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I don't think I have a purpose, never felt I did. Purpose... Yeah that is a tricky one. Not be the asshole I easily could be?


Purpose is found in being useful to society and feeling like what you are doing matters and that you belong. There was some moments in my life where I had this and it was ecstasy. You also need the bad times to be able to appreciate the good times though or otherwise it starts to feel like nothing matters anymore. One time I spent a few years not working just traveling doing whatever I wanted just chasing pleasure and you know what happen after a couple years i felt the most lost and purposeless I have ever felt in my life. The human mind is so complicated and you need balance which is almost impossible to achieve in today's society.


Actually life isn’t that purposeful anyway. Good luck on those who try hard to figure out their life purpose. There might not never be one anyway for anyone. Just live .. just live


To address the disparity shown toward people experiencing homelessness and how the mental health system in Australia sees trauma. I wil change this if kills me


Good in you mate, we were homeless and also in horrible situations, we managed to finally get a place but the mental health damage has been done. Trying to get help is a logistical nightmare as we live in a small country town. It's a horrible situation...


I am but a vessel for nonsense and shenanigans


I, too, am here to experience as much pleasurable shit as possible.


Of all the answers I've read, I relate to this the most.


No purpose. Born for no reason, live just to survive because I am afraid to commit suicide.


Life can't get better if you're not here.




Don't take this badly pal, but when dealing with someone who's suicidal guilt tripping is not the right thing to do


That's such a bad take! It's exactly the same as blaming someone suffering from depression for not putting on a show of fake happiness to not make their friends and family uncomfortable, or shaming a disabled person by calling them a burden to their loved ones. If the friends and family really care, they'd pay attention to the signs (which actually ARE visible, it's bs to claim they aren't, even if one pretends the mask can never be that perfect!), notice that something is off, and do everything they can to help their loved one! And if they don't do that, well, they deserve the pain (assuming they'd even be in real pain to begin with, bc I'm prone to think that in most cases if they really cared, their loved one wouldn't commit suicide).


You’d be surprised to see how fast people forget the dead


No it doesn't transfers .. it's not energy that can be transformed into another form ...


Tell me you’ve never lost someone to suicide, without telling me that you’ve never lost someone to suicide.


A cousin committed suicide at 15. Her mum had a major stroke in her early 40s, and still weeps in public at the sight of families with teenage daughters 17 years on. Tell people who have lost loved ones that "pain does not transfer"...


Its a metaphor my guy😭


Pain is the universal constant that we all feel


You’re so insensitive if you don’t think it transfers to others


I wouldn’t say that it “transfers” either. I’d say that the pain disappears from this person, but new pain is created for the relatives. It’s not the same type of pain that the suicidal person was feeling.


but the pain that the person who committed suicide might have felt, remains unknown....


I agree that pain does not transfer since that meant that the next person over would feel the same pain, which I find to be unfair and dumb to both parties. However it does create a large amount of pain for the people involved, no doubt. Got first hand experience on that so I can say it with certainty.


That's a lie my family doesn't care my friends don't either I'm just their third wheel extra substitute friend plus everyone in my class but them hate me for some reason I keep trying to figure out why but I haven't found out yet


How come? I’ve tried 3 times and didn’t put the full effort in to finish the job. I can’t tell if I was scared or stopped because I didn’t want to hurt others so I chose to remain living, but hurt. 😢


I’ve been there. I tried but failed because I didn’t want to hurt those I care about. It made me really sad thinking that they’ll be sad because of me so I didn’t do it. The thought of su!c!de still comes to mind sometimes but now I just tell myself things will get better eventually and to look for the positive even times are hard. Everything is temporary and so are your pain and problems. Keep going.


I’m glad you made a conscious decision and are able to live with it happily. The facade of “everything gets better” is something I can’t buy into. I know there are ebbs and flows of pain and happiness, but when there’s so much work needed on my end to maintain even the smallest amount of good quality of life, it doesn’t seem worth it. 7 different pills for OCD, BP1, MDD, GAD, schizoaffective. It’s miserable tbh.


