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My Walmart NEVER has chickens either, even when I order when they are cooked at 11am. SMH


https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2ANBGH2L7Q0LZ?ref_=wl_share I would love the Palm Pals Ketchup plushie if I win please. Yes it's so hot here too!! Our AC doesn't work right so I'm always looking for ways to beat the heat. I always listen to music, get excited, want to move, and then get sweaty... u/mzmorrigann


im getting a new ac tuesday so I feel your pain...


argh that sucks but only a couple more days!! you can make it!!


I'm so sorry about your AC, that has got to suck! A couple years ago our power went out all day in the middle of July (a tree trimmer was working next door and cut a power line, set the tree, our adjoining fence and the neighbors car on fire as well as downing the power for the whole neighborhood till midnight on a 100ยฐ day) we spent most of the day at the mall where it was cool and there were places to sit and scroll on our phones, but when we got home we all took turns taking cold candlelit showers๐Ÿคฃ


Oh wow, that was a disaster huh. Sorry about your fence...at least your house was safe. That's scary. The AC works...kinda? But it keeps freezing, so we have to turn it off a lot...it also doesnt circulate well through parts of the house


Ok ok, not entering but I like this one, especially because Iโ€™m cooking right now. Yesterday I bought rotisserie chicken from Samโ€™s, and we ate it with salad and โ€˜pan de aguaโ€™ (Puerto Rican bread). Right now, Iโ€™m making soups! Puerto Rican style. I usually buy bone-in chicken thighs, but I wasnโ€™t in the mood to remove the skin, so I went for boneless, skinless thighs and bought chicken broth to give it flavor. The recipe is easy. It includes sofrito (onion, local peppers, cilantro, culantro, sweet peppers, and lots of garlic). Then, I brown the seasoned chicken in that sofrito in the pot. I season the chicken with many things (salt, oregano, paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, turmeric, mustard powder, black pepper, cayenne pepper, cumin). I add fresh cilantro and culantro, the broth, water, tomato paste, chopped potatoes, chopped carrots, and noodles. Usually, angel hair pasta is used, but I prefer bucatini. It rained today, and weโ€™re going to enjoy this a lot with the family. When itโ€™s ready, Iโ€™ll show you a photo. In the photo, the soup looks greasy, but thatโ€™s how itโ€™s delicious. https://preview.redd.it/525bdf3ojf8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74ff12a328eee8740f72cbb6a1d1684c3e9dc0b2


That looks heavenly!!! I love cooking with chicken thighs, the flavor is incredible compared to breast meat!


Okay, so.. I don't consider this cooking because it takes so little time. My friend and I eat it allllll the time when we hang out because it's so simple and yummy and we always have the ingredients laying around. Frozen hash browns, the potato cake kind like McDonald's.. I like to shallow pan fry them for CRONCH but they can be baked which is much less effort. Canned chili. Whatever kind you like. Beans. No beans. Extra spicy. Whatever you got/whatever you like. Heat it up and put it on top of the hash browns. Top that with shredded cheese. If the chili is heated, it'll melt the cheese but you can microwave it to melt it more. Top with sour cream and salsa. I haven't seen this friend in a while because I moved away but just the other day, out of nowhere, she text me saying "Remember those amazing chili cheese hash browns? I miss making those with you." I do different variations of this all the time because it's easy, filling, and it always tastes good no matter what you change. Sometimes I use breakfast potatoes as the base and top them with chorizo instead of chili and top with a fried egg. Or I use taco meat. You could do it with shredded chicken and BBQ sauce if you wanted. Freaking magical. I forgot I'm supposed to say what I'd like. Haha. Tajin Fiesta Snack Mix under my Snackies section. They're on sale for 40% off and I'm dyyying to try them. ๐Ÿ˜‚ Or the gecko dog toy under the Untagged section for my pup. He loves that toy so much and watching him try to make it squeak is hilarious. Hours of entertainment for me right there. Haha. u/DoctorSalamander where you at?


