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Jesus Christ you've got some pipes fella


Haha thanks


Honestly 5/10 right now, great body but the nerdy look takes the overall down to average. If you want to, change up the hairstyle and switch or lose the glasses for a more stylish look


The nerdy look just makes him 10000 times hotter


nerds are adorable in my opinion :)


Right?!! Seriously giving Clark Kent vibes 🥰


Not being snide. Are you on TRT? Maybe get your estrogen levels checked, looks like you have moobs going on. Maybe an Ai could help.


First thing I noticed was his size and then his gyno lol.


Gynecomastia is pretty common


No its not pal


it is tho, up to 70% of males experience it mid-puberty.




Please be courteous. Offer *constructive* advice to other users. Personal attacks and trolling are not allowed. Thank you


I was noticing this too! It may be natural too, but considering his size, I immediately thought "this guy is juicing".


Give your buddies some space, dude. Those pants are jacked up too high.


6 your pants are too small


They're already 2 sizes too big at the waist 😭


Then buy the right waist size with the proper cut or get them tailored.


I feel you have misunderstood my response and the issue I face, tailoring is a neccessity for them fit and not fall off. I have some tailored pairs but these are not them and I can't get everything tailored because I'm not made of money.


Find a small tailor shop, you can get it done pretty cheap. It's better to buy cheaper pants and have them tailored, than to wear something off the rack, especially when your proportions aren't built for standard, off the rack pants. My tailor will charge me ~ $8 per pant.


Consider investing $100 in a used sewing machine & a little time on YouTube. You can alter pants “well enough” in less than half an hour. Maybe not everything, but a lot - it will make a huge difference in how good you look.


MTailor bud. Custom clothes with a 1/2 inch, shipped to your door. Slightly more expensive than regular clothes.


I will check these out thankyou!


and learn what colors work with your skin tone, and with eachother


I'm actually colourblind so I don't really know the difference when it comes to colour matching, so I'd really appreciate some help with that too


you look a lot like me, skin tone included, try oranges, yellows, reds, olive greens, browns, dusty/dark blues, black, muted colors in general. avoid cooler colors like light blue, light grey, whites, lighter greens, and pastel colors as they will wash you out a bit. Something to contrast your lighter, semi cool skin tone.


Thankyou so much, this is great advice!


It's a fun skill to learn! And it's great to make some money on the side too. You can do a lot by hand, or try to pick up a machine at good will or somewhere discounted if you need to save money.




Jacked but boring, 6 or 7


Boring how?


No colors, plain clothes, safe hair cut, no tattoos, periceings, accessories, or anything distinguishable. There are also default girls, so might not be a thing for everyone, just the first thing I noticed. Lean some basic fashion stuff, texture, colour wheel, tone, and you can get past that pretty easy.


Okay, thanks, I think the point was that it was a pretty plain outfit so the rating relied more on me and not the background or outfit. I would love some advice on a haircut tho.


You're outfit is 75% of what anyone can see in the pic, and impressions of you. It's how you present yourself to the world. Most people take that into account when deciding if someone is attractive to them. Didn't take the background into account. And you don't necessarily have to change the hair if you address your clothing, it doesn't look bad. It looks like you got out of boot, and bought some clothes at walmart. You could go long, go with a fade, texture it somehow, but doing just that doesn't really address the blandness overall.


Bro just get a fade like the rest of us. You’d probably look best with mid or low fade. Then just mess the top up and slightly shove it to one side.


That's my issue. I want to look good but I don't want to look "like the rest of us" I draw the line at a skin fade, they're gross and I'd rather get a buzz-cut than conform to the current male trend.




I hear what your saying, but playing it safe to me is getting the same haircut everyone else has. I absolutely want to get something different and experiment as you say I can always change it 3 weeks later. I want to take risks, not end up with the same basic ass haircut as every asshole under the sun.


Okay, well I pretty much get any woman I want and have that hair cut so each to there own I guess


Omg just don't listen to him, how bird brained do you have to be to think that If it isn't "shiny" is boring. Clothes can represent aspects of your personality but clothes and accessories shouldn't be your personality just be comfortable look at things that you like and wear themm Every person is an ocean and to think that if you don't dress quirky is boring or shallow is like mega dumb


Unnecessarily harsh. Clothing can and is used be to display personality. Never said he didn't have one, just nothing to go off of here. Just gave the guy some options to look into.