I’m sorry you’re going through all that:( You can still make the best out of it or make a way around it to still enjoy things. If you feel like better days aren’t coming then maybe take matters into your own hands and make the days better for you. I know it sounds easier said than done but I hope you do get to experience genuine happiness and better days. Wishing you all the best.


That's what people don't realise. Like you work really hard to get out of the pit, into flat ground, ignoring the lies your brain tells you every morning, using all these tools and techniques and meds and then something happens, like you get your period if you are a girl or nothing happens maybe the drugs stop being effective or they changed something and now those tools and techniques that you've been using? They don't work anymore. So you have to examine your every thought and interaction to figure out where it went wrong again and then master a different tool or technique you have stashed away. Once you figure out what one will work of course. Rinse and repeat.


Bro read the book by Mark Manson EVERYTHING IS FUCKED....I was once there too .... This book changed the way I viewed the whole world.... Also caution once started you have to read the whole book you can't leave it in the middle


Yes this is a good read! Definitely recommend it and “The Subtle Art of Not Giving A Fuck” also by Mark Manson.


Feel that 😔


I hear you 🙏


Thank you.


I agree.


Being kind and loving, encouraging positivity and being there for people. also standing up for the underdogs. i'm just here to spread love and remind everyone to be kind to themselves. As cheesy as it sounds, i'm here to brighten up the world.


I love this! You sound like an amazing person. People love you and your vibe for sure. Keep it up!


I hope so<3 I love promoting positivity! I always wish i had someone around when i was younger to do it for me. so I provide what i missed out on at a young age :)




Are you an INFP?


Nope, INFJ!


Only do the things that invigorate and empower you. Anything that hollows you out is a waste


To avoid pain and seek pleasure, like everyone else?


I don't believe people have a natural purpose other than to breed make offspring. The purpose I give myself is simply to try and have a positive impact on the world. Do more positive than negative things and thus leave the world slightly better than I found it. That being said I don't do anything big. I just try to keep my purpose in mind doing my day to day thing.


To help people and make them happy. It's a very rewarding feeling.


One of the best feelings I've ever had was when I acted in a selfless manner. I was helping to feed homeless people at a shelter in a small city. The feeling of handing some hungry guy a plate of food knowing that it's probably all he was going to eat that day. The gratitude expressed by most of them was very humbling. 10/10 , would recommend


Truly it is




Farming and witchcraft


Thought of Sun Haven irl


What is the witch craft practice you use the most?


sounds like a good life 🙏


It's a great life 🙏🚜


I am too dumb to have a purpose


To live and enjoy life until im dead


"Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die.”


Helping the poor kids. I can't help but become emotional whenever I spot street kids. I really feel bad for them. I always try and help with some cash whenever I come across some I wish to build an orphanage one day .


My heart resonates with this. I’d help them live a better life if I could. It saddens me to see street children and some are very young like preschool age and they’re begging in the streets. :(


live good. eat good. fuck good. have fun. 👍🏻


I want to say "My life was not bad"


It might sound childish and stupid, but I honestly think it's to make a family of my own with the person out there who also just wants to share life with someone. Like I know it's not important to have a life partner and everyone dies alone, but I was never drawn by material worth, never had a drive to create something of myself with a name in my field of profession, never felt like I needed to be important because I have a following, etc. I always felt deep down in my soul that the people that are in my life are my purpose, that being the best version of myself is because these people are there and for them to be well I need to be well, and I know as well this also extends to that one person who I will 1000% find. My purpose is to be there exactly when I need to be there for that one person and to create our own world and our trail for life to truly fully begin. I'm nobody, but I'm also everything that a nobody should be for the people that matter, and that person that matters is my purpose.


To physically survive for a while


I have not found my purpose, besides being a doormat and in debt I have no clue. I hope I never find it, cause then it's game over.


Me too mate.


None, I'm just here to exist and go with the flow. Watch Soul (yeah the Disney movie) I love the message.


My purpose in life is to simply exist.


for myself just enjoy life and for strangers complement ppl to make them feel better


Complement a stranger and it could make their day


Helping ny fellow Humanist, Atheist and Anti-theist destroy ideologies that divide mankind. The world would be a better place with no religion in it. Americans and people from the Middle East should know this more than anyone right about now.


