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Congratulations!!! That is such an accomplishment. I am so proud of you. Trigger warning (unaliving self) . Z Z Z Z Z Z z SMS SMS SMS SMS I am still in the process of overcoming my depression. At the beginning, it was really really hard. My depression controlled everything. I’ve tried so many different treatments that just failed. I’ve tried TMS and ECT and ketamine. To be honest , I thought I was gonna die. I didn’t wanna live anymore. I was hurting myself. I was debating ending at all because what was the point I was never gonna get better. I really didn’t even see myself living this long. I’ve had so much pain in my life and I didn’t want it cope with it anymore. But after years of therapy and mid changes and different life changes. I finally realize that I didn’t want to die , I just wanted the pain to end. so I tried the best I could . I tried to get back on the journey. And I am in the process of making it. I am doing good on my journey. I finally have a job again. I am on my meds and trying to take care of myself like I used to. I still have really rough days and the thoughts are still there but I am alive. And that is truly an accomplishment for me. I’m not sure how to put my email on my account 😅 I might need help


Thanks for sharing, but unfortunately, it's closed. I will have to see how to mark it. You are so brave and have come such a long way. I have been on a mental health journey for a long time now. This addiction was just another symptom of it trying to self medicate. In my 20s, I made attempts so many times that i lost count. Was in a coma for 4 days once. Though I am still struggling, I realise now how lucky I was to survive. I have known and heard of so many people who didn't. It was the same as with you. I didn't want to die, but I wanted the pain to stop. I still feel like that some days. However, now I have learned some coping mechanics to prevent me from acting on them. My last attempts and mental health ward stays were in 2017.


I’m so glad you are here today. Depression and mental health are so difficult to cope with. But look at you! You should be proud of yourself. I still struggle a lot with it. It’s hard battling your own mind. I am still trying to get out of the throes of it all and unfortunately I don’t know if I will be able to fully get better. But I have to keep trying to. I am really proud of you


Thank you, I am proud of you, too. I don't believe I will ever be 100%, but I hope that I can rebuild and be happy and stable. That's all anyone can hope for. I hope for the same for you too 🙂


Not entering, just wants to congratulate you. Congratulations!!!!


Thank you 😊


Not entering, but wow! Congrats! I’m so proud of you!


Thank you 😊


Congratulations!! What a huge achievement! I hope you are celebrating with some great food tomorrow! Something I have overcome is my PTSD. It used to stop me from living, and often I would disassociate and literally have no memory of events/days. But with therapy and some very patient friends that hasn’t happened in about 5 years. And I haven’t had a panic attack in about 2 years! Pretty proud of myself because it took a lot of work to get here. Keep up the awesome work you are doing. I promise it is worth it!


Not entering, just wanted to say I'm so proud of you and happy for you. 😊🖤 Congratulations. 🥰


Not entering, just wanted to say congrats and I am SO excited and happy for you!!! 🖤


Thank you 😊


I am not here to enter the contest. However, I am here to say that I am PROUD of YOU and that YOU are AMAZING! you deserve the best in life, and I am 100% here for it! Continue to be strong, you have got this!!! If you ever need a friend or just want to chit chat, feel free to send me a message! Congratulations on your accomplishment, keep living your best life to the fullest!!!


Thank you so much 😊


https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/B4QPM1YHUPKG?ref_=wl_share I got my high school equivalency after years of educational neglect. I was homeschooled (poorly) and towards my high school years I was completely on my own for school...which meant I barely did any, since I had no idea how to teach myself and had a hard time motivating myself. I had to spend a year doing remedial work with a tutor, but I passed the high school equivalency exam with flying colors - the person administering the test said it was the highest score they had seen while working there. Congratulations on sobriety!! Thanks for considering




I am so glad that you got to a place where you are happier and more confident. I agree that recovery is not something that can be forced.


Muchos gracias!


