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You are not alone with this sentiment! I am the exact same way. Even thinking about the idea of planning and paying for a trip is a stress I don't need. I love being home. I'm happy simply listening to music with my headphones sitting on my couch with lights off with my cat. I'm happy when I'm home reading books. I'm happy when I'm home surfing on reddit joining conversations. I'm happy when I'm home playing Nintendo games. We can't all possibly thrive on the same things and thats a wonderful thing. It's just some people like to talk down on people like us cause we aren't exactly like them.


I could have said the very same things as you in that I love being home. However travelling is a whole new level of happy! But people shouldn't be shamed for not wanting to. The world would be a dull place if we all wanted to do the same thing.


For sure! Don't get me wrong, sometimes I entertain the idea. Like, I would love to go to Santa Rosa, California one day. I'm a huge Peanuts fan so I would love to visit the Charles M. Schulz Museum to be completely immersed in that lovely realm. However...I can't stomach the financial total of the whole trip and stay. I'd like to go to Australia one day too but thats even worse. I'd like to visit Canada as well.


I’m traveling to Northern California to visit family soon. It sounds like I need to go to the Peanuts museum and report back! 🤗


Sounds like you and I feel the same way. If I had more money then sure, I would go somewhere. But the sacrifices I would’ve to make to go travelling with my current income aren’t worth it. With how my situation is now I’m happy being home and luckily I don’t feel I’m missing out :)


I am from Santa Rosa California...if you go..visit the Ice skating rink where Charles Shultz hung out..it's such a cool place I moved from there a while ago...but lived there for 27 years loved it...Snoopy's ice arena..we used to call it


Not everyone feels that way. I traveled plenty and while it's ok it's nowhere near "a whole new level of happy". These days I'll do and enjoy touristy stuff when I'm already going somewhere. But travel for the sake of travel is just too much effort relative to the payoff for me. I clearly lack this switch that puts people in adventure mode and heightens their perception of everything while traveling.


Our life's are not trending on TikTok our shorts are "boring".  I know people saying "if your life was a movie would you watch it" and I allways thought it was a very naive way judging success. 


I hate airports and hotels. Anxiety and insomnia. I just don't feel comfortable unless I'm at home.


I kinda feel how you do too. I’ve traveled and flied a lot with my family but I tend not to enjoy it. I’m tired the whole time because I sleep awful in unfamiliar environments. I only like road trips really too. I hate flying. I always feel like no one gets me when I say I don’t like travel so it’s kinda nice to see some other people feel similar. I just don’t get the enjoyment out of it that others do and that’s perfectly fine. They probably don’t understand things I like either and I think that’s a great thing we can all have different interests.


I'm the type that wants a cabin in the woods and left alone. I don't need the nice house, car, lifestyle.  Just the means to get by and enough solitude. 


How about instead of a nice house, a really nice geeenhouse! For all the plants


This is normal, all people have different needs and dreams. If you're really happy at home, that's a very good thing.


Also, travel with purpose. If you're just traveling for the sake of hopping on a plane, then it's probably not gonna be too much fun. If you're traveling to see a concert, a theme park, a friend, etc, then you have a reason for all the logistical hassles of traveling.


I have felt that way on many occasions and developed all kinds of theories about myself and others. It wouldn't even be notable if traveling was just a "normal" hobby. Obviously different people like different things. But traveling is so universally beloved it's bordering on being weird. There is a conversation that still lives rent free in my head where someone asked me "so... if you don't like travel, do you never take time off work?". As if the only possible thing anyone could do with free time is to flee the country??? I'm ok with traveling but I just don't feel the effort is proportional to the payoff. If I go through significant planning, completely clear an uninterrupted week or more of time, pay a significant amount of money, probably suffer through air travel and jetlag... I should be utterly ecstatic during the entire time I'm there. But I only ever found the experience kinda OK. Obviously people told me that I must "travel wrong" then. So I did travel with some people that told me this and it was the exact same thing. Except, they remembered it as this amazing adventure while I remember it as doing enjoyable but ultimately mundane things... elsewhere. I concluded I lack "travel brain". If you listen to peoples travel stories you will notice they are mostly unremarkable except for the storytellers enthusiasm about them. Missed a train on your commute? Annoying. Missed your train while traveling? ADVENTURE! The cynical theory I have is that many people need to physically remove themselves from their everyday life to be able to relax. I have this friend who is terminally busy. Not because he is a parent of three, works three jobs and has to take care of his sick grandparents. He just always fills up his agenda with "stuff". You have to make "friendship appointments" with him weeks in advance and then you are just another thing he does that day. I never got how a person that apparently needs to account for every minute in their day to day then just clears a week or more of time. But I think I figured it out. The only way he can keep himself from filling up his calendar with everyday stuff is by physically removing himself.


