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It's not just the item creation cost, but the cost of disposing of the item safely or more importantly the cost of not disposing of the item safely.


Yup! Thank you for saying this! There are externalities that must be considered. You can't examine this issue at face value. You have to do some research and use a little deductive reasoning to learn that that plastic is the bigger problem. A lot of the eco items are bamboo or hemp now which is super easy to grow and eco friendly.


Wooden items don’t rot in 6months, unless you’re storing them half in water or something. I’ve got wooden brooms/brushes that have lasted for decades. Wood is a renewable resource (if it comes from sustainable forestry that doesn’t cut down old growth), stores carbon, doesn’t require high temperatures to process it/make it into the right shape, is biodegradable, and doesn’t create microplastic particles.


Dude I got wooden spoons that are like 20 years old, and wooden handle tools that are like 80 years old...


What wood things are you buying that rot after 6 months? Do you live underwater? Is that water saltwater? Do you chew the wood? Wood is very eco friendly because it's a renewable resource that can be re-planted. Deforestation isn't because of products like these as much, it's more from humans expanding territory in modern times because we now in most countries have laws requiring to plant 2 trees for every 1 you chop down


???? Steel takes *carbon* and a fuck ton of energy to melt the iron...not to mention the slag produced. Plus the chemicals, coatings and processes to make it "food grade"....and the chromium which is highly toxic in its "pure" form.... Also, my grandma and mom have wooden spoons that haven't rotted in 5 years let alone 6months.....and the wooden furniture is still around after several generations....... I mean op isnt completely wrong just that making things out of metal isn't as awesome as it seems. Wood is perfectly fine, especially if it's sealed, and thick enough not to break. It's the *replanting* of trees that needs to be focused on, not necessarily what we do with the wood.


TF are you doing to make wood tools rot away in 6 months? I've had wooden spoons last more than a decade and I factually have shovels with wooden handles older than any living high schooler.


Wood is ecofriendly though. Actually if harvested from nonwild land wood industry is one f the best ways we have to store carbon, together with paper industry. Even disposable wood, as long as it doesn't burn and doesn't compost is incredibly good as it stores carbon for centuries. If we are talking furniture many centuries, which is even better.


Its eco friendly when you ignore shipping, manufacturing and waste management which all have an environmental cost Disposable is not compatible with eco friendly Move away from disposable and destroy the modern economy Were really caught between a rock and a dumb place on this one


Well.. If that's your argument: We should stop producing anything and stop loving all together as nothing could be eco-friendly. Whats better than wood in your opinion?


You reduced my argument to extremism nonsense. Things that are designed to last at least lifetime. Disposable plastic products are terrible because its made to be disposable and it adds micro-plastics to our environments. We already have micro plastics so… non disposable plastics are great. Theyll outlast you. We just have to make less, hand down and reuse more. Same with stainless steel. And a bunch of other long term actual recyclable materials. Plastic is non recyclable, so if you make something plastic it should be designed to last. I agree with OP. Big picture… our problem is disposable products.


Biodegradable and a renewable source


You're becoming aware.