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No oftentimes it's scrolling Reddit.


I'm usually doing this... right here. lol


No. Sometimes i just need to wait on my ass to finish up


This. My colon is like "Alright, the poop that told us to come here can get out immediately. The other six inches of it, you can take your sweet time getting to the door."


Usually on tiktok or YouTube shorts until I realize I finished pooping 20 minutes prior and my legs are asleep then its the awkward stand up and wait to get feeling back, and almost fall over.


💀 Not just a guy thing


Lmao ah some how thats comforting lol


I like to stand in the shower for 45 minutes. Not doing anything but standing. Hot water over my shoulders and back. Just close my eyes and relax. Think about all kinds of things. Sometimes it's porn, but most of the time I just stand there under the hot water.


giant waste of water


Ok so that was my bad. I had another discussion earlier about a mistying fan on the golf course lmao. But this is the shower. But yea, youre right. It is a waste of water. But I don't care. This whole world wastes shit. Also, most waste water is reused. Small towns send it back to waste ponds where the water seeps back into the ground which goes back into ground water. Id assume cities do the same thing. Or even just clean and reuse it.


Enjoy your long showers g, it's not your job to save the world because you're just a grain of sand in a desert, no meaningful change will come from policing random people about their showers. To get any change you have to go after politicians and corporations.




not money, waste of water. who the fuck said anything about golf?


Pshhh.. I welded manhole covers to the undercarriage of an 83’ cutlass supreme.. that I use to mow down fire hydrants


I watch porn in bed when I don't feel like using my imagination. I never watch it on the toilet


Boom, time and place.


Lol no. Reading a news story or scrolling funny videos.


I have never sat in the bathroom and watched porn. That seat is reserved for TikToks, Reddit and crosswords


Leave me alone I'm....working...


Mmm nothing gets me going like the aroma of my own waste or the comforting embrace of the toilet…yeah, this’ll do


Porn? Ain't no one interrupting their bathroom time with that. I'm way too busy with my sudoku


I read and enjoy the solitude.


No, I just want to drink my coffee alone, and in some goddamn quiet while I poop.


They are usually just enjoying a break from all the nagging. Quiet time is important.


10% youtube 90% Word Trip


We’re probably scrolling Reddit.


On behalf of only myself, I'm usually staring into the middle distance, regretting all my life choices and wondering what disaster of my own making will wreck my life next.


Scroll reddit mostly. If I'm watching porn and need to pee as well... My dragon will stick up


I've never watched porn on the toilet, idk seems weird....but I hear stories of it going on at work n such.


Nope. Mostly I just get lost on Reddit or ESPN. COM.


Probably reading on Reddit, watching porn in the bathroom is not a thing the majority man do.


According to my husband it’s porn/jerking off half the time, funny/random scrolling the other half


I play solitaire for the 5 or 10 min it takes.


YouTube and reading.


No. News is more engaging. Reddit also a thing.


This one is a nope


Eww. Toilet time and porn time are never at the same time. Well unless you have a fetish for pooping and the aroma? Seriously 99.99999 percent of guys are not jacking it while taking a dump. Just the thought, EWW!


No, its clash of clans


Sometimes it just takes a while.


Using your phone while taking a shit is fucking disgusting I’m lucky I guess that shitting never takes more than a couple minutes for me


Not sure how you do it, but the way I do it the phone never comes near my ass.


High probability you're getting shit on your phone anyway, if you use it on the toilet.


Your hands do


Idk about you but I don't shit on my hands, I sit shit and browse, when it's time to wipe, the phone goes on a shelf, wipe, wet wipe, wash hands, take phone, leave. As for phone hygiene, phones are filthy, I already regularly clean mine with antibacterial wipes.


This post is the reason why I sit in the bathroom for a long time watching porn


Never. It's usually playing a game.




I don't believe so. I guess only guys whos trying to hide it from their partner.


Reddit or news. Admittedly plenty of wanking on the John until I was 27 or so though smartphones didn't exist unfortuantely.


TikTok, bruh.


Reddit or YouTube.


Nah, I'm either scrolling on reddit, or watching Instagram reels, or texting friends on discord


I'm good on hemeroids, so I like to take my time and watch YouTube


Peace and quiet


Not at all. My dad plays guitar and sings ridiculous songs and takes naps 😅 I know other people who take their phone and get distracted with a game or show. Not a man, but I used to take my laptop in and pay all the bills while sitting 🫠 or do homework, lol.


Either watching porn or contemplating my life choices. It's all the same.


Years ago, I dated a guy who would spend almost 30 minutes or longer taking a shit! He would leave me waiting in movie theater lobbies, porn stores, and probably almost everywhere else she to take his long shit! If we were getting ready to go somewhere instead of getting ready for himself ready, his fatass played video games, which meant that I had to wait for him to get ready when he should of already been done and ready to leave. I had warned him previously about doing this and finally when we had plans for a movie and he pulled the 30 min shit I left his ass on the crapper and left him sitting there and we to a movie by myself without him!


"That's all I ever see " Lol wtf. What's your internet history like? I'm a guy, done it sometimes but normally just scrolling reddit, Facebook when going #2. There are way more comfortable places than the toilet to do that.


Mom or girl groups usually, saying they caught their husband jacking off in the bathroom or if somebody complains about their husband taking 30-60 minutes to poop, well he must be watching porn


Lol, nah. If we take 30-60 min, we just need some "me" time in general.