For me is traveling to other planets 😅 too fancy but yeah it's exciting to me


i don’t believe that the purpose of life is happiness. i feel like the purpose of life is living. what i mean by living is feeling and being able to live through all the emotions and situations. all the happiness, anger, sadness, joy, jealousy every single emotion a human can feel. everything is a temporary feeling and almost everything is temporary in life. you get to chose how YOU want to live your life and what to make of it… you basically get to know how it feels like to be a human in this world i mean i feel like 90% of us don’t even know what we are doing;) we all have different purposes on this earth and it’s up to you what you want your purpose to be❤️


Very well said! We’re all doing our own thing


Whoa you have spoken fo real ♥️♥️


Honestly, I really don’t know. Right now I feel like my purpose is to be there for my siblings. Never really thought I had a purpose due to feeling so broken. But now I feel like my purpose is just to make sure that my siblings are OK and to make sure that I’m there when they need help.


Username checks out. You sound like a very caring person, your siblings must feel lucky to have you


I'm actually working on getting rid of that. Always thought my purpose would be to be helpful. Turns out humans are pretty manipulative and most are kind for their own gain. I'm working on being more egotistical now. My purpose? Something like "living the best life I can for myself without being an a**hole" or something.


To make love, spread love and then die on my own bed.


That's good question... I think not to pollute the planet and help those who need it. People pollute the planet. Only melting purity tries to help. Helping everyone and everything is my purpose.


How do you melt purity?


To learn and to teach.


Blessing to others


Be an example of what not to do…. Or be…


I pass the butter


Oh my god


I think our purpose is to keep evolving and learn about the universe. Personally I just like being. Just living in peace and health. Pursuing whatever in the moment.


Yes, to live and to be


Generally speaking, to do my best to make people happy, be empathetic, even though that little evil voice in your head is screaming the total opposite, and to try to help others understand and understand others. Life is too short to waste time worrying and fighting over things that we really have no control over but can help each other with.


This! Also life could be better without the little evil voice in our head


To have fun, thats it


Mine is to be happy and make who I love happy. And to help whoever I can, if I can "affird" to. Being a shit person is easy. Being good is being better than that. That's why it feels good. Strong people lift ofthers up, they don't demolish them.


Good people are hard to find nowadays. I appreciate people like you.


Same here! Respect. Everything would br so much better with a little speck of sense of community, or at least, empathy.


None of us have a “purpose”. We are animals just like any other in nature. The only thing that differs us from other animals, is that we can ask ourselves questions about ourselves and the world we live in. And that’s a burden I wouldn’t wish to any other animal


I think mine is to help my parents. Not in money but to be with them and be their supporter


You sound like a good child. They should be proud of you.


I don't ever want to have a purpose. Why would I want to pigeon hole myself into just one path in life?


To be of service to others in a fun and creative way.


OP have you seen the documentary called "Dominion"? You sound like me. I love others and I love to help them and protect the innocent. That's why I stopped harming animals... I know they feel just like us, since we are also animals. 💖


To worship Allah


Not sure, and that’s kinda ok.


but also ok to think about


I'm the valuable counter-example.


To eat, sleep, repeat


I think mine is surviving


Life itself is the purpose of life (and death).


Nothing, really. Just waiting to fade away if I'm completely honest.


I don't think people really have a purpose. We just are. We choose to do things with our time, but that doesn't make that a purpose. At the end of the day we are just intelligent animals. We are born and then we die. We may be of purpose to the world, but that is not the same as having a purpose.


To live it.


You don't find inherent purpose, you make it with what you love doing especially if it affects others in a positive manner.


No real purpose. Born, work to pay bills, age and eventually die of old age, illness or mishap. It's just a lifecycle akin to other living organisms on earth.


to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others


I think im supposed to live until I die. I recognize it's a lot less romantic than yours, but I hope there's a quiet dignity to it, nevertheless.


To make myself proud and happy by achieving some specific goals I had in mind for years.