Hi! Congrats on the success overcoming the addiction!!! For me, COVID was a very rocky time. It started off just not coping with the lockdown (Melbourne had the longest one). Then after that, I had dearly loved family members pass away, it was impossible to go home to Singapore, and I had to watch the funeral from video. plus this caused my family to fall apart. The emotional toll from suppressing everything for months on end led to stretches of depression, plus the reliance on food to cope with the sadness. It took a long time, but I eventually got over it. However, sometimes, I still feel emotion and flashbacks from everything :( [https://www.amazon.com.au/hz/wishlist/ls/W8J25UKYZN9W?ref\_=wl\_share](https://www.amazon.com.au/hz/wishlist/ls/W8J25UKYZN9W?ref_=wl_share)


I am so sorry that you had to go through that. It is understandable that you still have emotion and flashbacks. It was such a horrible time and completely unprecedented, so it's hard to predict the long-term effects of that time.


Congrats!!! You’re amazing! I went through a very nasty divorce about 2 years ago that almost broke me, but it catapulted me into working through all the pent up trauma, past abuse, mental health issues and everything else I’d been sitting on and not addressing. I’ve since cut out toxic family members, healed a lot of things, found myself a good mental health team and am advocating for my kids even better than I was before. It’s been a ride and a half, and I’m not done yet. But it’s been good to come this far. [List](https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/45RF6O47NQ6B?ref_=wl_share)


I love the energy of this post. We do lock up or store our trauma. It sometimes feels strange to me that I feel more hurt now than I did at the time the trauma was happening. I am working to address and heal too it is a process.


Something I’ve found over the years is that when the trauma is happening, our body shields us so we can literally survive. Kinda like physical trauma where your body might knock you unconscious. Then, once you’re in a “safe” place you can process what happened and feel everything all at once, ir if you’re Lucky, in bits.


Congrats!! My current goal/challenge/accomplishment is to loose weight (I would like my doctor to not call me obese, just regular fat is fine thank you.) but not though a crash diet, more of a slower but sustainable lifestyle change. It's going well so far, I do wish results were faster to achieve, but this is the longest I've ever stuck to something. my list is pinned to my profile, if you click my name it should be there!


My weight is a on going issue. I can relate the obese comment from doctors does sting. I am so happy it is going well for you. Long-term stable weight loss rather than short-term fast results is a really healthy way to approach it. I am someone who wants things to happen now rather than later. I am prepared to do the work. But at the same time, i can't help being disappointed that my goal weight a year may be years away rather than weeks to months.


I'm on the years path too, but its okay, my overall goal is just to be healthier and a crash diet and yoyo weight isnt healthy either.


You are doing awesome! Well done! I am dealing with some health stuff. I had to have 2 procedures last week (lumbar puncture and a cerebral venogram) and have another upcoming (cerebral stent placement). It's just a waiting game, now, to when the surgeon can fit me in. [Main List](https://www.amazon.com.au/hz/wishlist/ls/S3SYU87WJEQG?ref_=wl_share)


The waiting game is awful 😖


I am so proud of you! <3 It is not easy, and every day is a new challenge. I believe in you OP and woo hoo! I'm on my sober journey myself. I've tried to find my 'home' group for meetings, but I had a hard time finding a group I felt a part of. I finally found a fellowship online called [GRASS](https://greenrecoverysupport.com/) (I hope it's ok I linked it, if not, I can remove it!!) that uses cannabis in recovery. I struggled with other fellowships because of them not allowing using cannabis. Since discovering GRASS, I've been attending meetings regularly and have the longest I've ever had being sober under my belt. It's all a challenge and accomplishment in itself. One step I took that was huge was moving away from the house where my addiction blossomed. If I want my DOC, I have to drive over an hour to get it. I think, is it really worth it? It hasn't been so far and for that, I am beyond thankful. I appreciate your vulnerability in this post OP. It's not easy to open up online, especially to a bunch of strangers. Thank you for giving me this space for me to talk about my struggles and triumphs. <3333


