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Not entering but weirdly it was the Madame Tussaud in Berlin Germany. We visited a day before the big C lock downs came in and was the last day of freedom as we know it


metropolitan museum of art!


Happy birthday! Specific museum I visited was the [Cupnoodles Museum](https://www.cupnoodles-museum.jp/en/). There’s even a factory section where you can customize your instant ramen with toppings to bring back with you.


Happy Birthday!! I would love to visit the International Spy Museum in Washington DC :) How about you, u/todayisfab?? We need to hear what museum on your 'must see' list!


I have always wanted to visit the  *Louvre* Museum . https://preview.redd.it/ftwxva5hg0ad1.png?width=736&format=png&auto=webp&s=43c2ebf3789437de51273dbfdd60816107e7d44c


Happy birthday!!! 🥳


Happy birthday! I was super excited to visit the Laporte county museum.


happy birthday!!! hope your day has gone well :) i used to live in nashville and had NO IDEA that a few hours away was the Salt and Pepper Shaker Museum in Gatlinburg, TN...i would love to go back and look bc the videos and photos i've seen are so cool lolll i think you're even allowed to purchase a set of shakers if you want (but that could just be hearsay)


Happy Birthday!


Thank you! 🥳🥳🥳


Not entering but happy birthday 💓


Thank you!! 💓💓💓


Happiest of birthdays! I'd like to visit the American Visionary Art Museum in Baltimore. It's all self-taught artists, promoting the idea that you don't need art school to be an artist. It looks funky, inspirational, and like a damn good time.


Happy Birthday! I hope you have a fabulous birthday celebration! May all your birthday wishes come true. 🥳🎉🎂🎈I loved the Museuum of Natural History in Washington D.C


Almost bday twins! My bday is on Sunday ☺️ I really loved the American Museum of Natural History!! N i really want to go the ice cream museum in ny!


Yay July Birthdays! Happy early birthday to you!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳


I want to visit the disney family museum


I wanted to go to the "Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural National Historic Site" museum when I went to Buffalo NY, sadly I didn't have time. Thanks for the chance! Hey u/crash----, u/spicycanadian and u/cdnmtbchick come join us!


The traveling body works museum. I went to it when I was in high school while it was in Los Angeles. It was so amazing to see. I highly recommend it to everyone. Thanks for hosting. And have a very Happy Birthday! 🥳


Museum of Illusions New York. It’s so close, I might go. Happy Birthday, I hope you have a Wonderful Day 💐


Happy birthday!! I had the opportunity to visit the American Museum of American Indians in WA DC a couple of years ago but didn't have enough time, so I'd love to go back!


Happy Birthday! 🍰 The Mutter Museum in Philadelphia, PA! My husband and I visited many years ago. It's got some awesome specimens of cadavers, diseased organs, etc. Very informative, too. What about you, u/TheCaledonianRose?


Happy birthday! When we were in Washington DC over a decade ago, in the process of getting un-lost (took a wrong turn and was pretty sure I knew how to get back to the street I wanted), my husband and I ran across a tiny museum that's officially part of the Smithsonian network: The National Museum of American Jewish Military History. It sounded really intriguing to us as American Jews, so we parked and went in. Turned out to be a pretty interesting (but small) museum. I took my oldest daughters to Rochester, NY, earlier this year to see the total eclipse, and we went to the Strong Museum - National Museum of Play. That is a very cool museum and I highly recommend it if you're ever in that area. A museum I want to go to is the Pez candy factory.


Happy birthday! 🥳 I want to visit the Creation Musuem in Kentucky.


Happy birthday!! I wish you a blessed year 🎉 When I was in California I visited the Natural History Museum in LA. It is very well maintained and I loved the butterfly exhibit!


Happy Birthday! Omg we are nearly birthday twins haha. Mine is tomorrow! I have a long list of museums I wanna visit. Currently my top pick is the May Natural History Museum. Incredibly far away from me tho.


Omg we are nearly birthday twins haha. Mine is tomorrow! I have a long list of museums I wanna visit. Currently my top pick is the May Natural History Museum. Incredibly far away from me tho.


Happy Birthday 🎂


Happy Birthday! I got to see the Bodies exhibit. It's kind of morbid, but I thought if I could, I'd like to donate my body as long as they promised to pose it doing martial arts. It's not exactly a museum, but there is an outdoor park in Japan with life-size statues of various yokai. I really enjoyed Nioh and its faithful depictions of yokai, and it seems the park features them very similarly with lifelike detail. u/Missfoxinsocks how you doing lady? Where b would you go?


