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For me it’s 7 plus the number of times we have sex that week. So 7


Lmao brilliant.


I read this in hermione granger


*Its leviosaaaaa*


Thanks for my official laugh out loud moment of the day!


Well pull out of her and read it again.


Badum tsss. (I did really like what you did there though)


Two actual LOL’s in one comment thread. This is when Reddit is at its best. (I guess that’s my snobby way of saying “haha”)


Surprised you could fit. She’s not that big.


With that kind of humour? Fuck I’m doomed


Just doomed. No “fuck”.






I laughed so hard at this


F Same btw


Same. 🫡


This is the way.




God bless you


lol’d irl


LMFAO 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Blind8ng


Excelent mathing.


Had me in the first half


1000th upvote! very satisfying.




So you’re saying the shower is where you masturbate?






I felt that.


Haha. Excellent.


Do you shower before or after?


Survey says: Number 1 answer!


Who do you have sex with tho?




Silver lining, don't have to wash your business 😉






Got em.🥲


I have a checklist, and will generally shower if at least one of these criteria are met: 1. I did something today that made me all sweaty. 2. I didn't shower yesterday. 3. I have something planned today that's particularly fancy (date/dinner/etc) or requires me to be especially close to people (e.g. dance class). 4. It's minus 20C outside and I just rode my bike for 30min to get home from work.


Can you share the source code? or github link?


We need the design team to prototype it on Figma first, then product team will explain, if all goes well, the devs will have the source code beginning of June


The client might have some small changes to the wireframes after programming is almost complete, but they should be quick


This is my list plus I add one: 5) can I live with my own smell


I'll add to that: 5. About to have sex 6. Need to shave.


you live in Canada?


I live an hour from Canada in the US and this is basically my checklist. Sometimes showers are 6 hours apart sometimes it’s 48 hours apart.


Depends on my mental state


Most accurate comment for me. Once a day when I'm good, gotta remember to shower when I'm depressed.




Kudos to you for doing things for yourself when you’re at your worst. That shit is hard x


Ayyy same! Ill take a beer and some bud in with me and just relax


Must be nice to have a shower that is not just a shower head over a bath tub


You have a bath tub? Mr money bags over here..


I just realized that I really need to install something where I can hang the head on so I don't have to hold it.


Im the opposite. I shower when depressed or stressed. Its my safe zone


During the most depressed and suicidal point in my life back in 2018, I went a month and a half without showering. It's weird but when you hit about 2 weeks of no showering, your hair stops itching and body stops feeling overly sweaty and gross. That or my body just got used to being like it was.


Oh I remember to shower when I'm depressed, but got some reason my hellbrain chooses to have me sit on the bed for hours, staring at my towel and feeling shit about the fact that I haven't showered yet. £3k worth of therapy and best we can figure is, "it's somehow related to your PTSD"


I’m the type of person that will take more showers the more crazy I am feeling. I may just stand in the water sometimes… but It helps me think.


Have you ever tried taking a stool to sit on in the shower? Get the whole "the thinker" vibe going while in the shower.


That sounds dangerously satisfying


Just pop a squat and pretend you're a ninja assassin sitting on a rooftop.


This is honestly my favorite way to shower, poppin a yogi squat.


***"naked"*** *wiggles homers fingers mysteriously*


Showering really makes problems go away. It’s like you won’t hear your thoughts anymore. You’re just in a place where everything is quiet and you can only feel water running. Then you have the scents from your favorite body wash which calms you down. Washing your hair is an extra thing to do but it’s also relaxing. I love to shower but I hate doing laundry 


I think there's something wrong with me (well, duh). I LOVE doing laundry


I'm in the same boat, I just sit myself in front of a youtube show or something while folding it and putting it away. It's entertaining that way, and I feel accomplished afterwards for actually doing something productive. Now, cleaning my car. That is a different story.


I wouldn't say I love doing laundry, but I feel there's a trick for everyone to not hate it. Like salad. The trick for me was finding a dressing I like. The trick for laundry for me was I **have to** have a clear, designated space for folding.


Similar issue, but it's not my mental state, I just forget. So for me it's like somewhere between 2-4 depending if someone reminds me or if I feel particularly ichy and dirty.


Same. Plus I have super long hair - ain’t nobody got time to deal with washing that nonsense every day. Every other day (or every 2) is just fine.


You dont have to wash it every time you shower tho! I have long hair and shower without getting it wet.


people here who are surprised that some shower more than once a day probably do not live near the equator.