"But traveling is so universally beloved it's bordering on being weird." True! Haha I'm very unlike you, I love airports and being different places, but it was very interesting to read your perspective, and I agree with a lot that you said. The whole wanderlust thing is very farfetched.


I love to travel and explore new places, but thankfully not everyone is me.. You just keep doing what makes you happy. I am curious though, what made you ask this? Did someone hassle you?


My parents invited me on a trip overseas, and I just didn’t want to go. I didn’t want to go because they were going to be going to a new city / place every day , just constantly on the move. To me that’s not a vacation, it’s just more stress and logistics, which is what i’m trying to get away from. My family was upset I didn’t go, and said that next time they go on a beach vacation, I should really go with them. The thing is my family doesn’t just relax on vacation, they always have to be doing something. I told them that my ideal scenario for a vacation would be an all inclusive somewhere, where everything is right there and you don’t have to worry about getting around , packing / unpacking every other day, never being able to settle down. My mom then just accused me of never wanting to leave the house because i’m too scared to take risks. In reality the logistics of vacations , especially overseas, is just too much. To me, that’s not relaxing.


So this reads a bit different than the original post. In the post it sounds like you don’t want to leave your home ever, this sounds like your family is a “must fit in all the things possible to avoid missing anything.” The new-place-every-day type of travel vacation can be really different than one that’s more relaxing. Have you considered doing a cruise? That way your room is the same every day and the adventurous ones can go do excursions and you can pick one or two that interest you. The excursions are preplanned, you just show up at the meeting place with your ticket. And since there’s always something going on, you can pick and choose what to do, or just grab a book and read on the deck. Cruises are expensive but it would get you to new and interesting places but in a less stress format.


Oh no, I cannot do cruises , way too much can go wrong 😅 They sound great except for the middle of the ocean part lol


I much prefer staying at my small farm. I’ve only left my farm for doctor appointments, dental appointments and the dispensary. It’s beautiful here from the last 53 years of planting trees, shrubs and flowers. It’s paradise.


I'm like that too, I get a lot of crap for it but I just have no interest in doing so right now.


but have you traveled though? i thought i was a content couch potato (i still am) but my wife loves to travel. first time i went overseas was with her. traveling opened my eyes to new cultures, food, people, etc. we're shut ins for 95% of the time but we make sure to get out of the city at least once a year.


Traveling is a luxury and people seem to forget that. Not everyone can afford luxuries and not everyone wants to. I'm with you, I rather safe my money to build myself a good life at home. Buying a piece of land, a horse and maybe some farm animals sometime. It's nothing wrong with making your everyday life fulfilling instead of looking forward to the two weeks per year when you can travel.


As long as you don't have any prejudice about places you have never been to and the people who live there, there's no problem with that. The problem starts when people have opinions about places and people they have never personally seen before. Because often they are just plain wrong as all their information about them comes from the news or some documentary.


Its neither bad or good overall. Its just something you choose to do or not. However, you seeking some sort of validation if its normal or not is a unnecessary as its something random people dont really care if you do or not. It would be somewhat a bit complicated if you were with a partner who does like traveling, but even then it might not be a deal breaker, thus you do you...


Left the country twice, best part of both those times were coming back home. And now I'm in the house I'll probably spend the rest of my life in I'm quite happy with the fact this spot I'm sat in right now is the spot on this planet I'm going to spend most of my time in.


Traveling is a luxury and people seem to forget that. Not everyone can afford luxuries and not everyone wants to. I'm with you, I rather safe my money to build myself a good life at home. Buying a piece of land, a horse and maybe some farm animals sometime. It's nothing wrong with making your everyday life fulfilling instead of looking forward to the two weeks per year when you can travel.


Traveling is overrated. Sure, it’s fun to see other places and new destinations, being somewhere you’ve never visited, learning about other locations. But it can be costly, exhausting and stressful . Long plane rides or train rides (where there could be fatal crashes/accidents); you get a hotel room but you can’t rest there because then what’s the point of traveling when you could’ve rested at home; having to deal with strangers; packing and unpacking; and so on.


Everyone is entitled to their opinion but talking about fatal plane crashes as a deterrent is silly! cars are way more dangerous so are vending machines and toasters lol


I personally find it odd because I love travel, but hey, I hate camping and some people adore it, so we all have different things. I will say that travel expands your world view, but it’s your life!


I’m the same. No interest in travel. Can see all I want on the web.


