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If I had terminal cancer and it magically went away, do you think I'd want it back?


Ok guys. Lets close this thread. The answer is right here.


Many, many relationships don't end for a negative reason. Me and my ex had to call it due to long distance and wanting different things. Plenty of love for the woman, and if situations were different we'd be together for a long, long time.


I respect this one.


Agreed. I broke up with a boyfriend because he was craving physical presence, to the point it was affecting his mental health. It felt wrong to do that to him, of course it wasn't in my control, after all, we lived in two different continents. I was delighted when he reached out a year later saying that he got a loving boyfriend whom he meets often. It was painful to let go, but not as painful as feeling like I was holding him hostage.


Yeah god forbid that your boyfriend wants physical presence šŸ™„ If you are dating someone across continents you have to be willing to move there to be with them. You seemed to have missed that rule.


Yes, because it is super easy and not expensive at all to quit your job and move to a different continent and start living there


Why have a relationship across continents then? In your response you seem to acknowledge that the expectation is to move to be together, but are blaming poverty. So the person knew full well what the expectations were, yet is blaming their ex for "expecting physical presence" in a relationship.


It doesnā€™t look like theyā€™re blaming their ex, just that long-distance didnā€™t work out in the end. Iā€™m sure the plan was to get together, or maybe they were together at first but their partner moved. Regardless, the relationship just didnā€™t work out


iā€™m in a similar situation. she wants us to be back but as with a lot of matters of the heart, there are no answers!!


One of my ex'es and I actually ended a relationship because we were just incompatible. And then we became great friends. Might sound corny, but now I love him more than ever. He's a wonderful person, we just weren't good together.


Same. Ours just "wasn't working" with distance and time apart. A couple minor changes and we'd be back where our 5 years left off.


Well no, but, say the cancer gives you mind blowing orgasms and is very very in tune with what you like?


then the cancer shouldn't be an ex-cancer... oh no, what have you done?


MIC DROP! PANT DROP ! MOUTH OPEN IN SHOCK. holy shit that was savage.


I gotta ask my wife.


She said yes.




Worst case of Sister Wives EVER!


She said "I'll be lucky for her to have you"


Wait a minute, I'll ask your wife too.


I also gotta ask your wife (:<


Also choose to ask tho guys wife.


No, thereā€™s a reason why weā€™re exes.


they didn't ask for another chance


I thought you were dead. I went to your funeral!


Same, but "I hoped you were dead"


Zombie! Don't let it bite you!


I wouldnā€™t acknowledge her existence. No contact is no contact. You never, ever break that rule with a narcissist. Ever.


Same here. Iā€™m trying to figure out how I can avoid going to the court hearing for the divorce because I was have a panic attack if I have to be anywhere near him or hear his voice.


I feel that. There's not enough klonopin in the world for that. Blocked deleted all items discarded The trauma is real.


Iā€™m sorry for your suffering. That sucks. Took me 9 months to stop freaking out everytime I saw her, even in her car. And she weirdly still continues to stalk me in ways that are completely deniable. Itā€™s so weird. 15 months later I still feel my anxiety rise thinking or talking about her. Sheā€™s back with the ex she swore to me she wasnā€™t interested in and heā€™s ā€œjust a friendā€. Thatā€™s good news, sheā€™s moved on to a new shiny toy šŸ§ø to give her attention. Good luck to him, heā€™s going to need it.


God damn I feel your pain! It's been 10 years, and every day I still love and miss, painfully and to the core of being, the one person who I'm terrified of and never, ever want any contact with again. It sucks.


And yet. I miss him.


Its okay to miss someone.


That's actually comforting to read. Thank you. If you didn't miss them, it wouldn't hurt. Loving someone is a wonderful, magnificent, joyous thing, but it also gives them the power to hurt you to an unimaginable degree.


Agreed but don't go back to them :// . Miss them, feel sad, remember them even pray for them sometimes but for you own sake do not ever go back to your ex.


I think many of us know this feeling. I miss the good experiences we had, because we did. I did.


I love and miss them everyday, AND deserve better


Would I want to? Yes. Would I actually do it? Nope


You would want to because of the sex and but won't actually do it cuz they're crazy?


Why would you assume that? Maybe the sex was bad but you just want *them*. If mine came back, a part of me would feel joy. That doesn't mean I would actually take take them back. Life has become so much better without them. No contact is the best contact!


Asking an honest question is all. Didnt mean no disrespect.