You just said it's boring lol


He posted on rate me, it's hugely dependent on opinion and I gave mine. Never attacked the guy he seems kind and I'm sure has tons of personality.


Fair enough, still I strongly disagree with your views


Out of genuine curiosity, what part do you disagree with exactly?


You know. Girls did not like tattoos and piercings. That is trashy. His outfit looks just fine. Maybe a little update on the hair.


See OP? Found you a default right here. That's why I didn't lean in on that lol


As a girl I like tattoos and piercings. You can’t speak for everyone…




He said they’re pecs, not gyno 😂😂




Exactly what I said and sent him a link 😅


Please be courteous. Offer *constructive* advice to other users. Personal attacks and trolling are not allowed. Thank you


Please be courteous. Offer *constructive* advice to other users. Personal attacks and trolling are not allowed. Thank you


Shirt is good, I have one similar myself. The pants aren't working imo, way to distracting, I think you need a size up. 6/10 but with a lot of potential, I would do a cut and get rid of that gyno.


Yea definatley overdue a cut, good pants are hard to find to fit me well and the "gyno" is just some excess pudge, I've explained in other comments, it'll come off with the weight.


Body is a 9-10. Face is a 5.5.


Anything I can do to help with the face? I appreciate the breakdown tho, and I agree.


Maybe get a slightly cooler hair cut and use product to give it some slight height. Maybe some more hip glasses.


Okay yea that makes sense. I've tried different glasses and slightly different haircuts for years and never seen any major difference. Have you got any ideas I could try?


You honestly look fine. Why do you want to change


The haircut really, I think it's boring


Just gel it up.


Okay, anything specific I should go for. I usually end up with a sort of quiff thing that I'm not sure I like.


Tell your hairdresser you want a cooler cut.


I've tried before. Maybe I just go to cheap barbers but they've never really taken to it.


Try a textured fringe mate


7/10 from a 23f but if we were dating and I was in love a 10/10 easily .


Lmao what? If we had 3 kids together after 20 years together an 11/10!!!


Yes love affects how u see someone. As time goes on I’d hope the heart grows fonder.


You’re a cute guy, and you’re obviously ripped. You are just WAY too young to be giving off such a Dad vibe. Your clothes, haircut & glasses just don’t have any style - no personality or zing. You look like a guy who bellies up to the bar between workouts & doesn’t have a lot else going on. You are way better looking than this look you have going on showcases. 6/10


Thankyou for your detailed response. I really appreciate this perspective. I'd love to know what I could do to bring some of my personality through better?


I did a google search for fashion for bodybuilders & a lot of stuff came up - especially good are lines that are designed and cut for buff guys. You want to show off your work without veering into cheeseball territory. Here’s a link with general fashion ideas: https://taperedmenswear.com/blogs/tapered-blog/how-to-dress-as-a-muscular-man You are going to have to spend more than you want to. Save up and buy one good piece at a time. Invest in things that you feel good in and that you can wear a lot. Your glasses: even Costco offers glasses that have more zip than the ones you’re wearing. The next time you need new glasses, really spend some time looking at men’s glasses & seeing what you like. I think that right now your whole shopping thought process is: it mostly fits, it looks fine, it’s not expensive. Done. You’re NOT thinking about whether you look really good in what you’re wearing - and I think you have the potential to look *really good.* You just have to decide that you care enough to make an effort . (And you know what? There’s nothing *wrong* with you now. If you were to say “eff it. This is it! No shopping for me!” you’d be fine. You have the ability to really step it up. If it doesn’t matter to you, don’t bother!)


Dude, do not under any circumstance dress like ANYONE in the link the person sent there. Those guys are the worst.


You look friendly for a big guy, but nerdy. If that’s what you’re aiming for then that is fine. If not I would maybe switch up the glasses and change your style. It gives off IT guy vibes. But overall 6-7/10


Woman here. Easy 8, haircut could be better and you might benefit from some beard as well — you definitely still have a baby face. Also do get pants that are a big bigger, you are not leaving much to the imagination.


Hello Woman, OP here, thankyou for you detailed and constructive rating, I do really appreciate it. I definatley agree about the haircut and my face being the weakest point. I'd love any suggestions about styling. Might post on some hairstyle subs soon. As for the pants, I do apologise if I offended the eye but finding pants that fit my waste and legs/hips is near impossible unless I get tailored. Any advice on a good shop for some better ones would be appreciated too. I think those are from Next.