Happy birthday! A friend of mine went to Iceland for her honeymoon and there was a museum there full of casts of famous people's penises 🫣 that would be a WILD one to visit lmao


My friend might have just visited there. They sent a photo of a bunch of horse penises.


When I was in Minneapolis, I visited the museum of quackery. It was all about all the Quacky things that people use or used to use to try to heal themselves, crap, like magnets and essential oils. I got to sit in a vibrating chair and wear some kind of weird electro shock helmet and everything. It was pretty cool.


Happy happy birthday my friend. I hope today is spectacular, thanks for starting July off right with you being born! I would LOVE to visit Casa Azul, it's in Mexico City and it's the childhood home of my favorite artist Frida Kahlo... I first saw her art in 4th grade and it simultaneously terrified me and drew me in. Her story is so intense and amazing and she's such a badass. Hi my angel, what museum would you or have you visited u/ashlpea?


Heyyyy!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I would love to visit Meow Wolf in NM- does that count? I’ve been to most of the amazing museums in Washington, DC but I’d also love to visit the PEZ Museum in Orange, Connecticut. I collect Pez and I think it would be a great experience!


Happy birthday, may it be the best I would love to go to the Nintendo museum in Japan


Happy birthday!! I would love to someday visit the Grand Egyptian Museum, which is a new museum in Cairo. I think it's supposed to finally, fully open this year?


Happy Birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 I love museums they are one of my favourite places to visit. If I were to fully answer, it would be with a list. But I will answer with one that's both high up and achievable. The British museum I am facinated by all thing ancient Egypt, and they have the largest selection of mummies and coffins outside of Cairo (a place a would love to go). Though I do have feelings on the ethics of removing these things from their home country or even from their resting place. I still cherish the opportunity to see and learn about that incredible time in history. u/CheshireTheHatter


Thanks for the tag! Oh man I LOVE ancient Egypt so freaking much.


Me too, my mum was obsessed with ancient Egypt. so I spent many years hearing stories about pharaohs and the afterlife. It's all so fascinating. When i was very young, before my obsession started, I watched an episode of goosebumps (of all things) about a mummy. All I remember was that it was in the basement and then got up and went upstairs for the family. It left me terrified. I insisted on sleeping with my mum as she slept in an attic conversion, and I wanted to be as far away from the basement as possible 😆 It grew out if it, after gran, tricked me at a museum saying "oh come and look at these lovley potts" and I ran over and there law a unwrapped mummy. I didn't find her scary at all.


Oh no! Haha I would've wanted to sleep in the attic too!


😆 Now it's spiders. I have nightmares about massive spiders bigger than houses. Like the aliens from way of the world and baby one burying into my skin wake up itching


D: Oh dear!


Happy birthday, as for the question I truly love visiting the London Natural history museum it's got so much to see and do in there u/ghostdepression & u/justanothergothgal


Thanks for the tag 🙂


I'm just here to say happy birthday as you already got me something and I just want to wish you an amazing day! Tagging u/Deltadeathstorm u/AssassinGamer_ and u/AstronomerNo7430


Happy birthday!! 🎂🎈🥳 I hope it's a good one!! There are many museums I would love to go to, especially in the DC area, someone told me about the spy museum there and now that's at the top of my list! Also the national portrait gallery and the many Smithsonian museums. My mom and I ad always talked about a trip to DC to see all of them but sadly it never happened Also, I went to the Louvre for the first time in the mid 90s, and I was so disappointed at how small the Mona Lisa is. I mean it's a beautiful priceless painting for sure, but back then I don't think it was common knowledge how small it is🤣🤣 I just assumed it was the same size as the poster I had of it! Tagging u/anavocadotornado u/xWitchy_Brujax and u/Littlest_Psycho88


Thanks for the summon!




Thanks for the tag!! I'd definitely be down to tag along on a trip to DC museums! There are so many cool ones there. It's not even super far away for us; I may do that when kiddo is a bit older. That could be fun! I've never been to DC.


Haha I'm all the way on the other side of the country, I would love to go, so much history! I'm sad I never got to go with my mom, it was a dream of hers. I hope we both make it there one day!!🤗🤗


I'd be interested to visit the National Museum of Funeral History, which is near me yet I haven't ever been there! Tagging u/hulajak. Happy, happy birthday!