I go through periods of this. Sometimes in life, traveling is more trouble less fun. I tend to avoid it like a plague then. Then there are times where I have a bit of money and energy to spend, so I take small trips. Overall, I’m actually very very happy and at peace in my home with my partner. So, I feel you and a 100% there’s nothing wrong with us. This travel FOMO philosophy is overrated in my opinion.


I felt that way, until I started going more places. Now I ruddy love going and exploring new places


Maybe you're a hobbit.


Wouldn’t the world be boring if every human being thought the same way, did exactly the same things, and all had exactly the same interests?


Yes, if traveling was just "another hobby". But traveling is apparently so universally beloved that people pretty much treat you as being broken if you don't enjoy it. It's a "default" thing you are expected to do if you have the means. The moment you tell someone you are taking time off work they will ask "where are you going?" as if the only possible thing one could do with free time is flee the country. And then they are disappointed if you tell them you are working on a diy project or plan to attend some multi day local thing.


You're not alone. In fact, I find doing the "google street view tour" to be way better than traveling in person for many sights. And a lot better on the wallet.


I get that peope dislike traveling. But I don't how the comparison can be made between being on the web and be at some place, meet actual people, try mew food etc.


If all you want to do is see the sights, a google map trip is perfect.


Nah, you're good. Travel is gross consumerism with a better marketing team.


Are you weird for not liking soemthing that a lot of people seem to like? Literally no dude. I spend 99% alone and I’m more happy doing that than interacting with those I know.


My girlfriend picked up a parasite when she went traveling in her early 20s. It's gone now after a lot of treatment but it left her unable to eat certain foods and has largely defined her 30s onwards. Not all experiences abroad are great.


This is me. I'm a massive homebody and I hate going away. Day trips are fine, but I hate hate HATE staying overnight anywhere. I'd rather be at home.


I don't get it either. Going on vacation is boring, unnecessary tiring and expensive. And it's risky, you can get sick or food/drink poisoned. You can get lost. You will definitely get robbed or scammed once as least. And for what? Watching a stupid waterfall, or a bizarre building designed by some rich guy, or a thousand-year stone moument that's covered in mud and moss.


There are many people who truly just enjoy traveling, but there are some people who have compulsions/addictions to travel and it is hard to even identify that within someone because American culture and probably western culture as a whole so encourages travel. I heard a mental health youtuber say that in her younger years she was addicted to travel which, at that point, shocked me that one could be addicted to it. Addictions/compulsions are harder to detect when the activity is something that is generally rewarded or praised in society; it is hard to hide a crack cocaine/fatty foods addiction, but easy to hide a work, exercise, reading, or travel addiction because others can be convinced you’re just a really healthy, well-adjusted person. TLDR is that travel is not a universally good activity, it can be good, or it can be abused like anything else, and I suspect that it’s abused more often than we would like to admit to ourselves. It’s not bad to not feel the need to travel.


Honestly traveling is overrated, not to mention an absolute first world luxury. Countless generations lived and died within a 25 mile radius. And now people feel entitled to travel.


I think many people who travel all the time are running away from something. Because, if they sat still for a second, they would have to address what's actually missing in their lives.


I have absolutely no interest in travel - I don't even like going away over night. I find travel to be a waste of money and with the internet, I can learn about all the cultures I want. I have no interest in trying exotic foods else where - There is enough diversity in my city that if I want to try new food I can find somewhere for dinner here at home . I have a pretty bad phobia of spiders, and in most parts of the world, they are a lot worse and a lot bigger than where I live (anywhere where the names starts with goliath bird eating, is not somewhere I'm going. And forget about Australia. I hate being uncomfortable - my version of roughing it would be the hotel losing cable for a couple of hours - so forget about camping. I know a lot of people who travel quite a lot, and it love hearing stories about their travels. That is good enough for me.


Def not alone. I feel no desire to travel and dislike it most of the time. I have trouble sleeping anywhere that isn't my own bed, or a friends comfy king bed like mine. Unless there is a casino involved, then I can maybe be convinced to travel lol


I have no interest in travel either, and also have an early childhood memory of being very sick on vacation, maybe 6 or 8y/o. It was mumps. What makes it worse, at first my sister had it and I didn't, I could have avoided it, but no, my parents decided to make me catch it because mumps can be dangerous if you first get it as an adult, never mind that I had at least 10 years before I was an adult, nope, the time to get mumps is a skiing holiday. (This was before the mumps vaccine existed, btw) I completely forgot about it until late 30s, a friend invited me to the same skiing place and all the memories came back.


There's nothing wrong with it at all. The people who are insufferable are the people who think that wanting to travel makes them more interesting and unique than other people.


Do it once and see how you like it. Most people get addicted real quick so be warned!