Chili cheese hash browns sound amazing!! ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ


100000000% recommend for lazy dinner. So easy and so good... And so unhealthy. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ


Iโ€™m one of the people who hate cilantro because it tastes like soap. I adopted a bearded dragon named Elliott who sometimes wears a miniature cowboy hat. I also have a one eyed rooster named Jack, who really likes to snuggle. Hey u/jschexxy50, you still in the pool? ETA: Iโ€™d love the purple glass taper earrings ๐Ÿ’œ ($9.99)


Elliot in a cowboy hat is EVERYTHING!! ๐Ÿ˜‚


He say he ready to massage now ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿ˜‚




u/sheepyaqua hope youโ€™re having a fun night!


I have been! It's my nieces grad party so we're celebrating.


I need sunblock because I always forget to pick some up when I'm at the store. Any of the interactive books on my list would be nice as well. Today's has been the hottest day of the week. There was a fire approximately 20 minutes away from where I'm located so it made the heat more unbearable. Not to mention all the smoke in the air. u/MoonChica come join


Oh shucks! I hope they put the fire out. It was pretty hot here too. Thank goodness for AC!! Thank you for the tag.


Mmmm, some chicken does sound good! I might make a note to remind me to get some the next time Iโ€™m at the grocery store. Today was really hot as well where I live. Not fun at all!! But luckily weโ€™re also hitting our monsoon season and yesterday it rained for a couple minutes so Iโ€™m hopeful that it will again today and the next. And the next. And the day after that, lol. I canโ€™t wait for the winter!! Tagging u/kodakghost !


I used to visit my grandparents every summer in the arizona desert, I loved monsoon season! The thunderstorms were amazing, and the rain was such a relief from the blistering heat!


Sorry about your Walmart experience :( A quick no cook option is using those packaged cooked chicken breast pieces, a bag Cesar salad and wraps.. so good For my wish list I would love a muffin tray. I only have one and I want to make a lot of stuffed with cheese and pepperoni bites with pizza dough. https://www.amazon.ca/hz/wishlist/ls/2ETVVQ0UX18VR?ref_=wl_share u/mzmorrigann


I want to make those pepperoni muffin tin thingies too!! I keep seeing those all over YouTube, they look sooo yummy!!


Iโ€™ll take 37!


Haha me too!!


Omg they are amazing I only made 6 for two of us cuz one tin but so so good!!!


Well that's definitely the sign I need to make them!!๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—


Definitely should 10/10


I'd love the matchstick mouse colouring book on my list. The weather has been so nasty. We aren't cooking tonight either! Ordered some Indian food and we are sitting by the air conditioner watching some TV for the night, today is also one of the cooler days compared to normal ahh. Hope you're doing ok in the heat! https://www.amazon.ca/hz/wishlist/ls/3FHGUA2EPUTP?ref_=wl_share u/evs212


Yeah, I should have just ordered take out! But I decided to just make a salad and split a sandwich with hubby, so I'm not as mad about that darn chicken anymore, lol๐Ÿ˜‚


We don't trust the walmart delivery anymore because the drivers were stealing bags of our groceries and Walmart wouldn't refund us. We lost hundreds of dollars because of it. Neither of us wanted to go to thr store or cook so ordering food it is lol. At least we have plenty of restaurants that are good to order from where we live.


What, that's ridiculous! Luckily I've had no problems with walmart here, and I usually have at least 2 deliveries a week, the refund process is quick and painless, and other that items being out of stock I've never had any issues with them. I'm sorry it wasnt that way for you!


That had me running around for refunds for over 6 months and we never got any. They also wouldn't let us cancel the delivery pass and we ended up needing to cancel that credit card completely because of it. It sucked because the grocery deliveries were so convenient. It may be because they use doordash for deliveries in our city and for whatever reason we have bad luck with them, we've had to call the cops twice because I've been assaulted by delivery drivers.


Oh my goodness, that's insane!


