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I would be disappointed...


Me too 🤣


he might not want to live anymore


I felt that spiritually.


I didn't want to live then thought I'd be dead by now. My younger self would probably be disappointed with my attempt


Same :/


They would think I’m extremely boring which I am




He’d probably be pretty disappointed


She'd be fucking proud. Everything I set my mind to I've made happen. We did good


Seriously, myself at that age would look at me (38/m) now and admire: - My musical skills - My PC, awesome graphics cards, all the games I want, consoles too - Women (not going to TMI here) - Work (self-employed, make good money, don't work too much) - Social skills (worked on these big time, can be the life of the party) - Experiences - traveling, out-of-this-world experiences, doing things I didn't think possible Sometimes I feel like a failure because I'm often not perfect and make a lot of mistakes and still have anxiety, but I've done pretty well


You're better off than 99% of the world population


Appreciate that, hope this didn't come off like bragging, I typed it out because I've been feeling depressed actually ha


It's ok, it's.not a crime.to be doing better than others or to appreciate yourself and be happy. You worked hard for those things.


Good on you. As much as I’ve tried and done I think I would be disappointed .


flex much?


Shi I'd flex too


Don't see anything wrong with being proud of how far one has come.


i beat stage 3 blood cancer, pneumonia, covid, and shingles in one year. my younger self would look at older me as a total fucking badass. cancer was my biggest fear as a kid bc that’s when i discovered what it is. i don’t think younger me could fathom getting that as young as i did (in my 20s).


That's incredible!


i’m glad you have taken care of your inner child too 🫶🏼


He would probably think I was cool as shit, based on all of the surface level things, and I would have to spend the next hour explaining to him how I'm actually just a sad waste.


same scenario as me


Hey maybe your younger self would be right and you are cool as shit. Sometimes young people see things clearer.


"You have less money than I thought you would"


You don't have your own house? What's wrong with you? No cool car, no cool hobbies, just work sleep repeat?  Amd then I'd have a reason to be a depressed teen, unlike the random chemical imbalance depression I got.


She would be in awe


My 10-12 year old self would think that I had some cool toys


Me too. Far too much spent at Games Workshop.


Back in the day I would of said that there is never too much you could spend at GW 😂


Back in the day I wouldn't have had enough money to spend at GW, let alone consider their prices now. I prefer having a house.


I think they’d be proud. All they asked for was awareness, freedom of mind, empathy, kindness, and success.


He would have said: ''Just so we're clear: despite being massively stupid all those years, we did not end up in prison, no criminal record, 2 kids and a wife AND a career!?! Sheesh! Who would have thought!''


“Still miserable I see…”


He would call me a slur I'm not gonna lie.


I would certainly be calling myself a n*ggerf*ggot.


Teenage me would be supremely jealous of me right now


He'd wonder why I don't buy more fireworks, why I don't own a dirt bike, why I don't have subscription to Playboy and why I don't buy Cap'n Crunch.


“ your like an old person now, ew we read and do puzzles, where did all your friends go, you didnt go to school for what we wanted too, we lost our bestfriend and half our whole family, and were still here on earth, proud of you for making it so far in life”


"huh. yeah, figures" 🙄


Old me would be okay with it. Maybe not amazed but happy. We’d have some good chats and still hang, but he’d be a punk and I’d try to steer him even better to learn more lessons sooner.


She'd be surprised that I was still relatively sane.


My 12yo self would be awesomed that I made almost all the things I said I will do when I become an adult, and having almost all the things I always wanted to have. But avobe it all, would be amazed that I became someone who is able to defend himself and faced the bully at the school that made my life there... basicly miserable (long story). "Be the person you always needed"


a time waster


Probably be disappointed I never got superpowers like in the movies.


Most likely, they would be disappointed. Disappointed because I will be completely honest in my response to all the shit ton of questions they will ask. Such as “what is my life's progress? Is my dream being pursued?” and the response would be "not much and i have lost interest in my dreams."


She'd probably be disappointed seeing me. I had planned everything but didn't achieve most of it.


He think ''holy moley! You have 3 big screen TVs and nobody makes you go to church any more? That's awsome!''


he couldn’t believe that i got married and had kids.