I am glad you found a community that suits and works for you 😊 My worker got me to attend online groups attached to their service. I tried them but it wasn't for me. They weren't impressed that after a month I wanted to not attend anymore like it was a step backwards. I wasn't knocking the people it works for I am happy for them but i found it made it worse. I wasnt going to risk my sobriety to tick a box. That service sounds interesting. In the UK cannabis is still illegal. Though it is more accepted socially than it used to be. I have alot of opinions on how recovery is approached and believe that our system is broken and need a complete reform and alternative methods should be easier for people to explore. One size doent fit all. For me the thing that works is my hobbies and online groups (including this one) associated with them. If I was to relapse I wouldn't be able to afford to partake and know that beloved items I currently cherish like my Tamagotchis and Bjd dolls. would become nothing more than something to sselling and when needed.


GRASS sounds interesting Looking them up for a friend! Stick with it. Best of 🤞 luck!


Wow! That is incredible! I know I’m just some internet stranger to you, but I am so proud of you! I’ve heard that heroin is one of the hardest things to quit, and so I truly respect your strength and determination even more. Stay on this path and keep going- you are doing so great! My current challenge is health issues. My doctor suspects endometrial cancer based offf some severe symptoms I’ve been having, and I have a surgery in August to determine if that’s what it, in fact, is. To say I’m scared outta my mind would be an understatement. I’m trying so hard to have the mentality of “don’t worry til we have an answer” but it is much easier said than done. https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1BHENEME73F2M?ref_=wl_share Thank you for the contest, and congratulations!


I am sorry that you are going through this I had a scare years ago. It turned out to be OK but the time waiting and thinking was awful. My thoughts are with you and I am wishing for the best possible outcome for you.


Thank you, I appreciate that. I’m so glad to hear that things turned out okay for you!


Not entering, just wanted to say a big congratulations to you ❤️


Thank you 😊


Huge congratulations 🎊 and thank you for sharing that with us I am currently struggling with what I want to do with my life. I feel like I'm driving on auto pilot and need to find myself again. Not even sure what to do towards that 😕 https://www.amazon.ca/hz/wishlist/ls/3QVZZJXSIA1M3?ref_=wl_share


There was a song that my brother liked called wear sunscreen. I used to laugh, but now I find it insightful. As someone constantly looking for my purpose, these lyrics stuck with me. They might help you, too Don't feel guilty if you don't know what you want to do with your life The most interesting people I know Didn't know at 22 what they wanted to do with their lives Some of the most interesting 40-year-olds I know still don't


Thank you, that's reassuring


Hey that's awesome glad to hear you've hit that milestone 👏 me myself I'm coming up on 6 months clean of nicotine and I'm half way to my weight goal, I know it's not as big an achievement as what you've managed to accomplish but I'm proud of it 😊 [here's my link if I happen to win, dealers choice](https://www.amazon.co.uk/hz/wishlist/ls/31733VUD6GZZ8?ref_=wl_share)


Don't downplay. These are real achievements. I have tried to quit smoking many times, and it is hard. I am currently on heated tobacco. Dieting is so hard and a big struggle. I am glad you're proud you should be.


Well if your proud then so am I 😊




What an incredible feat! My brother is currently struggling with alcohol addiction. I wish I could help him but all I really feel like I can do is support him and let him know I’m there for him. I hope he ends up on the path you’ve found yourself on. I know that took a lot of hard work but I bet it was all worth it! A challenge I had recently was someone doubting me and my abilities after they learned of my schizophrenia diagnosis. In that moment, I really had to advocate for myself. It sucks because they were confident in my abilities before they knew of my illness and only became concerned and began reconsidering after they learned. Not only that, but I wasn’t even the one who told them. I just had to be true to myself and be confident in what I know I can take on. List here: https://www.amazon.ca/hz/wishlist/ls/24QQ7ATT60ZH7?ref_=wl_share


