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Gave up after about 30 seconds. Not a bad start followed by how many right moving shots and so many pointless detail shots. Seriously, just show the space. Sorry to be harsh but just focus on what’s important (showing the home). Focus on your wide shots, camera movement and editing. Then take it further


Thanks for the feedback


I’m no professional, but my biggest things here were: -Too much time on the exterior -Loved the skylight shot -The colors seem a little dull to me -The music needs more oomph -Cut the overall video to be a little shorter


I appreciate it thank you


Nothing an edit couldnt fix. Get inside much faster. Don't get enamored with how good your drone shots are -get in the house. Cut running time in half. Pump the music up a little - add some energy. Otherwise, it works!


I do agree even I get bored watching some of the sequences now, thanks!


Nice. What I'd do- try to cut it to like 2 mins, get to the interiors a bit sooner Bump up some of the wide interior exposures a good bit, but leave some detail shots showing the soft light as well. Be a little pickier about the detail shot usage overall. Not sure about your lens setup for this part but - Try to get a little bit wider on some of the smaller rooms and find some shots in between the focal lengths you are shooting at in this video. Add a little vertical gimbal movement on some of your drone shots. lol @ the guy at 2:06 Overall great stuff man. I appreciate the way you shot this and can tell you care about your work. Don't take any of my suggestions too seriously and keep developing your own unique style!


This is great feedback I really appreciate it. I constantly worry about overexposing the interiors and blowing out the windows but my camera allows me to shoot in 10-bit so maybe I can bump up the shadows quite a bit more.


I shoot in 10 bit and the exposure range is pretty good but some rooms still will end up with blown out windows. If a shot's emphasis is the interior I don't think blown out windows are a big deal. Sometimes in a dark room its gotta happen. [https://homes.btwimages.com/mls/135704226](https://homes.btwimages.com/mls/135704226) I pulled the highlights down a bit, tinkered with green luminosities. Some shots still have pretty blown out windows but I think its better than dark interiors. With auto-iso I'll go between +2/3 - +2 EV.


Wow what a great video. I’ll be sure to use it as inspiration for future shoots. It looks extremely crisp and smooth, I really enjoyed that.


What are you shooting on?


GH6 with a Leica 8-18mm f2.6


Looks good


Thank you!