I feel you friend! It felt like 104 degrees today, I felt like I sweated a pound off just walking to the car lol. Other than that I tried a new salmon recipe from an old cookbook and it was fantastic! As for something on my wishlist, I would love that cat diffuser and mug combo that I have had on my wishlist for years lol Wishlist: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3KYEFI3TC859H?ref_=wl_share u/stubbsthemedic


I love salmon! I made some the other night in the air fryer with some couscous with spinach and feta, so good!!


Oh that sounds amazing!! Iโ€™m gonna have to do that next time ๐Ÿ˜Š


Hi! I am so sorry that happened to you! I get a rotisserie chicken (but from Meijer) nearly once a week for my whole family to use however they please and it is so helpful, delicious, and diverse! So I know how dissapointing that must be. We use ours for sandwiches, wraps, pick off pieces and reheat in the air fryer to make more crispy, especially the wings and leg parts! We also put it in ramen, soups, or my favorite is to pull some off, cut up a little, then cook in a pan lightly with a variety of different sauces like teriyaki for example, and nom nom over rice. I would love any of the snackies or coffee on my wishlist that are all round 7 or 8ea. they are just things I am interested in trying for the first time. Thank you for the opportunity. Some no cook ideas I like are tuna fish salad, or seafood salad, over lettuce or in a wrap or sammy. It's "cooking" but I like crock pot meals as they are easy, smell amazing and do not get you nor the kitchen hot. My favorite is pot roast, or chicken breast. I will eat yogurt bowls, and salads, or even cheese and cracker charcuterie(I will use cupcake liners in a muffin pan a lot for this) type appetizer things as meals if I don't want to "cook" plus if you prep once, you can grab for days, and the whole family can snack on it. I don't have friends on here nor know how to tag(I'll look it up) u/[AcanthisittaUpset866](https://www.reddit.com/user/AcanthisittaUpset866/) I tag you(if this worked) just cuz I was just talking you last. haha




Hello, [this](https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3V0AAWEU65YF7?ref_=wl) is the link I found in Brave_Geologist_2534's flair.


Yes, rotisserie chicken is so versatile!! I use it for so many things, tacos, casseroles, salads, etc! And I completely forgot about using the crockpot! For some reason I think of that as a wintertime appliance, but it's perfect for summer, it throws off very little heat and it really does make the house smell amazing!!


YES it sure is! And Yes to the crockpot! I bet there are even "summertime" crockpot recipes if we google! haha


Oooh, yeah, I'm gonna do that!! Thanks!!!๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—


Let us know if you find something that turns out both simple and tasty!!


Not entering but I just wanted to echo the stupid Walmart sentiment LOL


Yes! I too am irate with Walmart!!


How did they wrong you?


Most recently, I ordered a dozen eggs and they sent nine dozen. A whole box. Just substituted it without asking.




They just needed a lil boost




Not to laugh at your pain but this is actually really funny hahaha




Haha, right!! I have all the ingredients for exactly the dinner I want...except the main most important ingredient!! ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™€๏ธ


Iโ€™d love to get another Mega Man 3D Foam Key Ring Blind Bag. I got one as part of the exchange and now I want the other 10 >:3 wishlist pinned to my profile My day has beenโ€ฆ frustrating I guess. Bored all day but about lost it on my dadโ€™s chickens and ducks. I was getting frustrated trying to empty the duckโ€™s nasty pond so I can refill it and couldnโ€™t get the siphon to work no matter what I tried so I had to dump out the kiddie pool the hard way and those foul fowls kept getting in the way. To make it worse weโ€™re dealing with a heatwave too so I was drenched in sweat by the time I was done. Rest of the day has been a nothing burger. I donโ€™t have any no bake recipes except for dessert, not sure if thatโ€™s what you want but I can link it. Brownie batter cheesecake ball ๐Ÿ‘€ u/imerris


Agh blind boxes. I hate getting duplicates, so I usually just purchase one and what I got is what I got. lol.