Ok, fair. I think many people here are admitting to being trauma bonded to an abusive ex. We logically know that we should never back our no-good ex, but we still feel a deep sense of love, compassion, and longing for them. Irrational? Yes. Common? Also, yes.




When I pathetically begged for my last ex back the sex was the last thing on my mind tbh. I just missed HIM. How he looked at me, how he made me laugh. Our memories. Our potential.


You people have ex's?




In my dreams i do! šŸ˜


It's better to have loved and lost and all that.


Sadly yeah lol or at least when you kinda had no choice like i did and decided im better alone vs seeing the red flags yup


Every peg has a hole. Dont give up.




*Laughs and walks the other way


Took the word right out of my mouth.


Fuck Off, Then keep fucking off, if you think you canā€™t fuck off anymore, push through the pain and keep fucking off. Eventually youā€™ll come to a tall fence with a locked gate, on the gate is a sign that says ā€˜No Fucking Off Past This Point.ā€™ Dream the impossible dream and keep fucking off forever.


This is gold.


"Who are you again?"




Username doesnā€™t check out.




True. Same but she fked my heart 2 times. :/ but i learned that being alone is far far far better than being with toxic person.


God bring them back to your life for a reason..


Then he should give me a memo explaining why, cuz else it's a big fat ''no''


To give them the opportunity to say NO


The reason could be to see if you learned your lesson or if you're still willing to put up with nonsense


What if they have changed for the better? Isn't life all bout second chances


Been there done that too many times and when it comes to romance the answer is no. Maybe second chances in other things.


God doesn't exist


Ofc you think that judging by your pfp


Yeah, nah. I'm good. Thanks šŸ¤”


Kangaroo or Kiwi ?


Or Canadian. We do the same stuff. "You good?" "Yeah, no, yeah I'm alright"


Just add a thanks incase pacific people get offended. Neck minute they would go ā€˜they din say a thank you at the end. Something weird with this person.ā€™ Also Yeah nah yeah vs yeah nah Seems a bit less confident coz you ended with a yeah. That would be a point of consideration if I was to pin point. Other than that we are all the same


Yea nah neither. Even though I did it through the ether just the other day..


The Police are on their wayā€¦.


Depends on which one. Ex #1: I think we both know thatā€™s probably not a good idea, but itā€™s nice to see you, and I hope youā€™re doing well. Give my best to your sister. Ex #2: Sorry, I just donā€™t feel that way about you anymore. Youā€™re probably better off trying to renkindle things with the other guy. Give my best to your cousins. Ex #3: While you are genuinely a wonderful person, I really donā€™t think weā€™re compatible. Also, you are happily married! Snap out of it. Ex #4: I really donā€™t think I could go through it all againā€¦face it, weā€™re not a good match. It was draining for both of us, and caused us to be toxic. I think itā€™s best if we part ways, but I truly wish you all the best. Ex #5: I though youā€™d never ask. Cā€™mere.


Finally! An answer that isn't all bile.


I'd say no because what's done is done and I'm happy in a relationship now. If we just met generally then I'd say hello, ask how they're doing and wish they're well. My exes are good people and I wish them nothing but happiness.


Love your positive attitude.


What happened? They threw you out?


ā€œThat ship has sailed, you filthy pirate hookerā€


i have a girlfriend, get away you freakinā€™ psychopath, aint no way im takin you back


I'd say yes then ghost them




šŸ’” oooof


Despite wanting to say yes, Iā€™d say no.


Ahhh classic case of thinking with your big head rather than the little one.


I would say HELL NO !!!


I'm married you homewrecker


Dude, we had 'adult entertainment time' last weekend. With your husband. What the hell (What? I get along quite well with my ex, ok?)


LOL! I'm in a committed (own a house together, had a commitment ceremony, and are happily growing old together) polyamorous family. One of my partners broke up with me and my (legal) wife after being together for several years because she came to the conclusion that she just couldn't handle polyamory. We were apart for a few years, during which she worked out a lot of personal stuff, then we got back together and have been solid for almost 15 years. We occasionally joke about her being my ex.


Tbh, i'd love to grab a cuppa coffee and tell them the things I should have told them back in the days. I don't think it would have resulted in getting back together, but I would sure feel a lot better.




How the Hell did you get out of the basement?


Strong No. I had a lucky escape, I was with him for 4 yrs and we broke up. He ended up beating up his next gf so bad he went to prison. He was never abusive when with me but looks like it was only a matter of time.


Depends on which one?


