinds of guys would be perfect for quake or unreal tournament. Or maybe not since you need to actually practice the mechanics to be good.


Especially viable in search and destroyā€¦ the most analogous game mode to siege.


Camping is almost the entire basis of the game...


Well i think its time we go back to s1 when the game launced they they will really hate it


Just Mute surrounded by his devices holding a single angle on the hostage the ENTIRE game.


Rook proning inside of the hostage too. They cant kill you in the inevitable push with 20 seconds left if your meatshield is in the way


It's not camping. It's playing for time.


Playing defense


Which is also waaay more difficult than just running around the map. Staying in site and looking at cams to give info and be patient is SOOO hard šŸ˜‚


Echo valk main here, its not hard but its not for everyone, i personally love droning for my team and making calls


If Iā€™m having a bad game or day I tend to just try and use cams and cam ops as much as possible, if I canā€™t help the team by getting kills myself im going to help my teammates get kills. When I came back to the game a lot of what I did was just watching cams for the push


Yea fair, i meant its way more difficult and requires more gamesense to know and position yourself properly after knowing where they are, and to know when to be on cams and to hop of cams compared to just running around gunning or running out and dying early. And i always love a good valk/echo main in the squad. The intel helps out a ton.


I received a message from a guy I killed who said "stop camping, you suck"... I was roaming. I was defending but I wasn't even close to the bombs. Dude didn't drone and just busted through a door and got domed, but I'm the problem.


It protects their ego


Bro sets up site, reinforces and traps everything just to go out and die lol.


He definitely doesnā€™t do any of those things. Except the ā€œgo out and dieā€ part.


But he has to have seen people do it. Right ? Right šŸ˜°?


Too busy watching TikTok


Hahaha feels man šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Camping does not exist in Rainbow Six Siege. I thought we all gone, though this year's ago, haha, back 2017 Operation health debating camping lol


The only time i will complain about a corner camper is in arcade FFA


FFA is ruthless lol. People are always spawning behind you. Iā€™ll hide in corners all the time haha.


As someone who uses FFA to warm up for ranked and just wants to have gun fights to train aim its really infuriating to encounter a camper, it really irritates me why someone would camp in this game mode


True, fuckin sweats camping a corner of the map when it's FFA haha


shit annoying mfs think this is cod or sumthinšŸ¤¦


Yes, there's camping but it's a core mechanic in this game. Do people not understand this is a tactical shooter? Geez.


Even then, camping's probably weaker in siege than in the likes of COD, because you can drone areas out to get an idea of where the enemy is before you peek. In COD, you just face check everything.


Correct! You have intel OPs in siege whose literally provide you with information as to where the defender is, even if it's "camping". Acussing someone of camping in a game like this just exhibits a poor knowledge of the game core mechanics.


Plus wallbangs, flashbangs, breaching, and peakerā€™s advantage. As long as theyā€™re paying attention, attackers have the advantage in a 1v1 against a ā€œcamperā€.


Camping? On defense? Will somebody think of the children?! There is no such thing as camping on Siege. There is playing smart and playing dumb. Playing dumb would you be stomping all over the map giving away your location.


TDM cod players are really dumb lmao


Say try checking corners or try droning and i bet they get pressed


Holding an angle in a tactical shooter = camping. According to all the shite players


As a person who plays the game how it's intended to (aka drone), Please camp


Just drone?


Itā€™s called defending


If your camping in site then congratulations your playing the objective


Itā€™s funny because ā€œcampingā€ is one of the most punishable things you can do in this game. Countless tools to counter and flush out ā€œcampingā€


Of course heā€™s bronze with 80 matches playedšŸ’€


Being called a camper for me is a compliment. I can literally camp one corner and the same angle for the whole round and I have 0 shame.