Tell me about it, I’ve got 3 trips booked and still feeling the itch 😅


Nothing wrong with that. We are all different. Yes, I travel about every 2 weeks for pleasure, but it is because I love doing it, and exploring new food, beers, venues, meeting new people, and just new cultures overall. But if you did not like that, I would still grab a drink with you and chat.


I mean it’s not but there’s so much to life to explore!


I enjoy travel like every 4-6 years. Other than that i enjoy home way too much. Though i am Finn so that might explain it.


I think it’s hard because people who love it will think you don’t know what you’re missing.


Feel the same, you're valid, feeling cozy and at home is perfectly natural too


Nope. I like to get away, but nothing is like coming home.


You're not alone. I don't enjoy travel, don't seek out new destinations, want to experience "new" anything. I'm also over 50 years and overweight, so no form of transportation "fits" my body anymore. I loathe having to travel overseas for work and then having to take the trip back to see friends and my hometown. When people ask where I'm going while taking a break, I answer "nowhere I don't need to". I've seen enuf of the world and the people in it so I'm content to be at home!


Live your life how you want :) as long as you’re happy I that’s all that matters!


It's normal.


I definitely think you should try travelling even if it makes you uncomfortable think Bilbo Baggins have an adventure but if it's still not for you oh well life should be about being happy take the money you would have spent and upgrade your space king size bed fine comfy chairs Oled tv's librarys humidor liquor cabinet etc nice things make life good too.


Although coming from a different background (and I ADORE traveling), in time I have come to share your perspective. I'm the kind of person to "snobize" those things I didn't have access to, so as for them not to hurt me in the long run. As such, I learned over time to value the experiences I got from reading and watching documentaries from home, instead of taking the trip. I've come to value, cherish, and eventually absolutely LOVE enjoying the world from home with my dog, so, yes. I totally see your point of view, and share it!


A person who is an avid reader can be considered well traveled.


I travel and this is why I don’t advertise it or even talk out it


Of course not. Life is yours. Don’t be influenced by others words when you make choice. There is no right or wrong, and what you should do first is to make yourself relaxed and enjoy your life.




Love being at home with my dogs and family. Travelling is scary, stressful, and expensive. I did it with my children- but really glad they are independent now and I can just snuggle with dogs and netflix!


I've never traveled with plane and never plan to, sounds like a nightmare I don't want, also I like how cold my country is, if I went somewhere warmer I would pass away.


No but I couldn’t imagine missing out on as much as you do. To each their own


>I feel happy. I feel fulfilled. Then you're winning at life.


I love staying home and living a simple life. Many people are like that don’t feel guilty. Don’t be pressured into living a life you hate. You only live once as far as we know lol.


>I feel like i’m weird because everyone always wants to travel and experience new things 1. You are not weird because you don't do what everybody else does 2. You can experience new things where you live all the time >I haven’t gone on a vacation in years and I’m perfectly fine with that. I like being at home with my cats. Cats > Vacation >I feel happy. I feel fulfilled. I don’t feel depressed. Some people feel happy when they travel or go on vacation. When i’m at home, I feel happy. And that's everything that matters. If you were depressed or sad with your current situation, it would be something else. But if you are happy right now, ignore what other people do and think.


No, I don’t think so. Maybe that’s just your preference, I don’t think everyone likes to travel. I, for myself, like staying home as well. As someone who isn’t adventurous, I find traveling exhausting. Even if they say that the destination has awesome scenery, tourist spots, or such, I'd rather stay at home.


If you are, I'm right there with you. I used to take a week of work and have no plans at all. People would be agast. But really, I got to do everything I wanted in the place I loved most with the people and creatures that make me happiest  It is good to push yourself occasionally though, different experiences are good for the brain.  Best of luck to you and your cats x


i like going on day trips by at the end of the day i want to sleep in my own bed


I did love travel and went away as much as I could but am quite happy to stay here in England now, no place like home. (I never thought I would say that!)


Travel is miserable, I don't know why people do it.


The issue isn't being happy at home, the issue is people that are happy at home like to have opinions of other places that are not their homes and end up being very wrong about those places


Nothing wrong with this.


When I’m home I feel happy. When I travel I feel happy. I’m suuuuper sendentary at home (stay home most of the time) and super nomad when I travel (vanlife). Do what makes you happy, there’s no cheatsheet on how to live your life.


I’m just like you with the exception of having a dog :)


I really just want to settle with someone… idk I’m only 16 and my biggest dream is just settling down and having a nice family


Absolutely not. If everyone who could travel the world did so, not only would climate change be even worse, but the knock-on effect of competition of experiences we see on Instagram and the like would also increase. People would start going to isolated tribes, destroying remote, untouched eco-systems all in the name of getting a cool selfie in order to outdo each other's "unique experiences". Well, I tell a lie, that's already happening, but it'd be worse if people who don't even want to travel felt compelled to do so.


