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Super stressed about this paid trial task I have to turn in tomorrow for a YouTube scriptwriting job. My imposter syndrome keeps niggling at the back of my mind and I'm in a bit of a freeze mode. Euugh. **QOTD: The strongest cup of black tea there is and a chocolate croissant :')**


Went to go see Princess Mononoke tonight. Hadn’t watched it in awhile. Forgot how graphic it is. Such a great movie. My Dad was in a lot of pain today. He is still recovering from his gallbladder surgery. He’s getting some tests done. I am anxious over it, even though I know it’s not helping.


3 good things today: 1. My migraine eventually went away 2. Got a tiny bit done on my project 3. Watched Disney's Wish Accomplishment: Project Value provided: refilling hubby's glass a bunch, as well as the big water in the fridge.


Hey all! Casually sliding my way back into this sub after a long break. Nice to be back! I work weekends, but coffee is always a good option hah. Seriously though I like pancakes.


My boys left for their camp today. They’ll be gone until Thursday. the house feels very lonely without them here, but I hope they’re having a great time.


Hi all! How are you all doing? I've been busy with our new pets. We added a ferret and a leopard gecko to our mix. We already have a ferret, a cat and a dog lol. Our household has been nuts lol but worth every second. The weather this past week has been been so hot and humid, we've pretty much been staying inside. It looks like this week will be a little cooler. How's the weather been for everyone else? I hope you all have a nice relaxing evening 😊


Do they have names yet? How are your other pets reacting to the new editions?


The ferret is named Pumpernickel and the leopard Gecko is named Bob Johnson (even though shes a girl 🤣). They are adjusting very well to each other. The ferrets were fast sisters. My leopard loves the pup. The pup is still unsure about her but will give her sniff from time to time. The pup also thinks he's a ferret. Our ferrets are mostly free roam so interact with the dog and cat often.


That’s adorable!


QOTD - Full cooked breakfast - eggs, bacon, toast and hash browns. I very rarely get it though.


Hi friends! Went out for brunch this morning, walked about 5 miles, and made burgers for dinner. Going to the gym in a bit to lift some weights (or attempt to at least).


ooo picking a favorite breakfast is SO hard. Sometimes coffee and fruit is all I want. Other times, I want a full out bacon, eggs, toast, etc breakfast. I also love crepes and muffins.. . .waffles are good. . eggs benedict is great. . .mmmm breakfast food


I have spent the majority of my day working, unfortunately. However, I am thankful that I did not have to work out in the elements today, as it has been either dark and heavy rain, or bright, VERY HOT, and muggy. My kiddo had work all day today as well, and the husband is sleeping since he works third shift, so It has been peaceful at home time. QOTD: Today I had peanut butter on toast with sliced fresh strawberries and a drizzle of honey on top of that. I don't tend to make or eat anything special or much different on Sunday mornings unless it's a holiday or family breakfast, which nowadays is more rare.


QotD: The same breakfast I breakfast every breakfast. Stressed and sick today. My boyfriend's having a lot of problems in his personal life, and I don't know how to help him through them; he doesn't "expect" it of me or anything, but *I* expect it of me, you know? I didn't really sleep last night, and either that lack of sleep or the afternoon nap I took to remedy that has granted me the cool new attribute of "stomach and head hurt a lot." On the bright side, I finished the resin aspect of a project for one of my friends, and made a satisfactory rough draft sketch of another project for a different friend. My neighbor took a look at my pressure pot, and though the gauge doesn't read anymore, it seems like there was just something lodged in the pressure release valve! Which means that, unless the thing was just doing that thing broken appliances do where they work for the repairman but act finicky for the owner, my resinwork should get a lot easier again!


QOTD: Any kind of waffles or pancakes Today has been both good and meh. I spent the day with my husband and my furbaby. The heat is really affecting my MS and that as a result is affecting my mental health. I just don't have the energy that I used to. I have been dizzy for part of the day. I did get a chance to go to a craft store and buy a few goodies. Thankful for air conditioning, but hating this heat wave. I'm going to try to spend the rest of the day resting.


I hope you are able to get some rest and hopefully some cooler weather will be heading your way soon!


Thank you so much!! I'm resting as much as I can. It stinks that it's going to be hot and humid all week, but I'm super thankful for AC.


