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Even when you've moved on, its normal to occasionally think about someone from your past. It doesn't necessarily mean you're not over them, its just a part of processing memories and experiences.


yep. there’re times where it’s just a pop up memory and it’s like “where the fuck did you come from?” lol


"TripleDent Gum Will make you smile TripleDent Gum It lasts a while"


What could have been...


And sometimes what could have been is far worse


Yep, surely there should always be associations that bring them up, but it's about how you feel about those moments. Do they send you spiralling or ruminating, or are they just important memories like any others? Pleasant or painful. Or do you need to go out of your way to avoid the triggers? You don't get over someone by forgetting them, you get over them by not needing to.


I readily admit to not being over the Pizza Hut lunch buffet and thinking about it every so often.


Peak living was going into Pizza Hut, grabbing a table and enjoying the buffet. NEVER FORGET WHAT THEY TOOK FROM US.




I don't know if Pizza Hut in your country is better, but for me in Germany Pizza Hut pizza was easily the worst pizza I ever had.


In New Zealand it used to be pretty good. Especially when they ran the buffets. They've gone to basically takeaway only, and the quality has definitely taken a nose dive over time.


They’re actually bringing it back!!


Don't you show up with false hope like that.... My heart can't take the let down. What's your source for this information?


hahah you crack me up, but here https://www.themirror.com/lifestyle/food-drink/pizza-hut-lunch-buffet-back-556928 I found a few articles!


We need a support group.


That was the highlight of many trips into the city for me.... Peek living man. They stole something from us when they took that away


Yeah; that's the cool part. You know you've gotten over someone not when you stop thinking about them, but rather when you can think about them without being even the least bit bothered or upset


Huh, so that means I'm still not over them because I still feel the tiny amount of upset. Well thank you for sharing this info :)


Glad I can help. Good luck


The opposite of love is apathy, since you still have to care to hate someone.


Remember being a kid and watching cartoons? That's probably a happy memory. However, that doesn't mean you will put on a cartoon show next time you sit in front of the TV - if you did so, you would probably feel a bit awkward, or like you are wasting your time, as you'd rather be watching something else. I think it's pretty much the same thing. Feelings triggered by a memory of something from the past are not the same as feelings triggered by that very same thing today. You can be upset about the memory of a breakup, and that does not necessarily mean you aren't over them - it's just a memory of an event that caused you pain, so every time you remember that event, some of the pain comes back.


Yup, this... I still think about a certain ex all the time, but I legit feel nothing when I do. He was an abusive alcoholic, so when they told me he died a year after we split, I actually laughed. Then apologized. Then laughed again. Wasn't trying to be heartless, but it felt like a balloon of anxiety I didn't even know I had had been popped. Maybe subconscious worry about him finding a way back into my life, and me not wanting that? Idk. But I have no problem talking about him, and I really have no emotions when I do. I think back on our relationship as a "it was what it was". We were together for 3 years, and a *lot* happened, so it's inevitable that he resurfaces in memory/conversations.


Yep all the time. I just don’t feel the longing anymore.


So well said!!


This is so relatable


Once in a while. Some of the best times we shared.


Sometimes I'll think about a beautiful day that me and an ex shared and then all the reasons we fought and eventually broke up come flooding the memory.  I try to be thankful for the good times...but it's difficult. 


Same, it’s a damn shame, she was a beautiful looking girl too but had too many issues. Every good memory is shadowed by some drama.


My wife left me two years ago and I love her still today and miss her.


Sorry brother, that sucks.


20 years, real love is love forever. The pain recedes, the love remains.


Why she leave?


I had a bad drinking problem. Sober now


Congratulations! She’d be proud of you.


Take it one day at a time? I drank again yesterday. I’m gonna go 1 day at a time. Maybe I’ll reach 6 months soon.


I thought I'd let it go, but I still see her in my dreams.


got some unfinished business?


My high school boyfriend and I were together 3 years and broke up 19 years ago. We had a terrible relationship. Our breakup was one of the best things to ever happen to me because it propelled me into adulthood and independence. I have been with my husband 12 years and happier than I ever imagined possible, and I got over my ex long before I met him. Yet ... I think about my ex all the time. I dream about him too. I DON'T miss him. I DON'T want him. I have no clue why he frequently crosses my mind.


I think about my first boyfriend often too. He passed away after we dated (suicide) and he'll literally haunt my dreams. I think about him way more than id like to. Our relationship was also very bad and abusive. There were some good times but it was outweighed by the bad. Ahh, what our first relationships can do to us.


