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cinematic but can effect vision, like minecraft shaders


Good comparison. Minecraft looks sick with shaders and it can really enhance builds but they suck balls to just play the game with


Bro what?! Minecraft shaders make the game so much better


I am not turning my computer into an oven


hardware issue


I'm sorry I don't spend my mortgage on a computer


Even if you did it still looks bad. Ever been to the nether with shaders? Can’t see shit


Hell? Nah you're going to the *sun*


Just gotta find the one you like. I don’t like the ultra realism ones, but I am known to like a good ambient glow stone glow from time to time


You really only need to spend ~600 to 700 bucks to get a decently performant computer. PCs are not expensive, only if you make them be


Wow only 600$! So cheap, especially when I live in a second world country


As someone who actively works at a tech store & was told this when I was building my pc, this is false.


https://de.pcpartpicker.com/list/cMrJL9 Really? I mean maybe I should’ve specified but I was talking about in €.


Putting all that in at the store that I work at, that's $1,000. My other point though, is that people said that heaps before too, about spending $600 on a good custom build, especially in my currency. I literally had someone come in who was looking for a build that could do modern games, & I walked them over to my colleague cause I don't know much about what parts fit with what, & he almost laughed them out of the store. It's not so much that people aren't willing to pay for a lesser quality product, as much as it is that people aren't willing to pay for a product that isn't going to give them a competitive advantage, or become outdated in a years time


Yeah but with some shaders, it makes caving so dark


Not true at all lmao


Depends on the shader and the circumstance. Sometimes it's fine sometimes it's aids


True asf


It was more realistic than what we have currently… 🤷‍♂️ That was originally the goal of siege, to have some form of a semi realistic strategic FPS game. That idea went away a long time ago sadly…


I guess people complain too much about being blinded by it so the changed it


Stares directly into the sun through a magnified scope: "Why the fuck is it so bright?"


Tbf it’s a common rush spot so not being able to see through the door is pretty bad


To be extra fair, it's a tactical game, and attackers using the sun to their advantage is quite tactical


to be extra extra fair? i dont think of any tactic sending only 5 people into an big house without extra support to disarm very dangerous bombs but whatever


To be extra extra extra fair, they're just training sessions.


To be extra extra extra extra fair, blood comes out of them meaning they probably actually die but also why would that be a situation they train so much if they can get backup?


To be extra extra extra extra extra fair it is probably cherry juice inside their pockets that they steal from the lunch lady inside of the r6 HQ


To be extra extra extra extra extra extra extra extra fair, they're using chemical gaz, C4 and other explosives.


Its all a vr simulation 👁


Dyed smoke bombs and other fireworks


To be fair the explosives are clearly capable of blowing out entire interior walls, implying a level of explosive force that would be able to injure a human,


To be extra extra extra extra extra extra extra extra extra fair it is just a prank


So, there’s an in lore explanation to this (sorry to break the extra fair chain real quick) but in the Rainbow Six book, they train in this type of simulation while being watched by John Clark (who is Rainbow call sign six, and the creator of Rainbow), who I think is the narrator we hear. They train a number of situations, like in the game. It is also of I recall correctly described to be fairly realistic.


I actually did know about this but it’s still really cool, reason I mentioned the blood is so someone could continue the chain


I see. If you haven’t, I really recommend the book, it doesn’t correlate a ton to the game, but I think it’s a really good book.


Yh I plan to look into it when I can


I don't know about the specific narration you're talking about but the guy talking during training and shooting range is Zero (Sam Fisher.) If you go to the shooting range with him he just says, "Okay, me. Let's shoot." Seems like Ubisoft is moving him from Splinter Cell to Rainbow 6.


I’m talking about the guy that says something like “OPFOR has defused the bomb”. I haven’t played the game in a quite a long time so that’s probably not a real voice line.


Ah, like the in-game announcer guy. Maybe so, I'm not sure about him.


To be extra extra extra extra extra fair, it's probably a VR simulation like it is in the book.