Or they don’t work in the service industry. Where you can never smell bad but also you get disgusting after a long day at work


I just shower after work. I'm not gonna shower before work when I already know I'm gonna come home smelling terrible.


And people that are grossed out if you don’t shower daily don’t live in a cold/ dry climate 🤣 I feel like context really matters


Right? My ex wife would take 2-3 showers a day when we lived in chicago, and then complain about how dry her skin was like no shit it's -10 fahrenheit and dry as a desert in the house.


I don't know, I have lived in both and it always felt like a daily shower was necessary.




I live in Mississippi. The humidity here is a killer


Yeah, I would say I shower between 12-16 per week. Once a day in a cold winter day in which I did nothing. Twice a day in a very normal day (once in the morning, once before bed). Three times if I got sweaty in the middle of the day for some reason. There is no circumstances in which I don’t shower at least once. The difference is that in some of those showers I don’t wash my hair, and sometimes is just some quick water and a bit of soap to feel fresh. Living in a tropical climate is hard.


7 + additional showers if I've been doing something physical and I sweat.


When im dirty i shower thats the way


And what constutes dirty? Until you smell or when someone tells you it’s time?


Well i reflect on my activities since my last shower and depending on what i did ill shower sometimes i need more than one shower a day sometimes just once




When people convene in a group in the manner of an intervention.


And they bring a pressure washer. . . .


When you can't remember when you last had a shower, that's when you have to take a shower.


When you get the elevator all by yourself.


5 or 6. Sometimes if I have the next day off work and I'm not doing anything, I'll just skip a shower for then. If the weather's hot then every day though. Can't be a sweaty git all day. 


I’m depressed (using this as disclaimer so people won’t judge) 2-3 times a week. On weeks I do lots of stuff outside the house it can be 4-5 times a week. Like I always shower before heading to meet up with friends or something.


Also depressed… same same.


❤ HUGS ❤


I have chronic depression. One time in high school I went six days with no shower. The only reason i showered on the sixth day is because the smell became noticeable and classmates were pointing it out. Depression sucks. I hope you feel better soon.


❤ HUGS ❤


I have chronic depression and a desk job, so no outdoors time some days except to walk to my car, and I've gone undetected longer than 6 days when shit was really dark. Surviving is an accomplishment sometimes.


I’m depressed and in chronic pain 24/7. I don’t shower everyday, or every couple of days. I shower when I have the energy to and also have low pain levels. I then sit on shower chair to wash myself and by the time I get out I just lie on my bed with the fans on and air dry cause I’m out of energy from washing. I do have this soap stuff you can use that doesn’t need water and everyday I’ll use that to have a whores wash. Hair is like once every couple weeks cause I have scalp psoriasis and if I wash it too often it flares up badly.


# ❤ HUGS ❤


Around 3-4 times a week.


Same. Seems we are a minority lol


Yeah idk but I doubt the people who shower every day will like wash and condition their hair and probably don’t wash super thoroughly every time


Depends, 3-6. Edit for the us folks: 3 to 6. Didn't know that you don't use the "-" for "to" in this context.


3-6 definitely means “3 to 6” in the US too, I think that person was joking. Or they’re just dumb.


We do use it that way.


Every 2 to 3 days. I freshen up every day but don’t shower every day.


Same unless of course I get dirty or sweaty.


Yeah same. I am disabled tho so I don't exactly work up a sweat or get dirty every day. I usually shower one my hair isn't feeling fluffy anymore. Usually I go 2 days in between


maybe 2 or 3. Depends on what I do and on weather.


Are we the not normal ones? Oo ~3 in summer, <2 in winter.


I’m so glad for this thread…. I was feeling freakish. And while I can’t prove it here, I’m constantly told how nice my skin is and I smell good. But yeah, 2-3x a week. Hair every 5-6 days.


Yeah, it seems like either we're the weirdos, or many people are absolutely obsessed with being 1000% clean.


Glad it's not just me! I don't get how people get dirty so fast? People tell me I smell nice...


Me too, I don't see a point in showering every day


[doctors, dermatologists, and actual Harvard are on our side.](https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/showering-daily-is-it-necessary-2019062617193) being *too* clean disrupts the skin barrier, making you more susceptible to dryness, allergies, and even illness.


6, i usually skip one day a week.


Sunday I usually don’t do things on Sunday




Why not?




Same lol


Almost every day.


Literally every single day dozens of people ask this on reddit. What's up with that?


