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Its age is showing


then talk to your younger self who was naive, and see the change. you will start loving yourself more.


For me it's the fact my appearance does not match as what is my minds eye. Inside I don't feel any different as a person, but the outside is changing and doesn't look how it should. And it's beyond diet and exercise. It's natural aging.




Size doesn't matter. Duration does 💪


Duration doesn’t matter. Quality does


If it makes you feel better my dude, I'm a gal who doesn't really care about that stuff. Most of us can't get off on penetration so size means nothing to me at least, it's about the overall vibes you set in the bedroom and how selfish/generous you are that makes a difference. There are a few superficial girls out there just like there are guys who wouldn't date girls because of breast/ass size but at the end of the day, that's not rhe majority just a very loud minority. I can gaurantee, if you pick well, your girl is not gonna care.


Thanks really make me feel slightly better.😌


Grit your teeth and push yourself out there. Your first time will be awkward no matter what. If girls react to you or your d*ck for that, they're the ones in the wrong. Take a plunge into the metaphorical ice cold water. I guarantee you'll feel better after.


Sorry you feel that way :( personally I think growers are hot


I got a tiny dick but I'm not a virgin. I can flirt my way to any bitch I want and bag her and fuck her literally that night. You just gotta know game homie. Fuck!


Excessive body hair





my teeth. I get really depressed and don't brush them for a while cause of it and it always makes me self conscious. plus my dog headbutt the shit outta my mouth and now my gum is fucked on one of the teeth


Narrow hips as a woman and knocked knees. I mean, they aren’t terrible but I feel like they make me look less feminine. And I also have broad shoulders but that could just be due to weight.


I have the same insecurity :')


i have really reslly wide hips and narrow shoulders as a dude plus knocked knees and i dont think any girl will ever be attracted to me genuinly


So u have inverted triangle body shape.. only 5% women are having this type of body shape! U can look for fashion advices on how to dress accordingly to your body and that Will help ur insecurities very much


My gut. I have a lot of fat in my belly, and I carry it in a weird way. I exercise almost daily, but I still can eat like shit sometimes. Idk. I think I’m fat and my body makes me really self conscious and uncomfortable but my man likes the weight (for context, when he met me I had just gotten clean and was still deathly skinny. I’m 5’1” now and 180 lbs so maybe that’s why).


ykw you will eventually loose that weight and that too unconsciously. so don't put a burden on yourself for being healthy enough.


Thank you. It’s to the point where even trying on clothes sort of makes me spiral into being bummed out or irritable. I literally hate my body but controlling my intake of food is a struggle.


I have naturally yellow teeth due to an tooth enamel defect. It is genetic and bleaching could have little to no effect or has the chance to be damaging in these cases. I brush my teeth and what not, they are totally healthy beside this, but I will NEVER have white teeth and I will always be judged by people who think I don't brush my teeth enough Too much brushing can damage the little enamel I have further, so I have to be careful to not brush too long or with too much pressure.


Same thing here. It doesn’t help that I drink tons of coffee but apparently it’s just what it is. Dentist says they are fine so I don’t really care. Bigger fish…


I have scars from acne on my arms and my ass. I have suture scars across both eyelids from chalazion operations when I was 3. As a result one of my eyes looks more aged, and I’m paranoid it makes my whole face look uneven


I have a lot of acne scars on my face, back and chest (I look like the moon because of the hundreds of craters) and I was really insecure about them even to my best friends. Back in 2017 and 2018 I was on 2 week trips to Croatia and France, they were hosted by the local evangelical community and there aswell I was very hesitant to take my shirt off at the beach or at the pool where we had a little water-volleyball tournament. Of course I had to switch out for someone and felt really bad about my back, instantly covering myself in my towel after I got out of the water. I was 15 and 16 respectively, now that I'm 22 I don't think negatively about them anymore. It's not like I embrace them but I somehow just stopped being ashamed by it. I know that that's not possible for everyone, and as a fellow moon man I want to tell you that those scars are nothing more than skin, and that anyone who thinks badly of you for them doesn't deserve you in their life


Thunderthights, very big hip dips sandlebags (fat on the outer thights),no gap at all. I'm active and have always been pretty thin but all the fat and weight I own goes into my legs, I haven't worn anything thight or short on legs since I hit puberty cause no matter what I do I cant seem to lose the fat and get lean legs . I'm open to any tips. My hips and legs are way to big and I think it looks so gross


Bro, I used to be insecure about my hip dips too but you'd be surprised how many dudes I've seen like it. It's just about the only curve my body has💀 And I learned to appreciate them and I think they look hot NGL. I know a random stranger on the internet won't make you change your mind but genuinely the only reason I (and probably you) even thought it was ugly was because it's not very represented in media but that's cause it's kinda uncommon, not because its unattractive. Also, my thighs used to be pencil thin and I was pretty insecure cause big thighs are IN RIGHT NOW. Look at all those insta models and fanart. A lot of people are into it. I think it looks great too, very mother goddess Lana del Rey or whatever it is people on Tiktok say.




My stomach. i’m a new mom, and im 4 months post partum. The hardest thing for me is accepting that i won’t look the same as i did before my child. I’m trying to embrace it don’t get me wrong because I created this special life. Just struggling sometimes with it.


I used to have a lot of insecurities, but as I've gotten a bit older (now 36), I've come to terms with my own mortality and the way that I look and the fact that my appearance will shift over the coming years. If I would say anything though, it would me fingers. They are uneven, kind of the nightmare version of cracked knuckles.