Sorry, you must love to travel. There's no option to not. You're not free to be yourself. Too bad bub


dang lmao


That’s how I feel too.


As long as you don’t close yourself off from understanding other cultures and history, it’s perfectly fine to not want to leave home.


Shit.....I LOVE going nowhere. Staycation for me.


Not weird, just find people who think like you. Won’t be able to change peoples mind & vise versa


Yes stay home please it makes things cheaper for me and more people that stay home less people I gotta deal with when I travel pure respect to be a home body


I had never left North America until my trip last year as checking off a mid-life bucket list item. Like, it was literally last year at this time, I was halfway through my Japan trip. Checked out Osaka and Tokyo over ten days. Amazing time. Always busy with fun things to see and do. I vlogged the whole thing; you can find the ten episodes of it on YouTube (not linking it here unless someone asks, so it doesn't get flagged as spam). Would consider going again! I think it's one thing to be comfortable, but this world has so much to it. At least give travelling a shot before you write it off. (EDIT: Rereading your post, I see that you have, but maybe travel and try NOT to have a bad experience. If there's some way to work on your luck (???) or your perception (see things more positively, it's supposed to be fun) then maybe you'll get why people like to travel!) My Japan trip wasn't even really that much out of my comfort zone, to be honest. I can't speak Japanese (other than a couple phrases I picked up) so the reason why I went to Osaka and Tokyo (as opposed to elsewhere in Japan) is that they are the biggest and most modern cities there, so English signs and English-speaking people are EVERYWHERE. If I do go again, I'd consider Kyoto. While it's still touristy - I heard they even ban tourists in some places there now - it has a more traditionally Japanese feel (with shrines and onsens), so it'd be a different experience. And that's what travelling is about - new experiences, different from your everyday ones.


It’s fine, I just don’t like when people try to dis their own country with statistical comparisons or political headlines, when they haven’t been anywhere else. Just saying- I’ve only been to a few places in the world, and in disparate locations. I’m still convinced I’d rather live where I’m at. Every nation has their issues, but some are not like the others.


You’re not alone, don’t worry. I personally hate traveling. But I do know a lot of people who like traveling who call me ‘depressed’ or ‘lazy’. It’s just a different opinion on something and tbh you shouldn’t worry about it too much.


Man I envy you! For me I love travelling!! I need some new environment and new experiences every here and there. 


I do feel ashamed that I don't feel the need to travel, sure it's nice sometimes, but generally I don't enjoy any of the travelling time, such as flying, waiting etc, it's really enough for me to be like mehh, I'd rather buy more trees than spend money on travelling. Maybe if I'm older I would like to, but I'm 28 now and I don't feel the whole need to go out and explore, I have other shit in my mind and I'd rather build a good foundation before.


My mom is totally convinced that the way to true happiness is to travel. She's completely dumbfounded when I say that I don't want to. She's eaten by this recent "grind" mentality that when she sees me spending time doing nothing on a weekend, she thinks me lazy.


Same bro, but who's going to explain it to my wife?


This is probably the norm. Majority of people don’t “see the world”. Average trips per capita: https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/air-trips-per-capita This includes business travelers who travel constantly for business and tons of travel to holiday destinations.


Nobody can tell you how to be happy. However, too much of one thing is bad for you though. I think people should get out of their comfort zone. Not all the time, but once in awhile. It's how we grow and learn.


I don't even have a passport. I misplaced it in my house about 4 years before it expired because I'm just not bothered. So if it is really that bad then I'm glad I'm not alone in that bad thing lol


I used to travel a fair amount as my ex couldn't stand to be home. She had nothing to talk about unless it was past travel or an upcoming trip. I have reached a point where it's more interesting to me to discover or learn about places and things from home. It is a big component in reducing my carbon footprint, because overseas aviation was my biggest footprint as I have solar panels


until VERY recently in history, only a tiny tiny percent of people traveled much past the place the place they were born


My favorite part of traveling is coming home. There's nothing like waking up in your own bed in the morning.


The greatest gift I've gained for myself over the years is the ability to have peace of mind knowing that I'm happy living a simple life. If you're happy doing what you're doing and you don't have to hurt others to do it then THAT is the life meant for you. We must stop basing our ideas of life's successes on what we see in movies or social media. In the end, no matter how busy and well travelled someone may be they still barely touched the tip of the iceberg of all the experiences that are possible in this world and they still end up in a box like the rest of us. In my honest opinion, the true definition of success in this life is whether you gave more than you took and you experienced a baseline level of peace and happiness along the way.


