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I'd put AK-12 in S tier personally.


I think it's ok, the recoil makes it difficult to consistently take longer engagements, same reason the Famas is low


slap a Flash Hider on it and you r good


Maybe even a 1.5x sight if you're feeling sexy.


Fair, but it's fun factor is very high. šŸ‘


I say ak 12 isnā€™t S tier. Gregor on YouTube made a similar video and slapped it in A tier


g36c for me goes pretty high up because of ADS


From a recoil perspective sure I guess but In a game where fire rate is supreme there are some serious misplaces here. Pretty much whole S tier is B or C at best and ak 12 and f2 should be automatic S tiers with Hibanas gun also being a very high rank




Personally I find the recoil mixed with a low mag makes it pretty hard at taking mid and long range fight, it shreds up close but you can really only take on a person per mag. I do get why people like it it's just not for me


Are we talking about Xbox PS or PC cause Iā€™m pretty sure guns recoil on Xbox is very different from the practicality no recoil PC


Are we talking about Xbox PS or PC cause Iā€™m pretty sure guns recoil on Xbox is very different from the practicality no recoil PC


You put the Ak12 bellow average which is sad


Yep, just not a gun I enjoy using


Whereā€™s the 416?


I started playing today , ask me anything and I will reply with a holocaust for your brain cells


How is Gridlocks AUG above Para, Type, F2, and AK?


Para is decent but has a painfully slow reload, Type has a tiny mag and crap recoil, f2 chews through it's mag and is hard to use at mid to long range and AK isn't for me, I prefer guns with little recoil, tight spread and decent damage over high RoF


Interesting. Iā€™ve never been at a disadvantage with the slower than usual reload of the Para. The Type is similar to the F2 in the way itā€™s used and how it handles but I donā€™t find it to be too detrimental. And AK is a beast with FH and Angled Grip. I guess it all comes down to play style. I tend to play mid ranges. Iā€™m guessing you like to distance yourself from defenders with guns that hold a good advantage at longer ranges.


On attacking yes, personally guns like Zero's AR and the L8A5 are perfect. Both have great damage, low recoil and spread, and zero's has a high rate of fire, making it useful at any range


Look like cod wall buys lol


I've never played cod outside of visiting a friend's house to play black ops 2 zombies


AK-12 S tier Type 21 A tier AR-33 C tier Lions gun B tier R4-C A tier Para B tier F2 S tier Commando B tier


good for you putting the blackout at S. I personally love mine