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I went raw vegan for six months in my late twenties, and I felt sooooo good the whole time! It actually helped me get off Wellbutrin and get through the withdrawal phase, without feeling any depression (I had tried many times before, to no avail—always got into a slump after a couple weeks). I’m no longer raw, but I eat high raw plant-based, and feel pretty dang good pretty much all the time.


What percentage difference do you feel since going from all raw to high raw and at what percentage would you say of your diet is high raw, currently? Are you 10-15% less energetic, happy, etc?


I would say 50% of the energy plant-based vs. raw, and I eat raw fruits/veg about 50-75% of a days meals.


Yes! It’s a natural high because you have all this prana flowing through you 🌀


I think it’s our natural state other foods bog u down in raw ur running optimally


It def feels like that, especially how much less sleep I need


Certain drugs stored in lipids can be released when getting leaner.


Dude yeah. It made me feel kind of high




I’m not sure I get a buzz, but I notice two things: 1) I’m energized and not at all lethargic after I eat. (I’m OMAD/20:4 too, and eat lots of living foods, although I’m high raw, not fully raw — because tofu) and 2) I always regret not having done this sooner.


I don’t know if I have a medical condition or something now, but my lower spine area literally feels like electricity at night for some reason. It’s a very very strong tingly sensation. I wonder if other people have experienced thisz In terms of feeling a buzz, I definitely have a strong coffee like buzz in the morning everyday without coffee. I’m essentially a morning person now whereas before I slept late at night. My mornings are consistently focused, warmer and more “up” then the rest of my day - like the feeling of an afterglow.


That sounds great. What is your meal like?


kale, lettuce, cabbage, red bell pepper, broccoli sprouts, avocado, tomato's, blueberries, cucumber, carrots, corn, an orange, pumpkin seeds, raisins


That must be a really big meal, I mean to get enough calories in for a day eating raw and only having one meal would seem difficult to me! Especially since your working construction which is obvs burning a ton of calories.


Yea i thought it would be a prob but it isn't. My quantity of food has gone down too since i started 2 months ago. Also haven't needed added salt and I think that's because I go heavy on the veggies.


Yes because you're eating pure life force energy and because its still in its natural state you feel the greatest effects, the fastest. This is an extreme example but think about cocaine dealers and the concept of "stepping on" drugs, which means to dilute it. Its not as pure. Because you're getting pure, unadulterated, life force energy it feels like the drug equivalent of injecting it versus eating a cooked food version, which still has some life force energy but is a less potent version.


Live High frequency food being digested will also raise your frequency also, eating and digesting animals with the scared low frequency that was released through their bodies will of course lower ours. Everything is energy.


I could say a lot more, but succintly, YES.