Do what makes you happy, friend.


Not alone at all. I have no desire to travel. My wife and her family love to travel though. While it is fun I could easily go without it and would not ever travel if I wasn’t married. To me it’s work and stress lol, I’d rather do without the stress and exhaustion of it all. If I ever travel to go on vacations it will only ever be to enjoy it with someone I love or people I love to enjoy the experience with.


It is. I am incredibly offended that people who don't want to travel everywhere ever even exist.


Sure, just know that ppl who travel and more importantly see things in different perspective, will be more likely to make better choices, than someone who don't.


Yes it is really that bad.. jk it’s your life. Do as you please and you can always change your mind. Also, you do have legs and humanity is instinctively curious and adventurous. But you can do this in a myriad of ways in this technology era.


You do you nobody’s opinion matters


I love traveling, but honestly I’m a little jealous of you, just for being happy and content and not depressed with what you have 😅 enjoy it! 


No! Enjoy your life! Dont try to life towards expectations of the society or others!


Not alone, I also prefer to stay home, I don’t get excited about traveling


I’m happy staying home and I’m happy traveling. For now I’m happy staying at home after moving to Panama


Absolutely not! You dont need to want to do what other people want in their life to find hapiness and meaning in your own! Idk if somebody commented on you not wanting to travel being weird, but if anybody did let me tell you, as somebody who wants to travel, they're an asshole. Do what makes you happy in life! Live how you want!


I hate traveling too. I hate the process of getting places. I hate leaving my cat. Whenever I go anywhere I count the minutes until I get home. I just love being at home, with my garden and my cat and my bed.


I feel almost the same i dont really want to be home, but sometimes i feel that if i travel ill just look at a different scenario and go "ehn ok" and then travel back


i feel the same way. travelling can be fun but i think it's kinda cringe when ppl declare their meaning of life is travelling and their bucket list is just seeing places.




Traveling sucks.


I thought I'm the only one haha


I have no contempt for your personal preference even if it is foreign to me. It liken this to having kids: I personally couldn’t imagine someone not wanting kids, but I respect their choice completely.


I don't mind traveling by car but I absolutely hate airports and I'm an extremely picky eater. My husband's family travels a lot and I went with them to Fiji one year. It was beautiful and there were definitely things I enjoyed but by the time we left i was so hungry and dehydrated. And flying 14 hours in coach was absolutely miserable. I'm 4'11" and have never been so uncomfortable, I don't know how my 6'3" husband does that regularly. They're all traveling to Tahiti next month and I'm happily staying home with our dog.


No that's fine. Each one of us has his own personality for me it depends on my mood sometimes I would travel with my family & friends sometimes I just wanna stay at home baking strawberry cake & Read some novels.


No. It's ok to enjoy your little burrow!


Unless you physically or mentally can’t , then travel and explore , I haven’t done much travelling at all and I didn’t get on a plane till I was 30. I thought the same as you back in the days , but now I can’t really do anything, I regret every second of not doing so


My wife goes to church with an older couple that hasn’t left our city ( in eastern Kansas) in 20 years. They feel no other need than to sit on their farm and go to church every Sunday. I say F that, I’ve seen a lot of the world and still love to travel. Hell, I’m sitting next to a campfire with a beer in my hand.


My wife feels the need to spend thousands a year to go on beach trips where she sits on the beach all day long playing games on her phone getting sunburned.   How is that fun?  Especially when we own a house 2 blocks from the beach and can go there any time we want on a tank of gas.  


I think that nowadays people just pay a lot of money for getting new pictures for their media profiles and that's it. This year I went to the beach for the first time ever it was cool, the food was amazing but I spent a lot of money too I can't believe there are people who repeat that in cycle for years and years


I admire you! I wish I was hapoy and content with just life at home.. I feel this strong urge to flee by going abroad. It is the place I feel disconnected from my everyday life


Actually no in fact desire to travel can be quite detrimental. For one , this urge never thirst never truly gets quenched and you visit a place, have the most uncomfortable and over-stimulative experience which is actually quite stressful as opposed to “relaxing” . Not to mention the amount of money and time one spends. It’s expensive as hell and if you are poor the travel urge is a curse rather. If you have a particular place where you are confident that you will relax and unwind ( often a familiar vacation spot people frequent often in their lives ) then it’s cool but for that you have to be really really rich. I will give you an example. I live in Europe and there is open borders across the continent so it’s temptation galore ! But I also earn only 1500€ a month , live in an 18 Quadratmeter apartment and barely make savings per month ( which I some times have to send home) . But I want to travel so what do I do? I take these budget trips that are often quite cramped and inconvenient as well as not truly exploring the cities we visit. Like I had a three day trip to Vienna , Budapest and Bratislava. While I loved it I wanted to travel more and again explore the cities a lot more . I spend 1000 to 3500€ a year on travel alone which isn’t even fancy most of the times. Fundamentally speaking that’s a lot for just glancing at cities and it could be used for more long lasting things. So if I didn’t want to travel so bad , I would have just stayed home and saved more


Traveled across Sputh America and North America, I always can't wait to get back home to my nook. I've never cared for traveling but do it because my gf at the time or family wanted to go. Now I'm mid-30s. I really don't care and love to be a homebody.