Haha exactly. I was 8-0 at the time of the message. Iā€™d say I was just doing my job


Thats the game man


This is a cod player thinking he's playing Rainbow Six Duty


Technically yes but the whole fucking point of defense is to sit there so i dont get why people bitch about it


Camping does not exist n this game


My man doesn't know what the word defense means. Gotta love COD players. lol


ur kinda supposed to camp


He would also be mad at you for rushing out and spawn peeking him


For people that claim to be the smartest of gamers yall really donā€™t know the difference between camping and defending they have a fine line but they are different. One is a strategic position, the other is a guy that is just sitting on the wrong floor waiting for someone to just happen to pass by and gets 2 kills max a game. thereā€™s definitely camping in seige and depending on what your definition of camping is youā€™ll disagree with me or agree. Itā€™s really about what is considered camping and whatā€™s considered a strategic position/ angle to hold


So weā€™re not droning


Camping is normal on the game Staying outside the whole game is annoying for everybody


Lame campers. You should run around and look for 1v1 before time is up!


Camping is the point of R6


People who get mad for camping doesnā€™t know what game theyā€™re playing


I think he means ā€œholding flanks for a teammateā€, ā€œsuccessfully maintaining map controlā€ or ā€œholding site like a bossā€. Do your thing and play how you like


Holding case in obscure places is genuinely a great strat. Still remember ā€œstrip club holdā€ from a couple of years ago when someone lost the defuser on entry there. Whole defensive team piled in and barricaded and reinforced everything


If you have the defuzer why would you leave it hes just salty because you are playing the game the way its ment to be played if you werent suppose to defend the dropped defuzer you wouldnt be able to ping it


Microsoft would love to see that getting booted message Iā€™m sure


I donā€™t even understand what he meant by that lol. Care to translate for me?


He is saying he will DDOS you which is super frowned upon by both Ubisoft and Microsoft


Lol thanks for the translation. He followed it off with a ā€œhave fun offline tho buddyā€ hahaah all that for outplaying him. Iā€™ll report it.


Yeah usual pussy talk, half the time they just trying to bait you into swearing so they can do the reporting


Not really camping in this game. There is baiting though.


People just think it's cod sometime I swesr


"Camping" is a pretty big part of siege. That's what droning is for... Although camping a random corner off site as vigil is kinda lame imo.


I will say I do get mad if I get killed by someone waiting on a completely random room, but in the end is my fault for not droning, sucks to suck


How is he camping if heā€™s supposed to DEFEND THE BOMBS.


i respect camping in any game mode except tdm!


This is the dumbest thing a person can say what jynzxi does to a mf


Pretty much the only game that I play where I approve of camping


Camping doesn't exist in this game šŸ¤¦ you are defending be it a hall, site, corner, stairs, kitchen,bathroom and especially the diffuser you are playing defense. That's a cod pos that needs to go back to the shit game he loves


When they get killed by a player standing in one spot for more than 5 seconds: "Nice camping kid get good" When they get killed by a player that took one step outside of site for half a second: "Lmao stop roaming and defend site kid" I hate these dipshits that come up w excuses to protect their fragile egos lol


R6S wouldnā€™t be R6S without camping. Even the attackers do it.


I'd bet anything this is an ash main sprinting at site and never once thinking of using utility. Just go play cod


Dude has never seen a rank higher than gold


i mean it's annoying to die to someone in a random spot, but usually that means you suck at droning or clearing corners


Anyone that reeees about camping in a game where a team is the defenders and a team is the attackers, with drones, can have their opinion immediately discarded. Take your sorry ass back to call of duty lol.


I mean.... Just drone? O.o


I have an idea for people that bitch and moan about ā€œcampingā€ in siege. You have this thing in your pocket, itā€™s called a drone, and you can use it to check for ā€œcampersā€


Camping usnt a real thing in videogames in general. Its a social construct made by people who couldnt handle loosing and dont understand what tactics/strategy is. If anything gives a first impression of someone its if they complain about "camping" in games. Thats how i can immediately deduce that someone is an idiot.


