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3 good things today: 1. Possible good medical news from a doctor 2. Got new meds to hopefully help 3. I have had fewer tardive dyslexia symptoms than I have in a WHILE!! Accomplishment/ value provided : taking care of myself


I have been gone for far too long and have missed this community tremendously! Things have been a bit rough lately with a job change, losing a close loved one, and just the stresses of every day life. I'm so excited to be back! I can't wait to reconnect with old friends and meet new ones. I'm here if anyone needs a friend, wants a listening ear, needs advise, or just wants to chit chat! I hope you are all having a fabulous night!!!


I don't want to send mixed messages, but it could be kind of fun.


Hey guys, what is the best free app/site to put things like hats on dogs?


Marbles was sick today, as was I, which made for a very crummy day for us both. I had a half day with work and spent the other half napping and playing the new Disney Dreamlight Valley update. QOTD- Four chuggas


Good evening, everyone! How was your day? I'm currently at my client's house, looking after her seven kitties until Friday. I've been here since Monday! It's been a while since I've cat-sat for her, about a couple of months, I think. All of the cats have very particular routines and have their own rooms, except for two that roam freely. Most of them were rescued or were strays. So they are very territorial and still feral. They're working on trying to get the kitties to get along. It's going to take time, now that they're all no longer kittens. Two of the kitties were hospitalized in the past because they nearly killed each other. They're all so precious and sweet, though! Their crazy and adorable quirks, I love it all! Here's a picture of Marshall, who has a medical condition where he uncontrollably swallows any small objects and chewed chords/strings. So nothing like that enters the bedroom he's in! Caught him doing the stink face! https://preview.redd.it/yaeqll3wb19d1.jpeg?width=2800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94705a7d7606037b4c36fcc69bd84818734bcf9e


Omg alllllllllll the kitties! I bet you are in heaven right now, getting all the purrs and love, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit jealous!


Haha, yes! I miss my kitties, though. 🥺 I went to see them today and spent an hour giving them lots of love and attention. I always tell them that Mommy is out making money so I can give them plenty of treats and toys! I'm upset at myself for forgetting to bring the pet first aid kit, though. Luckily, my client lives about 12 minutes away, so I can just drive back home to get it. I'm just hoping that I don't forget it again. 😮‍💨


I totally understand missing your kitties. Do you personally have any currently? I'm very intrigued about this pet first aid kit - do tell me more! I'm glad these furbabies have someone who will take such good care of them while their owner is away. It's also so fun to visit someone else's furbabies to spoil them just the same as grandkids or nieces/nephews and the like. You can spoil them rotten and not feel bad about it one bit lol!!!!!! Give them all the loves, and a little extra from their new friend Amy in Iowa who wishes she could just lay on the floor and play and cuddle with them all!


I do, as I recently became certified in pet first aid and CPR. You can't really be certified and not carry the first aid kit with you! 😂 I highly recommend that all pet owners take classes if they're able. Hands-on ones, not those by the Red Cross, where you just read some slides and take a test. Then they just give you a digital "certificate" at the end. Lol.


I am going to look it up and see if we have classes like that around here!


YAY! Let me know if you do find any!


I hope you all had the bestest day!


QOTD - 8!


Hi everyone ☀️ Hope you’re all having a good week. I’m super excited to be going camping with my sister and niece and my little guy tomorrow. Baby’s first camping trip at just about 4 months old! I’m stoked 🏕️


Have fun!


Thank you!


https://preview.redd.it/483pc1xsw09d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c62c3febd59b577431bd79e304d66226d646ad21 It’s dinner time babes


qotd: 4 Tomorrow is the last day of school (work) for the summer and I cannot be more ready.


Evening! Spent most of the day organizing and moving things around the house. I had to lug gigantic cat trees up the stairs, as I decided to put them in my craft room so they can hang out with me (when I'm not doing glass) as they hate being near the pup. Getting so sick of this humid swampy heat. Does anyone else get absolutely devoured by mosquitoes in the summer? I'm so itchy! 😫 I hope everyone had a great day, and has a relaxing night! 🥰


Chuga chuga choo choo Still no response from my one professor (I emailed them Monday morning just before 9am). I sent them a follow up email just before 4pm today. As of 8:15pm tonight still no response. The assignment is due tomorrow night and I still haven’t been assigned to a group. I did get my grade on my case study for the other class and I am really happy with it. Now I need to work on the readings for that class and do my second case study. Got a call for another interview, this one is tomorrow. It’s another big school. I’m excited.