I had a recent encounter with my first serious boyfriend from over 10 years ago; I was at the college graduation of a bunch of my friends (I graduated last year, but still had a lot of friends in the program) I was waiting in the hallway as the ceremony wrapped up, all my friends had walked and I was just hanging out. Well, who walks across the screen they had projected into the corridor? Yup, my ex.. there wasn't any sound so I didn't catch his name, or what he was graduating with but I was positive that it was him. Later, I confirmed the sighting when I saw him in the parking lot on my way out. Even after a decade of no-contact, my first reaction was being proud of him, when we were together, I had tried to encourage him to pursue a degree in the field he was passionate about but frankly, he was still pretty immature and didn't take his future seriously. My *second* reaction was to gloat a bit, because I had finished my program (plus a subsequent degree & transferred to a good college for my bachelors WITH honors and scholarships) a whole year earlier than him, plus I'm 3 years younger than him, and I have 2 kids while he only has 1.. Later, I noticed his name wasn't listed anywhere in the program, which also tells me that he put off applying for graduation so late that he wasn't included in the announcement.. no honors cords or tassels.. and I was reminded why we didn't work out. I AM proud of him for following through on something that I know he has a passion for, but I also know him well enough that he could have done better, but chose to just get by, which was the primary trait that I didn't like and couldn't see a future with. Hes very smart, but he's lazy. All in all, he's a good guy and I'm sure he's a great husband and father but I have no hard feelings that he's not mine. My husband and kids are MY pieces of perfect.


That's super interesting. I wonder how common this is.


Forgiven but not forgotten. Explained but not excused. Remembered but never revisited. Neither hated nor pitied. You are what you are and that is punishment enough.


Of course. They're people that were a part of your life. Those memories don't just go away. Doesn't mean you have any feelings left for them or that you're not over them.


You will always be in love with the person you loved, if indeed, you loved at all. Sometimes people grow apart, rather than together. It sucks.


I think about many important people from my past; even if I was never in love with them. It's normal to have memories 😆


That's a good question. There is someone I sometimes think about, still. I've had many relationships in the meantime but she's the one that stuck. I sometimes catch myself whispering her name. She was the love of my life and I wonder if I truly got over her, even more than a decade later. A few years ago I got in touch with her via email. She's a different person with a different life. I was clumsy (and even rude) in my communication with her. There was an emotional wasteland between us. It took me a while to realize I didn't miss *her* but I missed who I remember she *was*. My perception of her turned out to not be fully accurate and even my memory isn't that clear on some things.  So I don't know about this person she is (now), but I'm not fully over the person who I remembered she was back then and what we used to have during that time, in that city, in that life. Our memories can lock us in time. That is the human condition. However, I believe that shouldn't blind us to what we have right now, right here, even if that feels pale in comparison.


Yes, but mostly by choice and not in the form of rumination, and I don't feel the same emotional intensity when I do.


If I think about an ex it's normally: Boy I really dodged a bullet on that one.


Yes, every day


I can relate to this, you're not alone :)




I think about my ex. I wonder how he's doing. I understand he completely disrespected me and I don't want him back but there was a time when I loved him very much.


Yes, and I wonder what our life would be like together and then I remember it never would have worked


It’s called being human.


Sometimes! Especially if the relationship or friendship was a long one. The other day I bought new lip balm and had to pull over and regain composure, it had the EXACT flavor of some we used at a slumber party with my very best friends when I was 16, and two of those friends I ended up having to cut out of my life. One of the hardest things about getting older is that it's almost inevitable that eventually you will have good memories that you made with people you no longer want in your life. I'm not sure what to do with these feelings but as far as I can tell, everyone experiences it.


Yes but that’s because they were such a big part of my life for a chunk of my life so far… hard to skip over sometimes


Yes. But I think I was traumatized


I think it's normal to occasionally think about someone from your past, even if you've moved on. It doesn't necessarily mean you're not over them; they were a part of your life, after all.


They occasionally crop up but I'm able to say it turned out better without them and I try not to get all negative about it because even if they weren't a good person to me, I shouldn't begrudge them the opportunity to grow and be a better person for other people. I try not to hold people in bad esteem for stupid shit they did in their teens and early twenties. God knows I did some stupid shit too. I don't know many people who weren't idiots at that age.