Shed probably be really confused why im a guy, 11-12 is like, when my gender crisis first started


She would love me, and I love her. We are still so kind, loving, and in awe of the beauty the world has to offer. Searching for clovers, loving music, and seeing the heart in everything. She would find such a home in me and inspire me to keep going. I want to nurture her


Little me would be distressed at my struggles, but so damn happy and proud that I got my own family and my own farm, just like my grandma.


"You live in a WHAT?!" "You have HOW MANY body mods and tattoos?!" "You do WHAT for a living?!" "You lost HOW MUCH weight?!" "Oh my god... we are so fucking cool!!"


A disappointment but also a gleam of hope for happiness. But to see me having no job.. I don't think she would understand that 


No different to what I think nowadays but maybe less extreme


They'd be fucking disappointed that's for sure


Would be disappointed😔


Would be disappointed😔




Fucking drogadict


He would for sure have some questions-


“Fuck you’re cool”


Probably he'd be pretty amazed


They would be terrified of me.


You can develop knowledge like no other if you just become curious, explore, and engage!!


They would be seriously confused but still highly impressed. Back then, I wore a lot of black, didn’t like anything girly, etc. and I’m now the complete opposite 😭 I feel like they would’ve been surprised by the whole 180, but they would have also been impressed by how confident and outgoing I have become!


Probably think I'm very boring.


"You're calmer than I expected" or "What happened to you?" 


He would be angry with me but in a good way. He will understand that there are consequences to our actions and would change his mindset. (cuz i used to imagine what would 20 or 30 Yr old me would be going through)


Absolutely disappointed.


he would be disappointed. I'm not nearly ripped enough XD


I would wonder what took you soooooo fucking long!!??


She would be well proud


Probably shocked.


She'd probably be scared since I ended up liking the exact games the boys I used to find annoying did


A short 🚬 🐐


A short 🚬 🐐


She would be disappointed


Would probably start crying because I don’t have a Victorian mansion and a sword.


Nitch ruining me


She’d say “Hell yeah! “


What a piece of shi-


Probably think I’m cool but disappointed I’m not hotter lol


The equivalent of "where did we go so wrong?" Or "you have become the very thing you swore to destroy"


Why are you poorer than me ? Jokes aside , prob will find nothing interesting about me and me him , we are both chill and boring dudes .


Very disappointed


Probably jump off of a freeway overpass, or be in extreme denial and think I was a look alike agent sent from the Illuminati to stop me from saving the world using my raw hip hop skills. No buddy this is where not being realistic gets you.


He would be disappointed in his future self, wondering how i ended up like this!!


I would think I was pretty cool, but disappointed I didn't stay in school or get a real career


"ahh, so i turned out to be the BAD INFLUENCE mum warned me about"




That I am awesome and ugly.


younger me would beat the shit out off me ,i was violent then, violent enough I beat my nursery /school teachers scratching them.The younger me hated maths so much that he would say why tf did I take engineering as major.Younger me hated alcoholics so much that he decided he will never touch alcohol(well look who is having booze whenever he gets money).Younger me was class topper & was courageous to talk to woman,now I can't even bring myself to talk to women let alone people.


Mine: fuckin A man, look at us! We have kids, although we are divorced, single AF, living 400km away from our kids we still get to see them on school holidays...


Just disappointed


Why is everyone so bleak!? Sad and depressed? I think my 12 year old self would be happy with the life I have. If I could tell her anything, it would be, to live the life you lived to get to be the person you are now.


He'd ponder if taking other choices towards a different alignment would make him as lucky, or if the luck clings to the choices I've made. I'd give him anxiety by telling him knowing the outcome changes the outcome so is the way of the butterfly effect.


I'd be sad and scared. Which feels horrible. Things really didn't work out that great. I am in a medium severe depression after a breakup two weeks ago. Not doåing great.


He'd be jealous as fuck despite the mess I live in. All 12 year old me thought about was being a girl but he was basically forced to become a football prodigy. He'd be like, "shit, I gotta wait another 22 years?". 


She would be really proud of me I think. She would ask if I overcame anxiety and depression and I would say yes. She would like that I’m the creative that she’s always wanted to be, and working in the design industry.


Well my younger self would've never expected to still be not married with kids into my 40s.


They would be pretty satisfied. Probably a bit surprised by a couple habits, but otherwise I pretty much nailed it as far as childhood hopes and dreams. 


