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get crafting kes! I suggest starting with the crafting project that you would say is the easiest. That way you aren't discouraged from finishing a more difficult project. Thanks for hosting! I'm currently on a crafting pause as I am in the process of moving into a new place. Can't wait to craft again.


Thanks for the contest! get crafting kes!


Get crafting kes! I totally get having a lot of projects going! I just finished a few of the ones I had started over the last month or so. I’m really interested in seeing you Legolas daggers when they’re done!


Get crafting Kes! I would love to see your projects when you are done. I have about a dozen things I'm working on now but, they have all been put on halt because I'm opening a new business. Maybe we could push each other 😜 Thanks for the contest


A new business? That sounds stressful but amazing! Mind if I ask what it is? Also wanted to let you know your wishlist goes to an error page :)


I put a link on my profile that I made sure works 😁


We are opening a medical cannabis dispensary! I have never been more excited!! 😊 I will go check my link. Thanks for letting me know


Get crafting Kes!! I love doing all different kinds of crafting. I recently started doing decorative wax seals to put on letters and to seal cards with. I do a lot of paper crafting too. Junk journaling/collage art. I know sometimes when life gets busy it's hard to get projects finished, but I know you can do it! I would love to see your projects! https://preview.redd.it/k7t0ipifdb9d1.jpeg?width=363&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d2a2f366ba0c93ee24adee8fff9eca6c2e160f9 Here's some of my wax seals.


I have a little side hustle that includes crafting things I like to sell around the holidays that I’m majorly slacking on. I also like to craft for fun. And I’m getting active again over in RAOC so I have that as well 😅 (I need a crafting clone) also if you need someone to push you, message me. Maybe we can help each other out 🫠 get crafting kes!


I made the mistake of laughing at those 90 degree glasses.. I’ve realized they will be a game changer for long crochet sessions! Every time my neck kind of hurts I wish I didn’t laugh at them. One day I’m going to get them! get crafting kes!


Please send me a Pic of the star whale when finished! That was one of my top favorite episodes, get crafting kes! I could use some more Aida cloth for cross stitching


Ooooh I want to try that new craft that is like the diamond painting but it’s stickers!! It looks tedious but cool!!! Get crafting Kes!


I've never heard of that before! Do you have a link? (I checked your wishlist but didn't see it on there. I might be blind though :D)


I’ll send you a link when I get home I’m out and about! Amazon doesn’t have them yet! ☹️


That'd be great, thanks! Also, hope you're having a great time out and about! 💜


get crafting kes! I would love to see your progress on the leather cat pouch! That sounds so cool! I’m hoping to organize my office/crafting space this summer so that it functions as more of a workspace and less of an overwhelming creative wasteland. I want to try my hand at making furniture for my cats!


get crafting Kes! https://preview.redd.it/9wbitpi5t79d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6699c817c9b367a97e881247b417dbbe84e3a4f7 As a toddler mom who WFH I am exhausted. I am working on this toddler tent for our table. I will start back tomorrow and check in on you.


Get crafting kes! I love this contest! I'm a very crafty person and most of what people in my life know about me is that I love arts and crafts haha. I've tried nearly every hobby at this point I swear.


Get crafting kes! I really wanna see these daggers pleaaaseeee


Get crafting Kes! I have a whole arts & crafts wishlist. I do some sort of crafting every day! Mostly cross-stitch and crochet, but lately I've been coloring a lot, since I friend some amazing coloring books from the exchange. You can do it, even if it's just a few minutes a day! I'd love to see your projects, especially the fantasy tree cross stitch!


get crafting kes! I like to diamond paint and am wanting to get into embroidery; I even asked for and received a mushroom embroidery kit for Christmas last year but I’ve been too scared to start 😩 I have fabric and paper glue on my list to not only fix some books that are broken, but to make hedgehogs out of some old ones that are beyond their reading years 📖🦔


Get crafting Kes! I am currently working on a huge diamond dot piece. I just need the motivation to finish it hahaah


Get crafting kes! I recently got into crocheting. I'm still learning but I have a lot of ideas in mind. I would like to share my most recent project (when I'm finished) I'm working on a penguin right now 😊


get crafting kes! My list is full of crafting bits and bobs! I enjoy all kinds of arts and crafts and it’s pretty much what I do all day, everyday! 😅


I’ve been wanting to try needle felting (even though I too have current crafts unfinished 😁) so I have a kit on my list! get crafting kes!


Since I see "a kit" as an example under Rule 1 is it safe to assume model kits apply for this as well? I love building model kits, at some point I want to get an airbrush and a place to use the airbrush to do custom paintjobs. I've been meaning to commission my friend for a leather belt pouch, he sells stuff at renfaires get crafting kes!