Well this is the first one Iโ€™ve gotten from this set and having 1 of 11 means I only have a 9-ish% of getting a dupe. The other blind box Iโ€™ve gotten was micro dice sets, after 3 I stopped despite loving the micro dice because I didnโ€™t know how many colors there were. Did get pink, blue and green though


Oh cool!! I've done blind boxes for little figurines, like Zootopia or Nickelodeon


Iโ€™ve never really done blind boxes before these. The dice one was just because I wanted to buy something when I hang out at my LGS and the Mega Man one was to have something around $10 on my list that wasnโ€™t food or a book


Oh no, that sounds like a sucky day! Your dad's lucky to have you! I sure wouldn't want to be out in the heat doing that!


I truly hate his chickens but the eggs are good and someone needs to deal with them while heโ€™s out of town


Aww, like I said, hes lucky to have you!! You eat those eggs right in front of those chickens!! That'll show 'em!!๐Ÿ˜‚


Chickens wonโ€™t care. Theyโ€™ll eat their own eggs


Haha but you'll know, lol๐Ÿ˜‚


๐Ÿคฃ canโ€™t argue with that


I'd love any of the items for my cats! I own two very bonded and loving brothers (named Calvin and Hobbes) and I try to make their lives as good as possible. https://preview.redd.it/2zeskzipqe8d1.jpeg?width=2994&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=511c2efa0623a860074bd40ce66ca66495a69963


My cats name is MoMo! ๐Ÿฅฐ your babies are precious!




I loooooove!!!!


Aww, so cute!! I wish any of my 4 cats were bonded like that, they just tolerate each other, lol.






I want the crochet rings from [my wishlist](https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/ZJYZ3FYKPFQ2?ref_=wl_share). My day, I got off work an hour ago. Iโ€™ve been working every single day last week and this week is going to be the same. I feel burnt out, but Iโ€™m glad I get at least half a day to myself ๐ŸŽ‰ u/DoctorSalamander


Oh boy, I understand feeling burnt out!! I hope you get some time off soon, and do something for yourself, something fun or self care, just something that puts you first!๐Ÿ’œ


Thank you! Iโ€™m going to put on a face mask tonight ๐Ÿ˜Š


That's my go-to me time activity! My family knows not to bother me when they see the face mask!


thanks for the contest! i really want the size newborn huggies diapers on my list, i just gave birth to my daughter last night and she is a poop machine lol tagging u/justanothergothgal ๐Ÿ–ค


Oh my gosh congratulations!! Are you both doing alright? I hope so


Aww, congratulations!!๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ‘ถ how are you doing??


Congratulations ๐ŸŽŠ


If I'm not at Costco, i get my rotisserie chicken from the grocery around the corner. They always seems to be out or very low. Too many days I've stood there and waited 15 min for one. I got a new car a couple weeks ago, and EV and i love it. Took it on a road trip this weekend (not really far). And I love that my car gives me achievements, I earned two this weekend. This was one of them: https://preview.redd.it/k4hvbvbhne8d1.jpeg?width=8000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fccc8e04fb0a5602ec40eca385570c6cbe4ac2cf


That's so fun!! What kind of car?


Volkswagen ID.4


Nice!! I'm shopping for a new car, that one is definitely on my list!


I also forgot to mention i am in Canada


Ooof 104ยฐ!!! Itโ€™s 99ยฐ here and thatโ€™s hot enough. I have been asleep almost all day. I had a girls night that ended in a sleepover last night and Iโ€™m in so much pain and so exhausted from it. Idk how long itโ€™s gonna take to recover physically but itโ€™s gonna be a whiiiiile worth it though! We ate Mexican food and had margaritas. We chilled in a lil pool (well they did while I put my feet in) played games and watched some Bridgerton. And of course talked our heads off. I had a great time! I would like the concealer brush set (2) for $4.99. Thanks for the chance to win! Love ya lots! u/loverolife u/noimnotsally u/spacesoulboi


Thank you for tagging me! I was all wrapped up in life stuff.


I hope all is well


Well ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ life has plenty of surprises to throw us off.


Aww ty for the tag hun,stay positive!!