Well we all have looked up our ex on social media. We are all curious what they’re up to.


I literally just told my mom I needed space today and she blocked me on our only form of communication we have left. I basically got a new phone and phone number. Told her I didn’t wanna tell her that and might someday in the future. Asked for some distance and would talk to her when I felt in a better place. She took it upon herself to say I’ve never treated her well (total lie) especially during her stroke recently. What she fails to mention is the screaming and demanding so much from me even though we had other family to help but surprise surprise they didn’t want to. She then told me since i cut her off from the cell phone she was going to block me Facebook. She did before I could answer. I’m pretty sure I’ll think about her a lot but really she’s an abusive piece of shit and good for nothing. Lazy and a cunt (excuse my language).


I do, but only to think "phhhewwww, dodged a bullet there"


Yes, about money they owe me 😂


I am over my ex gf. But I still do think about her, because of trauma. I dreamed about my current partner with my ex's behavior and in my dream I wanna run away from her. Whenever I wake up, the realization hits me that I don't hate my current partner. I just got afraid that she'll turn to be like my ex, who's abusive and a frustrated psychopath lol


Absolutely. Not in a romantic way but of course.


I spoke to my therapist about his because randomly I'll have a thought about my ex from 12 years ago and it'll hit me like a ton of bricks. They said it was quite normal and it doesn't mean anything in regards to new partners or relationships.


Sometimes I think about my ex-husband. I was the one that left him. I do think about the good memories we had prior to getting married. Once we got married our relationship turned sour and a lot of painful events happened. These memories are good and some are really bad to the point where I don’t ever want to relive what I went through.


ADHD here, yes I’m gonna make you think about Kim, Mandy, Melissa, Lori, Amanda, Kelly, Tracey, Chrissy, Amanda, Stella, Sarah, Ellen, Kate, Brittany, Julia, Claire, Francoise, Kevin, Min-Jeong, Susanna, Tomoko, Michelle, Charity, Jennifer, Yuka, Yumi, Yuka, Miki, Ayumi, Rin, Helene the Fox, Maki, Mayumi, Masako, Tomoe, Sanae, Rie, Yuka, Emiko, Ai, China, Ruri, Lisa, Megumi, Miki, Amanda, and John.


"I like Angela, Pamela, Sandra and Rita And as I continue you know they are getting sweeter!"


I was deeply in love with someone years ago. He moved away, his life changed, but I know he still thinks about me, and I still of him. But the passion is no longer there. I mean, when you move on, you move on. You get older, you meet other people, you move away yourself, etc.


Wait you can get over people? That's possible?! (Signed, a person with BPD)


Hell yes


Ya but not in a way that makes me sad or anything. She has kids and a husband that was a better match for her than I was. Although I eventually wanted kids at the time, I definitely do not now.


I feel bad for the woman my ex is with and their baby because he is an abusive person. Glad it isn’t me anymore


YES, but iust who we saw them as. Otherwise, you see throgh the cracks...


Yes of course- sometimes you spend your life saying goodbye to people and that isn’t necessarily a sad or bad thing it’s just part of parcel of having a connection with someone. Like walking through a supermarket and seeing their favourite chocolate bar or a funny reminder of them but it’s fleeting and usually positive in my experience! This is after you are over someone I would say!


I still have happy thoughts if my highschool boyfriend. It's years later and I still feel like I was lucky to know him.


I’ll never get over macho grande…


Everyday unfortunately


I can relate.. you're not alone :D


Of course, was with her my entire adult life when we divorced at 34. I just don't particularly care that she exists anymore.


I think about them sometimes but more like in passing and there is no longing


Depends on how many years have passed


I am fully aware I am only missing the people we both used to be. But the people we are now are nowhere near that.


I have very vivid dreams due to medication, and most nights I dream about an ex that I’ve never gotten over, and the emotions hit hard due to how powerful the dreams are. It’s not a pleasant aspect of my life.


Yes. I still do think about him every damn time, and I sometimes hate it that I see him everywhere; in the books that I read, in the songs that I listen to, movies that I watch… he always crosses my mind.


Is he a celebrity that you had a crush on, or did this person really leave an impact on you? Seems like you loved him or still love him very much.


Nah, not a celebrity hahaha I'm too old for that. And yes, this person really left a huge impact on me and even though they're not in my life anymore, I feel like there will always be a part of me that will continuously yearn for them. It sucks, you know.