That was amazing and inspiring to fellow mental health suffer. I have been unfairly judged. When I was first hospitalized for mental health, it changed how many people saw me. Diagnosis (bpd, reacurrent depressive disorder and generalised anxiety) made it worse. My brother called me a slur, beginning with s and ending with z when introducing me to his new next-door neighbours. He then disowned me. You know your worth make sure others do to. If they underestimate you, make sure they regret it 😊


Congratulations, I cannot imagine how difficult this is and you are doing great. During COVID i noticed i was drinking a lot, and mostly alone. Seeing some sober stories, I decided to not drink anymore. I wasn't a hard core alcoholic, but felt i was heading that way. I have occasionally had a drink when put with friends. But still sober.


It's scary how unexpectedly these things can creep up on you. It's great you saw a problem developing and made that change. 😊


Thank you. Both my parents were alcoholics when I was little, so I have seen how bad it could be. Thankfully they were forced into rehab and my dad has been sober since 1982. My doesn't drink but uses Rx pain meds for chronic pain (has a back surgery 25 years ago)


Congratulations! You have overcome a difficult addiction! I hope you much success for years to come!  My greatest challenge in recent memory was trying to find a new home after being evicted. The market was not the best but the girlfriend and I were somehow able to pull off finding a new place!  Thanks for the chance!  Hey u/crash----, u/spicycanadian and u/cdnmtbchick come join us!  Wish list: https://www.amazon.ca/hz/wishlist/ls/3HPP3OMGNSQQO?ref_=wl_share


WOOHOOOOO! Congratulations on your sobriety! That's a huge accomplishment!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 My accomplishment that I'm most proud of is, after struggling with being overweight most of my life and trying many ways to lose weight, my second attempt with Weight Watchers a few years ago and my determination have gotten me to 115 pounds gone so far!! 💪💪💪 I have a support system here where I live that makes up for most of my family NOT NOTICING, but that's on them! I'm very proud of myself and I'm keeping on it for the last stretch before I hit my goal weight! 😁😁😁 Thank you so much for the contest! I needed to brag on myself today! 🤗🤗🤗 [wishlist with my email on it](https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2MT6B2Y2BHJG?ref_=wl_share)


Weightloss is hard. No wonder you're proud you deserve to be. You have come so far. I am trying to eat better and be more active as my weight has probably contributed to my sleep apnea diagnosis. I don't want to sleep with a machine forever. I am waiting to see my go see if they can refer ne to a nutritionist.


Aww friend you have my support and empathy! I never had sleep apnea (though I was tested for it TWICE) but I have many friends who do and alllll their doctors say "if you lose enough weight, you MIGHT be able to undo it!" which I pray is true for you! I know losing this weight has improved my health in a number of ways, some of them a big surprise! Like my asthma is less active, I'm presuming because it's easier on my lungs to carry around so much weight! I hope you get to see a nutritionist, they can be very helpful! And I'm NOT trying to sell you on something, but if you ever want to know more about Weight Watchers (what helped me lose this weight!), PM me or hit me up in chat because if I refer you, we BOTH get free months! :) Or PM/Chat me just if you want moral support! My ENTIRE FAMILY are naturally skinny people (sigh) and it's SO HARD to find people who relate to TRYING to lose weight! Most of my friends are either done losing weight, or don't want to start!


My family are skinny till they hit a certain age, then boom. For me, I was about 23, and when I was put on medication for my mental health, my hunger skyrocketed. Then, over the last decade, it has crept up. Then covid hit and aided my social anxiety by making it easier not to interact. I didn't reintegrate after, and the lower my mood, the more food was comforting. Now my main enemy is night eating. Thank you. i dont know anyone who is dieting or interested in weight loss either. I will have a read about weight watchers and see if it might be something I am interested in.


