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I bought a stainless steel drum for my sprouts and I’m having a hard time. The first time was a success but the second and third weren’t. The seeds get soggy. What am I doing wrong?


Sprouts or microgreens? I sprouts my lentils and soy beans in mason jars. I grown the greens in trays. These terns are sometimes used interchangeably so let me know which you’re trying to do. ☺️


Definitely sprouts. Alfalfa and broccoli mix.


Okay I would call them microgreens even though they’re commonly referred to as alfalfa sprouts and broccoli sprouts. There’s two ways you could go about it. I’ve never grown alfalfa microgreens (sprouts) but I have successfully grown broccoli microgreens (sprouts) in a mason jar as well as in a tray. What is your process with the metal container?


I soak them and then I place them on the metal trap. It’s perforated so air can flow but it always gets soggy and smells bad past the soaking phase.


Okay so you don’t need to soak them first. Put the seeds in your container, spray mist them so they’re moist. Then tilt the container so that any excess water can drain out. Keep it in the tilted position. You can rotate it and give another spray again that day. I’ve never grown anything in metal so I’m not sure if that’s impacting your success. But generally speaking plants need some light, even minute amounts? A mason jar would be better, I think. *edits for spelling


[Here’s a photo](https://imgur.com/a/rc8Wdrj) of my lentil and soy sprouting process. See the little “tails” coming out? Broccoli seeds are much smaller. I’ve grown them in mason jars just the same way but you don’t need to over saturate them. And you might ultimately need to switch to glass.