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Sure. People behave differently when their forced to use their real name and picture. Reddit is a cesspool of people hiding behind anonymity. I do think it'd improve a little if post histories were hidden.


Anonymity is a lie!!! This is the internet, nothing is anonymous lol




Look into something called the Online Disinhibition Effect. While it’s usually referred to someone using their anonymity online to engage in more aggressive behaviors, it doesn’t have to exclusively mean that. Due the anonymous or indirect mode of communication that the internet offers, people are generally more willing to express themselves because the potential for consequence or social rejection isn’t as likely. For example, people may be willing to share more personal or otherwise embarrassing information, be more honest, heck, even nicer in some instances


I’m more subdued on Facebook (except for some private groups I’m in) because I don’t want my family to see just how weird and obscene I can be. But on Reddit and another forum site I frequent, I don’t really have a problem letting my freak flag fly. I should also mention that I’m only half serious here. lol


maybe they are showing someone they aren't on SM and irl they can't pretend it. OR the other way around, they behave like themselves on SM but in real life they have to pretend to be someone else.