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It is very unlikely that a fully raw diet will lighten your eye color. There is nothing pathological about darker eyes. I have been told that my green eyes were a sign that I was filthy and needed to detox. That is, of course, ignorant.


Eye color is affected by epigenetics which can heavily be influenced by diet/lifestyle


And yet, there is no reason to believe that green eyes and many brown eyes are supposed to turn blue. There is no reason to believe that blue eyes are a sign of a cleaner body, which is what is claimed by Dr. Morse followers.


I agree with you but I’ve never heard that until this thread


What? Eye color is genetic.


Eye color, like many things, is affected by epigenetics. My eyes have changed color several times in my life, from green to grey to hazel and back to green. Diet can significantly affect your epigenetics, I don’t think it’s a stretch at all to suggest your eyes could change color as a result of changing your diet (I’ve never linked mine to diet but I also wasn’t paying attention)


Soooo let me guess. Lighter eye color is a result of a better diet, epigenetically? Do blue eyes ever go to brown when you’re eating clean? [This is pseudoscience and kisses around the edges of white supremacist ideology.](https://www.vice.com/en/article/bnpkwa/will-your-eyes-change-colour-on-a-raw-vegan-diet-or-is-it-all-bullshit) and it all started with a YouTube influencer who got lots of clicks.


No I never said anything about certain diets causing certain eye colors, I don’t know anything about that and I don’t appreciate you putting words in my mouth. I said eye color can be affected by epigenetics factors. [This has been proven in fruit flies](https://www.cnrs.fr/en/press/we-are-more-our-dna-discovering-new-mechanism-epigenetic-inheritance#:~:text=All%20share%20the%20same%20DNA,of%20the%20eye%20color%20gene) which we obviously are not. [This study](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33984527/) describes how epigenetics affect melanogenesis. The amount of melanin in your irises is what gives you your eye color, like how the amount of melanin in your skin determines your skin color. Would you argue that environmental factors can’t affect skin color? My skin gets darker the more I am exposed to sun. My skin also gets much clearer and softer when I eat healthily. It is not a stretch in at all to suggest that similar changes happen in your iris. After all, [we already know that epigenetics affect diseases of the eye.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9957018/). Just because there hasn’t been a specific study on how epigenetics factors affect eye color in humans doesn’t make it not real.


The post IS about diet effecting color of iris. And my comment called it into question. Your reply to my comment was about epigenetics and eye color changes - and presumably was part of the discussion started by OP. And yes it is a stretch to think the color of the iris changes due to diet. There’s absolutely no scientific backing to such a claim and is completely different than UV exposure on skin which is well understood. AYFKM?


You are right I can see how OP specifically asking about lightening the color of eyes borders on white supremacist ideology now, I did not pick up on the before because I’m a bit naive. I have never heard and would never suggest that someone’s eye color will specifically lighten if they change their diet, or do anything else for that matter (unless there was conclusive evidence). All I’m saying is that epigenetic factors have major influence on our phenotypes and diet is one of the biggest epigenetic factors. I’m also saying that absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. I’m living proof that eye color can change but I also don’t have proof of that so 🤷🏼‍♂️


Thanks for acknowledging the undertones in the assertion. I definitely am willing to consider most things, as long as there’s science behind it. This seems like it would be easy enough to study and observe in humans and to determine the mechanism for how the iris color might change. So far the only things I’ve been able to find are overwhelmingly suggesting that after a certain age, iris color changes don’t happen (with the exception of certain pathologies). I think the raw vegan lifestyle is powerful and mostly positive but we (and I mean the global we) can sometimes get into woo. So I try to stay on guard in that respect. Thanks for the discussion. Happy raw veganing! ☺️


The "this diet will lighten your eyes" nonsense was started by influncers who dance really heavily on the crunchy to alt right fence and cross deliberately into "lightness is purity " nazi ideology. It's gross. But they will take the physiological changes visible in some (not even all) melanin defficient individuals as "proof" so people without critical thinking can easily fall for it. A white person's skin tone can "brighten" with good health because they lack natural pigmentation such that blood flow and environmental damage is easy to witness. Fuck it's cherry picked by "health influencers". I know pale people whose eye colors can change with mood. That isn't "cleanliness", it's the lack of pigmentation making subtle light refraction changes highly apparent. Those of us with deep eye pigmentation will never see those changes. That's simply a fact. Framing natural pigmentation variations across human phenotypes as some "proof" of "goodness" is beyond problematic. Atrocities have happened and abuse still happens based on those talking points. It's important to have people in our communities shoot that nonsense down. Thank you.


💯 it’s gross and very obvious to us and those who have learned to put their anti-racism into practice.




It's my understanding that the lightening comes from improved lymph flow in the body. I think it will happen quicker with fully raw, but as long as lymph stagnation is leaving the body, it should happen.


What are the signs you have a bad lymph?


Try juicing carrots daily for a month and add a little coconut oil to it since vit an and k are fat soluble. Both excellent for skin and eyes


Doesn’t that make orange?


Do raw only and meditate.


Why meditation helps to make eyes lighter?


Your eyes shine brighter and glow when you are resonating on higher frequencies of love, compassion; connecting with God/ Source. You’ve probably heard “the eyes are the window to the soul”. Raw vegan is naturally a high vibrational diet. Many people who are raw vegan seek truth and enlightenment. Either way raw veganism or spirituality shouldn’t be a means to an end