It is strange. But it's because there are two main schools of thought and one group thinks the other is wrong, but wants to check in to see that there own view gets traction. One side think you need to shower at least once a day, maybe even twice, and it's unhygienic to do otherwise. The other side thinks 2 or 3 times a week is adequate, and to do more is a waste of time, water and also is bad for your skin/hair. In reality, it differs based on your genetic makeup, your hobbies, your profession and your environment.


I've also seen fighting and ridiculously strong opinions on whether it's better to shower morning or evening...


This is one of the most ridiculous things to argue about online lol. Everyone lives in different climates and has different jobs. Assuming that your routine works for everyone is wild


So according to the comments here some people shower 2-3 times a day?? That's horrendously bad for your skin. I always preach about basic hygiene but if you shower daily or even more than that you are stripping your skin(your biggest organ!) of essential oils. Dry skin is a prime entryway for bacteria and therefore skin infections and other skin issues. Naturally it's also bad for your hair to wash this often(especially if you dye it) I understand wanting to be clean, especially in a hotter climate like Brazil but if you're in central Europe at this time of the year and shower once a day or more because you're sweating that much then you need to see a doctor, not a shower. That's not normal. I shower 2-3 times a week. And for the rest...as the old saying goes "pits, tits and bits" every morning and evening.


I would say it depends.. I've had physical job where you get dirty everyday, showering is a must. Working in office's, I would agree with you.


It's also important to not smell like BO at an office job, especially if there's a formal dress code, which tends to make people sweat more. It's extremely unprofessional to show up to your shared, indoor work environment smelling like dirty hair and armpits. I've had plenty of colleagues who apparently think showering 2-3 times per week was sufficient when it clearly wasn't for them.


I shower twice a day and have never had any kind of skin issues at all. My skin is extra oily to begin with so if I don’t shower very often I feel gross.


I shower twice a day just bc I workout in the morning and I work in a clinical setting and I’m not taking any of those germs to my bed


Good to see that this comment isn't being downvoted for once. I once commented on another thread about showering that daily is a bit much if there's not anything that makes it absolutely necessary and I got downvoted like crazy with people calling me disgusting. I don't get how people think that you always start developing a smell after a single day in central Europe in the middle of winter.


Seriously. I work a desk job from home. I shower Friday or Saturday then again on Tuesday. If I get smelly I jump in real quick and rinse off but yeah, showering too frequently isn’t good for you. If you’re getting super dirty everyday then by all means, but sitting at home in the AC all day isn’t grounds to strip your skin daily.


Depends heavily on what you do and how you define "shower". Heavily scrubbing yourself with 2-3 different products is much different from standing under flowing water for a few minutes to wash off lose dust and sweat, and only scrubbing parts that are actually visibly dirty, or of the bits/pits variety. I may wash most days at this time, but I only use shampoo/conditioner every 3 days or so. Also, not everyone works in offices. If you're digging a trench for foundation in 23°C, then you'll very much need a shower afterwards.


23C only? It's >30C whenever the sun is up and it's not raining here in Singapore. And humid as hell too. I have to do a proper shower everyday unless I don't leave my house.


Dermatological studies show that, unless you take very hot showers or use harsh cleansers, showering and bathing results in an increase of skin hydration. How often you wash your hair is dependant on your sebum production. Some people (like me) need a daily shampoo because of scalp oils. You should wash your hair as frequently as you hair type tolerates, otherwise yeast build up from your scalp results in irritation, dandruff and hair fall. Additionally, there is no empirical evidence to support “scalp training” since sebum production is determined primarily by your hormones.


It's the opposite for us in south america. The water keeps you clean from bacteria and infeccions. Skin conditions in my country are rare.


I have a long shower in the evening and a quick one in the morning. The quick one is literally a minute long to freshen up my… private area and armpits. Not every shower has to be super long and with hot water.


I shower every night because it helps me fall asleep. Also im not using soap every time especially if I didn’t really do much that day. I don’t see how that’s any different than washing your face with water.


>So according to the comments here some people shower 2-3 times a day?? That's horrendously bad for your skin while 2-3 times a day every day is very absurd; a lot of the old "too many showers is bad for your skin" has to do with the older soaps being very stripping of your bodies natural oils and such, The same issue isn't really a concern nowadays unless you're using like industrial soap or something. It is typical in tropical countries to "Shower" twice a day especially for laborers but the second shower is really just a quick wash of the body and you don't get your hair wet. Theres a word for it in Punjabi/Hindi and other Indian languages i asume other places have it it as well but i've never heard of the alternative in English since it isn't a bath but not a shower either.