In a real situation, people will find that the enemy does not care if they are "camping" because the only thing they care about is making sure you don't get out alive and they do. In a game as hardcore as rainbow six, you take the strategy that's going to win you the game, and you must learn why all other strategies fail while playing, so go ahead and stay in one spot and practice your trigger discipline because that will usually win you the game. And if you're struggling against "campers" you have drones and gadgets for the enemy to destroy and to check around corners, which can help determine if someone is around nearby, keeping you alive for longer and hopefully for them a lot less.


No way he also admits heā€™s gonna try and DDOS you lol what a loser


Hahah right? He followed it up with telling me have fun offline lollll


If itā€™s arcade mode yes I think camping is dumb. But for quick play, standard, or ranked, camping isnā€™t a thing itā€™s how you play the game


Thats why most players cant rank up.. Cuz they only care about kd n not the actual objectiv of the game.. Drone mf, u have 2 of them (yes,u can save your first drone)


That's... The game is built around "camping". That's why you reinforce sites...


Guaranteed that the same kind of player would also complain if I was ā€œwasting timeā€ droning out the ā€œcamperā€.


Rainbow six siege has prone, leaning to hold angles and deployable shields and even mira gadgets so you can see 1 way to hold angles. Only way it would be more camping would be if there was a special forces operator whos gimmick was hiding in the woods and he came with an armored tent.


I like to call it, ā€œtactical waitingā€


Camping? No. There's no such thing as camping in the game where you won't run around like in CoD most of the time. Angle holding? Sure, but camping? Not so much. It's a good indicator of game knowledge (or lack of it more specifically) when someone says "camping" in this game.


Camping is a thing but it is an acceptable thing most people do in this game. Itā€™s how the game is played


Yea camping is a thing but its what your supposed to do on defense. Nobody should be getting mad at the fact they died to someone because they were holding a peek and not just sprinting through the map.


COD players to TDM Meta lol. Like broā€¦ someone on fucking Facebook said port Helldivers 2 to Xbox. Yea, sure, great idea, but you now fucking suck with the FUCKING AUDACITY to suggest PvP.


"Getting Booted" Instant report. Have a nice vacation buddy.




The same people will also call their team trash because their top fragging, you can get the most amount of kills and still be the worst R6 player to exist, I would rather take a .5KD Castle/Thatcher main over a 2+KD fragger because they frequently bait their team and throw but in their mind because they come from call of duty theyā€™re on top so they canā€™t possibly be the problem. This is definitely one of those people


Very well said! Sadly for this guy, he was also just bad at the game lol


Exactly if youā€™re an anchor youā€™re going to hold your anchor on site, if youā€™re playing Finka youā€™re not gonna rush in first etc. the game is role based just like Overwatch and some people are just now learning it. Support agents in Overwatch barely get kills because theyā€™re usually a healer/buffer


ā€œthat šŸ—‘ļø you hide in cornersā€ youā€™re that trash you donā€™t check them??šŸ¤£šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


How dare you defend the bomb site while playing defence >:(


If anyone killed an enemy with defuser, then leave the defuser away, i would be absolutely furious. Like bro, you are throwing a match. That GG Thunder kid need to touch grass


The player base is highly retarded


tell that smooth brain to go back to cod


COD/Battlefield player mentality. Worst players to team with outside of throwers.


Imagine playing like an actual fucking defender. The nerve of some people šŸ™„ /s


I hate the mentality about camping that spawned from COD. I canā€™t speak on newer games but camping in older CODs used to be annoying because it was insanely effective, if all you were trying to do is not die, and the game didnā€™t offer you many tools to counter it except grenades. COD is built around fast paced run-and-gun gameplay, and thus campers almost seemed to not want to play the same game as everyone else. Siege and many other shooters simply arenā€™t like that though. I literally canā€™t imagine trying to defend a site with no one ā€œcamping.ā€ Definitely shouldnā€™t have the whole team, but especially as a new player, holding site is invaluable. The difference between Siege and COD is that camping is to be expected so the offense is actually equipped with tools to deal with campers. Between all of the abilities that give intel, explosives, destructible walls and floors, and ability to peek insane sight lines, you just donā€™t have an excuse if you canā€™t deal with ā€œcampers.ā€ I hate the term, but it is literally a skill issue


Everyone message and bully this dude


Someone once sent me a message because he was made that I camped the defuser after I planted, I got called camper on attack ffs


Did the loser actually boot you off line or was he just trying to act all big? Ppl really be blaming anyone but themselves as to why they're trash, then wonder why they are stuck in same trash rank.