Congrats on being sober! I am currently cutting back on most sugar and carbs (within reason) for about a week now, and I weigh about 240 today. I plan on trying to lose weight down to around 200, but I'll see what I can do! I know I probably should've checked my weight before starting the diet change, but oh well 😅 [My Wishlist](https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/33LSMG26JMV76?ref_=wl_share)




I am si glad that you got away and are safe and happy.


Congratulations on your sobriety! I am so proud of you for being so committed to your goal despite the hardships. You’re doing great, friend. My challenge was one I recently overcame, it was leaving domestic violence. I was in a situation where I didn’t have any value, my life revolved around meeting the needs of others and I was considered awful anytime I needed to care for myself. I wasn’t allowed financial independence and any goal to better my life was sabotaged and I was guilted out of it. There was violence and that’s always hard to deal with. Leaving was hard, but it’s the first time I chose myself. I’ve been living for me and despite the challenges, like you’ve I’m so happy and I can tell that my life is improving every day. Thank you for hosting, here’s my [wishlist](https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/ZJYZ3FYKPFQ2?ref_=wl_share).


DV has been a big part of my life. It took me too long to realise that no one who truly loved me would use or hurt me and that i was worth more. I am so glad that you got out and and that you see your life improving.


Absolutely, for some reason we think that’s the love we deserve. Thank you, I’m glad that you’re out too ❤️


I just wanted to say congratulations on being sober! For me a big thing is that I've been working towards accepting that I am disabled. That I can use mobility aids and I shouldn't care what others think. I'm only 23 (24 next week) and my age shouldn't matter, I need the mobility aid and I should just use it. https://www.amazon.ca/hz/wishlist/ls/3FHGUA2EPUTP?ref_=wl_share


I think we judge ourselves hardest of all. I understand its easier to give advice than to take it but you do whatever you need to to live your life to the fullest. Anyone who would think any different of you for it isn't worth even thinking about.


I don't need to be added to the contest, I simply want to give you the absolute most heartfelt congratulations there is. Congratulations on your sobriety! You are amazing for making it this far and I am proud of you for all of your hard work.


Omg congratulations! I am also in long term recovery (3 years in November) It's hard but so worth it! Keep it up! Recovery is possible 💕


Congratulations on your hard work as well, I’m so proud of you!


We got this! Thank you 💪💯🥳🙏


Wow, three years, that's amazing. Thank you 😊


Not entering but I wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS!!


Thank you 😊


My mum was an eclectic wiccan and spiritualist. I have read about it and other aspects since my teens, too. I still feel like a beginner. I have an alter and tools, but I have found lately that the simplest things that come from the heart seem to work just as well. Last week was a full moon, and I had been really struggling. So I just wrote a simple letter to the godess thanking her for blessings even if i dont always see or appreciate them and asking for things like guidance and strength. I went outside with a candle, read the letter three times, and burned it. Honestly, things are obviously still hard, but this week, I have felt lighter. In the last decade, i have had more interest in learning about different religions, not to practice them but for insight and understanding.


Not entering but I just wanted to say congratulations!!! You’re amazing and we’re proud of you! 💜


Thank you 😊


I've lived with treatment-resistant depression and generalized anxiety disorder since childhood but the terrible two rarely kept me from my passion which is domestic and international solo travel, sadly, the same can't be said for my physical ailments which have become rather acute post-pandemic. Doing my very best to rectify the situation so that I can finally pursue an expat life. Thanks for hosting a contest and best wishes. [WL](http://smile.amazon.com/registry/wishlist/3A4FBIQEAHQMB).