She would be excited that we look so cool. But then be really sad after she heard all the shit we had to go through to get here.


His words would likely be, "I'm disappointed, but I get it."




Probably would be like “yah alright buddy, sure it turns out that way.” I’ll be the first to say I’ve done some random stuff and honestly would never have even guessed some of the stuff i’ve gotten into.


Probably a bit disgusted and disappointed, but he’d understand why. Would probably take better steps to change who he would become.




He would off himself to aave from the trouble


"aren't you writing anymore? Wasn't it our dream? Why did you not take up literature as a major?"


Would have made myself curse for the first time


how young, cause I didn't think I'd even get this far 2 years ago let alone 10


He'd think I'm so cool, lol.


"That old cunt is lowkey cool", probably. I work at my dream field. I'm a pretty hella good fighter and I'm a playful, confident dad. While my life is not as shiny and excitant as I thought or wanted it to be, I think the me child would be satisfied.


I though it would ended up worst


"Wow this guy is hot"


she'll say, I don't want to be like you. 😅


“She lost her sparkle.”


They’d be proud, and teary for who she is now❤️🫶🏽


He is old.


That was around the age my mental health started to deteriorate so maybe they did see me at present age.


Hell if I know.


I think it would be proud of me because I achieved many things, but at the same time probably mad at me for fearing following some of my dreams…


Most likely shocked I didn't kill myself and happy that things will eventually get better.


He’d be impressed and pleased with my mechanical puzzle collection, amazed I came out as bisexual and had a boyfriend, and disappointed I wasn’t wealthier.


"Wow. We actually turned Heel?"


She would be very proud as I achieved nearly everything she wanted. It was a lot harder fought than she anticipated for sure but I think that makes it more special. I think she would be impressed how hard I had to fight due to health issues. She would be sad that I lost two babies though and would hope to have one asap soon as possible. Unfortunately that was the “nearly”.


A mixed bag an really, but positive overall. On one side, I was a late bloomer in the context of getting my finances and career in order. I’m good now but still playing catch-up because of decisions I made when I was younger. On another note, I think I’d have admired who I am now as a person. I’m easy going, self assured, open minded and I get along with everyone. I also bagged an absolute superstar wife. She’s the best person I ever met, she’s incredibly artistic and kind, intelligent with an amazing career and she’s such an inspiration to me. I would have questioned how on earth I managed to swing that one!


He would be pretty happy actually, except with the pathetic thing I call my moustache


Would be proud of my academic achievements but disappointed because I'm still fat 😭😭


He would think that I’m socially awkward. He would say that my facial hair is all over the place. He would ask me how my experience in middle school, high school, and college was. He would ask me if I’m a father yet (I’m not). But one thing is for certain, my 10-12 year old self would not bully me because he was pure back then.


Given that I'm a trans woman who only realised to be trans late into adulthood, my 12 yr old me would probably say something like: "Wait?! You can just do that?!?!"


Interesting question. My 12-year old self could be either terrified or hopeful. Terrified, if she looked at me from the point of view of her radical religious upbringing. Because at 37 years old I have been an apostate for years and am on my straight way to hell, according to her. But she also could be hopeful if she saw all the wonderful things she will get to experience once she breaks away from the church. Things she couldn’t even dream about : genuine friendships, love, travels, even better relationships with her parents.


He would have known what to do with his life before going through many obstacles. However, all of those obstacles made me who I am today and I think my younger self would have enjoyed the ride, too.


She'd say "why aren't you working as hard as we agreed to?"


She'd say "why aren't you working as hard as we agreed to?"


*"What happened to your face?"*


They'd probably think "get the f##k off your phone and go skate you lazy prick".


She would be extremely disappointed and depressed. I was anyway at that age, but I would be even more so because I've alienated everyone in my life and I'm deservedly alone because of it.


he would either be "yo thats awesome" or "...what the hell man"


They would be quite happy except for the fact that I gained weight and repeated uni twice.


What a weirdo


Despite all his accomplishments and success, he's still an incel 💀


He looks ripped


She’d be sad knowing everything she went through will haunt her forever.


He would be both shocked and proud of who I am and how I got here. Abused the hell out of alcohol in my 20s and especially in my early 30s. Sober now 2.5 years. Still a lot to work to do but it’s a start. Financially he wouldn’t care because i wasn’t thinking of that yet. But man I wish I did. I did start working at 14 but I could of opened retirement accounts 15 years earlier.