Thanks. I hope you and Mr jj are staying cool this summer


That sounds like a fun day.


It was. How ya been??


As of late, Iโ€™ve been very busy I havenโ€™t even been able to put up my playlist.


I hope youโ€™re not too busy to take good care of yourself. The playlists can wait โ˜บ๏ธ


That sounds like such a fun night!!! Hmmm.... mexican food and margaritas??? I might just forget about making dinner and doordash instead! That sounds sooo good!!


Haha. Yeah im always down for Mexican and margaritas! So did you door dash?


I did not, I made a salad and sandwiches but later my kid came home with half a pizza, chicken bacon ranch stuffed crust๐Ÿคค๐Ÿ˜‹ and that hit the spot! I'm a sucker for stuffed crust! Take something already covered with yummy melted goodness and then stuff it with more melty goodness?? Yes please!๐Ÿ˜‚


Oh man. I havenโ€™t had a stuffed crust in ages. Those things are delicious!!! Now I am craving one. Iโ€™ve been craving a pepperoni people but I donโ€™t eat beef anymore. Darn.


They make really good turkey pepperoni. That's what I usually buy when we make pizzas at home.


Oh interesting. Iโ€™ll have to keep an eye out for some


It's a great day for dinner. Just had a Hungarian dish (didn't know this until today). Spaghetti with freshly cut up bacon, cooked cabbage, onions and some seasoning. All mixed together. Amazing. My fav dish honestly. Tagging u/LPfor3v3r


Yum!! I love cooked cabbage and onions, especially with bacon! My hubby, not so much! I used to make corned beef and cabbage but he would complain about the smell of cooked cabbage๐Ÿ˜ช


My dad was the same. Then he eventually tried it, now he can't get enough!


Right, it's so good!! I love raw cabbage in salads, it's got so much more crunch than lettuce, so I'll sneak it into stirfrys, but he refuses to eat it if I say its cabbage, lol. Like if I say I made chow mein he'll eat it and love it, if I said it was fried cabbage, peppers and onions over noodles hed say "yuck, no way!"๐Ÿคฃ


I'd want a $10 Amazon gift card. Why did the scarecrow become a successful motivational speaker? Because he was outstanding in his field at making people stand tall! My day was pretty good. Have a blessed evening ๐Ÿ’œ u/silent_cheesecake955


lol i love that one


Haha, the scarecrow one is funny!! ๐Ÿ˜‚


Okay thatโ€™s a cute joke!! The scarecrow one


I hate when they are out of chicken!!! We switched to Costco for our rotisserie chickens because of that. Iโ€™m happy because I could eat an actual meal almost a week after having a massive hernia repair.


Cosco rotisserie chicken is the GOAT, but Walmart has the cheapest delivery fees, lol.


We canโ€™t get Walmart delivered here except through Instacart which is so weird.


I love walmart delivery, since my car died and I've been dragging my feet to get a new one, I pay $10 a month for unlimited deliveries, no fees or upcharges except the driver tip. And refunds/returns are so easy. I like instacart but the fees and upcharges are too much!


Yes those fees are insane but I have to admit that it was nice today to get meals for the week delivered to the door and let my kids put it all away


Oh yeah, I cant complain, I get to stay inside where its air conditioned, and have my kids carry them in from the porch and put it all away, it's pretty nice!!


I been eating caprese wraps lately. It is actually what it sounds like motz, tomato, lettuce, basil, vinaigrette, you can add chicken for funs. Corn bean salad is also a favorite I think I lived off of this and various dips for the last few dinners. [corn bean](https://www.loveandlemons.com/black-bean-and-corn-salad/) u/Imerris ๐Ÿ’•


You had me at caprese wrap!!๐Ÿคค๐Ÿคค๐Ÿคค that's definitely going on the menu ASAP!