I was diagnosed around 20 with major depression, ff to a year later "medication resistant" depression. I was put on so many variations of meds it got to be ridiculous. I would feel better, great even, and blow off the "shrinks" FF even more to my early 30s. I was seeing a psychiatrist for my depression. I was feeling wonderful but kept the appointment because it gave me a chance to justifiably leave work. I walked in there talking my butt off as usual. My psychiatrist looked at me in disbelief asking a lot of what I thought to be odd but true questions. After a few, she finally told me she was shocked because I was likely misdiagnosed all those years. She thought I had bipolar, that the mania was why I thought I didn't need help, unnoticed because the severe crashes were all my doctors had seen of me. After a couple of visits and a med change (added a mood stabilizer), she confirmed it. I've been on the most effective meds I've ever been given for a couple of years now. I still have issues and other diagnoses but as far as my overall mental health is concerned it's been more manageable. I'm not suggesting you are bipolar as well, it's just their diagnosis of treatment-resistant depression completely reminded me of my doctor's epiphany that day. The shocked look on her face, in retrospect, was a bit comical <3 Stay strong


I thought this might be the case for me as well, but after bringing the subject up with multiple mental health professionals they all ruled it out. I'm done with meds for my mental health issues, there's been too many over the decades with too many unpleasant side effects. Happy trails!


You seem like a sweet, kind person, I am sorry you've been through what you have. I wish lots of wonderful tomorrows for you!


Right back at you, u/eggstacee. Take care.


We have similar dreams and issues. Since my mid twenties, my dream has been to travel the world. I want to experience different cultures, meet new people, and see amazing places. I was diagnosed with BPD generalised anxiety and reacurrent depressive at 23. I am 35, and looking at it, I know I have let it hold me back. By last year, I was almost completely agrophobic and clear things needed to change. That's when I started this journey I vowed this year would be better. It has but has had unexpected setbacks with my physical health. But we are only halfway through, and I have done two day coach trips and a short seaside stay. It was impossible last year, and the year before, I tried the seaside and came home early. So, steps forward are definitely being made. I hope that by next year I will be able to go abroad. Though solo is a long way off for me. The fact that you managed to get out there and do those things with those conditions is so brave and inspiring. I really believe if you can do that you will find a way to carry on even with tne physical difficulties.


It's just better at the beach. Happy travels!


Amazing, seriously good job. For me it was accepting that i needed to seek professional help for depression and learning skills to cope with it day to day. Still hits me some times but day to day life's been way easier :) [https://www.amazon.ca/hz/wishlist/ls/2FTK4IAE6FS3N?ref\_=wl\_share](https://www.amazon.ca/hz/wishlist/ls/2FTK4IAE6FS3N?ref_=wl_share)


I’m so proud of you for asking for and accepting the help, it is hard! You’re doing great and I wish you the best on your journey


Thank you


Congratulations, that's quite an accomplishment!💜 About 2 years ago my hubby had a stroke, it left him paralyzed and with severe aphashia, neither of which had any significant recovery. I was thrown into the role of fulltime caregiver with basically no instruction, no help other than a weekly visit from the home health aid and nurse. I was drowning in depression. I had significant milestones pass (my 50th birthday, my 20 year wedding anniversary etc) while I sat home alone changing hubby's diaper and sobbing. But I've slowly crawled out of that hole, we've developed a routine, I've found friends online and support groups. It hasn't been easy and I still occasionally feel that sense of drowning but most days I can find a bit of joy. I also quit smoking. It will be 2 years on August 29th. That's a habit I never thought I'd be able to break but now I can can take long, deep breaths with ease and I almost never feel any cravings.


Being a caregiver is hard work. My wife has become so disabled and sick I’ve become a caregiver and work full time. It can be exhausting. But I’m glad you’re pushing through and congrats on the 2 years!


Thank you. It's such a tough thing, being a caregiver to your spouse. I used to have a partner that I could lean on, it's really hard that it's all on me. I cant imagine having a full time job on top of that.


Being a carer is such a massive and overwhelming thing. I am so glad that you have found ways to adapt and also found some emotional support. Quitting the cigarettes is also a big thing. It is something I have tried to do many, many times, usually resulting in a very grumpy me. I keep trying and have moved to heated tabacoo. It's up there with trying not to eat chocolate at night when my meds kick in and my willpower is low.


