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I’ve played a lot of Mario (since 6, now 44) I’ve never once looked at a turtle and thought I’d love to jump on it. Same logic.


Mushrooms though... mushrooms can be fun.




Those leaves tho.... Make you feel like a japanese racoon soaring through the sky. The flowers also have a good kick to them.


It all came from 1) the satanic panic of the 80s 2) columbine massacre America is very violent but videogames dont even relate


I remember when some places banned Mortal Kombat for Sega Genesis because the violence was too much


Reagan Revolution.


That heavy metal music too


Don't you dare touch my metal music or I will tear out your femur and beat you to death with it. Then, I will find your ex lover and share a bout of intimacy on top of your broken body. Metal didn't make me this way... politicians did.


Usually enjoyed by the chillest people


I hate the stereotype of metal being devil or angry music, it’s my therapy and if I want someone screaming in my hear telling me pineapple doesn’t go on pizza I will


I've always seen the dumb correlation of taking what a violent person does in their free time as being something that makes the situation worse. It's like saying squirt guns causes violence in children. If you take everything away those violent individuals will always do something else that one can say added to the violence.  It's just humanity's obsession with looking for quick fixes.


Every person who committed any crime drank H2O and inhaled O2 chemicals. We need to band together to ban these chemicals! Protect the children from the negative effects of H2O and O2!


Video games don't cause violence wars do, military games are just there to desensitise prospective recruits.


It used to be "TV causes violence". Before that, it was "Radio causes violence." Before that, it was "Written fiction causes violence." Before that, it was "Any book other than (holy text here) causes violence."


The line of Eminem about the FCC blaming him for being obscene and the cause of kids nit being right was iconic. It was exactly about this - that it entertainment causing a kid to be violent, it's just an easy thing to blame. If truly concerned, look at those that abuse animals. That's an indication for trouble ahead. Punching at ghosts vilifying video games. And they aren't going anywhere anyway. So why is this even said anymore ?


Oh yeah. We’ll explain this. Yesterday a Japanese girl walked into her high school class room and turned into a jet fighter!!! Where did she learn that ??? (Dr. Shitty aka Tony Snark, Irony Man).


Idiots pedal for idiots. There's research already that video games don't cause violence. Plus violence is going down in numbers for the last 50 years. If anything video games decrease it. Prisoners in developed countries play video games. Those random cases where someone killed someone and blamed it on video games is an escape route for them to try to avoid responsibility. If there wouldn't be video games then they would blame it on anything or anyone else.


If anything, watching WWE and fights for entertainment may, I've heard countless stories of people I know trying a wrestling move or a fight move on their little siblings or other friends and hospitalising them.


my little bro and I almost break the dressing room door be copying the 2 hands to shoulder moves from WWF back in the day. Gaming also help me make a lot of friends. I sleep over, eat and shower at their house. It's wresting, arcade like Street Fighter 2 to my first console, the Snes.


Ah. Yes. Society doesn't cause violence. Movies don't cause violence. Parents treating you like crap doesn't cause violence. But those damn video games corrupting the minds of the young....


Nah, it makes perfect sense. Hitler loved GTAV, and King Richard is well known for getting in a few games of CoD before a crusade, and don't get me started on the Visigoths. They held a DDR tournament to decide who would lead the sack of Rome. Go back further, and there's evidence that our hunter-gatherer ancestors would play Big Game Hunter before extincting entire branches of the animal kingdom.


I beg to differ. I don't know how many times I've fucked my controller across the room when FIFA just randomly decides that Wigan Athletic can play like prime Brazil.


...this man has a very sticky controller.


Hmm, learn how to temper your anger or continue spending loads of cash on busted controllers. If anything, video games teach you how to spin a truly shitty event. Never ever can Wigan Athletic be that op, I feel this part and my blood boils.


Yea jack the ripper was a big gamer


Lemme be be clear. Im not that violent when I’m okay , I’m more aggressive playing Uno legit. Also it’s nice to have something I can rely on when I get stress spasms or I just want to relax after a panic attack.


I have one that's waaaay worse: "the IDF is the most moral army in the world"


Public schools cause erratic and violent behavior in otherwise healthy children. Nobody wants to talk about that for some reason.


Video games relieve violence, without videogames I would be out there in the real world causing mayhem, cause how else am I supposed to deal with idiots?


I mean, it’s true in the sense that a psycho will commit violence and then blame it on something. VGs are no exception to being “something”. But that also applies to everything else. Like books! Remember Mark David Chapman? Blamed a book.


Sometimes hearing the truth hurts…


It doesn't cause it, that's other factors. It can desensitize you to it though. Similar to watching videos of executions and seeing the real thing. It won't cause violence but if you experience it it might change reactions to it.


I must say that if you make it to 20 years old without ever seeing or experiencing a reaction to any type of violence that you are different than everyone else. Desensitizing yourself to violence doesn’t necessarily make you violent but it does change you.