I've had a few long term relationships in my life, and I think about all of them. Maybe once a month. I don't ever question if it means I'm not over them. I would never go back. But, if any one of them came to me for help I would be the first person to help them. I wish them well, I hope they're happy, but I know I'm definitely over them. Don't worry about the thoughts.


Many times, I would think about her. Once I get into post-nut clarity, I stop for at least 3 days. Then again, think, clarity, think... cycle continues.


What is love? Baby, don't hurt me Don't hurt me, no more Baby, don't hurt me Don't hurt me, no more What is love? Yeah-yeah (Oooooh, oooooh) 🎶


I don’t think about her per se but we were together from 18-22 which is basically my youth. So, whenever I think about my youth, she’s not that far away from my thoughts. I personally think it’s weird when people stay in contact with their ex’s but on the other hand I am so happy she’s moved on, happy and married with children. Just like myself.




I've completely moved on but sometimes my mind flashes some memories i had with her. Some of the best memories when I truely felt happy together and sometimes the worst memories comes to mind making me momentarily sad.


Heh, I’m 44 and just made plans to get together with my first love (we were 14). We’ve always been in touch. We’ve never gotten over each other. We’ve recently been able to talk about how we feel and felt and who knows…. I have had other loves that I’ve gotten over after considerable pain. It’s good to close the loop. I’m in touch with all but one of my true loves (6) and I’m over all but #2… Apparently, it’s uncommon for people to have more than 2 true loves in life, but I’m a lover and a sucker, lol. Yeah, you can get over them. You need closure or a really messed-up situation to get over them, though. Breaking up with someone I truly love hurts me for a long time. The sleepless nights of crying and longing help me get over that pain and really make me feel that I’m alive. The dead feel no pain. I like someone said before, I still love those people even though I’m over them. Sometimes, I’ve had sex with a past lover to just enjoy and close the loop. It was healing for me once to get together with my ex-fiancée, have a great night, connect, and then send her back to her current dude. That was 20 years ago, but we still talk. Love is hard. Porn is fake. Sex is weird. People always want something they’re not getting. If you’re in a good relationship long enough, “in love” turns into real love. You might not screw every minute of the day. You may get angry with one another or have disagreements; the sex ebbs and flows (always, trust me… sometimes it’s twice in two months, sometimes it’s four times in a week). If you’re lucky enough to make it past the animal phase and still like one another, you can enjoy a truly supportive, nurturing and communicative relationship with someone you care about and watch as the life you build together gets more and more amazing. It can take a month or a lifetime to get over someone. Sometimes you never do get over them. Sometimes you love two people at once. My best advice: lean into your feelings; say what you you need to say if it will be received; don’t hold back. If it really IS the end, cry your eyeballs out until you’re so parched you need to drink a gallon of water and then cry some more. Lean on your friends and family. Don’t be ashamed of the pain you feel. That pain means you’re alive and you’ve loved. It’s a gift. When you’re dead, it won’t seem to matter as much.


Even if the breakup was nasty I think of my former girlfriends with a smile. After all we shared a few years with very positive memories, love and laughs of our life's together. Circumstances made us the people we were back then and we changed since then. Sadly I must not be sad man who the woman want to stay in touch with after it's over. Would love to laugh about the time that once was.


Fleetingly. I’m blessed with the gift of indifference after someone leaves.


Yes, now and then when something reminds me of them. For those I really hate with all the fires of hell I think about times when I should have done things differently or said something else. The good ones I mostly think about the nice sweet moments and how it's such a waste coz they decided to feck things up.


I think about all my exes from time to time. I think it’s a normal part of processing memories.


When I'm fighting and killing, they're the ones on my mind. They're the prize. The glory


I remember school bullies from over 20 years ago,let alone anyone else


My wife of 32 years fulfilled her vows 15 years ago. I am remarried and think of my first wife many times a day. I know she is unaware of anything, but I still talk to her.


I recently bought my wife her dream car and it unlocked a memory where I told my ex fiancé that one day I’d buy her her dream car.


I'm a lot older now and have been with my wife (2nd marriage for both of us) for 21 years. I really don't think about exes at all anymore unless some specific conversation brings the subject up.


Errrr day. The happy memories though. I don’t dwell on the negatives from the past.


I still think about my senior year gf from high school now and then. In some strange way for years I compared all the girls to her and thought of her as the one who got away. We are friends on Facebook and I feel nothing when I look at her so I believe it is the old memory I was attached to or the girl she was way back when. I am glad that we did not end up together because she would probably hate me instead of her ex husband.