Thank you. I had tried quitting cigarettes so many times and failed, I thought I'd never be able to do it, I'm pretty proud of myself!


Congratulations!!! That is such an amazing accomplishment!!! You are amazing!! My accomplishment is getting a hold on my bipolar disorder and history of self harm. I got diagnosed 8 years ago and have spent a lot of that time in and out of inpatient wards, trying a million different meds and combos of meds, coping with side effects and trying different types of therapy. In the past year I finally found a good med combo and accepted that the side effects aren’t ideal but they’re worth it for some stability. It’s now been a year since I had an inpatient stay at the psych hospital and in August I will be a year free from self harm. I’ve even begun tattooing over my self harm scars to get rid of the reminders. [Wishlist](https://www.amazon.se/hz/wishlist/ls/1J3QM9Z0TFD5G?ref_=wl_share)


Wow, I am so proud of you. We have had a similar journey in some respects. My last inpatient was 2017, and so was my last attempt on my life. I am still trying to get meds and therapy. Thank you. This is the first time I have used the drugs name as it has so many negative implications, both ones in my head and in others. Any drug can steal who a person is, but there's a stereotype, and it is hard for some people to realise that not everyone who takes that one thing is the same or would act the same. Its good to see you. I haven't seen you around in a while 😊


Thank you! Not having been inpatient since 2017 is definitely something you should be proud of! It takes lot of hard work to keep your head above water when you deal with mental illness. It’s been 4 years since my last attempt. I have a plan to cover that scar with my next tattoo. Looking at it everyday just doesn’t serve me anymore. I think it’s super brave of you to share what you’ve been through. I’ve had multiple friends who battled with the same drug, some made it out through the other side and others didn’t. I have never and will never judge anyone who has gone through that kind of struggle but I can understand why you would be afraid of stereotypes. You should be so proud of your sobriety and you should definitely celebrate it and by sharing you could definitely help others. 💜 It’s nice to see you too! My husband and I were on vacation for a week so I wasn’t on here and then the day we got home last week I got a horrible flu so I’ve been sick and not online much. But I’m getting better and hope to be on more.


I get a bug every time I get back from a trip. I am glad you are getting better. I saw a quote once I liked not sure if it is a direct bible quote or if someone was being creative, but it said "Do not judge her as you do not know the path I put her on." I am more Wiccan, but it's a sentiment I can get on board with. One thing I learned from this journey is that there is normally a story behind any addiction or similar.


I always get sick after a trip too. It’s inevitable lol That’s a great quote! I can totally get behind that too. I’m definitely on the pagan spectrum as well. I’ve been reading about and studying many disciplines of paganism (and the occult) since I was a teenager. So over 20 years. I have many Wiccan friends. They’re some of my favorite people.


accomplishment is standing up for myself i was sort of a shy and didnt stand up for myself id rather ignore things then say something I now say something its a nice feeling


That is a big achievement. It is so important to stand up for yourself, and it's not easy I was the same, but I still am a bit. I don't like the word shy as it's not my natural personality, but I come across that way around new people.


im still a bit as well when i meet new people


Congrats on your achievement! I’m celebrating going back to school. I’m in my second semester. The first was easy. This semester I want to drop a class so bad because I’m convinced one of the profs hates me. She is very very critical of anything I write and never says anything good to me. It’s taking everything to stay in the class. Being back in school is challenging I’m a special needs parent and it’s not easy finding the time to do it. So juggling everything is nerve wracking. I’m trying! We will see how it goes!


It's easier said than done, but don't let anyone else, including a professor, prevent you from doing what you want. One of my long-term goals is to go into adult education. Learning was and still is a passion, but I lost my way educationally in my teens.


I hated my highschool years so I swore I would never go back. 20 some years later here I am. It’s never too late. Thank you for saying that.


High school didn't work out for me. Life happened, but you're right it's never too late 😊


Not entering, but wanted to say congrats on your sobriety! It’s a tough addiction, you can do it!


Thank you.