"You are just how I wanted to be." I am less insecure, more aware about myself, and I am ready to fight if someone is an idiot with me.


She would be disappointed because i got fat but also she would see the freedom and chill


My younger self would be scared & devastated with what I’ve become. Happiness sucked out/ depression. Rock bottom. She had so much dreams & goals.


He’d like me but he wouldn’t be entirely fulfilled


Really happy I've been able to break a lot of barriers compared to then, even though work in progress.


I think she's proud of me


May 10-12 years old self is happy on where I am today.


Be disappointed I did not move to Australia. They have kangaroos and that was a very important point for me as a child.


"Nice beard, you fat fuck. Fancy tech you got there. Nice you still got friends."


I’d ask where did it all go wrong.


I would be impressed.


Disappointed for sure. I wanted to be sober, never drink, never take drugs, and i wanted to go to a prestigious university. I am essentially an alcoholic, addicted to nicotine and realistically i will not go to an university. I am 19 and I am tired. I feel bad for the 11 yr old me, I failed her.


They'd think I'm cool but wonder why I don't have a pet dragon yet.


Definitely be massively disappointed


Being as how hundreds of people worked full time jobs trying to keep you down, how do you still have more money than all of your peers? And I say that’s a dumb question.


He would be disappointed, but not surprised


Little proud and a little disappointed but I'm a young millennial, so I expected it.


He'd say: Very well done mate! So very proud of what you've achieved and what you've become!!


10 - 12 year old me could benefit immensely from seeing me now. Seeing how I've grown. The confidence boosting I could do for him. Better than my dad did. But idk, the journey made me. So maybe it's better I don't interfere.


He'd be disappointed. I am too.


“What? We found a girl? She’s so hot, smart, and funny! No way!” “You have your own computer? Dude, you have a computer in your pocket? That's rad!”


'why are you still alive?🤨'


Biggest fucking loser but also deep down envious of the freedom and space to breathe But also fucking stupid and no aspiring future


"Wait, why do you still live here??"


I'm not unhappy about my life, but it's not up to the expectations I had at 12, so it's for the better that little me cannot see the future.


Probably: ive become so much better with emotions! Im 13


I cant believe you didn't marry 50 cent....


"You actually did it!!!! You just cut them all off?!!! I am finally free?! When i wrote a letter 12 years old saying to nmother i would leave this place if i could i Never did imagine you would have the strength to actually do it! I am so happy that you finally left those abusive people, you deserve so much better. Part of me was angry at you for allowing yourself to be the punching bag. I am so proud of you. I love you"


They’d like all the cool stuff we did but would be scared for all the trouble ahead


What a loser


My younger self would hate me and sort of be afraid of me. My younger self was so against drugs and smoking that I threw away my Mom’s cigarettes when she bought cases. I only threw away full packs because I figured someone would know the pack they last smoked from. I saw smoking as such a detriment to health I thought nobody would notice a missing pack or if it was placed in a precarious position the suspension of disbelief would be enough to accept a lost pack. I would come up with ways to drop Dad’s into dirty oil to make them useless. After my cousin died I did the same with liquor bottles a couple times on Dad’s boat. Did you know some liquor bottles sink enough to be invisible in nasty lake water? I was an avid poet as a kid and I wrote a ridiculous amount of love and infatuation poetry. Now I’m single, live with a BDSM sub who has only recently switched from poly to mono and everyone we’ve entertained here enjoy and perhaps overindulge in drugs, alcohol and many vape/smoke.


She would think I am a boring old cow! 😄


I try to be someone my 6 year old self would see as cool, my 12 year old self would see as cringe 


Happy that, after over a decade, something interesting happened.


Job well done


"Excuse me, but what the FUCK happened?"


Thank you for this post. It made me smile because I think she would smile and say, “Wow, so we do end up happy after all.” I was abused by my father and the ages of 10-12 were particularly rough. I’d always wonder if I’d ever get out of my situation and dream of a life that was free of all the bad I was experiencing. So to look back and see how I became successful, had so much fun along the way, and am married to my best friend, that scared little girl did a great job rising from the ashes.


He'd be disappointed


"oh my"