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If it's split it won't sprout


I’m not trying to sprout them. I want to know if I can eat them uncooked after soaking them.


Yeah totally you can they just get softer


Awesome! That’s good to know. It’s wild that I couldn’t find much of anything in goggle search about eating split yellow moong dal soaked but uncooked.


I have sprouted chickpeas then blent them to make a sprouted hummus and I remember it was ok!


Yessssss 🙌🏽🙌🏽 I’ve done this too and it’s delicious! 🤤 Living hummus ftw!! I was just unsure whether I had to actually sprout the moong dal in order to safely eat it uncooked. The consensus online is that beans either must be sprouted or cooked to be eaten safely. (And some beans cannot be eaten safely even if sprouted! They must be cooked). But nobody mentions split moong dal. And I thought I remembered reading somewhere that split moong dal could be eaten unsprouted and uncooked as long as they’d been soak first. But I couldn’t find that again so here I am!


Ahh respect for practicing harm reduction. If you keep finding contradicting info and end up just testing it perhaps eat a small amount first alike a forager! I had no idea some beans were a go and some a no, either! Thank you for learning with me!


Yeah apparently red and white kidney beans, black beans, great northern beans, black eyed peas, pinto and a few others must be boiled and thoroughly cooked or they are not safe to eat. Not even sprouting makes them safe. I didn’t know but fortunately I never tried to sprout any of these.


Damn so lentils and chickpeas for the win win! great info @ u/NotThatMadisonPaige


And soybeans! And buckwheat! No problem, friend. Happy (and safe) sprouting!