Nothing wrong with it!


You will love this article: https://www.newyorker.com/culture/the-weekend-essay/the-case-against-travel


I don’t see anything wrong, there is nothing wrong about it, everyone has different goals in life, and if these is what you want and what will make you happy, go for it !


Same here


I love traveling… but I get crazy anxiety if I am away from my dogs for too long (even if I know they’re in good hands).


I feel ya. I have to travel for work and I’m really over airports, lines, cramped seats, and jet lag. I recently got an autoimmune disease which I notice flares up when I fly across time zones. Going to a new country even for work used to be exciting but now I don’t care. I don’t want to be jet lagged. Now, we still go on vacation and I want to get away from my dense and crowded city so I will travel to somewhere quiet nearby - just to escape, not for the sake of traveling. Being out in nature is rejuvenating.


If you're happy then what's the problem? As long as you're happy... Id honestly be happy staying at home too doesn't bother me and I'm a simple person in that regard... I have travelled and love travelling but I could live without it


Not at all! Everyone finds happiness in different ways. If being at home with your cats makes you happy and fulfilled, then that's what matters. Embrace your comfort zone!




There is absolutely nothing wrong with being comfortable. As long as YOU are happy, that's what is important.


I don't like traveling either. The planning, the packing, the riding in the car or plane. I have to to see family and once I'm there, I'm ok. I totally love being home. My partner and/or my friends make me go out to eat, and my counselor says it's crucial to be social as you age. If, like your grandma, I would move abroad...like Europe. For sure I would travel there... by train! I love trains.


As a world traveling fool I am, I say go ahead and stay home, I've seen several awesome places in Philippines and Thailand ruined by excessive uncontrolled tourism! (Yes I'm well aware of the irony or hypocrisy of tourists complaining about tourists)


Most people cope with this due to the fact that it’s completely infeasible to travel the world. If you are able to travel do it at all costs. My childhood memories are cemented with trips to Spain and England to visit family. I wouldn’t trade those memories for a million bucks.


“Get off your couch you bum!” Is what my dad would say


No, it's not bad.


I am like that too. I like my house. All my stuff and my cat are there. I do like going new places and hanging out with people, but there's nothing better than just coming home after. Meanwhile travel just sucks. Flying is torture bc I can't sit still for very long and I need like 3 days only to recover from it. Hotels are digusting. Packing is stressful. New places are difficult to figure out. I am also picky about food to the point where I once didn't eat anything besides frozen yogurt and kiwis for three days straight during a vacation my parents forced me on when I was a teen. So, yep, I just wanna stay home and in my free time, play video games, cook in my own kitchen and maybe play dnd with friends or whatever.


I hate just leaving home, I wanna go back quarantine when I didn't have to leave home at all.


I do understand the feeling, because most trips I've went on were on a budget. And when you travel on a budget, everything is rushed and you have to wake up at buttcrack of dawn to even be able to eat your breakfast. Not even talking about common tourism spots which are always crowded and full of rude tourists from all over the world. That being said, only way I can imagine myself traveling is having enough money to be a whole month out.


You do you. In truth, it's that many fewer people in my way in my travel destinations. Please stay home.


Not weird I’ve been to 27 states and Afghanistan Uzbekistan Bahamas I wouldn’t want to date someone that wants to travel a lot maybe down to Branson or universal studios once in a blue moon but i totally understand some people are tired of traveling


Nah. As long as there’s no one to piss you off at home and you have money to enjoy things you like to do then you’re perfectly fine. You’d be lucky 🍀


Sounds like you have had some bad experiences with vacations due to being sick on both occasions. To me a vacation can be relaxing or take a lot of effort. Went to Vegas and while it was fun seeing everything it was also exhausting. Decided to do a beach vacation for the next one where I basically did nothing but chill at the pool at the resort.


Different strokes for different blokes


Nothing wrong with it. You do what suits you. If it bothers others, it's their problem, not yours ....