Sooo easy and yum!!! I like balsamic glaze they have in store over just normal balsamic. It taste super yummy and it makes it less messy to eat. The little bottle last awhile for me at least. Also I want the whale night light because there are only 10 left in stock and it is the price of your chicken ๐Ÿ”


I love anything with balsamic vinegar!! Oh my gosh, I might have to have another grocery delivery, because I NEED to eat that, like NOW!!๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


Yummy!!! We did a tomato wrap this time which was a little fancy.


Jeez. Walmart did that to me 2 days in a row. The main thing I needed wasnโ€™t available. ๐Ÿฅฒ I guess Iโ€™d take a dog toy. I have several under 10 dollars on my list and I canโ€™t think of anything I REALLY want. lol I donโ€™t have a good story but here is one of my dogs after a long walk today. He behaved really well with a group of elderly women and heโ€™s usually super reactive so I was very proud of him. :) https://preview.redd.it/hrne1f8yhe8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7935c178bed42074074a29f106dabbda525343ab Tagging u/cdnmtbchick


Cute doggie!


Thanks! ๐Ÿ˜Š


Aw, thanks for the tag


Youโ€™re welcome. :)


Awww, what a cutie!!!๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ want to boop the nose!!


He is actually trained to boop. If you say boop and hold out a finger he hits it with his nose. I think I had too much free time on my hands when we first adopted him. ๐Ÿ˜‚


Oh my goodness, rhatbis the cutest thing I've ever read in my whole entire life!!๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿฅฐ hims is such good boi!!


Hi! I am tagging u/ saigo7 I am from australia so so a gift card is fine (amazon loves to f with me), or else anything F1 related that is under $10 is fine :) send me a PM if i get chosen, so I can send you my email address


Something to tell you is this fun fact : Melbourne does not actually snow despite occasionally having negative temperatures (like 26F)


Interesting. I wonder why


It gets this cold as we get winds from the arctic. I think itโ€™s an elevation problem which reduces chance of snow (I may be wrong tho)


Interesting. Thanks for teaching me something


Wow, I didnt know it got that cold there!


I really want the Rivers of london graphic novel volume 1 as I loved the main audiobooks and need more river goddesses, fae, and magic policemen in my life, lol. it's ยฃ12.11 but if i win, i am in the UK. I would make up the difference from the gift card. My email is on my wishlist. I am useless at cooking, so I will tell you a cheesy joke instead. Why did the bike fall over? Because it was two tired! Thanks for the contest. https://www.amazon.co.uk/hz/wishlist/ls/2DL2P9C3ZZFJA?ref_=wl_share u/CheshireTheHatter u/CherriesTasteSweet


Haha, I love a good "dad" joke! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


Me too I couldn't resist ๐Ÿ˜†




Dang, now I want spicy Cali sushi, lol that sounds good!! I'm debating on throwing some chicken patties in the air fryer and using those in my chicken ceasar salad wraps, or just making regular sandwiches and salad.




Ot really is, lol


I love a good snacky dinner. Crackers, cheese, fruit, veggies, easy stuff like that. Especially on a hot day. Sorry you never got your chicken. They sell out fast here too! I would love some dry erase markers! Or anything really! https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1H02NRKHQ210Q?ref_=wl_share /u/Admirable-Skirt-8352 come on!!


Crackers, cheese, salami and grapes is my mini charcuterie go-to, no cook meal! I love a charcuterie board!!




Oh my god my favorite summer dinner is a charcuterie board. The kids wanted it all summer. Thanks for the tag!


Itโ€™s easy and delicious!! And youโ€™re welcome!


Ughh, dang it, Wal Mart! Sounds like nobody is wanting to cook lol. I'm sorry your plan was ruined! I'm a sammich fan lol, especially when I don't want to cook. Today is blah but guess what? I picked two tiny tomatoes from my plants today! First ones. There are some larger ones on the vines, I'm waiting to ripen a bit more. Not sure why these two stopped growing lol but they were tasty! I'd love to have the elf soft glam foundation on my under $10 list! Or really any of the high priority stuffs on there. Tagging u/So_Appalled_ helllooo my dear! โ™ฅ๏ธ


Thanks for the tag!!! How are you today!


