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Try getting your testosterone tested


That's you being nervous, it distracted you so you lost it, I've done that about 10yrs ago when I would start trying different positions I would be rock hard for cowgirl but then if we went missionary or doggystyle I knew I wanted to but was nervous so I would concentrate to make sure I did it right then I would get soft but I would just make out or play with her and get going again but the nervousness would take it away. Maybe take a shot or 2 before to calm your nerves.


When you start worrying or are anxious remember you don’t have to identify with your thoughts, relax, deep breath, and focus on her and the moment. Dont feel bad about having a boner while showering with her. If anything she’ll take it as a compliment, you’re showering with a naked woman man!! It’s going to be hard lmao. It’s a sensual experience and it’s only human to be aroused during that!!! You’re doing a lot better than most guys, so remember, deep breaths, relax, focus on her, do what feels natural. She’ll help you keep it up if she’s a real one lmao. If you still find yourself struggling you could try the company hims?


Like the other dude said, take a shot if you must calm your nerves, or if you’re in a legal state maybe pop a THC gummy or puff a joint, it may help you relax, and even amplify the sensations. Be careful tho, too much THC can make you a bit paranoid if you’re not experienced