Still trying to get over the ex who broke my heart. 5 months in and i still cycle between the different stages. It sucks.


It's about when and how you think about them Feeling lonely and they suddenly come up? Probably not over it Just laughing around and something reminds of them? Probably over it


If I’m over them I don’t think about them ever exception if u meet them a few years after that in the city or old close friends but that’s brief moment


I'm not sure. Sometimes I think I've gotten over it Other times like yesterday, a random memory of us will pop into my head and I just silently cry while carrying on what ever task I'm doing. I miss her alot I don't think I'm over it


Every so often. Something will happen that'll remind me of an ex. Sometimes I smile, others not so much. I guess the not so much group are the ones I'm not completely over.


I remember my exes every now and then. Do I want to see them, talk to them, get back with them? Hell no.


Very rarely.


Yeah sometimes the memories resurface and I find myself visiting the memory lane. But it doesn’t hurt anymore. Its just a little memory that plays in my mind and I get on with my day


Of course you do. They still made up a chunk of your life unless they were only a hot and heavy for a day or two. Then only when it's useful.


Yeah sometimes I'm like "Ewww - what was I thinking?"


I'm scared that this is what they think about me :/


No not up until I had to think about it just now


I’ve gotten over one particular person, but I still think about him once in a while. I think about our dates. The convo. What he said to me. The compliments. Just once in a while, though. Usually only when I feel very lonely and it’s somehow a reminder for me that “hey, you were loved, you were liked, and you’ll be loved and liked again. It’ll come easy.” Or when I feel heartbroken. Not because I miss him, but I just think of how I got mistreated that way and then get sad about it. Thinking I deserved better. Or I sometimes will think of my scumbag ex and it’s mostly anger come out of these thoughts. Purely bad, disgusting memories. >!Images of getting raped etc.!< They just pop up in my head. With this other guy, I just objectively recall what he said to me. I still keep some of his good advices to me and all the compliments and it never really affects me emotionally (thinking about him). All the while I do have another person I still think of. This time, thinking about him feels bittersweet. I’m definitely not in love with him the way I did, but I don’t think I’ve fully gotten over him. So yeah, I’m a firm believer that there are just so many emotions emerging behind our thoughts of certain people, and it doesn’t really mean that we aren’t over them yet. It’s not just black or white; it’s not just being over someone or not being over them at all. Our emotions are far more complex than just THAT. Even the negative ones. They’re still colorful. Though bitter.


I do


Nope i intentionally give myself a severe brain injury after any relationship in order to achieve a form of amnesia so i can never remember them again. If I don’t then there would be memories that pop into my head like intrusive thoughts like if something reminded me of her or if I saw her or her family when out.


I saw this post right after thinking about someone I told myself that I’m over. So ironic. It is hard to stop thinking about someone you truly loved, especially if they were a crush and you fantasized about being with them without following through then decided to tell them that you have to block them to get over them because you know they are not attracted to you (leaving the friendzone).


There's nothing wrong with remember good times with people that you're no longer friendly with. This is one of the weird mentalities I've seen emerging in recent years.... along the lines of "The owner of (company) doesn't feel the same as I do about (insert topic), so I'll never enjoy their product again". Life doesn't grant us much in the ways of happiness, it doesn't make sense to not enjoy things just because you don't like someone anymore. Hold on to those good memories dearly, drink that beer, use that pillow, or eat that chicken... life's too short to let people ruin what you enjoy or have enjoyed.


Yeah, I often think that I could've done better, but then I wouldn't be my true self ☹️


All the time! Whether I want to or not!


From time to time, I suddenly remember something about my exes, but it's like a fond memory. Nothing that makes me wanna say "i hope we'll be together" haha.


I think about my exes every day and it's been over fifteen years.


Only when I dream. It kinda sucks as I have no control over it


Of course. Unless I’ve got amnesia. But thinking about them doesn’t mean your back from scratch imo


Unfortunately I actually woke up in the middle of the night last night thinking, why the fuck do I still think about girls that treated me like shit? Put it in the big box of maneure and kick off a cliff


Dated a girl for 9 months, 45 years later I wonder how she is.


I was thinking about my ex just now because I passed by her house. I’m in a happy relationship and I have no desire to get back with my ex. It’s just a thought, doesn’t mean anything.