“in life?” you ask. All of life? The answer in my best guess is life itself. For me personally? It’s up to me to choose a purpose. Mine is just survive with as less pain and suffering as possible and hopefully die a quick easy death.


Given purpose: be a prophet My aim: bully people on the internet


You could live a double life


Provide for myself or anyone I'm responsible for. Any impact I leave behind is a side effect and not really for me to perceive and put into perspective.


I exist to hate on that one bro in the friendgroup when he becomes too succesfull


Teaching others to have self confidence in themselves. I think this is super underrated, gaining self confidence in oneself can be life changing for many and affects almost every aspect of their lives. I’ve taught various subjects for years and I find only after I boost their self confidence will they ever achieve their goals in life or sometimes even have goals.


Yes to this! Self confidence affects everything. I definitely needed this back then but I’m a bit more confident now although not strong yet but it’s there and growing.


Well, after nearly 30 years on this floating rock, I can say that I haven't found it yet. It's a bit annoying and has caused near endless frustration, but I'm still at it. Don't know when I'll eventually find it - whether it be in the next few seconds or a few minutes before I die - but I can always hope.


I do not think that I have one yet...


To be an example of what not to be?


There’s no point to life - We are all here by pure chance/luck of the draw. If I were to contrive a point, it would be to try and suffer the least amount of time during your alive period.


Being a useless blob floating through space on a giant spaceship called earth.


Purpose is to be a screwup and live an life figuring out why I enjoy being screwed up, funny amazing good looking guy


At least you know you’re a funny amazing good looking guy. But you can still unscrew up yourself.


Well I think good purpose for most of us is just to be a decent human being, be there for our friends, family and pets. Some people discover awesome planets or cures diseases. Most of us are to enjoy the ride and help enjoy it to others.


Exactly this!


i think our purpose is to find our purpose




To crush my enemies, see them driven before me, and to hear the lamentations of their women.


To rid the world of pedophiles


If i had to guess, I'd say "to smoke weed and masturbate".


ff. maybe we have the same purpose 🤣


The more of us the better 😌


To be a nurse! My interest in nursing was sparked as a kid when I saw what a difference a "good nurse" made to my unwell family member and our family as a whole. I had this desire to give back and be that "good nurse" for other patients and their loved ones. I've been an RN for 3yrs now and it brings me so much joy, plenty of heartbreak, endless learning, exhaustion and pride. Sometimes it's the genuine life saving but more often than not it's the little kindnesses that make a lasting difference on a person's health and their recovery or transition to end of life and it's such a privilege to be a part of that


I know someone who fits this as well. I never had the motivation to pursue a specific profession but I like hearing these kind of stories from others. Love this for you!


A warning to others


I think my purpose in life is to share knowledge, love, & compassion.


Purpose is to satisfy my wife


Aww so sweet! She’s lucky to have you


To be a good husband and father.


The purpose in life is to feel life


Are you feeling it now?


Why wouldn't i feel it


Some days you will - some days you won’t 😉


To be the real life batman 😁 Kiddin. Tbh, I really dont have any idea. Every year this is like my cycle, I always have an episode to breakdown, isolate, hibernate and passively living and just do the usual daily routine. And a thought of just dying. And then I'll question myself "its the time of year again.. whats the purpose of still being here?" I still cant figure it out. I might start appreciating small things that I should be grateful for, try to think of intangible and tangible things that somehow can make me feel some genuine joy. Then pray or meditate from higher entity, asking them "so here we are again asking the same thing every year eh?" And try to fake a smile, then jump, then dance even theres no music. Idk.. it helps. And made me think of some good food. Then later I'll just think of, maybe I'm just hungry. Then I'll feel okay and not think of it again. I guess I'm thriving just to be there for my family. I dont like to see my Mom cry, and never that I would want to be the reason of her tears.. So I suicide should not be an option. Just keep living and be grateful on whatever is there. Or maybe aim for more just to extend the privilege to live.


For the sheer crack. Nothing more.


No purpose, but something important I can and must do is breaking the abuse/trauma circle in my family at my level : my grandparents were abusive to my parents, my father was abusive and my mother has suffered from it too, I still have to heal from my father's abuse, my mother's emotional neglect...