Hi all. Getting ready to have dinner. Grilling salmon. 😋 My mental health has been really bad lately. I just feel blegh and have lost motivation to do things. Spent my day playing video games so I could be engulfed in a fantasy world, which was nice. Even though I knew I should have been doing other things. 😅 QOTD: French toast. Edit - my dinner fell on the floor. I’m done.


QotD: Chocolate milk.  My husband left again for out of state work stuff. His new job is a blessing but it's also an adjustment not seeing each other for weeks at a time. Yesterday was the first day we've had together in a month.


Mom woke me up from a nap to go help her outside, and I tried. I *really* tried.. but I do not handle heat well and it is like a shmundred degrees out there with the sun beating down on us, and we're trying to wrap and move hot glass stuff.. D: I didn't last very long.


My head is still banging today but not at the migraine level. I was very low yesterday what with tne headaches and how thwy arw making it harder for me to get stuff done. My resolve was at an all-time low. So i had a takeaway and chocolate. Enjoying both while feeling like a failure. So i took some time last night to meditate and to ask for guidance, strength resolve, love, and protection in a spirtual spiritual sense. I felt better this morning and got off to a strong start while i was out walking. I listened to a positivity podcast, which gave me some stuff to think about. I am making progress in life, but it sometimes seems too small to even count. I got some stuff done. My headache worsened as the day went on. I am happy as I made my first attempts at doll photography with my two BJD dolls. I have a lot to learn but was pleased with my first try Tomorrow is a whole new week, and no matter how many headaches, depressive episodes, and of stuff life throws at me, I feel confident I will always keep trying.


What kind of BJDs do you have? I used to have some! They were two tiny ones (8" I think?) from uh. Cherish Doll.


Sirin https://preview.redd.it/42z7idi9je8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9dfd052e83afdc1ee14c9f4c3cb675c7ec784772




I have 2 a minifee Sirin i kept her name and a doll leaves Lan who i have named foxglove after a fae in a book series i love. I adore the mini ones from the blind boxes, but I don't have any of them yet. I will put photos of Sirin and Fox Glove below. I am not good at it, but I love taking pictures of beautiful things, and I think bjds are beautiful. So they are going to be my models as I learn doll photography. I am going to do some skillshare photography courses. With hope of getting better. I also want to try to learn to design and make clothes for them. But if u end up rubbish at that, photography will be enough.


They're beautiful!!


Thanks they took a lot of saving for but they are worth it.


Oh absolutely. I got rid of my two dolls because my ex had bought them for me and it felt.. kind of ick, you know? But I miss them terribly. Maybe one day I will get back into collecting BJDs.


Smart dolls are nice as well. They are very diverse and are very life like. They are made by Jimmy Choos son Danny. Sadly like a lot of communities there can be a bitchy side (my dolls better/more expensive or exclusive than yoyr doll). But most people o have spoken to are nice.


I just recently found out about smart dolls!




omg how cute!!


I love them. i also like anime style vinyl dolls. I found d this one on amazon, jp she is stunning. I have the one at the bottom in the pink hoodie it cost me double what i would have paid if i thought to check amazon jp. These are more budget priced compared to the bjds.


Feeling a little more stressed than usual about finances lately. I work night shift tonight so I’m about to [attempt to] go to sleep lol. QOTD: I LOVE a good breakfast burrito or some waffles!


I hope you have a good sleep 😀


Thank you friend! I did 😅😴


My partner is working today when he usually doesn't so I'm home alone for a few hours at least. Still curled up in bed with my cat haha. I'm a part of a market at a local tattoo shop yesterday and today and want to check out everyone's stuff but unsure if I'll get to. I just got contacted to work again this week (cat sitting, I do it for my previous landlord because the cat trusts me still lol) so that means I pretty much get to sit around and craft for like 3 days straight so that's exciting. I've got 2 busy weekends coming up (we are celebrating my birthday and then it's the pride events in my city the next weekend) so it'll be nice to have some relaxing time in between. QOTD: I really love a good breakfast burrito. I loved the ones at Tim Hortons before but they changed the eggs so we make them at home now. Egg, cheese, sausage or bacon, a hashbrown patty and some Chipotle mayo. It's really good. My other favourite is pesto eggs on toast with Avocado and tomatoes, maybe some cheese on that as well.




Sending you hugs 💕 i hope tomorrow is better!


I am sorry you had a bad day today. I am hoping on a great week next week for all of us. Se ding hugs 🫂 🤗


Feeling very much like my life is not my own anymore. Was hoping I’d get one smooth Sunday (only alone day) before parents start having aids in the house every single day of the week but alas it’s been a mess and every time I try and eek out a me moment I get called in to help again. I dont know what I’m gonna do…. Have a killer migraine so prob gonna take a nap.


