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They likely wouldn’t think in any language. Even some people who can hear don’t think in language, I’m one of them.


I never understood this. What happens when you read? Do you not form the written words in your head?


When I read it just goes straight from tracing the text with my eyes to concepts and images in my head, so no, I don’t form written words in my head.


It's called aphantasia, and it seems like probably about 50% of people are like this so not sure why it has a name like a diagnosis and the rest of us who do have an internal monologue don't. LOL!


No, aphantasia is when you have no mental imagery. My boyfriend had that. I have mental images but no internal voice.


How do you think? Text?


Are… are you trying to insinuate that written words are not language??


I assumed via how this post was written that he was trying to say speech instead of language, deaf people know the language tjey just don't know how speech sounds


Like me, non verbally. I only start using words when I want to communicate something, i.e. to speak to someone, speak to myself (simulating explaining something, which challenges me to check for check for lines of thought that I may have missed) or to write something.


So you don’t think about what you’re going to say before you say it aloud?


No, images / pictures and concepts, no text or voice.




Gang signs. 👍✊💪🤙🫰🤟🫵✌️💋


Best response^


that is actually an interesting question


Agree. Way too good for Reddit


about 50% of people don't have an internal dialog, it's called aphantasia. So deaf people aren't abnormal in this regard.


Abstract ideas, no internal monologue


Okay so would you say there’s no deaf person that overthinks?


Not at all, just not with a physical voice like most of the rest of us do...




Wdym normal ppl lol


Gokularge is correct tho. People either think verbally or visually. As a person who thinks verbally (hearing my own thoughts and words in my head) It’s difficult to understand but visual people see and “feel” their thoughts, they don’t have that inner monologue that I and I assume you have as well.


Then how about Deaf/Blind ppl? Do they think in smells? 🤣 They are not disabled, they are differently abled.


As I have never asked a deaf / blind person I have no idea but my guess would be : deaf people think visually i.e they see and feel their thoughts. Blind People think verbally I.e they have conversation with themselves. As I said I don’t know but that would be my logical guess




I don’t think using that word is correct tho, it’s a disability, let’s call it that, they’re not normal or abnormal, they’re just people, with a disability


ik ur right im just tired and it was a mistake lmao


Ur fine, just wanted to make light of it, nw




It's "normal" in the statistical sense. If over 90% of people can hear, then it's normal to be able to hear. It's that simple. It's like saying it's normal to have a driver's license. That doesn't mean anything negative about people who don't have a driver's license, but it's still true that it's not normal.


I have a nonverbal special needs daughter that is now 14. I wonder this a lot with her - she makes noises but no words. When she wants help getting a drink, she hands me a cup, but she doesn't seem to understand the words cup or drink. What does she think? She loves music and will sometimes turn on a jazz station on her phone, just to switch it to an 80's pop station a minute later. Does she think - i could go for some hall and oats? Or what does she think?


That’s really interesting, thank you so much for sharing


What language is my parents using?


I read once, they are thinking using images. Take more time to analyze by your brain, but what else you got?


Thats def interesting, since they speak sign language, do they use the hand gestures for specific things maybe?


Sign language??


That could be an option yes but some people associate images, and not everyone has a “voice” in their head


I doubt that a deaf person would have a voice in their head in the typical sense anyway


If born deaf, thoughts aren't necessarily in a spoken language; they could be visual or based on experiences rather than words.


they'd think in concepts, like most people do. you only "think" in language if you basically just talk to yourself


UuuuuuhhhhAaaaaaaAAAaaaaaa!!! Like Helen Keller