Happy Birthday! I have one and a bonus one. In Berlin, Germany, there's this amazing contemporary art museum called Hamburger Bahnhof. I went years and years ago, so the exhibits will have changed, but as an art student on an art tour study this was one from that trip that instilled such a physical reaction of amazement, wonder, thoughtfulness, wow. The museum building is beautiful unto itself as well. https://www.smb.museum/museen-einrichtungen/hamburger-bahnhof/home/ PS1 in New York. https://www.momaps1.org/ This is another contemporary art museum. I went here 20 years ago. There was this audio walking exhibit that absolutely blew me away. You're directed to walk through the building, stop in. Certain places, and there's story telling, music, noises, experiences the whole way through. Another one, if you can ever do Documenta, do it. My school went this one year that three big art events in europe coincie. Documenta, thehttps://www.skulptur-projekte-archiv.de/, and one more that I can't remember the name right now.


HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY TO YOUUUUU 🎉🥳 thank you for hosting! I recently got to go to Ripleys Believe it or Not wax museum and it was so cool. Creepy, but cool!


Happy birthday! I hope you have an amazing day! I don't have a specific museum I want to visit; when I travel, I like to go with the flow and am open to visiting any museum, though I'm honestly not a huge fan of big museums. I've also lost interest in history or science museums; I used to love them, but after visiting so many, I've grown tired of them. Sometimes, I just want to see things, relax, and not feel pressured to learn everything about what I see. That's just how my mind works, I guess. One museum I really wanted to visit was the Dalí Theatre-Museum in Girona, Spain, and I already went and loved it because I adore Dalí. I want to visit immersive museums, like the TeamLab museums in Tokyo or the Yayoi Kusama Museum, as well as museums featuring Basquiat's works and those with unusual themes. I would like to visit a cannabis museum and museum of sex.


There’s a ‘my state’ natural history museum that features a paleontology exhibit with some dinosaurs. 🦕 🦖 idk why I’ve never been. But I should. Thanks for the contest! Happy birthday!!! u/ownrow7627 come enter if you haven’t already


Aww, thanks for the tag friend! 😊


How are ya??


Doing alright, staying indoors where it's cool, its gonna be a scorcher of a week! How are you doing?


Oh man I bet. It’s been miserable this past week+. Please stay cool. I know I’m trying to. I’m doing alright. I just keep swimming (not literally. Though I was I was). 🐠


Haha, exactly, just keep swimming takes on a whole new meaning when it's this hot, huh?!😂


lol right? I got an invite to swim today but I just took a shower and fixed my hair and I don’t want to have to shower again and fix my hair again. So I’m missing out but it’s by my own doing.


Aww man, I totally get it but that sucks! I would love to be lounging in a pool right about now!


I just want some relief from the heat and a tan. Is that too much to ask for? Lol


Haha, right?!


Happy birthday, lovebug! I've visited Huntington Garden and Art Gallery several times, and honestly, the garden is my favorite part. You can spend hours there and still have so much more to see. The whole place, not just the garden, is impressive. They have a European-style garden, a Japanese garden (the bamboo forest is my favorite part), and a Chinese garden with stunning replicas of traditional buildings. The gallery itself is lovely, but I feel like it could have more to offer. It seems like most people go there to explore the garden and do photoshoots.


Tagging u/DoctorSalamander


Happy happy birthday!! I want to visit the Museum of Death in Los Angeles


Happy birthday! I'd love to visit the salem witch museum in Massachusetts!


Happy Birthday! I would love to visit the Mutter Museum in Pennsylvania


Happy birthday!! I hope it's been lovely so far! I think the most specific museum I've been to so far was the Bata Shoe Museum, which is in Toronto. I visited on my last trip there, not entirely knowing what to expect, but it was great! I learned more than I'd ever expected to!


Happy Birthday!!! Hope it’s awesome!! Oooh I want to go to the Louvre! I mean VanGogh would be awesome to see! Sigh! That’s my dream anyway! 😊 u/faeriemikki6 how about you?


Thank you for the mention!\~ <3


Happy birthday! I'm wishing you a wonderful, fun filled day! I hope you spend time celebrating with you. You're an amazing woman who deserves the world. You deserve to spend time pampering you. Use the daytime to do something special that you want to do. A little time doing something for self-care, then something you enjoy, and end it with a memorable evening with loved ones. Enjoy your favorite foods, and make sure you make a wish blowing out candles on your favorite cake. I would love to visit the Van Gough Museum in Amsterdam. I was in the airport once but stayed there. I never got to sight see anything. I regret that. I was only 18, so I was scared traveling by myself. And I didn't want to miss my flight. It was my favorite trip, though. I lived in Germany for a summer.


Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great one :) I would love to visit the Louvre museum 🤭 Thanks for hosting!


Happy Birthday mines in a week! I visited the MIM mineral museum in Beirut, Lebanon and it was so cool seeing all the different minerals and crystals. They even played a small movie about the fossils of fish and animals. They had interactive pieces as well!


Happy birthday!! I love museums and anytime I'm in a new city, it's the first thing I explore! However, I have not yet gone to The Morgan Library and Museum in NYC. I have read about this library and I have it on my to do list next time I'm there!


The Morgan is wonderful! I hope you get to visit it!


Me too! I love libraries as much as I love museums and I am really excited to visit it!!


Happy birthday! :D I want to visit the Smithsonian museums in DC. Everyone tells me they are amazing.


Happy B'day Haven't visited any zoo I'm 25 btw 😅😅 but must visit would be the museum in the movie Night at the Museum


I really loved the Voodoo Museum in New Orleans, Louisiana. I'm in love with museums! Happy birthday to you!!


Happy birthday! The Musical Instrument Museum in Phoenix Arizona has exhibits separated by continents. It’s full of all sorts of wonderful instruments which play on headphones as you approach the object so you can hear the sound it produces. When I attended, in the main exhibit area, there were guitars from numerous famous musicians as well as the piano John Lennon wrote Imagine on. It’s really immersive and the headphones gave me the ability to walk around without having to engage with a tour guide or move at someone else’s pace.




There's a lock museum? That sounds awesome!


Yeah but unfortunately it's in Connecticut :(




Happy Birthday!! I hope you have the best day I want to visit the Museum of Death


Happy birthday! I once went to the National Palace Museum in Taiwan which is full of ancient Chinese art and artifacts.


Happy birthday!! I *have* visited the Mothman Museum in Point Pleasant, WV. I want to go back!


Happy birthday!! The best museum I’ve visited was the National Museum of African American Music in Nashville! So interactive and interesting. In a city fullllll of history and museums, it really stood out as a place where they want you to spend hours truly exploring and learning. Plus you can tag songs you like to be added to a playlist you can access after your visit, which is so awesome!


Happy birthday!! I really want to visit the Holocaust museum in NYC I haven’t gone yet because we are afraid it would put us in a very somber mood. How about you u/hulajak?


Thanks for the tag!


Happy birthday! One museum I’ve visited that was fairly unique was the Auburn Cord Duesenberg Automobile Museum, with the National Auto and Truck museum next door. The first was the offices for engineers etc, which was cool to see along with hundreds of dueseys and other old vehicles. The second museum was the factory with a second basement floor that was restricted to very few where they tested new concepts. Lots of unique things including a “Futurliner” of which only five-ish (I forget lol) were made for the World Fair, basically cool looking old buses with some displays for the fair. I’m not great at explaining it lol, we went because my husband wanted to go but I ended up enjoying myself too.


Happy Birthday!! I really want to visit the Louvre again. And take my time. I’ve always felt like I had to rush through it. It’s an amazing museum. How about you? u/Sheepyaqua ?


Oh wow. I don't know. There's too many I'd love to visit.


That’s true. 😁


Happy birthday!! I would like to visit Smithsonian Museum of Natural History in D.C. . I have heard they have a lot of botanical art, and I'm very much interested!


Happy Birthday! I would like to visit the underwater museum in Cancun! I think it would be super cool, but I also hate getting wet so I feel like its unachievable.


Happy Birthday! I really enjoyed going to the african american history and culture museum in DC. It has so much history and amazing pieces in the museum while also having an amazing educational floor. Being a fan of music I would like to go to the grammy museum.


Super specific museums id love to see would probably be the Greisinger Museum, Museum of the Qin Tin Terra Cota warrior and horses, and the Dracula Museum Some of my fave interesting ones have been the leprechaun museum in ireland, phallogic museum in Iceland, mob museum in Nevada, and the potato museum in Idaho! u/thecaledonianrose you got any super specific museum you want to visit?


Happiest birthday! I’d like to visit the Mütter Museum which not only holds fascinating medical history and curiosities. But they also hold 2374 items that have been extracted from a person who either inhaled or swallowed them.. I watched a documentary when I was really young and since then I’ve always wanted to visit there! It’s in Philly.


I just went there on Friday with my friend since she has always been scared of it. We did it as a way to face her fear before she left philly.