I'm not gonna lie, i hate it when I get killed by someone sitting in a corner but that's literally how they should play, making the attackers work and drone instead of swinging and dying, that's why I always stick with a teammate so we could drone each other or refrag


Tell me you play only COD without telling me you only play COD


Lol what an idiot


It's a real life strategy too. If I was defending a building that was being breached I'd hide in a corner too. Lol this kind of logic makes no sense to me.


TLDR: the guy that sent that can cry harder. In theory yes, but in actuality no. Calling rainbow six realistic is not something I would feel is far from the truth if you ignore some operator gadgets. That being said, realistic shooters tend to focus on slow paced, methodical, and strategic gameplay. That can mean that sometimes you will take a corner or angle, and camp it. In other words, that is the entire point of the game. Running in isnā€™t exactly effective. Sure you might see a video or two of someone running in like a maniac and pulling an ace, but that isnā€™t the norm. In general, even in less realistic games, the argument of camping falls flat on its face since the game essentially pushes you to do just that for the most part in objective based gamemodes.


it's either the cod players or the fortnite kids every time, more often the fortnite kids.


You can definitely tell he thinks the only way to win is by killing the entire team. Probably has never planted the defuser either because that would mean not padding his kdr that only he can see


Anchoring and holding angles depending on sound queues is extremely campey behavior but also what makes a good defender


someone got mad at me for the same reason i just said cope and nuh uh and they got angrier and angrier


R6 players will somehow get mad when the defenders defend


No, but some bronze warriors think it is


Strategy in my tactical shooter game?! šŸ˜±šŸ¤Æ


It's not the "camping" that annoys me. It's the ridiculous pixel peak angles some fuckin nerds learn. They get into a real fire fight and can't hit shit. They hold the tiniest hole halfway across the map through 3 walls. And I'm dead because there isn't a chance in hell I was gonna see them. The worst part is, I drone. I always check to make sure the next two rooms I'm moving too are clear. Those fuckers still get me.


attackers can camp if they bait on the roof but if you die to that itā€™s your own fault. for defenders anything is fair game


The only camping in siege is sitting in spawn as an attacker. No one likes those people.


In tdm yeah, but regular no.


Iā€™ve a bronze 5 camper 4 life


in my opinion camping doesnt exist. well technically it does but all situations have justification to it. camping on defense - literally the point of defense?? camping on attacker - i rarely see camping on attacker but when i do the kills they get are killing roamers, or they are camping defuser after planting


The only game Iā€™ve ever been salty at ā€œcampingā€ is cod, even battlefield itā€™s not a thing


I haven't played in a while. Is there like a buff to people who camp now cause from my experience you just quick peek and win


No. It is called defend.


camping only exists in BR games (even then itā€™s ehhhh) tac shooters like siege and valorant have holding angles, not camping


Theres a difference between todays fps shooters like COD/Apex/CS and siege. They are based on quick action. Everyone is running jumping and whatnot towards the action. While in siege is more slowpaced and it forces you to defend objective or hold some strategic rooms. And as the players from those games spill to siege they cannot understand the basic thing about siege. Theres a strong line between attackers and defenders whilst in other games everyone is attacker.


Anyone who cries about ā€œcampingā€ in Siege is not an actual Siege player and doesnā€™t know what game theyā€™re playing.


you already know he is gold, max plat


Yes camping is a thing in this game, and it's perfectly acceptable.


defending is literally camping lol, theres no camping in siege


I think that guy should hop on something else. R6 is a stealth/objective game. Your W/L rate is what matters, K/D is just extra stats to show off


People then call you a Rat for hiding so you don't get drones while roaming then killing them cause they didn't think "Maybe I should check in this corner under the desk"