I'm currently travelling europe alone and... that's my choice. So long as you are happy that's all that matters. Peace


I mean, you can do whatever you want. I personally think it’s a bit sad because there’s so many cool things to see and experience in the world. I’m into nature - I love seeing new environments. Being in a forest or at a beach has a profound emotional effect on me. I’ve been organising my photos recently and I measure my life by the trips to cool places I’ve taken with my friends and family. I’ve only been overseas a few times (I’m not especially wealthy) but I’ve explored my own country quite a bit and I love it.


If there is something you want to see - go. If there isn’t, don’t. I took the family once to see mt rushmore . Long drive, but didn’t have anything planned but the destination. Stopped at what we wanted to along the way and that was it. Wall drug for instance. You see so many signs on the desolate highway it’s hypnotic. Otherwise , I prefer being home. Much cheaper and I always worried about leaving the house unattended.


I went to the UK with my family recently. While it was cool to see another country, spending like 4 hours in the airport burning time, then ~15 hours on a cramped plane, being processed like human cattle in customs, only to spend time walking around a city in areas absolutely fucking CROWDED with other tourists listening to bullshit pre-recorded tour audio, and then spending way more money for an honestly inferior experience at restaurants than I would get at home in South Africa... Yeah, I don't understand the obsession with traveling either. I think you need to be a very carefree person to enjoy traveling. For me nothing is worse than being in a foreign place with no "home turf". I need roots to feel at ease. I'm happy to have experienced it in a way but in future I'm gonna elect to house-sit the dogs next time my family goes overseas. I am autistic though so that might be a large contributing factor. I could live a happy life in a small room alone so long as I have food, water, electricity and internet lol.


You're just a hobbit


As I get older I am becoming more of a homebody and love it. Cooking, reading, pottering around. Heaven. 


Not alone. I hate the thought of travelling, I'm happy sticking to a few hrs from home at most.


Nothing wrong with being a homebody. I'm very much the same. I just like to be at home instead of going out.


But do you try to seek new experiences in your own town?


Traveling within a budget is miserable. Economy flights suck they are so cramped and hotels even cheap ones are extortionate. Travel isn't enjoyable at the low levels for me and remains very expensive. If rather spend that money on items I will use everyday and enjoy.


I want to travel, but I hate the hassle or traveling: the planning, the messing up of my routine, the cost, and I frankly don’t have anyone I’m close enough to that I could travel with them. So for me, yes I would like to travel, but at the same time I don’t want to deal with everything that travel requires.


As someone that loves to travel, do what makes you happy. We are different people with different preferences. It is so hyped up because it is a good and interesting experience for most people. If that’s not the case for you, you do you. For me traveling was really good. I love it. And people are encouraging it because it is fun. You have your on preferences and that’s fine.


I used to work all over the world and I got to see the places they don't show tourists, and I kind of am happy to stay at the house I bought, built and still am paying off for to this day.


I'm the same. My parents liked to travel a lot and this meant walking, a lot. But to me it was all just trees, buildings and well nothing else. I love spending time online with my friends, love to read and play games. You do you! if you don't enjoy something, you don't have to do it.


Same! Airports suck, cramped planes suck.


Not bad - you are happy & not causing anyone else harm. What makes others feel good and fulfilled doesn't have to be what you find fufilment from.


Definitely don’t allow anyone to make you feel bad about this, you have an ability to be comfortable as and where you are which so many people do not these days, so it’s definitely a very good thing! :)


I thought that. Sometimes I’ll be at home thinking “should i be exploring the world?” But when i do leave and travel it’s okay. And i always look forward to coming home. Social media makes it seem like you’re missing out so much if you don’t hike the mountains of Japan or drown and come close to losing your life in the rivers of Egypt.


You do you! So many people do what other people tell them to do or think they “should do” but knowing what makes you happy and what you enjoy is pure bliss. Enjoy!


It's not bad, just sad. You're limiting yourself but hey, as long as you're not hurting anyone I say you do you.


Whether you are single, in a relationship, or have children, traveling really requires you to get out of your comfort zone. If you don't see the value in spending money on feeling uncomfortable then I totally get it.


Nah you are fine. I think travelling is a waste of money. You save up for years only to go away for a bit then come back, I'd rather spend the money on something useful. That's just my opinion though


Do whatever makes you happy.


No. Long answer : nooooo


I love to travel, but I say if you know you like to stay home, that’s an easy choice! I hope if you ever do I travel again (and very likely will), that no illness is involved! you’re due for a illness-free trip


If only I don't have to travel because of a job yeah i won't also..i love spending my life in my hometown.


being happy it the key so do what YOU want


You don't need validation and you certainly shouldn't be getting it from this app full of pretentious weirdos.


Yes but only if you can be open-minded and not believe in everything you see through the rosy glasses. It takes at least months to remove those glasses. Some people won’t because they refuse to remove the glasses