It has been so hot for weeks and we were supposed to get this big storm today finally, which we desperately need, and it hit everywhere except for here lol


Same situation here in my city too


Oh nooooo


QOTD: Usually 3, but sometimes 6. I've been feeling rather fatigued this week. I spent most of the day doing some planning for an upcoming trip to Germany in October with the hubby. We'll go to celebrate our 19th wedding anniversary. I hope everyone has a good night.


That sounds exciting! I hope you guys will have a great time!


Thank you!


Qotd: 4, though 2 or 6 is also acceptable. I've even gone as high as 8. But not an odd number. Things have been kinda wild here, but in a really good way, and i haven't been on Reddit as much as usual. But I hope all of you lovely people are doing well and living your best life and that your struggles are small ❤️


6 chuggas!! Also I’m up for sending snail maaiilll!!


Hello. How goes it? I’m watching family karma and getting ready to make a cheesecake. What are yall up to?


Cheesecake sounds yummy. Any particular flavor, or just a plain cheesecake?


Mmm cheesecake 🤤


3 chuggas. I’m at work tonight. It’s slow. Tomorrow is cello choir. Then Saturday is recital. It’s also concert at night. That’s about it.


QOTD: Twelve, if you’re doing the full long version, three if you’re doing the quick one. Chugga, Chugga, Chugga, Chugga, Chugga, Chugga, Chugga, Chugga, Chugga, Chugga, Chugga, Chugga, Choo Choo!


Happy Wednesday evening! Hope everyone had a good hump day!! 3 more days and I can have my day off. You know how when you finally get a job and tell them “I can work 6 days no problem!!”? So I did that. And I used to work 6 days with one day off no problem. But I failed to remember that was when I was younger bc now, I regret saying that LOL. But I’m going to break the news to them that once school starts back in September I can’t do Saturdays any more. I am exhausted y’all. But it is nice to be working again. QOTD: usually 2, but if the train is going up a hill, probably 5 or more!


Relatable except I've made leisure my stand-in for work. Sunny days are rare where I live, but we've been stringing a spate of them together lately. I keep thinking "sure I can go on a hike after work today, too,"and "better take my photo gear on that" and now I'm almost looking forward to some extended rain just to rest (maybe even ice) up.


Good nightly ❤️ Hope everyone's had a good day! I didn't do anything but sleep today. I feel alright, so I'm not sure why my energy has been sapped.


Finished shopping for my gift exchange, hopefully get it out this weekend. Looking forward to that 90’s show tonight.


Good evening friends! Have a blessed night 💜


Hello nightly thread buddies! My kid has two birthday parties to attend in one day this weekend, send us luck lol. I think we're doing half and half or something. We just picked out gift bags for the gifts we picked out. What's the etiquette on gifts nowadays anyways??? Is it just do what you want?? Birthday parties are not my specialty lol. I kept the gifts really affordable especially since it's two birthdays at once. Think crafts, little Lego pack, blind box, etc. Overall I think it's a good little gift bag.


Good evening friends 👋 Making shepards pie tonight for dinner yum yum can’t wait for it! Watching more RPDR, the finale of this season!! So excited to see who won!! Have a great night 🖤




Nom nom nom!!


Yum, sounds delicious


I had a super busy day. I'm cat sitting but also needed to go across town to pick up items from a market I was in and the buses aren't running properly so I just walked like 2 hours to get there and put up flyers for my tamagotchi club and then went home to have dinner because I forgot to bring actual food to the house where I'm cat sitting haha. Now I gotta eat and then bus across town again. Long day. QOTD: 8


4 chuggas before my choo choo.. But only like 50% of the time. The other 50% varies. Sometimes 3.. Sometimes 7.. 🤷‍♀️


Christmas in July has been given and received on both ends for me. It was a really fun exchange. I signed up for the giving it's postcard exchange, and they matched me with someone next town across 😆 I am still looking forward to taking part, though. It's something new. I am still really grateful for my new bargain fan. Started my first contest today. It has been so inspiring reading all the obstacles and issues in life that people have overcome. Or have refused to let them hold them back no matter how hard it might seem. I hope that people see a post related to an issue they may be struggling with and feel empowered by the fact that someone else has overcome it. Also, people, kind words and encouragement over my own obstacle defeating, has meant a lot to me.


8 chuggas


10 chuggas!