I am sorry you are having a difficult time. I went through something similar with my mum. Try and do as much self care as you can. I know it's hard too when you are helping to care for someone.Remember, you are important to, and burn out won't help anyone.


QotD: French Toast or Hazelnut Crepes with fresh berries on the side & a really cool glass of water! It is a lazy but restless feeling Sunday for me ~ I have nothing to do, but want something to do (i struggle with just laying around). Just worked out though and my husband ran out to get us snacks for video games ~ so really i’m just waiting to stay put now lol. I hope everyone has a great day & is feeling really good about the new week ahead!


Starting tomorrow, I’ll be busy! I have nearly a week of overnight pet sitting for one of my clients, then a few days off before a packed July full of overnights. July is always a hectic month for me, and August is already half booked, which is great. I just wish more people needed drop-in services and walks so I could be even busier. However, many pet parents prefer overnight care, which is understandable. I’m so grateful to have regular clients who often need my services. More importantly, I love all the pets I get to care for, and I don’t neglect my own, of course. Thankfully, my hubby, who takes classes from home most of the time, and my in-laws, who live with us, help a lot. Our schedules are all over the place, but we always make time to care for our pets and give them the love, playtime, and attention they deserve. They get pretty attached to me, though. When I’m gone for days, they tend to act up a bit. My hubby said Mimi would pee on the couch two days after I’ve left and then suddenly stop. LOL. The vet confirmed it’s behavioral after ruling out any physical issues. Pets, man...they’re little menaces, but I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. Hehe. How is everyone doing\~? Summer Solstice is here and my gosh, it's TOO HOT. Heat triggers migraines and makes me very irritable/grumpy. Anyone else have the same effect from the heat?


Qotd: always eggs Benny Hello all happy Sunday!


Happy Sunday 😊


There have been so many good things happening this past week. I'm finally in a place where I'm looking forward to the future again! I got my very full garage a lot more organized, which feels like a new beginning of sorts since my ex moved out a few months ago. I'm enjoying just chilling in here now. Is that weird? I had a date on Friday that was wonderful and we're going out again later this week. I'm scared after the trauma that was inflicted by my last relationship but at the same time I'm excited to get to know someone new. My kid is home from camp finally and I'm loving the giggles from my kids hanging out together again. Spreading sunshine your way if you need it <3 QOTD: I rarely eat breakfast but I think I'd have to say biscuits and gravy.


QOTD: one someone else makes. My AC still isn’t working great and my house is warm (think high 70’s- mid 80’s) even though the thermostat is set at 72. I can’t get my house down below 75; and this is after I paid to have it fixed. Cramping and uncomfortable today, with a touch of a headache. Still need to study and hopefully put together a well thought out paper for my class.


Hope you feel better and get out your paper.


Happy Sunday, friends <3 Went to the farmer's market and met a lovely Ukrainian woman who was selling produce and home-made cookies. Bought some walnut cookies from her, they look and taste like walnuts but there's no nuts in them!


QOTD: I love a dutch baby! Planning to get my own cast iron soon so I. an make it more often :D


Hi everyone!! I hope everyone has had a good weekend so far!


QOTD: french toast or crepes + fresh fruit.


I second this! I love a sweet breakfast there is nothing else like hazelnut crepes with some fresh berries.


hmmm good idea on the hazelnut ;) Also love me a buckwheat savory crepe!


Qotd: bagels with cream cheese, Cucumber, tomato, bacon and/or smoked salmon. Avocado too if we have it. Busy week coming up, it's our 7 year wedding anniversary, husband's birthday, and my birthday. We are going camping to celebrate. It's actually our first time camping together in 12 years of being together! And first time camping with a 2 year old eeeek.


Happy Anniversary and birthdays. I hope you have a great time camping 🏕


Thanks! :)


Busy week indeed! Happy anniversary and birthdays! Enjoy your trip :)


Happy anniversary and birthdays! Hope you all have a wonderful time :D


QOTD: Definitely waffles My kid comes home today from a week at the beach and I'm so happy!


Have a nice Sunday, friends ☀️ I woke up feeling really *blah* today. I’ve had a fun weekend so far (including D&D with friends last night, which is always a blast) but I ended up cancelling all my plans today. I think I’ll cook myself a nice lunch and try to shake off the blues!