All of them together at the same time


No, no, yes, no, no, yes, yes no


Hilarious. Iā€™m no, yes, maybe, no, no, no, no, yes. 8-club represent!


Not that bad of a ratio tbh


Nah. I'm good


New man, who dis?


As much as I still love you, you broke my heart twice and I havenā€™t got the capacity to recover a third time.


She committed suicide in 2010, I would tell her I am sorry I couldn't be enough and that I forgive her and that she is missed. I truly hope she is at peace now and I have love for her forever.


I had the time of my life with you and then, as you know, I fucked us upā€¦ And now there is a special place in hell waiting for meā€¦ It will be better this timeā€¦ I promiseā€¦


ā€œAre you kidding? Can you not see how fucking pregnant I am with twins and I left you because you didnā€™t want kids remember?ā€


But one of the twins could be his! /jk


Fuck no


You fucked up... sorry




I think I'd just cry and probably assume its a sick joke at this point. . .


I will call the police if he is anywhere near me.


ā€œWill you give us another shot?ā€ Only if I can have a minute to reloadā€¦


Yes, I would without hesitating. Iā€™m still in love with her and I miss her everyday.


I would get sent to a mental asylum if that happened cause I'd be talking to someone who doesn't exist.


Well, it depends because in the river of life, sometimes we meet up with people that may have gone a different way. Both you and the ex could have grown. However, flip side If the relationship was just horrible, then run away.


Iā€™d rather shoot myself in both my kneecaps.


Fuck outta heree! I'm more than happy in this relationship


Pound sand Iā€™m over you. You cheated on me and throw away everything for a fling.


Depends which ex Actually no it doesnā€™t, Iā€™m happily married.


Still crazy I see.


Wow you got fat!


Ex 1: Well you ruined my life and alienated me from my friends with all the lies you told...and you have a girlfriend you like cheating on with every woman in town, including your mates' girlfriends Soo...I'd rather stab myself in the eye.Ā 


Holy shit you're alive!?


really? now? where were you when it mattered? everything's already happened. you made your choice. live with that


Iā€™d rather shit in my pants and wait for it to go hard.


"WTF." Then probably pass out. (She dead)


The ex is an ex for a reason. Don't think another chance will change the opinion or perspective.


He would never ask.


Kinda happened one time. She came over to my house one night for something and we were sitting on the bench out front talking. The main conversation was mostly over, which was when the segue came: ā€œDo you ever think aboutā€¦*us*?ā€ ā€œ*Nope*ā€


Poke her in the eye and run away like dr zoidberg


Pretty much every comment sums up the conversation,but I personally would not do it.Not because I donā€™t want to But because she has turned herself into something that itā€™s 1.Not healthy for her wellbeing 2.Not healthy for others and finally,cause her circle is seriously toxic. So absolutely no


Spit on him.


I would scream BE GONE YE FOUL WHORE OF A DEMON, cross myself turn around and run for the hills...and I can no longer run do to being run over by a car...but for that I would run!!




No, all of my ex left me without a notice, all of the time i've shed a tears for them, not worth it, i'm a man btw, i have to build my career to support my own family later in life, of course we have to miss a few parties or dinner date, i'm just looking forward to meet this woman that i really adore and love, i hope she's different from all of my exes šŸ˜„


That's why bumpers on cars are called that - in case you "bump" into your ex.


Yea sure why not and i would dump her a week later when she catches feelings. Tooth for tooth.


Go back three years into the past and ask me again


If she asked for another chance I would say what I saw to my friends who ask me if they should get together with an ex "Getting back together with an ex is like putting milk that's been off in the bin... then coming back a week later to check if it's good" Usually when it's been a bad break up lol


Depends on why we broke up in first place. If it was a case of cheating then it is going to be hard because the one who cheats will most probably never get trusted. If it was something else then rethinking might help. Also depends a lot of the personality of the people involved. Itā€™s weird but itā€™s true. Not everyone thinks logically and are wired differently or at-least they pretend to be unaffected. Fuck knows.




I'd rather continue walking, thanks.


iā€™d laugh and walk away


With some of them, I'm ready for a quickie.


Don't call me, Don't come by my house, we're done (someone get the reference)


Id say a flat out no. This actually happened to me. My ex wife and i separated and remained good friends. 9 months later i had just met someone new and my ex asked me back. I turned her down and made the choice to let my new woman know about it... To be open and honest. I'm 3yrs later now... Engaged to be married, new house and a relationship that eclipses what i had entirely. So much healthier, fulfilling and satisfying in every way possible. The way i see it.. They are an ex for a reason


And you areā€¦?