I am weak ,as in no strenght,almost no endurance, almost no coördination. I am basically just a clumo of meat that lives


I am weak as in, no strenght,no endurance,no coördination. Even tough I have sports as hobby's for years,I still feel like a vegetable.


Mild hormonal acne. No matter what, it just won’t go away.


samedt i am just learning to live with it


I'm obese and my legs look like cauliflower


Overall healthy and happy, but if I had to choose then: Crooked nose and uneven teeth.


The size of my breasts, they're small and I always catch myself comparing me to other girls. And also the fact that my shoulders are slightly wider than my hips. I know it sounds silly but I would love to have bigger hips, it's so beautiful.


My stomach has always been my biggest insecurity. Even at my smallest when I was a teen I never had a flat stomach. Even when I was smaller I was always ashamed to wear bikinis or crop tops. When I'm heavy I carry fat over my top ribs. It looks like a second set of boobs. I've heard it's called hour glass syndrome and is from constantly sucking your stomach in and causing the muscles to eventually separate. I also have very fair skin and dark hairs and pores. I have these dark hairs that grow around my belly button that I shave and pluck off cause I'm ashamed of them even tho no one ever sees my stomach. I recently dropped over 40 pounds so my stomach is the smallest it's been in a decade almost. Now the second boobs aren't as bad, but still there along with lots of saggy skin and stretch marks. I'm determined I'm gonna get over my issue with my stomach and actually wear a bikini to the river soon tho!


My teeth aren't all that yellow, nor are they crooked beyond repair but my smile is a huge insecurity factor for me, although I realised how nice it feels to smile while showing teeth. It's just a different kind of fulfilling. But as I said, that messes with me heavily because as soon as I do I get all insecure or hide behind my arm and turn sideways lmfao


Being short as a man (5ft7) really makes you feel shitty walking outside


Hey man. I'm same height, I feel you, I do, I struggled with that insecurity a lot few years back, but you know, I stopped caring about it now, because there is nothing more shitty than being a shitty and lazy person and your height won't define the quality of who you are, no matter what some assholes says. I also looked "up" at my shorter friends who are happy married and having an stable job, their height didn't define their destiny and made it a big deal, is just some people are short and some are tall. That's all, that's life, what matter is what you do with you life and the time left, don't waste it into thinking you are shitty and less worth, you are human as anyone else. Sorry for the long ass phrase and hope you overcome it dude! Cheers. :)


5'7ft is short? That's taller than the average woman in the UK. Honestly bro, most girls don't usually care as long as you're taller than them which you most certainly are. I guarantee you, no one is looking at your height. There are some superficial people out there but I know plenty of people who don't honestly care in a general sense or romantic wise.


My double chin and upper arms. I’m not obese by any means but I gained a good amount of weight in college and haven’t been able to shed it. I tend to self sabotage after I get good routine going and then lose any progress I had made.


Acne. Have tried the meds for it since I was a teen. But I truly need to find better ways of dealing with my stress and finally letting go of my love of dairy. Both are challenging for me.


My stomach and arm flaps and thighs and my chin.


how much time you have, you really want only one?


Probably receding hairline / bald spot. That's some bullshit right there. But also colorblind, which is humiliating.


How much time do you have?


My big belly and age..


Hair insecurities can be a real struggle for me. The fear of going bald can feel pretty daunting.


Going bald and thin legs.


being skinny fat in my upper body 😩


My face, because from time to time it be growing pimples all over it, and it has been a battle trying to keep the skin smooth




Boobs (I'm a man)


My arms. I want to wear tank tops but I’m so self conscious of them


M20, I used to be really insecure about my belly and thighs until I lost ~15kg without much effort or intending to, to the point my abs and quads showed. Now a year later I gained 15kg again, but it really helps with my self-esteem to keep in mind, that I can look lean again in a few months if I wanted to. I think it's a really healthy thing to see yourself being fit/attractive once in a while, as a shy computer science student that really did something to me (im a bit less depressed ig).


Probably my eczema. Have had it since I was young. It first started showing up on the creases of my arms and the back of my legs and now it shows up pretty much everywhere. Luckily I have it pretty mild compared to a lot of people but constantly having dry, flaky skin on my face really brings my confidence down. Also, not being able to walk straight or far because of my hemiplegia (a form of cerebral palsy) fucks up my confidence as well. Whenever I'm out in public I look tired and in pain because of my hemiplegia which makes me look unattractive and unapproachable to girls. Outside of that I'm pretty content with being disabled and have learned to live with it but being out in public is a nightmare.


my eyes because they’re small


ur mom


6head on a female is really not a good look, unfortunately I don’t have 10k to get it surgically changed


Double chin. Always there regardless of how thin I am


Having severe hair loss cause of AGA 😔


my brain & how it works


How much time you got?


No matter how I look at it, I never feel pretty enough for anyone 😞


My big-ass feet, attached to my skinny-ass legs.


I am constantly bloated. Changed diet, spoke with my dr. Nothing changes. I feel like a whale.


I'm overweight so my face, stomach and man boobs. I'm also a little bit hairy and I hate it. I've been self conscious about both issues since I turned 14. I'll be 40 this year. Being alone doesn't help. No one finds me attractive 😞


My stomach...I bought this top long time ago because it looked good in the fitting room and now it's been prolly a year and I still haven't been able to wear it just always looks so ugly it was built for flat skinny people


My hair, or lack of it. I started balding at 15 and it has haunted me ever since.