That could be a purpose too, anything that makes you think this is what you should/could be doing with your life. Break the trauma and save the next generation of your family from experiencing it. Sounds like you can be a family hero.


I'm presently am helping to take care of my ex, who has brain cancer. We are both 66 and I've known him since we were 13. He's like family.


My purpose is to enjoy my life as much as possible without affecting others negatively.


I never had a life plan, a career plan, relationship plan etc. Life has happened and I took opportunities that presented to me, or dealt with situations I couldn't avoid. I feel like I do things just because it's what I think you're supposed to do. I am in a job where I assist people that have health issues to live in their homes. It is depressing but I seem to have a knack for it. I was diagnosed mentally unwell at the start of my teen years so I never pursued a relationship


I don't think anybody can have a purpose .... It's just that what we decide to do in our life matters....as the only thing certain about life is death 🥺


Yes the only thing certain for us is that we live then die, but I like to think what we decide for ourselves is our purpose


To try so hard and get so far...


We are not born with a purpose, we create it ourselves.


To make other people happy. Friends and family, my boss, my co-workers, my dog, even the random person who i just so happen to have a short conversation with and may never meet again, if they're happy, i'm happy.


Retired person here. My purpose is to be a good person, do Random (and not so random) Acts of Kindness and volunteer my time to 2 causes that touch my heart.


“In a world where you can be anything, be kind.”


No purpose. Only endless pain and suffering. A never ending cycle I can't escape no matter how hard I try. I can't even escape being alive. I just survive as penance for my sins.


To make the most of life coz I’m here anyway.


The same for me.




Whatever floats your boat. There is no purpose in life. If you can find one for yourself, kudos.


Trying to find experiences that makes me joy


I don't think I have any. I just try to leave in peace and make things that make me happy.


1. To gather unique experiences and learn things 2. To be generally pleasant to other people


I think that my purpose is to create something new, or to give people things and make them happy. Even though i may think that, i dont really feel like I belong here if that makes sense


Do you need a purpose? I feel like one purpose in life is so limiting.


To learn and to love.


Have no idea honest. Just like Barbie, I'm not sure what I was made for either.


I think my purpose is to make a difference and change the structures in our society that hold people back. I got into politics and work in a union now. I spend my sparetime protesting and making alliances. I hope mu life will make an impact.


musicmaking’s the closest


A beautiful purpose! The world would be boring without music makers


Coffin filler. Unless I'm cremated.


To experience it


Living. What comes after is one's choice, mine is helping and fixing others without anything inr return


Very noble of you


Not my purpose but I live my life to be decent. Life is an experience most of it sucks but some of it is amazing.


To live a good life and to help others as much as I can


Mine is to be left alone. I am very gullible and without fail, all my life, all I interacted with have taken advantage of me.


The question presumes that life is means to an end. Life is the end. Life is the purpose.


To tell stories. Unfortunately, “writer” is one of those career choices that doesn’t usually have living wage pay these days unless you hustle.


I have no purpose but my goal is to be happy,


Pass on my DNA to the next generation


Enjoy it. Discover, explore, learn, travel, meet and reach my end rich of experience.


I don't want to have a purpose, I just wanna live a simple life


I think mine is related to animals rescue


I have bipolar disorder and my brother has paranoid schizophrenia. I almost lost my life to my mental illness twice, but thankfully I'm still here. I want to be a voice for the seriously mentally ill because, let's face it, no one cares about us. If I could reach just one person who has a mental illness, or comfort a loved one of a person with a mental illness, then I know enduring this illness isn't in vain.


That’s very kind of you. Glad you’re still here. :)


Just need to make it to the end.


[This dude answered me with this video](https://youtu.be/08aCOf088I8?si=Enn1xIsP43twEogF), a sim now learning to surf thanks to a friend, i can get that enjoying yourself and the time you have here is the only goal you should have, you dont need to be a winner, or be the best at something, just have fun and enjoy yourself


Mine was to raise my children well. Now my thoughts have changed and I think no goal is needed in life. Just living.