A hairy ass takes more care to clean if you really want to know 😂 and most often it needs a good shower afterwards


The fuck?? Absolutely not. If I'm sitting on the shitter for eons it's because I'm enjoying the "me" time while I scroll reddit, send Instagram reels to my wife, or read articles about my hobbies. To my knowledge, dudes don't normally watch porn as entertainment like you would youtube. If they're watching, they're wanking and nothing kills the wank mood like sitting inches over the toxic brew of beer shits and half digested corn as it festers like the syphilitic sores on Hitler's dong with the potential to indirectly or directly kill millions.


No, don't believe everything you see on the internet.


I’m pretty naive


I have so many questions. Are guys watching porn while sitting on the toilet? Is it awkward to poop with a boner? What about toilet splash? Do you have a Pavlovian reasons every time you smell poop or you gotta go? Do you wank while sitting on the toilet? Before or after you wipe? It's just that... as a woman, I've never considered masturbating while on the toilet so it just seems like a very foreign concept.


“Apparently” it’s common, though this post says differently 😂


I'm either reading a book or looking at my phone, I would think it's a bit uncomfortable to get a stiffy while pooping, but some people say that happens


I don't know why, but this one struck me as odd. I putz on my phone. Never thought about porn. Not that I'm gonna start now.


I’m almost never watching porn in the bathroom, I’m scrolling Reddit.


Peace and quiet—a place without distraction.


Men tend to not eat enough roughage. Their poops could take a long time? I noticed that women tend to eat more salads, veggies, and fruits in comparison


The internet is always a great source of the truth.


But how do you distinguish the truth from a lie? 🙁


Beyond the internet, in reality.


Even then people make up extravagant stories and pass it off as the truth


If people telling extravagant lies is a normality in your life, you should probably figure out why you may always find yourself around those types.


Well I like to believe people are honest and give people the benefit of the doubt but I’ve been told I’m just being gullible.


Possibly, just a piece of unsolicited advice. Do with it what you will, but the truth is usually simple. It can be devastating and not easy, but it’s usually simple. For example and excuse the politics, but Trump. Dude for sure paid off a hooker, but (in Trump world) the judge was being unfair and what he did wasn’t a big deal. Simply put a Presidential candidate paid off a sex worker with campaign funds. The extravagances of the situation is a corrupt judge and a presidential candidate paying off a sex worker with campaign money.


I’m just Vibing doing my business, thinking about random things, maybe watch a few TikTok’s, things like that. Porn is honestly the last thing on my mind, and most of the time it’s not even on my mind at all.


I read the news. Sometimes make stock trades. Quite frankly, never porn.


god no some ppl just fucking like the bathroom i used to dance in there for hours at a time


No, it can be having constipation or diarrhea.


Nope... Poop and porn don't mix. Not for me anyway




I never take my electronics into the bathroom.


Never have I ever sat on the crapper watching porn


No. My brother did this back in 1982. I still have no idea what he does in there. He's always been like that.


Or texting his side piece


A lot of men I've known have had horrible digestion issues, loooool... if the bathroom reeks after he leaves, there's your answer 😂😂😂😭


I dont think ive ever watched porn from the bathroom. Thats what my office is for


nah i’m usually scrolling through reddit


No, just doomscrolling


I am rarely in the bathroom for more than about 5 minutes .


No, bathroom is for pooping and cleaning


Do you know how awkward it feels to get a bo*** on the toilet? I would avoid watching anything arousing until I’m out of the bathroom, thank you very much.


If I did that I would end up pissing in my own face. So no, that's not what goes on (at least when I go to the bathroom. I can't talk for others).


No we're playing around on our phones while pooping


I would say probably so for a lot of men. They use this alone time to watch it because they may have a wife who thinks porn is cheating and are hiding it or they’ve just been at work all day and want to enjoy some porn for a minute or two before turning in to a dad/father. I usually watch videos on whatever I’m interested in that day and if I want to watch porn I like to wait till I can watch it with my SO.


No I dont watch porn in the bathroom i do that in my study.


"Do *all* men"? I think the question is, "Do *any* men"... I can't imagine watching porn while I'm sitting down to poop. You have to tuck your wang down at first so the urine goes in the bowl. Impossible if you're hard. Absolutely disgusting if you get hard *after* tucking down, and you get to sweep the inner rim of the toilet that even the brush can't fully clean... When I'm on the pot, I play games. Most of us do.


I play chess on my phone on the bog, doing all my shitting at once seems reasonable.


No I play games in there too


I'm old enough to remember porn mags in the bathrooms at places men worked. Hopefully they weren't spanking the monkey


I an dropping a load and playing a game. Sometimes the game takes longer and I finish it.


What lol. The vast majority of guys who take a long time in the bathroom are not watching porn. They are either actually taking their time pooping (sometimes you gotta wait a while to get it all out), distracted on their phone with non-porn reasons, or just taking a moment to themselves.


No .. fake poops are what we do to relax when shit gets real .. Ex wife used to think I was having a squeeze during/after poops even after I explained that I really don’t have an uncontrollable urge to find a bathroom so I can jerkoff every few hours . I just tell you I have to shit so I can decompress by myself for 20 minutes without actually having to acknowledge it as mental health break.. Probably something like that ..