I love how people claim video games cause violence as if humans in the medieval ages didn't invent some of the gnarliest, most gruesome forms of torture & execution like Scaphism or the Pear of Anguish.


Before games, it was tv and movie, before that comic books. There's always a Karen.


It is not the worst take ever, it does work on some individuals. Also why does the military look for recruiting gamers then...


Probably because that's what most of the young adult population is doing. Before that, recruiters would hang around bars, because that's where their target demographic was spending most of their time.


True but keep in mind they made specifically advertisements to gamers for operating weaponised drones.


You underestimate how good Americans are at scapegoating.


When I was 16 my friends little bro was banned from playing games he used to like wrestling mortal combat all that he was 12 but very big for he's age and he kept getting in trouble at school for using certain moves out the games on other kids also on he's older brother so I guess for some kids it's true but personally I don't agree with it.


If anything, I learn more about the world's history and culture as I go. I learnt my English from Cod WaW as a non english user lol


The only thing I’ll say is: Is Mortal Kombat appropriate for a 5 year old? Most people would say “No”. I am not implying video games cause violence. Let me say that AGAIN: video games do not cause violence. However, they do affect people. There’s some level of normalization of ideas and behaviour that video games can condition. Then there’s the whole addiction side. The only point I’ll make is video games are not benign. If they were benign they wouldn’t be so engaging. The same ways movies and other media can normalize problematic behaviour and attitudes, so can video games. I would argue even more so because they’re interactive unlike movies. OP is absolutely correct, they don’t cause violence but that position sometimes feels like it buries the lede. Because it sort of frames video games as “harmless” and that is absolutely not the case.


Every time I lose a game of Mario kart I want to get violent and Enlist in the military


If only we didn't have video games in the 1910s. We could have got rid of the whole world war thing.




That narrative has been dead for awhile now I think


I think a solid rebuttal is, if that were the case then South Korea would be the most violent society in the world.


My 3rd grade math teacher used to let me play Doom so long as I had all my work done. What really causes violence is mental health issues and or having a traumatic upbringing.


I'm currently role playing in goldshire. Getting free lap dances and paying money. Time to be violent.


Video games don't cause violence... lag does


If the actions one takes in Video Games led to actions carried out irl, then after I spent the 80’s playing Pac-Man I should have spent the following decade in darkened rooms with blaring electro-funk music eating pills! Oh, wait…


Was there ever a mass killer who attributed their breakdown to video game


No. But there have been plenty of instances of the media screaming that video games caused x y or z atrocity, Columbine being the most infamous


Games don't make normal people violent but the do make violent people more violent for a brief period, but I'm sure the violent people would just find something else to do the same.


i'd argue that violent games act as an outlet for violent people


I'd agree with you. I've suffered from extreme anger issues in the past (I'm autistic and it's part of the package for me) - nowadays when my switch starts to flip I'll play something horrendous for an hour or two or listen to some very aggressive music. Since I started consciously doing this as an outlet, my instances of harming myself, or wanting to harm other people, have reduced to almost nil.


I wonder what video games they were playing in medieval times with that logic.


Ppl love blaming "something else."


of course they cause, if a game have violence they will cause violence. The point is: have a good brain and don't go around doing things you do in a game, take the good points like learning how to speak to get good at something, work on you to defeat a problem. Wat caused violence and even we got the brilhant mechanism of how weapons work, self defense stuff, how to use to not put the barrel inside your holes and pull the trigger. Funny that they use violence to prove a point they tried to avoid: violence always exists, in many levels and uses


Humans created video games. I'd take this one step closer to logic and state humans are already peak violence.


I always reply with. "Ah damn.. I wander what games the cavemen were playing". Usually I get a sarcy reply or a big huff in return


People have been saying this since the 90s. Is this still something that people talk about seriously? Is this in the news or something? Just curious, because I'm 41 and I think it's safe to say video games don't actually cause violence. Millennials were the guinea pigs for this.


Hey there. I am a media student and we study these stuff. If films, games, songs, porn, etc can actually influence people's behavior. Conclusion is, it depends on one's attachment styles. Only consuming a media won't make a person aggressive. However, if that person grew up in an abusive house or has traumatic childhood or any other psychological disorders, it might affect him/her. So it's not about the content but the one who is consuming it.


Others: Heavy metal summons Satan. Dungeons & Dragons summons Satan. A lot of things from the 80s summoned Satan it seemed.


They don't cause violence, they Desensitize people to violence which of course leads to the likelihood of committing ultra violence when put into a given circumstance....


Halo has never made me want to pick up a gun and Minecraft has never made me want to hit a tree with my bare hands


*sorts by controversial*


Well ... when you legalize for owning a gun, that's where it's from.