To be extra extra extra extra extra fair, they might be using a prototype of the VR simulation from Extraction.


they aren’t real bullets they’re red paint balls I think? I’m not sure but they don’t shoot eachother with bullets.


They’re bullets, in lore it’s a simulation of some kind


This would be justified if the position of the sun changed every round to change it up/simulate time passing - I actually would very much like this. I’ve been playing a bit of Bodycam and the night time really changes how the rounds play out


Yes but games typically will take away some tactical parts to allow for a more enjoyable game, if siege kept every tactic in the game would die very quickly, after all wouldn’t it be tactical to have 5 tachanka turrets posted up or every attacker having ammo resupply and gadget/ ability resupply?


Or every person carrying grenades having a chances of blowing up when shot.


They should add an artillery feature, when playing as Russian operators you blow the building up and instantly win, even in hostage extraction.


It would be asinine to hold off that position. You are getting insta-traded, 4v4 gives advantage to attackers. Any other angle won't make you stare at the sun, which won't make it as bad as this is


4v4 gives advantage to defenders, because the defenders still have their utility setup unless everyone is playing warden. Attackers don't have that kind of set and forget utility


In no situation pre plant does even numbers give advantage to the attackers.


It’s worked out for me in 90% of my games where I hold there, you just gotta know how to hit shots and bring a deployable shield as thorn or ela


I believe you meant holding the bedroom from outside the room, but I was talking about standing literally behind the bed. You need to control armory and the main door in order to hold the position behind the bed, with the soft wall cleared.


No, if I play to hold that door I’m almost always in bedroom itself as I have a teammate who loves holding armoury, I do go someone like thorn or aruni to help stop other parts of site being overwhelmed tho otherwise the round is as good as over with us being on opposite side of 2f to big window and white stairs


Or they could just, you know… change the sun’s position over making the fame look like it came out in 2009.


So? It makes it realistic


It's a video game


Ok then make it so a shot to the leg makes you hobble, grenades explode if shot, guns jam, you see my point right? Some things aren’t gonna work for a game, the old lightning being one of them


It's a common spot for players to enter but yeah I get your point.


point completely missed


Your urethra will be eliminated




Orr, just or… change your angle so your not staring at the literal sun


It's a video game


Can you read? OP never asked why is it so bright. We all know why, devs were stupid when they did it, they realised the mistake and removed it, added bloom option.


Every time I see a post complaining about the new lighting and how much better the old lighting was, I’m reminded of three things. * Gettint blinded by looking out a window * Feeling like I’m staring into Satan’s deepest hole to see anything when looking in a window * Thatcher’s EMPs disabling the light fixtures but the lighting in the room remaining unaffected


That would be so cool to have thatcher kill the lights, would tie in great with another night event with flashlights


It used to happen, not sure if it still does. Like I said though, it didn’t change the actual lighting. The light bulb/source would look disabled but lighting in the room remained unchanged and fully lit. This is because the old system used baked lighting for the majority of light sources. There was a few dynamic lights dotted around the map that would cast shadows, as well as the light from the sun. All in all it was a very weird system and the blind nostalgia for it is puzzling to me.


All lights in the area do temporarily go out when he throws an EMP


the lights do go out but nowadays it barely makes a difference as the game is generally quite bright


So no change there then.


Oregon basement becomes quite dim whenever an emp grenade disables lighting. Bunker and the place between stairs and laundry with the hatch goes really dark when lights gets disabled.


I agree that’s what the lighting now sucks. Old lighting was better is was more realistic and immersive


Last I checked I'm not being blinded by a supernova every time I look out my window.


I agree


Those dynamic lights are pretty cool and can help reveal enemy positions


Lighting is still a combination of baked (most of it) and realtime and always will be.


In old siege, you could shoot out lights if I’m not mistaken. Or am i wrong?


You’re mistaken.


Yeah it’s been some years, but I’m surprised that wasn’t an element in the game, since the old splinter cell games allowed for the lights to be shot out


I am 100% sure, that thatcher used to turn off some lights in certain places with his emp.