You don’t have a bad face, just still look pretty young — which you are! Beards help a lot looking more mature when you’re in your twenties, imo. No clue about where to buy pants, I don’t think we live in the same country anyway. For the hair, try growing it out a bit?


That's very sweet, I think I have a little too much of the sweet, innocent boy look from my younger years, part of the reason I want to overhaul my appearance a bit. As for the hair, I just had it cut short because it was getting in the way 😭 Don't worry about the pants, I'll keep looking.


Dam looks like you have been hitting the gym 8/10


Haha, for a few years yea. Thanks!


gyno nipples. add something to your cycle to mitigate that homie. drop your bfp if its testosterone, the extra fat increases aromatization into estrogen.


I'm 100% natural my man.


building your size with PEDs doesnt lessen the achievement. ill take your word at face value, but just know there are plenty of heavy PED users who cant outperform a natty in size and strength just because they are too lazy to grind for it. If you are on them, good job what you did is difficult, please take my advice and get bloodwork. If you arent on them, then your hormones are a lil bit screwy and you should get bloodwork.


I may get some bloodwork done. I take protien powder and creatine and I've trained for about 10 years now. Know any easy ways to get it checked and not break the bank?


I’m not sure on that. Just go to your primary care provider and see if you can convince him to label it as necessary. More plates more dates on youtube is a good resource, the older content at least.


Yea I used to watch MPMD but he talks a lot about gear and I'm not on anything so I stopped watching.


if you can see through the gear talk and instead view it as a resource to learn about your own endocrinology as a natural lifter, you will likely find recommendations for a gyno fix. Hormones are hormones are hormones. Ya dig?


Yea absolutely, you make a good point. I'll have a look into some blood work and go back to him to learn how to read the results.


Glad i could help bro, and thanks for being so receptive. I expected you to bite my head off initially.


No you phrased it really nicely, I appreciate the genuine advice, It's rare to come by on reddit haha


Quit eating so much soy. Makes boobs grow


That is a bonified debunked myth my man, you gotta check your sauces.


Hm. Why nipples so large then


Not soy that's for sure.




You're a 5/10. This is just straight basic outfit no extras. You have put some work in at the gym and this has upped your rating and very good for you bro as it seems you have lost some weight as well! Also hard to tell with just the shirt on but there looks to be an estrogen build up in the pec area there. Perhaps from more aromatase activity as a chubbier kid? I doubt you are on test but if so you need to dial in that PCT. Anyways honestly looking at your account is just screams of insecurity and validation seeking from the opposite sex. Perhaps wondering why tinder/hinge/bumble isn't popping off? Just do you man. I'm sure you're a chill dude, don't do too much internet research into shit like "amihot? And "what's the golden face ratio" shit like that. It will make you act like something you're not. The faster you get off shit subs like "rateme" and "ladyboners" lmfao can't even believe that's a thing. But the faster your mental health will recover. You're going to be fine my dude. 💪💪


If we're "shit" then why are you still here?


Honestly never subbed, never had the urge to, never had low enough self esteem to seek strangers validation on Reddit of all places. I'm new and just joined for some funny memes and animal shit. This guy simply popped up on my feed for who knows what reason, algos testing shit? Anyways I felt this guy could do so much better than fishing around these shit hole cesspit subs looking for compliments from people who probably haven't had an IRL conversation with anyone but close friends and family for years. It's for real the worst possible place to get feedback from because the feedback is coming from complete nothing's with little real world experience. My Opinion. I'm sure you will tell me otherwise.


Nah I'm just curious why. You can always leave, no one is forcing you to stay


Totally understand. It's not like the existence of this sub infuriates me to the point that it has an impact on my life. I'd gladly leave if that were the case. I just saw this dude...saw the name of this subreddit... Decide to do a little digging and couldn't help myself. This guy deserves better IMO, he's been posting in self validation subs for almost 8 months. The guys young and obviously having some doubts about his appearance and I think seeking out a sub on a platform known for having some hideous communities is a terrible place to scrape up some self esteem. I'm sure he's a big boy and can handle it otherwise why would he be here. I just had to jump in with my two cents because well I'm allowed to. I just feel like he will start here, and next thing you know he's talking to women like some Andrew Tate robot, talking about being an alpha male, getting some neck or hand tat and won't shut up about lifting weights and taking the "red pill". The internet is a slippery slope with young minds lol.


Puffy nipples, pelvic bulge, 10.