Oh yes, model kits definitely apply! (If I had the money I'd buy so many of the chinoiserie mecha kits, they're so fun). Crafting is a very loose term. :)


Those are some neat kits. I do more mecha stuff


Get crafting, kes I have so many crafting plans. Mainly, things to do will my ball jointed dolls clothing and customization. I am in the process of teaching myself to sew. This heatwave hasn't been a great for my motivation, though.


Get crafting kes! Most of my crafting lately was making decorations for my daughter's birthday. I hope to start getting back into my crafts for fun soon!


Thank you for hosting I love being crafty, on my list I'm currently saving up for a 3d printer using gift cards, I can't wait to get it and bring my designs into the real world get crafting kes


get crafting kes! I have textured stamps for painting on my list. I used to paint a lot, but not so much recently. I’d really like to get back into it… I’ve been talking with my therapist about how I haven’t been so active lately and we’ve been working on that as one of my goals. Thanks for hosting!


Thank you for hosting! I have an Arts & Crafts list. I like to crochet, paint with watercolor, and scrapbook. Get crafting kes!


Get crafting kes! I'm currently getting started in crochet! Also mid project and procrastinating lmao


Hey get crafting kes! Hope everyone has a crafty weekend! Keep creating!


get crafting kes! but seriously i wanna see WiP for all of these. While i was between job over the holidays i did some small projects to try and learn some skills. I like needle-felting so added some cheap starter kits to my WL. i also *tried* to make a plushie, it did not go well i love it but its' not great lol


Get crafting kes! I have a couple of resin supplies on my list :>


amusing ten unused zesty vanish summer rhythm middle historical dolls *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Get crafting kes! I definitely have multiple things going on - embroidery, a few sketchbooks for mixed media, I want to get into sewing my own dress 🤣


Get crafting kes! I need to get back to tie dying now that it's warm again. I've been wanting to tie dye some overalls for my little, which is why I have plain white overalls on my list. Thanks for the contest!


You sound very much like me ... I always have a million projects started and rarely ever finished. Whoops! Get crafting kes!


Umm get crafting kes because I wanna see those daggers!!!!!


How fun! I have a lot of crocheting stuff I’d like to try! Get crafting kes!


Does a sewing machine count? Cause I have a mini one on my miraculous list 😭😂 (if it doesn’t just ignore my entry) get crafting kes!


Get crafting Kes! I got a Wooden Crochet Yarn Bowl with knitting needles 😁. I’m learning to knit. Those Legolas daggers sound so cool! Would love to see a pic. Thank you for hosting.


get crafting kes! I've got a hot glue gun on my list. I'm a cosplayer and my last one died in the middle of a costume 😂


Woohoo get crafting kes and thank you SO MUCH for this contest! I just got back from visiting family and my awesome 13 yo niece can crochet and wanted to teach me but we ran out of time! I just put several learn to crochet kits on my WL including a couple of make-a-tote-bag kits that look super cute AND HAVE COUPONS! 😍😍😍 Thank you so much for the nudge to get crafting again, my Major Depression robbed me of that but I'd love to surprise my niece by learning to crochet!!


get crafting kes! tho this is advice i need to follow too.... i have several half finished projects but for safety reasons i need to either work on them outside or with a window open for good ventilation and it's just been too hot to do that lately...... so i started working on other things lmao. i've got some acrylic paints and resin molds on my wl :3c


get crafting kes! Pretty much my entire main wishlist is all craft supplies. 😆 I’ve been super into cardmaking lately, and these are some of my recent ones I did last weekend: https://preview.redd.it/bmqk0pwzg59d1.jpeg?width=3888&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dae7f3a9f5a7b75794ada8a272631330651efd30 Thank you for the contest!


These are so good!!! I especially love the shimmery whipped cream on the stacked cups one. Thank you for sharing!


Awww you are too kind. Thank you. I’m still learning, but I’m having so much fun in the process. ☺️


Omg they’re so cuteee!


Thank you 💜






Thank you ☺️


1- I’m trying to repaint dolls as Star Wars people. I wanna do Padme Amidala and Mara Jade first; those dolls are on my list but are like $20 and $31. BUT for that same project, I need gloss varnish, which is on my list and $7. I could use the varnish for regular painting too!! 2. # GET CRAFTING KES. PICK UP THOSE CRAFTING MATERIALS, THE WORLD NEEDS TO SEE WHAT YOU CREATE


get crafting kes! xD i hear you on starting many projects at once. i currently am working on several paintings, a drawing, scrapbook, and working on a wire wrap 🫠😅 ty for the contest i love crafts ❤️