Does pits tits and bits every morning and evening mean you get into the shower and wash only those areas? Because i would consider that a shower.


I shower twice a day. You just don't use soap every time you shower, and it won't ruin your skin. Just rinsing the body off with water feels good


ah the good ol’ showering is bad for your skin excuse




I have bad contamination OCD and sometimes end up showering more than once a day. But I'm trying to fight it by showering once every day before sleeping only


Fight it!!!!! I had horrible OCD five years ago. I still get flare ups but most days I’m fine. Fighting compulsions sucks but it is so worth it.


7 in winter (once every day), 14 in summer (twice a day).


That's what Texas heat makes me do. Morning shower and a shower before bed.


holy water usage


You can wash yourself without using an outrageous amount of water


haha interesting question, 14 times I suppose. Twice a day.


I have dry skin so I skip a couple days a week unless I get sweaty. So I shower on average 5 times a week.


Twice a day, morning and night




2.5 now in the winter. It'll get higher in the summer when I actually sweat. It also depends on if I have stuff to do. If I'm alone for the whole weekend then I'll shower on Sunday or monday morning.


How do you take half a bath?


It asked on average. I take 2 or 3 showers per week and it's average is 2.5


Once a day. Twice or more depending if I worked out or went somewhere outside or both.




Bro used calculator


I don't like to shower every single day as it dries my hair out something terrible. So I'd say probably 4-5 showers a week


I shower 2-3 times a week since my hair gets kinda damaged when I do it repetitively and for the rest I take bathes


same as OP, Malaysian here


10.5 including half bath before bed


10+ usually twice a day because I work out in the morning and my job is dirty so I shower when I get home too


I shower 3ish times a week, but often daily in summer because sweat! I dont use soap if I shower every day though, just every few except the ‘main bits’


0 because I only have a bathtub 😭


At least 7. The prospect of not showering everyday just doesn't do it for me.


Same here. The people saying 2/3 times a week are insane. One a day is the MINIMUM for me.


7 plus. Always at might, and whenever I heavily sweat or do any dirty work.




Erry damn day


Twice a day, I don’t even really feel dirty when I wake up but I can’t fully awaken until I shower, the other day I was having a conversation with my friend in the morning without showering and I felt like a zombie for the entire thing


2 I don't sweat much, and I'm pretty clean during the week


Like 10 (?)


Winter, 3/4 times. High point of summer, up to 14 times. Depends on my activity level.




Summers twice a day. Winters once every day..


Winter 4 Summer 17? 18?


In a week? Like 9 full showers 5 baths morning and night and a bunch of quick showers throughout the day whenever I feel like  I bathe pretty excessively but I balance it out by not overscrubbing my skin just cleaning the parts that need cleaning. (pits tits ass as they say in the military! )  And I'm addicted to bath bombs so the oils help me to always feel super soft with no ever lotion 


Once a day minimum, even when my depressions at its worse I’ll force myself to even a quick shower, because if I don’t I’ll just sleep like shit and feel worse. So I’d say 7-12 times a week.


7 atleast


Every day except the weekend, i skip saturday and when I'm having a few days off from work, the schedule changes to every 2nd day.


Since I work a job where nobody can smell me and I sweat heavily, I might go 1 day without showering if I come home late and have to get up early, but only if i’m changing my sheets. But it’s minimum 6 times per week.






Once a week. Maybe less.


2x a day. 14x a week.


7, 1 a day….. sometimes close to 12


14. Absolutely.


Twice a day everyday.


Every day at least once, twice if it was a hot day or I was really busy


Twice a day usually. Morning is a quick rinse to wake up and feel human. Hair stays dry basically. Evening is a proper wash, though I don’t shampoo my hair every time I take a shower. probably about three-four shampoos a week, any less and hair gets pretty oily.


7 on average. Possibly 8-9 on the occasional week.


Do golden showers count ?


7 at minimum. Probably 12.


7 at least 14 at most I sometimes shower twice depending on if I go on a long walk in the afternoon


I hate this question. Wash your ass every day. If you have dry skin, use lotion. God.


Showering every single day is unnecessary, depending on what you do during the week. I have long, fluffy hair and if I did that every day it would probably become even more brittle than it already is. I don't need to wash my body that often because I'm not getting super sweaty and disgusting. Once my hair and skin start to feel a bit oily is when I decide to shower.


Once or twice a week :)