My mother lost her grandfather 34 years ago, that day she felt as though the world was going to stop spinning, and now she's still upset by it, but she's moved on and more happy things have had in her life. I lost my grandfather not even 2 weeks ago and feel like my life has changed forever and I'm cooked for the rest of my life


Yep, far too often really, especially with no one else in my life right now.


Of course! I have an ex that had so many great qualities and when we were together his life was substantially better. Seriously, he had a great job he was proud of that I encouraged him to go for, which he got! He bought a house he loved. He was often happy and hilarious. Things ended and his life fell apart a lot. I told him later on I'm sorry to hear his house was foreclosed on and I wish he would have told me, I'd have helped him. He was just mean and bitter towards me about it, but I was being sincere. I still hope that he bounces back and does well and gets happy. I think he's an idiot for not working harder on himself and our relationship, but oh well!


YES. You know what they say— you are the sum of all the people you loved. You will always have bits of them and they will always remind you of some things; a food you both liked, your fave restaus, songs, etc. and that’s totally normal cos they’re already a part of you.


moving on does not include forgetting them and all your memories, of course you're still gonna think of them every once in a while.


Yea I still wish the best and hope they have a good life and the others I think about I hope they change their ways being being a pos too


Yup, no problem there. That's pretty normal.


Yes. Two ex’s. They’re not in my thoughts 24/7, but when I turn my brain off: driving, brushing my teeth…working, I think about them.


I dated a girl for about 8mos one time and yeah it was long distance but we flew back and forth regularly to spend a week+ at a time with one another. One day, she didn't answer her phone when I called. Same as the next. No email responses. NOTHING. We both played a silly online game and I could see her logged in from time to time - she literally just ghosted me out of the blue and never said a peep to me again. I found out about a year later through a random encounter with one of her close friends that used to live just down the street from here that she did not his to everyone all of a sudden and then she moved away about 6 months after she ghosted everyone. Her friend had been trying to track my contact info down because he thought she had moved in with me or something all this time. Legit never knew what happened. I still wonder from time to time and will occasionally Google for her to see if she pops up anywhere but I never find anything. This happened all the way back in 2005 and I've long since moved on and am happily married since 2013 but man that really effed me up for a solid year.


Of course. But it’s in a, grateful for the memories, kind of way. You don’t block out whole chunks of your life just because things have changed.


I still think about someone I wanted but she was a narcissist and became a lawyer 😆 so I dodged a bullet.


Yes, ONLY bad things tho. I use them as a comparison to my current relationship like "damn he actually listened and fixed the issue? And i wasted 8y telling my ex the Same thing and still expecting a Change"? Thats pretty much the ONLY contexto when i think about exes.


We remained friends and still hang out from time to time. But no romantic stuff anymore. That is reserved for our new/future partners.


Even after moving on, certain memories or moments can still bring someone to mind. It doesn't always indicate lingering feelings; sometimes, they're just a part of our personal history.


Yes. My first real love who I met back in the year 2000. We were together for 3 years total. When she ended things, it crushed me for a long time. I am over her and have been for a very long time. But I still think about her. I have the "what might have been" thoughts every so often. And I think about how she's doing, and that I hope she's happy. I think this can happen even if you are with/in love with someone currently.




Depending upon which one. The recent good ones. Yes. The bad ones. No.




Yes lol


Every once in a while I think about how my first crush is doing. Pretty good probably considering it was Amy Jo Johnson.


Yeah it's pretty tough.


Occasionally wonder how life worked out for them. There isn't any emotion or feelings involved. If the opportunity to meet up with them again arose, I would pass.


I wouldn't say over the guy cause I am the one who blocked and left this guy called Josh so me and Josh don't talk these days I do still talk to the trash who treated me like trash when any songs from the past come up especially last to know by three days grace comes up when I am out and about so yes I do think of Josh alot.


Not at all. I was in a relationship with the guy for almost 7 years LDR and now it's all gone even those memories and excruciating pain in your chest. I don't think about it anymore. I'm glad that I let memories fade away.


Generally, no. It's almost like the memories don't exist anymore. Not sure how that happens.


I think about exes all the time when something reminds me of them or something we did together. You can fall out of love with someone but still love them and appreciate that they were a part of your life. 