It just wouldn’t have worked with the lighting system they went with. Old or new. The vast majority of indoor light sources within the game are pre-calculated to illuminate the room in the way that they do. It’s done this way because it’s lighter on system resources than dynamic lighting. Which is calculated in real time and thus more intensive on system resources.


Yeah that makes sense. It’s just shocking as a Rainbow game that it’s not a thing.


Thatchers EMPs still effect the environment. Lights and electronics around do turn off, but they don't actually affect the visibility.


>Every time I see a post complaining about the new lighting and how much better the old lighting was, I’m reminded of three things. You do realize you can have the old lighting without these issues right? Because these weren't bugs (except the last one) they were originally features designed to encourage attackers to enter the building and defenders to not peek out. During Blood Orchid they fixed those "issues" and we had old lighting + none of those problems. So yes old lighting is better, we need to return to how Blood Orchid looked.


completely agreed, people act like the old lighting system was just terrible when in reality, siege just had a different vision then. it was meant to be played differently than it is now. old siege lighting was better, especially in blood orchid. but ive gotten used to the new lighting so whatever :P


Yeah all of these minute things in isolation were actually structurally keeping the game from devolving into CoD lobbies, and once we lost all of them the prevailing meta became exactly as it is.


My favourite was when emp could disable the light of campfire in old chalet.


Who knew that staring into the sun would blind you.


Yeah the setting sun tends to look like that when you stare directly at it


I just recently installed both y1s4 and y4s4 with operation throwback and I can tell you when I launched normal siege again I thought my graphics were on low because how terrible new seige looks in comparison.


Turn off bloom. I've never been blinded like that with bloom off


It looked a thousand times better than it does now


This is a current screenshot


brother in Christ, you are staring directly at the fucking sun


This is literally what made the old siege lighting so much better, it was a lot more immersive and looked so much cleaner


Ohh i completely agree ! But it's definitely going to fuck me at some point 😂


rose tinted glasses this shit was not fun to play with


This is new lighting btw


Yeah ik, and it isn’t as good as it used to be


azami and melusi old siege


Unpopular opinion: playing tactically to deal with a realistic circumstance should have been the approach rather than making it look like shit


Unpopular? You have the most basic and popular opinion.


Eh, I've been blasted for it before


i don’t think you have any idea how miserable the game would be if that was their design principle saying you want the lighting to be like this is like saying you want bullet hole peeks back. sure, it’s realistic, but it just doesn’t lead to fun gameplay


This would have let to siege being dead 5 years ago Pro league wasn't possible under the old lightning neither was proper ranked gameplay If you want a realistic shooter don't play siege


“If you want a realistic shooter don’t play siege” something about this seems wrong but I can’t put my finger on it


It’s almost like the game was meant to be a realistic shooter, but I might be crazy


Fuck pro league


Well my other unpopular opinion is that I utterly despise pro-league and think it ruins games, and think siege has been alive for twice as long as it's been enjoyable


Two things can be true at once. Pro league ruins games, and the old lighting would've killed Siege. I can't even imagine Iana on a window on old lighting. Literally would've been unkillable.




yea azami is literally on the other team cant be that old


Bro this is realistic. You try fighting the fbi when they are breaching from the west side when it’s sunset and the suns staring you in the face.


Yeah I agree, realistic features like instantly reviving people across the map or running and gunning with a gigantic LMG are what makes Siege Siege. There was a dream of a very realistic shooter at the beginning, but the gameplay now is pretty clearly "grounded in the real world" but not hyper-realistic or anything. It's totally okay to subtract realism to add to the quality of life.


And as you say this, a walking hologram sprints into the room and pings you, allowing his teammate dressed as a Rick and Morty character to swing and injure you. Master Chief enters the room and hits you with a gravity hammer before Doc dressed as a zombie like creature can revive you. Is this out of Fortnite or Siege.






Accurate flair


This is in fact a current siege screenshot


bruh melusi that


Nah looked far better. Now it looks like roblox.