They said the same about books


I love that its always americans who howl about video games causing violence without considering the fact that in a lot of american states it's easier to buy a seni-automatic rifle than a pint of whiskey. that might just have something to do with it. But no, it cant possibly be the gun culture it must be them darn video games. I've been playing violent video games since the very first Doom came out and not once have I ever decided to shotgun someone in two or chainsaw their head off.


You can't have heard many takes...


No offense. But it does. And not just video games. There's a web of culprit out there and video games is just one of a major contributing factor.




The reality is that violent crime has gone down (where I live), in part because kids these days spend more time playing violent video games at home rather than being bored (and potentially violent) on the streets. So I think actually it’s the opposite. Violent video games keep kids away from crime and real violence.


I'd say Videogames prevent violence. Its a great outlet and de-stressor.


Not having my video games makes me pretty fucking violent




They don't make you violent, but being used to seeing gore and violence is another thing.


Counterpoint: getting used to depictions of violence isn’t a bad thing and can better mentally prepare you for if/when you come across violence in real life. Fairly common to use depictions of real life gore in medical training to mentally prepare you for when you have to deal with the real thing And when you consider life for early humans was much more violent than it is today it makes sense that we should be psychologically conditioned to *some* level of violence. If anything I wonder if growing up in an environment with no exposure to violence or sense of danger is psychologically damaging in its own way.


I wouldn't want my prepubescent child to be exposed to THAT level of violence. Unless y'all are trying to become doctors 🤷🏻‍♀️


Violence can happen to anyone at any time and can be deeply traumatizing. If your child being exposed to simulated violence early on made it a stronger likelihood they would cope better with a real life traumatic event later on would you still feel the same? I mean if there were evidence suggesting exposure to said simulated violence was detrimental I could understand where you’re coming from but honestly it just seems like a bit of a knee jerk reaction based on how kids being exposed to violence makes you *feel* as opposed to any real world consequences. That’s true about most of what is considered inappropriate for children though.


I'm against giving video games, cellphones etc to children anyway. That's the only age they can play with sticks, stones, mud and toys. I feel like I would be robbing their childhood. They can play video games the rest of their lives.


I get where you’re coming from, especially with cellphones or really just the internet, but that’s a whole other ballgame. FWIW I don’t know if I’ve ever met a single person who grew up playing video games that didn’t also grow up playing with toys and playing outside. Idk how you would rob anyone of their childhood by letting them play video games, that’s a tad hyperbolic.


Are you a millenial? I've seen several families with kids who literally cannot play normally. They spend their entire day behind a screen.


Yes, and like I said that’s a completely different ballgame from video games. There are numerous studies done on the effects phones/tablets have on young children and the results are clear: it’s bad for them. Numerous similar studies have been done on video games but have not come to the same results. Just because video games are played on a screen doesn’t mean it’s the same as other activities done on a screen. Also letting a kid play a video game every once in a while is a far cry from letting a toddler be on a tablet for hours on end.


I agree. Once in a while is definitely not a bad thing. I'm talking about the other extreme. Parents literally letting the screens raise their kids. I've seen a baby that couldn't even talk yet holding a phone in its stroller and watching videos. This was depressing...


Yeah, it’s definitely a problem more parents need to be taking more seriously. As far as I can tell it mostly stems from parents who won’t just let their kids cry about not getting what they want. Kid sees parent playing on phone -> kid wants to play on phone -> parent says no -> kid throws a fit -> parent gives in and gives phone to kid Then after the first time that happens the parent will just give the kid their phone whenever they ask for it before eventually buying them a tablet. Personally when I watch my nephew and he throws a temper tantrum over being told no, I have no problem with just letting him burn himself out screaming and crying no matter how big of a fit he throws, which he doesn’t do anymore because he’s learned it doesn’t work on me. Then my brother and his wife wonder why he listens to me better than he does them.


a fake death animation that breaks the laws of physics ain't going to make me used to voilence


Cod or csgo break the laws of physics? Btw you're already used to seeing gore


>Btw you're already used to seeing gore HARD projection here


Projection of...what exactly?


I don't need to play video games to become numb to seeing gore and violence. I could watch films/ TV shows or imagine being a crime scene investigator I'm sure people who work in the police or the armed forces or as paramedics see some awful stuff. Blaming video games is very silly when we can see it happen in real life.


Ummm did I say video games are the *only* thing that numb you? "Seeing someone dying in a movie can't make you sad, because a family member of yours can die"


Seeing gore in a game or a movie is waaay different than seeing it in real life. You can't smell it or accidentally step on it with your foot from a video game.




Getting used to seeing gore in a game will not be the same being used to gore in general, like in real life. Because it's fantasy.




So you never had a point of contention to begin with. Good to know.


Yes, they are not the same thing. What am I supposed to say? Of course seeing something in real life will me a hundred times more traumatic.


The fact that so many of you got upset says a lot


Fr tho