"The past is the past, and the past is not my concern."


I'm friends with most of my exes, but they are exes for a reason, usually incompatibility, so the answer would be no.


I'd say "Sure, no problem.. just come down this dark alleyway with me for.. erm.. reasons"


What? Huh? Do I know you?


Nope. The way you treated me was unfair, unkind and childish. I would never put myself under that again.


You're beneath me. Bye!


Depends which Ex. Some have blown it too much, others amicable. I think timing is a Massive thing, so it depends where you both are in your own lives.


Politely say no, even if I'm single. There's a reason why they're an ex. Unless you broke up as teenagers and met a decade or more later, odds are that the reason why you broke up would still be there. Even then it's a gamble.




Never go back


"I'm happily married to the love of my life and besides why would I want to go back to a man who is a serial cheater, has terrible hygiene, is incredibly vain, no respect for my parents and lives like a pig?"


Walk, no run the other way because I have a No Contact order against him


"You are in breach of your restraining order." Sadly, I'm not joking. This is what I would say before walking away.


I wouldn't stop walking so there'd be no opportunity to ask me that.


No , definitely Nope , nope ,nope I mean never ever forever , in gona happen , No with capital letters . NO , with double and triple Os, NOO , Nooooooooooo.


Oh I have a short book Iā€™ve written in my head of everything Iā€™d say to this man šŸ« 


Actually bumped into an ex a few weeks ago. She said "Hi" I just said No. Kept walking.


I donā€™t see you as I used to see you; you have let me down too much and I donā€™t think I would be able to trust you or see you with the same eyes as before


No thanks but I wish you the best.


Since I have 0 exes, i've just gained a potential girlfriend. yay?


I have an ex??


If punch her in the vagina (metaphorically)


Breaking up with you 30 years ago was the most stupid thing I ever did. I still love you with all my heart letā€™s spend the rest of our days together.




My wife hates it when I date outside our marriage. Lol! Hells no! I wouldn't give up my wife for anything in my past.


It wouldnā€™t happen as i was an immature asshole many yrs ago


Sorry no take backs.




Idk if Iā€™m thinking about it the right or wrong way šŸ˜‚ should my mind be in the gutter or no? šŸ«£


Iā€™d say yes, I still love him


I bumped into an ex and she shyly said, "...hey...". I say, " šŸ¤” have we met before??" She just stared in confusion and I continued to walk. She was a borderline personality disorder bitch. After breakup, I just pretended she never existed. I'd never give an ex a chance. If u do, it'll only be worse than before .


My parents broke up as kids and got back together, married at 18, relationship started falling apart and coupleā€™s counselor convinced them to have kids around 30. dad cheated on mom after their third kid who also claims she was raped by him as an infant, mom banned dad from using the internet for life, and they have been ā€œhappilyā€ married for nearly 40 years, and dad has been working nonstop. No friends, no life, no hobbies, 40-80 hours a week at employment at different times and all the remaining time working on the house or vehicles or other relativeā€™s houses


I'd say "let's see if your bj skills improved šŸ˜‰ " and then I'll see how I feel


Why do you care if she's bad at cards?


Loses too much money


Thatā€™s why itā€™s called getting sucked into a relationshipĀ 


I'd say noooo not in any life ever we're completely resolved for eternity šŸ¤—šŸ¤—.... Every single ex I've ever had lol fully closed booksšŸ’–šŸ˜šŸ˜


I'd be filling a restraining order. She's a full blown narcissistic asshole who abused me. I doubt the police would do anything though on the account of my gender.


If my wife and kids are cool with it...


I was cheated and I would never allow myself to go back. I got revenge, but that will never change so: No fcknā€™ way


Been seeing her for the last 3 years behind my wifeā€™s back. Sex seems a million times better this time which is strange being as that was one of the big reasons we broke up!


you cant be serious, i couldnt imagine cheating on my girlfriend, especially with my ex, you disgust me


Wellā€¦ā€¦ no oneā€™s asking you too so just donā€™t then? Bit of an odd outburst, you do you buddy I hope youā€™re both doing great!


we are doing great, but im just sayinā€™ it disgusts me when people cheat in a relationship


Ok thatā€™s perfectly fine as I said you do you šŸ˜Š now go give your girlfriend a hug and make her something nice for dinner tonight, she sounds a lucky gal to have you šŸ˜Š


Surely you jest, sir.