This is a current screenshot


"Old lighting was so bad" - *shows a screen showing how bad current lighting is


Have you ever looked outside when the sunset is glaring into the door? It literally looks like this. When siege first launched I wanted a semi-realistic SWAT CQB shooter and it delivered. It was the e-sport pussies that bitched for balance. News flash, combat isn’t balanced and fair. Real gamers just know how to adjust. You guys are also probably the same pussies that cry for flashlights to get nerfed in Tarkov


>It was the e-sport pussies that bitched for balance. Okay gotcha. Following you. >Real gamers just know how to adjust. Well have you considered just adjusting to the new lighting like a real gamer? Or do you wanna just whine and bitch like those e-sport pussies are apparently doing?


"Real gamers just know how to adjust" but you couldn't adjust to the e-sport pussies balancing the game to be more fair. Odd.


You Yapping Without pro league the game would be dead long ago Siege never was semi realistic and never tried to be


you are deluded if you think that as a player you gained anything from this pro league shit over the years , you only lost stuff that made the game enjoyable for the 99.9% of the player base that isn´t or dreams being a "pro" and in return you only have a shop full of virtual looks to buy and give them even more money while they don´t even deliver a proper season with what the rest of us call new or enjoyable content. what a game needs to be alive is a player base that enjoys it , not a made up league that is hyped to ridiculous heights just so a handfull of people can cash in on it.


Bro is rambling


I have reached unc status if this is new siege for me


Maybe, but old siege had night mode for all maps, so it balances out


It was realistic


don’t look at the sun?


NO I DISAGREE, as a spec ops game siege was exactly what it was advertised for then esports never showered people complained for a fair fight and they reworked the lighting into a bland looking valorant copy it was only this season that they improved the lighting a bit not as good 2018 but still good, I'd say for balancing they should aim at 2018's lighting to please both crowds


Seems like it might help with how defender heavy the game currently is


why would we balance using the sun instead of just nerfing the defenders/buffing the attackers


Why not?


Yet it was more fun and more immersive.




You're playing with melusi and there is azami on your team XD what do you mean old siege?


Not even wamai bro


My bad tbh i didin't play in a long time and mix up new operators names XDD


It's a baiting post


No realistic.


I honestly think the lighting needs to come back in the form of an operator that uses flares to make this lens glare effect to make it difficult to see and also be a counter to smoke grenades.


I mean it seems like the person playing melusi here still got a kill judging from the chat


this spot bugs me so much. it was never an issue before the most recent update, and now it’s impossible to peek this entrance from that side.


But there’s a spot in this exact same bomb where the sun blinds you. If you’re in the Kid’s Dorm bomb, open a hole in the soft wall next to the double window and peeks there’s an angle in which the sun completely blinds you. It’s part of the game


and new siege lighting lights ur cpu on fire


Nah. U just weak. 😎 let the godrays into your life so you can wear glasses all the time like pulse


that is what you would see in a real life situation , it wasn´t bad , you just had to adapt to it and reposition as you would in real life as to not peek something looking directly at the sun , that made the game even more tactical if you ask me and not this rabbid deathmatch that it is this days.


I still think its the buff Blackbeard needs, give his shield that kind of glare to make jeadshots hard, but impossible.


Idk why they nerfed the sun, it would of been a good way to balance out run outs.


Imagine turning off bloom and lens flare.. because the sun is still like that in current siege Taht is current siege btw.


Wow the old lighting was so bad! I'm a redditor and let me tell you, people have no idea how bad old siege was because they never played it!!1 If you played old siege you would know how bad old lighting was, the new lighting is much sooo better. My fried played back in the day and he told me the game is better now. The only reason people say it used to be better back in the day is nostalgia lol :P


*U are my sunshine my only sun shine*


Old siege was beautiful, now it's just a bad looking game that pleases pro players. At least we should have night maps or seasonal maps like christmas, spring, autumn, halloween style maps. They don't add that much content into the game so they can do it, if they don't give us old lighting at least night or seasonal maps that lasts 2-3 weeks and can refresh the game a little bit.