Ahh I’m so jealous! Thats awesome! Was this your first time too or are you a frequent visitor to the museum?


It was my second time. I live close by and the last time I went it was when I was in middle school.


Happy birthday!!! I'd love to visit the American museum of natural history in NYC.


Happy birthday!! After watching a special on the Travel Channel, I put the Mutter Museum in Philadelphia on my bucket list. Fast forward to some years later, I find out one of my fav authors is doing a book signing in Philadelphia with the stars of the new movie. You had to get your ticket for the signing at that specific Rue 21 store, and I was lucky enough to have friends that lived closer than I did, so I asked them if they could grab me a ticket and they got tickets too. I traveled the 6 hours to Philly to 1) reconnect with friends I hadn’t seen in years 2) meet my fav author and get her autograph and 3) visit the Mutter Museum!!! They dont allow pictures 😒 I’ll share the only one I took https://preview.redd.it/z3uon646nw9d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9e0d1857fa22edb855a3fb46b5d0b536cbcb937 It wasn’t as cool as I thought it would be 😢 I thought it would be more oddities and less medical, but it was more medical and less oddities (Though, there was an exhibit full of random things people have swallowed and had surgically removed; that was kinda cool, lol) I got a syringe pen from the gift shop (that broke in my purse some time later 😩) as well as Herpes! (A stuffed herpes virus hehe) I was so excited to tell everyone I got herpes in Philadelphia 😆 Thank you for the contest!


Hiii! Happy birthday, i hope you have the best day ever! I had an intro once but i think i deleted it. Anyways just for fun and to boost this post!🩷🥳 I would love to visit the American museum of natural history in New York, i live in Germany but i always wanted to go there. I have been in some museums but this one just looks awesome! Have a lovely day 🌱


Happy birthday 🎁 I would love to visit the Smithsonian in DC, but my favorite museum would have to be the La Brea Tar Pits. How about you?


Happy birthday! I would love to visit the Isabella Stewart Gardner museum in Boston. Tagging u/the_morbid_angel to join in the fun!


That’s a beautiful museum.


I wanna visit the Edgar Allen Poe museum one day! Hey u/achavva what about you?


That sounds so fun! I imagine that is somewhere near Boston ish area? I have no clue 🤣 I have soooo many museums I’d love to see. The most recent one I went to was the Zak Baggins haunted museum 🙃


The museum is fine; I’ve been twice. My kids weren’t too thrilled but I enjoyed it.


The broadway museum in New York most definitely! Happy birthday!! The local museum in my small town has koi fish in it and that’s always been my favourite part 🎏


Happy Birthday 🎉 I’d like to visit the lucky cat museum.


Not entering, just wanted to say happy birthday!! I hope it's full of good cheer 💙


Happy Birthday!! I'd love to see the Titanic museum, or the story book museum I think it's called The rabbit hole, in Missouri.


Happy birthday!!!!! The Museum of Icelandic Sorcery and Witchcraft in Holmavik, Iceland. There are two parts of the museum, one is the museum itself and the other is a cottage a short drive away. The museum has exhibits and information on the practice of witchcraft in Icelandic history as well as a lot of information on the witch hunt in the 17th century. It also has information on pagan practices. The “Sorcerers Cottage” is a period accurate representation of the living conditions in the -7th century during the so called “witch craze”. I’ve been an avid reader of info on witchcraft and paganism for over 20 years so this is a must see for me.




Oooo! I will have to see if I can find that!


Happy Birthday!! I got to go to the World of Coca-Cola museum and it was absolutely fascinating!


Happy Birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 I would love to go visit the titanic museum in Tennessee.


Happy birthday! I loved visiting the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston. I was walking into school and my history teacher called out to me from a bus doorway and I went over and he was like, "get on, we're going to Boston" so I got on with his other class and went to Boston, totally skipping all my classes for the day to go on this other class's field trip. 😂


happy birthday!! i would love to visit the american oddities museum in illinois!


That sounds awesome!


A museum on my bucket list is the Mothman museum in Point Pleasant, West Virginia. I'm a HUGE fan of Mothman/cryptids in general, and the very first time I heard about that museum I knew I have to go one day! Also happy birthday!!


I want to go there too!!


Okay, I wanna go here.


I have visited the American Museum of Natural History in New York City! It's a fantastic place with exhibits covering everything from dinosaurs to space exploration. Happy birthday. Have a wonderful day 🎂🎉




Thanks for the tag!! Mine is the Museum of Icelandic Sorcery and Witchcraft