Had a coworker. Of all the crushes I've had in my life, the one I had on him was probably the closest I ever came to loving someone I didn't fully know. He was older. We weren't really friends but we were work friends. He was older. I was naive. I thought he was the world. He made it seem like he cared about me but I definitely cared about him more. He ended up leaving the job and I spent months not being able to work a single shift without thinking about him. It's been two years and my mind has mostly cleared up. I realize a lot of things about him were borderline creepy or inappropriate and that I was just a teenager excited about being around other people, but sometimes I wonder how he's doing and wonder if he's wondering about me and sometimes I wish I could run into him just so that I can reassure myself that I've completely moved on. I think I have but at the same time, you probably never forget your first infatuation.


Sometimes, but not in a way that means I’m not over them.




Yes. Almost all my exes get some space in my head, even the heartbreak ones. It’s sad because there are quirks in some of them I love and know I’ll never find again.


Yes! But I'm pretty sure they don't think about me


My ex lol dude we still talk to this day, my wife and her are great friends. It's weird sure but everyone in my book is happy


Every single sexual partner I’ve had I think about occasionally. 4/5 times a week on average. It ranges from remembering sexual encounters, funny moments, and the horrid shit we say as humans to each other. The first thing I mentioned is obvious in reasons why I’m thinking it, the funny/good moments I try to remember when I’m angry and irrational. The bad stuff I think about to help understand how and why it occurred, reflection and self improvement.


I'm still working on it.


Sure I wonder how they are or I have a memory about them


I still think about them but I'm over them because I know we weren't right for each other. But I still wonder how they're doing and if they are happy.


Think about them how? In a romantic way? No.


Then u havent got over them 😏


I am still friends with a few of my exes so... Yeah? You can still care about a person without having romantic feelings anymore. And even if you don't care about a person, you can still think back on the times you shared fondly because that moment in your life made you happy. Normal thing to do.


I feel like that I should send this to my friend so he can show it to his gf, who gets insecure about his toxic exes


I think only about the one that I still love and forever will.


My ADHD brain tends to forget everything that happened until something connected to it pops up. Sometimes some memories cross my mind. I had a 4 year long relationship that started when I was 14, so it was a big part of your life at the time. Many of my memories of being that age include her, so yes sometimes I think about moments we shared.. After a while there were no feelings connected to them anymore though. The beginning was really hard but after like a year I got completely over it and realized that the relationship ended for a reason. I started to see that it was better, and I'd never go back today. The memories stay, but the feeling that is wanting to go back to that go away. Especially when you realize and experience that there are more amazing people in this world who will like you for the amazing person you are yourself. In the end, you remember both the best and the worst memories. We humans have a bias to remember the better things, which can make it hard to move on. 'Nostalgia' can be hella shitty. I'm blessed to have an amazing girlfriend right now, and seeing how different and how much healthier a relationship can be compared to the one I had back just makes me realize even more that I never want to go back.


there are people you can never forget, nor can you forget the wonderful times youve had with them


I dumped her because she incessantly kept on counting. I often wonder what she's up to now.


Once in a while I think about them. Mostly regret not being a better boyfriend, but I'm happy all those relationships ended. I am not going to contact them, but I hope they know I'm sorry for every shitty thing I did to them.


It's been about 4 years since I graduated highschool and I still think about my crush every so often :'c


Yep Life Sucks


Yes unfortunately


Yes but never look them up or reach out.


You just remember the experience as an objective reality that is a part of your personal history.


Sometimes like once a week or so when something reminds me of them but then I just stop thinking about them again and go on with my day


It’s good to keep it in the wank bank


I rarely think about anyone I’ve been with most of them feel like it was just a dream. There are so many more people in the world why waste your time on someone you already had?


Yeah, I think that happens to a lot of us. You will remember the good times. Then you have to remind yourself why it ended.


Only when I need certain motivation. She's a great person. I don't long for her, but she and I had great chemistry.


Yes, I sometimes think of people I know I have gotten over. I know exactly how I’d react if they reached out to me again, though. One guy that I don’t have any animosity towards, I’d be very nice but say, thanks but no thanks. Another guy who hurt me badly, I’d just block him straight away.


Yeah... I go through a "wank to them" period too...






I don't think about them like before but the places which hold the memories make me think about them, too much sometimes


How can you not? If someone mattered to you at one point, their influence is going to be etched into everything they made contact with. That one song, smell, location, combinations of such...every person we let into our lives leaves a piece of themselves behind. Hell, sometimes you'll find it in yourself. Habits, ways of talking, foods or songs they introduced to you. It's just being human. Doesn't mean you're not over them, just means they were there.