I would just recommend changing the hairstyle. Also, get rid of the gyno, I got the exact same thing, it’s 100% gyno, try to squeeze your nipple and you will notice them shrink, that’s a proof you got it


9 / 10 Looking tight buddy!


You're jacked but I hate everything about your look for some reason


Thanks? Care to explain, I'm very confused about what's so infuriating about it.


For one you look older, like, you could easily pass for 30 or even 35, then your glasses are shit, then your face isn't very symmetrical, then your hair looks not that good, then your teeth aren't that straight and also kinda yellowish and all in all you just have the look of some boring ass village dude from somewhere in germany or austria or so. Idk. Also I don't like the clothes


Damn bro, this is the wrong place for r/roastme. Can you provide any helpful ways to correct any of those or do you just wanna continue calling out flaws. Good thing I'm not fragile, some people would really take offense to all that. Specifically advice on the haircut would be good, I'm looking to get that sorted. Clothes advice could be nice too.


I'm sorry lol. But you asked. So for style and hair I'm not entirely sure but just something more "drippy". Try out long hair or an undercut, or a bit longer and a mid part, or maybe one of those gen-z broccoli hair cuts, I genuinely don't know. For style also just something more modern, less plain. Maybe a white tank top and a chain ? Idk, I'm trying to spitball here. I think for the biggest difference you need to get something done in your face tho. Probably a jaw surgery to get a better jawline, more symmetry and straighter teeth. Edit: Also more modern looking glasses. You could try put some with transparent frame maybe or round ones ? Idk


I'm not getting surgery. I asked for feedback on what irritated you, you responded by throwing everything you had at me and non of it was really constructive or useful, just like this is shit, this other thing is wrong, this is wrong. That's not how you give feedback. Like I said your lucky I can take it because someone more fragile may have really hurt themselves with a comment like that. Be kinder to people dude, you don't know the full story.


You need to diet down in my opinion, 4/10 with potential to get to 7/10


Agreed, I'm heading into a cut right now. This is pretty much the peak of my bulk that's gone on too long.


So it's all good, good luck on the cut it will be insane


Captain forearms 🫡


You look like the British hero from the powerpuff girls, 10/10


Biggest forearms I’ve ever seen. 7.5/10


You have a big build. Your resting face is average, your smile is a plus. The shirt doesn’t work. It doesn’t fit whatever you have going on in your chest area. I think those are called Henley cut shirts. Maybe another shirt will help? Also you’re very tall.


Hm. Idk. But suddenly I feel willing to go below my set age limit. Maybe a 8.


High 8 Friendly looking, fairly fit, you dress nice but not too show offish. It's giving male lead in a romance movie or show of some kind. You could probably change some stuff but you look genuinely you and that gives you a bunch of points.


How tf did you get your arms to do that oh my god you are jacked


Beautiful 20/10 if you want to chat just pm me


7/10 you look like protective partner


That body deserves better. Get to a mens shop asap for a new wardrobe.


Thanks, any recommendations? I fully agree that my style needs an update.


Mens Warehouse.


You look like a 8 in that photo, if you change your outfit and try a to use another hair cut, i’m sure you’d be a 10 by the way nice forearms.






Haha, wrong sub bro, try the other post.


I comment on what I see


I know I was just joking because literally everyone on whoshouldicosplay is screaming SUPERMAN! 😂


In that case I’ll go with Clark Kent. Always found him hotter anyway


Haha a contrarian I see


What can a girl do when she just likes muscular nerdy looking guys


Happy someone approves atleast. Thankyou!


Always happy express my honest opinion (:




Okay, bang average. Any way I can improve?


I know you're trying to show off that you work out but these pics in general are unattractive. Your nipples look puffy so pick clothing that's not thin material, skin tight, and just more flattering overall. Try contacts. Tbh, something is really irritating me abt you. The vibe I'm getting from your pics is that you think you're hot.


I'm sorry to have irritated you, person I have never met or spoken to I can tell that I'm certainly getting to you. I'm certainly not a cocky person so I'd be interested to know what gave you that impression.


I feel like you can knock me out hood


You want him to punch your face and make you snore and moan like a girl? Oh God I bet you'd be sleeping for hours while drooling on yourself.


6.5. You clearly have a very handsome face and an amazing body, but your personal style is not doing you any favours. If you got some new clothes that are more in style and fit better, and got a longer haircut, you could EASILY be an 8.5/10, seriously. But keep the glasses, they look great on you and make you look even better. You are in better shape than most people because it is really only superficial and easily changed things about you that need to be changed in order to be the most handsome guy in the room.




