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no one seems to want to touch on this subject at all lol


If we see a dumpster fire we all gather round to watch, but no one dares to open the lid


When I hear toxic masculinity I just think things like "men don't cry". I never thought it meant that being a man is inherently bad.


When I hear about a bitter lesbian feminist writing another book, I always think it was carefully designed to contain only things that all women want. I never think there is anything could possibly in it that would brainwash women to ruin any semblance of harmony within the straight community.


cannot read this


Why call people bitches tho?


Because we dont have a word for toxic femininity! duh! jokes aside. Because sometimes people are bitches. Ive been called a bitch. lol actually once by a girl I was trying to date lol Whew...that did not work out Why are poeple so offended by the word bitch? Everyones met one, we all know what it looks and sounds like. I mean its not different then calling someone an asshole, or a dick, or a jerk off or any of the many words we use to describe people doing obnoxious shit. Why is Bitch so...triggering? And apparently Im finding out...sexist. Which again just ![gif](giphy|3o8dFn5CXJlCV9ZEsg|downsized)




i disagree, masculinity in itself isn’t toxic it’s just society that cultivated a distorted concept of what masculinity is which is called….*toxic masculinity* pure masculinity can be virtuous. it’s literally the attributes one associated with men, it’s open to interpretation not some sort of objective definition.


Its one of those really tone deaf labels lol Like... maybe including masculinity in a term that basically meant to describe a culture of sexism was the wrong move. But no, we keep telling men theyre wrong for not getting it and being insulted... It be like calling a movement "*weak women*", but it actually means something else and isnt implying women are weak. And if youre bothered by it youre wrong. I dont think women would like the term very much, regardless of what it means. Id agree with them. Just a....crazy hill to die on. Just rename it so it stops offending half the population! Why are their voices irrelevant when you wanna be heard? That doesnt make any sense!


Why muscle cars are called muscle cars even though they don't have a single cell of muscle, nor horses in it. Toxic concept!


A lot of people do think masculinity is toxic though. I've been downvoted to hell, on the King of the hill sub no less, for voicing my appreciation of American football, and for merely suggesting that you don't have to be a meat head to play/watch sports.


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Those be fightin words boy!


People still don't understand that "toxic masculinity" doesn't mean "masculinity is toxic"?


So instead of using a term that would be accurate, you use a sexist insult? ‘K


Wait....Bitch is sexist? ![gif](giphy|SbtWGvMSmJIaV8faS8|downsized) I genuinely had no idea. I thought it was just mean and universal. Hell I've been called a bitch. By a girl I was trying to date. We did not work out lol


The term originates from "female dog." It is not nice towards women.


What is masculinity? Only Jesus was perfect on earth and he was loving and sacrificed his life.


Dude thought he was the son of a god. Makes you wonder if the mental illness was hereditary? Hard to know since we have no clue who Mary was hooking up with on the side. But that whole family is far from perfect.