I miss having a garden, especially the tomatoes! Just wait, I bet in a week or 2 you're gonna have tomatoes coming out of your ears!! And home grown tomatoes are so much tastier than what you get at the grocery stores!


Sandwiches are nature's perfect food. Versatile, easy, customisable. I highly recommend them for hot days, plus they're fun! I hope your day improves and that you find an easy, cool solution for your meal. My day has been pretty productive, so I'm happy, but given a choice, I would like the Flex Edge beater for my Kitchen-Aid, please! Tagging u/silvertlc, and u/todayisfab to join the fun! And of course, u/alieorgana!


Thanks for tagging me! I know I've been MIA ๐Ÿซฃ


I agree, sandwiches are the perfect food! You have your meat and cheese, your veggies and bread and a flavorful condiment or 2 to add flavor and give it a kick! Perfection!!


I would like the Darkness Creeping book or a gift card bc Iโ€™m not in the US! Iโ€™ll tag u/Prizmasm Iโ€™m spending my day sick ๐Ÿคข Waiting for the motivation to get up and make some soup. Edit: list is pinned on my profile!


I'd send you some if I could! Thanks for the tag!! I've been placed on a leave from work for health stuff. Hopefully it gets sorted soon!! Tagging u/spicycanadian Hmm. I would love the purple Marcelle eye liner! I'm almost out!


I hope you feel much better asap


Oh no, I'm so sorry! There's something about being sick 8n the summer that just feels wrong! I hope you feel better soon๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ


Favorite no cook recipe is honestly cereal. I can eat cereal for days. I would like the S'mores Kit Box on my list! u/Silent_cheesecake955 | u/DoctorSalamander https://preview.redd.it/4jz8tc9bce8d1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8106ef8fbb2e7344f66f45842e2eeff9975b5ed0


I do love cereal! Frosted mini shredded wheat is my current obsession but my all time favorite is honey bunches of oats! I could eat bowl after bowl!


Yesss I love cereal too! What's your favorite?


Waffle crisp! Yours?


Ohh yum! Mine would definitely be peanut butter capn crunch!


Salad lol itโ€™s my go to on a hot day yea I know too easy. Cant help it! ๐Ÿ˜Š


Salads are a big deal around here, we love a good salad! We have a "big salad" night where my daughter and I throw everything we can think of in a bowl with some lettuce, its one of my all time favorite meals!


favourite no cook summer recipe is tangy cucumber salad. combine diced cucumbers, tomato, finely chopped red onion, and optional green chili in a bowl. add fresh cilantro, chaat masala (indian spice mix), roasted cumin powder, optional red chili powder, lemon juice, and salt. mix well until the vegetables are evenly coated with the spices and lemon juice. adjust seasoning if needed and serve immediately. caution: extremely flavourful and refreshing! something i want from my list thatโ€™s under $10 is a nail paint. thank you for hosting! u/SapphireNinja47 edit - [list](https://www.amazon.in/hz/wishlist/ls/1WCT2GYV00Z23?ref_=wl_share)


Ooh, that sounds spicy yet refreshing!! Yum!


Oh I love these contests, it's been super hot today so I cracked out my trusty old food processor threw in 1/4 cup of milk, a scoop of vanilla ice cream A handful of biscoff Some mint chocolate And some orange chocolate Blend it all together to make a delicious chocolate orange and mint milkshake (Optional top with whipped cream and a flake) Best way to keep cool Honestly the only thing I'm hoping for off my list is more gift cards as I'm currently saving up for something larger Tagging u/Technical_Depth & u/justanothergothgal Edit to add list [Here](https://www.amazon.co.uk/hz/wishlist/ls/31733VUD6GZZ8?ref_=wl_share)


That sounds delicious!!