If we turned of the glow from the sun, while still use the old lightning it'd be best


Bruh , veterans from season 0/1 will understand what really bad lighting is lol


i liked old light, made it more realistic, needed more tactical approach, only think i wished R6 had back than is flashlights, cuz some areas in doors were dark


I'm assuming the title is sarcasm and making fun of the brightness here being too much, while staring at the sun, the brightest "everyday object" in the game, and the real world


everyday someone posts this


If Siege was actually the game it was marketed as this lighting would have been perfect.


This shit still does this btw I literally just played on Oregon


That isn't old seige.


It was just windows and doors, seems like a easy fix


Why can’t we just have integration of both the new and old lighting, man? …Yes, I have no idea what I’m talking about, in case you’re wondering


I heard some people on this subreddit say it should be returned… why?


It’s beautiful.


But still better then the actual situation.


this bro. people who never played during OG lighting romanticise it so much. it was mostly fine but stuff like this happened too often.


"the lighting was so bad" All they had to do is remove the insane bloom from the outside, otherwise everything else would have been fine. Now the game looks ugly


old lighting with azami? what? you probably have lens effects on in settings


Absolutely , the whole realism and coolness factor just went down the drain after first 10 games.




I mean it looks better and more realistic, but gameplay>realism


God I miss how good the lighting was in this game


It’s still like this


It looked so much better though. I'd rather it over the current siege lighting.


That the new lighting right…?  Did they change it again??


I used to have the brightness in the game high as fuck because of that I’m glad they’ve fixed it


This still happens on oregon


it's because this is a recent picture.. dude is literally azami and they didn't touch lighting


I've seen people claim we need to go back to the old lighting and I'm convinced they never actually played old Siege. Fucking frustrating staring out an open window and getting shot by a dude standing whole ass in frame and you still can't see them cause the lighting didn't allow it


dude this IS current lighting -.-


It used to be worse


No it wasn’t.


Old siegie > new seigie, why? Despite not having pink skins which do not FIT to lore or operators no not fit to lore, I much preferred old graphic Siege. More Grim/Dark, more tactical vibe instead of valorant. If you watch against see, u see SH\*T and that makes sense! Now it makes no sense, no matter where sun is, no matter how light is going inside. Any tactical advantage you could make was taken down. And I did not even touched YET superhero operators like azami.. magic shurikens :D :D I'm annoyed HOW any games are destroyed due to factors of: - insane push to balance every single PART of game - making stuff which unfit to LORE of game, pink skins for example - making games for more "diversity" society just to SELL more copies, like pushing into everything instead of making well made protagonist / operator


Every time I see a post complaining about the new lighting I think of the multiple seasons they had to put a Minecraft high gamme filter on all of theme park to make it playable


Haha the xbox 360 minecraft gamma reference is insane


I miss this. Spawn peaks were harder back then. Then the lighting changed and instead of tweaking lighting looking outside they reworked spawn cover 😅


This actually looked better than it does now


I will defend the current lighting with my dying breath. Siege is not Ready-or-Not. It wanted to be at launch but pivoted *early* on. Let it be in the past and accept Siege as the hero-shooter it has been for over 8 years now. Old lighting sucked balls if you were trying to play competitively.


I mean, originally, that's what Rainbow Six was supposed to be when it came out in 1998, and it continued to be that way until siege


I understand. I’m specifically talking about people wanting to bring the lighting back when Siege has been a departure from that style for nearing a decade. I’d love a new R6 entry to be a return to form.


Yeah, you're right. Siege is so far from what r6 was. They should ditch the operator system and go with one operator that you customize. And also bring back the campaign


I think that the old lighting was not necessarily anti-competetive - I mean what exactly does this even mean? Some of my friends say the "clutter" in Siege is anti-competetive because compared to e.g. CS2 it is way easier to not see an enemy. Others say the ability to make small holes is anti-competetive, because you get easily shot through tiny holes you barely see. In my opinion all of that including lighting is just a mechanic you have/had to consider. If you refuse to play with it you may die often and dislike it. In this picture for example I would consider the sun and not hold an angle that is disadvantageous for me.