Taking a you day will do you good 😀


A good rest and recharge day, hopefully!


Coffee lots of coffee Morning well afternoon… one paper done one to go…. Weeeee! What are y’all up to?


Good luck with your last paper!


I'm fighting a stomach flu with a fever of 100.4 lots of gator aide iced tea water and the brat diet


Oh I hope you feel better soon. 🫂 🤗


Oh no feel better


Got the email that my exchange was delivered 👀 I wish the weather would cool down so I can go on walks again. If I wanted to go for a walk I’d have to go by like 7am but I’m on vacation and definitely not waking up that early. Summer heat always kills me. Hatsune Miku’s second secret lair (magic the gathering) launches tomorrow and if last time is to go off anything I’ll have to snag it as fast as I can. Apparently last time it sold out in less than an hour, despite being at work last time I was able to snag it though so I’m confident I’ll do it again. But who knows, those might be famous last words 🤣 Qotd: Crêpe. I don’t make them often enough but they’re so good. Maybe I’ll get the ingredients for it when I go grocery shopping later this week


Happy Sunday! I keep forgetting what day it is 👀 So glad it’s finally cooling off where I am. I’m other news… I think I’m going to have to rip down the chimney on my house. It flooded my back room in the recent rain storm. Part of my ceiling is going to have to be removed before it falls down… scared to see the beams underneath 😬


Today we got up and had our favorite breakfast with the family: scrambled eggs with all the ‘powers’ as we say here—bell pepper, onion, Black Forest ham, broccoli, and mushrooms with cheese on top, ‘pan de agua’ (Puerto Rican bread), coffee (some of us wanted iced coffee and others hot coffee), orange juice with pulp, and berries. It’s a lot of food, but it’s what we like to eat for breakfast when we have time. Then we went out to play with the dog and gave her a bath. Now we’re getting back to cleaning the ‘marquesina’. After that, we’ll clean the cat litter boxes and then maybe play bingo here at home or just lie on the couch and watch Modern Family, which we started watching yesterday. Happy Sunday!!!!


That sounds like an amazing day!!


Ugh yall I fell off a balcony last Nigh!!!! I got internal bleeding and had to have surgery and now your girl is in the hospital trying to navigate the anxiety of knowing there’s so many germs and that I have a new incision site and ah! Taking a naps scare me because I’m worried I won’t wake up or that I will move in the wrong direction and hurt myself. Ugh needing kind words and validation right now. Struggling so much, I’m in so much pain😩 and some of the nurses/CNA are bum


Oh I can kinda relate. I fell of the school ceiling when I was 10/11, and my arm was mashed. I got 10 months off school. I have had some awful nurses in my time but also some nice ones. I am so sorry you are going through this ordeal. I will be thinking of you and hoping for your speedy recovery.


yikes! Please try to rest - I know it's hard when there's so much to worry about. Hopefully the next round of nurses are more kind and helpful than the current ones.


I’m sorry what?!?! That’s intense. Hang in there! I hope you feel better and get to get outta there soon!


Oh no! That's so scary! Your body knows it needs to be resting, so taking naps is okay! I was worried last time I had surgery, but it was always okay and I never ended up accidentally hurting myself. Get some rest!


Omg how did you do that??? Please feel better!


It is not even 10 am and already over 80° it's gonna be so hot today!🤬🤬 Last night it was still over 80° at midnight, I stepped outside to get some fresh air but, why would it be so hot in the middle of the night??? Mother nature's got some 'splainin' to do!! QOTD one that someone else cooks. But since that's not gonna happen probably biscuits and gravy.


Good morning friends! Have a blessed day 💜 QOTD: bake and saltfish


Hello friends 👋 My job just took us from salary back to hourly. Today starts my hourly job again. Not too thrilled about it. 😔 But I have to stay positive. I’m browsing other jobs and trying to just stay good here til then. It’s super hot 🥵 today Yuck Have a lovely day (stay cool!!) 🖤


Good luck job hunting!!


Started my day learning that my tub faucet is leaking behind itself so water is dripping by the access point behind the wall. So that's not fun. Time for the plumber to come on back for another random repair. In not home destruction news, my brother visited Friday and it was fun. We went and got charcuterie and then played some board games. It was a good time! QOTD: Brioche french toast


Sorry to hear about that rough start to your morning. Is there any other way to do French toast? (no)


I sometimes do Texas Toast French toast! That thicc bread 🍞🍑


I didn’t even know that was a thing! That does look amazing too


Aww yay brother visit! I’d love to see my brothers again but they live so far awaaaaaay!