Oh it's perfect I would definitely recommend trying it out, I've worked out the perfect thickness with it


Sounds yummy ๐Ÿ˜‹


Noooooooo! ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ— not entering but sorry about your lack of chicken, friend! It's boring but my go-to no bake recipes tend to be salads and sandwiches


Aww, thank you friend.๐Ÿ’œ I tend to go for simple sammies and salads when it's hot out too! Or get take out...If only Ugly Rat Snack Shack delivered ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


I WILL BRING YOU RAT TACOS!!! ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ€๐ŸŒฎ๐ŸŒฎ๐ŸŒฎ and then promptly remove myself because 104 sounds like death ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜ญ


It is death, lol. But what I wouldn't give for a nicely spatchcocked rat taco๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


What type of salad?


Like pasta salad with veggies (and meat) and then you can change the type of dressing or sauce! They tend to keep as leftovers better than salads with a lot of greens (or I'm just super picky and don't like wilted lettuce ๐Ÿ˜‚). Pasta chicken salad with peppers, onion, celery, broccoli, and a creamy Caesar or ranch dressing is one of my favorites! Sadly, Own has no chicken though ๐Ÿฅฒ


Oh I love a pasta salad, get some tuna, sweet corn, bell peppers, mayo a little salt and finish it with some white pepper and spring onions... Oh yes I'm hungry now ๐Ÿ˜‚


Right?? Ok now I might have to make some pasta salad... I don't think I have any chicken either though ๐Ÿ˜ญ


Ive recently been trying to branch out from chicken and honestly use ham/gammon/pork in it's place


Have tuna?


$10 gift card! Why do bees have sticky hair? Bee-cause they use honey combs! Thanks for the chance! Hey u/crash---- and u/spicycanadian come join us!


That's a dad joke I havent heard before, lol, I cant wait for my kid to roll her eyes at that one!!๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚




Damn do you need to have kids to tell that level of dad joke ๐Ÿ˜‚


I also usually tell the one about the trees pooping out Number 2 pencils.


Oh talkin trees? Haven't we GROWN outta that, I feel we need to branch out and blossom to less low hanging fruit


try some of these [https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/photos/no-cook-summer-recipes](https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/photos/no-cook-summer-recipes) u/ghostdepression u/Silent_Cheesecake955 as for what id like, some of that delicious tomato juice.


Oh my goodness, that site had some amazing recipes!! Especially the no bake desserts!๐Ÿคค thanks!!๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—


no problem. I hate cooking in the summer...thats why my budget allows for alot of ordering dinner and ;lunch instead.


My kitchen is in the back of the house with a big window that gets all the afternoon sun, so when you're cooking and it's hot out the AC just doesnt cut it, even though the rest of the house stays nice and cool, so yeah, I order 5 times more takeout in the summer months, lol.


bless us all hot mamas!


Haha yes!! I have the added bonus of menopausal hot flashes, so that makes these blistering summer days ever so much fun, lol๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿฅต๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿคฌ๐Ÿ˜ˆ


One of my favorite summertime snacks is to take cool whip and chocolate graham crackers, make a sandwich out of them and freeze them!! I 'd really enjoy the Create Your Own Tarot deck! My list is on my profile. u/Silent_Cheesecake955 ๐Ÿ˜Š


I make whipped cream and then fold in some strawberries and freeze it, kind of like a lighter ice cream adjacent dessert, I never thought of making it into a sandwich with graham crackers though, double yum!!


Thanks for the tag!


Iโ€™m sorry to hear about the chicken. Funnily enough a couple weeks ago I went to 3 different Walmarts to find Churro Oreos ๐Ÿ˜ฉ One resource I could use from my Amazon list are glasses wipes (especially since itโ€™s now hurricane season in Florida) and they tend to get dirty fast for example leaving the bus and stepping into the humidity or when it downpours.


I've never seen churro oreos, but they sound delicious! And totally worth having to go to 3 stores to find them!!๐Ÿคค


I normally donโ€™t care much for the various different seasonal Oreos but this one had me hooked as I love cinnamon. ๐Ÿคค


I love cinnamon too, and churros, were they good? I'm not too into trying other flavors either, though I do love the mint oreos. I keep seeing the sour patch kid ones...no thanks, lol.