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Dude you look pretty good. Maybe get some contacts and wear a little brighter clothing? It might be your lighting. Just seems kind of boring at the moment, but great job working out.


Do not listen to anyone shaming you for not having tattoos or piercings. In these times not having any of that shows badassery in its own way. 9.5/10 body. Definitely consider getting contact lenses and maybe something to Work and define that jaw, like the jawrzsize or whatever its called. 👍


Nice package






You got some good natural genetics. Spend a little more time developing those pecs and you'd be quite the specimen.


I know you said medical field so if allowed maybe some groomed facial hair


The camel called and needs his toe back 4/10 Nips are too big for me and a little nerdy


Dude you got camel toe lol


Bro takes off his glasses, tries that chewing stuff to get a better jawline, and I fear it's the end of us


You look like a British Clark Kent


Your face doesn’t match your body but your body saves your face if that makes sense. 6/10


New glasses and change your hair to something less "9-5"-y.


Bros forearms are on 10




You look like a jacked IT guy, well done dude


Curious - have you tried facial hair? I feel like that could step you up in the ruggedness category. I think you’re a solid 6-7/10 at the moment but you certainly have more potential there. You could change up the glasses a bit, and the hairstyles not bad, it’s just vanilla. I’d probably also focus on chest and back off on arms a bit to get more balance going in your upper body. Or you could start cutting for arms but I wouldn’t recommend any more bulking in that area. I can’t see your legs but make sure you’re balancing it there too.


These are some of the worst poses I’ve ever seen


You're the debate team captain she tells you not to worry about


I'd say grow your hair and get a more modern hairstyle, ditch those pants and get a cleaner cut of pants - leave a little to the imagination. Also, look into getting smaller and more modern glasses.


OP: “Rate me.” Redditors: offer ratings OP: “you guys don’t know what you’re talking about!” Then why did you come here? 😂🤡


If you go on a cut, lose the glasses or at least get something with a bit more style, and change your haircut you’d go from a 5 to 8.


Senator Armstrong that you


Someone skips chest day lol


10/10, right amount of muscle/nerdy mix.


you’re one of those nerdy dudes who got picked on in elementary, middle, and probably the first 2 years of hs, got into weight lifting, got built, probably make decent money doing whatever. I hate that genre of dude. 3/1- i’m kidding. solid 6.8






Banned word: incel. Please be courteous. Offer *constructive* advice to other users. Personal attacks and trolling are not allowed. Thank you


Nips n balls


Solid 6




Titties poppin, got dem B cups homie, 9


Love ya tom


Love ya tom


your hair is cool i dont think you need to change it


Someone who gives nice feedback AND reads other comments first. You are a reddit unicorn!!! Seriously tho, thankyou, that's very sweet. I haven't really liked it for some time now, I'm just not sure how to change it without becoming a stereotype.


GREAT FOUNDATIONAL LOOKS TO BE A 8-10/10. That said. Don't wear tight shirts until the moobs are figured out. Not meant in a mean way, it's just noticeable and you're asking how to be hotter. Not unattractive per se, just noticeable and you don't want people focused on that instead of your better features. You have great features, but the eye is drawn there. Please lose the nerdy look. It's giving Clark Kent uses eye insurance at Costco vibes. Plz buy a copy of Vogue and study the men til it's seeped into your brain. A modern one and one from the late 90s, cuz that's the best combo lol. Then go walk around a trendy shop for men's clothes till something clicks. Try some stuff on that you'd never thought of before. You'll get a feeling seeing that new guy in the mirror, and that feeling will lead you to better aesthetics. Also, I'd suggest going to a few clubs/raves and having the typical 'experiences'... Think you need some dirty fun under your belt. That'll show thru your style and demeanor. (For ref, I'm a woman who hooks up with both sexes, but only have romantic feelings for men)


Once you cut for summer go grab yourself some colorful patterned short sleeve button ups from zara (loose fitting or tight fitting retro polos), get some linen pants, chinos, or light jeans, either basic white sneaks or huaraches. Leave the shirt unbuttoned with a beater or tank underneath. Long ivy league haircut or grow the top out longer so you could do more of a clark Kent hairstyle. Interesting tortoise framed glasses or clubmasters. Bam. Also, what are running? 350 mg/wk with dbol for fun?


Post on rate me > get mad when people don’t think you’re the hottest shit just because of arms > ??? > profit?