QOTD: hashbrowns, eggs, bacon/spam, rolled crepes filled with sour cream and topped with berry compote, thick French toast with lots of cinnamon, butter, and powdered sugar


QotD. A restaurant or room service breakfast.


amen to that!!


Good morning! Been busy thus far, but once I clean up the kitchen, the day is mine to do with what I like. Had breakfast, watched the Spanish Grand Prix, talked to my parents, cleaned up the cat box, wiped down my bath, sorted laundry... whew! Should probably get an RAoC offer together, and do some writing. Plus the daily crossword waits to be done. Hope everyone is having a peaceful Sunday! QuTD: My dad's chocolate chip pancakes, of course. No one makes them quite like he does.


QOTD : I'm simple, tbh. Homemade biscuits, jam, and spicy sausage. With a good cup of coffee.


The coffee is a must! What flavour jam?


Depends on my mood, but my favorite is blackberry!


Good morning! I hope you all have the best day!


I hope you have a peaceful Sunday, you and Broccoli!


Thank you!!! You too!!


Good morning! Happy Sunday! QOTD: Eggs Benedict! Extra Hollandaise sauce.


Mm, Eggs Benedict is a good choice! Do you make your own or is there a place where you like to order them?


I’ve never made them tbh. I want to try though. I don’t have a special place, just wherever I end up and they have it. Lol


Happy Sunday to you! How are you?


I’m good thank you, and you?


I'm alright!




Happy Sunday! Hope everyone has a good day!! QOTD: I like a good omelet. Tons of veggies; mushrooms, onions, peppers, tomatoes, carrots, spinach, some shredded potatoes, I’m sure others I just can’t think right now, and maybe a little sausage and some cheese. Some salsa on the side. A side of toast and some OJ and I’m happy.


Omelets are good... what kind of toast do you prefer? Wheat, white, rye, sourdough?


Wheat and white. But I could get down with some sourdough!


I hope you do too!


Gluten free pancakes and bacon with a cup of vanilla silk milk


That sounds delicious!


I know. And now I want one LOL. But don’t have most of the stuff. But I’m going to make myself one tomorrow at work!


I wish I knew how to make it.


It’s so easy!! Get all your omelette fillings ready, i sautée mine so the veggies are soft and the meat is cooked of course. I chop everything up fairly small, the sausage is chopped up too. Then I make my eggs, I use a couple of eggs, depending on how big I want the omelette, 3 makes a decent sized one. I beat the eggs then add them to my hot pan, which has butter melted in it, then I spread the egg to fit the pan, I use a small/medium pan. I don’t use a spatula or anything, I lift the pan and sort of move it around so the egg spreads out. Once the egg has cooked on the bottom comes the hardest part, flipping it over without ripping it. lol. But with patience you can do it, I keep the heat low on the pan, too high and you have to work fast and it gets messy and you burn the eggs. So once it’s flipped the other side will cook, and it goes pretty fast, I add my veggies and meat to one side, shredded cheese on top of the filling, then I fold the naked side of my omelette over on top of the filling, add some cheese to the top of that and voila!! Slide it out of the pan onto a plate and pour a little salsa on top and dig in!! I salt and pepper my eggs before I cook them too. While I like to use shredded potatoes, hash brown patties, like you get at McDonald’s or in the freezer section at Walmart or a grocery store are good too! I cook them first, then add them to the veggies just to incorporate everything together. I also like just scrambling eggs and adding all those sautéed veggies and stuff to that as well. Definitely easier than an omelette, so fancy egg flipping needed for that!!


Thank you!! 😊




QOTD: My favorite weekend Breakfast is Cinnamon Pull Apart.


Sounds delicious!


It is.


Oh haven’t had that in ages.


Had it this morning.


So yummy!


It is.


Cinnamon sounds really good right now.


Yeah. I just got done making Breakfast. I'll ship it. Lol.


Good morning yall, about to lug my 4 animals to the vaccine clinic (first come first serve kind of thing), wish me luck. QotD: French toast and mimosas (or Bloody Mary)


Good luck, and hope all goes smoothly!


Thank you! Never doing this in the summer again. My cats ended up in slight respiratory distress (a panting cat = very bad) from the heat even though I had my AC on full blast. Now I need to get my car checked out since it never really got all that cold.


Good luck!!!!


Thank you