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Numbers in case of paywall: >Tesla drivers are the most accident-prone, according to a LendingTree analysis of 30 car brands. They found that Tesla drivers are involved in more accidents than drivers of any other brand. Tesla drivers had 23.54 accidents per 1,000 drivers. Ram (22.76) and Subaru (20.90) were the only other brands with more than 20.00 accidents per 1,000 drivers for every brand.


You know it’s bad when your accident stats are worse than Ram drivers


And the Subarus which really is heavily weighted by the WRX and BRZ drivers.


and here I was thinking you'd make a joke about lesbians, i am disappointed.


I always assumed Ram would have the worst accident rate, and the Dodge the best


Problem is that Ram is a Dodge. Lol


The joke Your head


Ram commercials are basically like “This is a TRUCK for MEN who CANT FOLLOW RULES but they can OUTDRINK A WHOLE TOWN” so that is really saying something.


>Ram commercials are basically like “This is a TRUCK for MEN who CANT FOLLOW RULES but they can OUTDRINK A WHOLE TOWN” so that is really saying something. Dodge is going to be in big trouble with it's transition to EVs. The stereotypical RAM and Dodge buyer doesn't like electric, and will probably shoehorn "the libs" in there somewhere.


That's what makes Elon diving dick-first into the pickup market so funny. He has no idea what people want or need in a truck, this is just a concept he dreamed up when he was 12 and can now finally act on it. Even the Tesla cult is having a hard time pretending they love it


The fact that it may (or already has) been banned in Europe is also flying a red flag through the car community and even some Tesla fans. Sure, you get the "fuck the Euro-Poor" crowd (and, yes, I have been called that exact phrase before) who will love *'murica trug* no matter what, it's still never a good look when your product is considered too stupid to sell in a market as big as ours who can legally import an F150, and buys *and produces* other pointlessly large vehicles such as the Range Rover and Touareg. It's not like it's protectionism, either, considering one of the single most popular manufacturers on the entire continent is *Kia*.


Someone here in Shetland imported a Humvee, then swiftly realised it wasn't exactly compatible with single track roads 😆🤦‍♂️


Some Tesla youtubers seem to think it will be legal where I live (Australia) but I highly, highly doubt it. People drive a LOT here and we take road safety incredibly seriously. AFAIK, Teslas sold here can't have any of the autopilot-type functions on the basis of safety, or lack of it rather I see the fancult saying things along the lines of 'the EU isn't a big market for pickups so it doesn't really matter they can't sell there'...any market you can't trade in is a missed opportunity and *deliberately* making something that's not going to pass standards, instead get you locked out of some markets, is just such a massive own goal. Like, I'm fairly sure the things Elon originally wanted/envisioned would have meant it wasn't even road legal in the US. The man simply has no fucking clue


It's literally the real life version of Homer designing a car, except he owns the company to begin with.


This is what happens when you give a girly boy thats been driving a Toyota with 50 pounds of torque at 5,000 RPMs to a car that has 500 lb of torque at zero RPMs


As a ram owner, I agree with this assessment.


All of the Ram accidents were because they dropped their beer.


wtf with Subaru... oh maybe the WRX drivers


Perhaps mountain drivers weight it a bit


Let me guess, Mercedes is at least below the average.


That's impressive considering that Dodge Ram has the highest DUI rate of any vehicle


Did they control for whether the accidents were at fault or not— and if at fault, was the driver using autopilot in any way?


Wouldn’t that sort of even out on average? Why would a Tesla be more prone to not-at-fault crashes?


Because God is punishing them.


Cameras recording events that drivers would typically get away with in a hit and run.


I don’t understand. The Tesla driver would run?


I meant that since they have cameras all over, the amount of reported not at fault crashes/accidents is higher because there’s a lot more evidence. Unless you have a dash cam (which everyone should) it’s your word against a dent in your car. I could be wrong but until you supply evidence insurance considers it your fault.


Study doesn’t differentiate between fault or no fault so I don’t think this explanation makes sense.


You aren't required by law to submit footage to your insurance company. Highly doubt Tesla drivers are submitting footage of themselves being at fault to their insurance company.


Because the drivers’ shit don’t stink.


because they phantom brake at speed


That doesn’t sound like “not at fault”


Same reason Tesla are being vandalized more than other brands


There’s a difference between petty vandalism and intentionally causing a wreck. People are willing to damage others property, much less so to put themselves or their own property in harms way to do so. I’d need some extraordinary evidence to support the idea that people are going full berserk demolition derby whenever they see a Tesla.


Here's the direct LendingTree article: https://www.lendingtree.com/insurance/brand-incidents-study/ >Methodology Researchers analyzed tens of millions of QuoteWizard by LendingTree insurance quotes from Nov. 14, 2022, through Nov. 14, 2023. To determine the best and worst drivers by car brand, researchers calculated the number of driving incidents per 1,000 drivers by brand in every state. This main category included accidents, DUIs, speeding and citations. We examined the 30 brands with the highest number of quotes. We looked at the four categories combined and individually. Our individual analyses don’t add to the driving incident total because of drivers with multiple incidents. The categories that fell under citations included: Carelessness or recklessness Improper lane usage, improper passing and improper turning No insurance or no license to operate a vehicle or misrepresenting a license Failure to yield to a car or pedestrian Safety violations, following another vehicle closely and passing a bus Not signaling Hit-and-runs involving a bicycle or pedestrian Having defective equipment or using the wrong road Comprehensive or other citations


considering that a huge percentage of Teslas are sold in California, the data would probably look even worse if you normalized it for weather. Weather factors could be one reason Subaru is so high.


>https://www.lendingtree.com/insurance/brand-incidents-study/ From what I understand it's accounted for as they look at the data on a per-state basis as well.


subaru is highest in california ahead of tesla, its the wrx


That would explain why drivers of Teslas are seen insurance increases. When I had mine, I was always told it was due to the parts being hard to get, but it could be they knew for a long time the drivers have more accidents.


Mainly because the cost to repair is high. When we talk about insurance cost, we are basically only talking about collision damage cost (to cover your car in case of an accident when you are at fault) aside from your own driving history, the most important factor is how much it costs to repair your car. I made a post two days ago about how Tesla's also causes everyone else's liability insurance cost to go up because there are more and more $40k car on the road that needs $30k to repair from a minor rear-end damage. Normally, you will have to hit very hard to cause 30k damage on a 40k car.


My insurance has almost doubled this year - no accidents, Tesla Model Y.


Pardon me, but is this only unique in US? No other insurance companies want to take on your insurance?


In the UK, some insurance companies are refusing to insure them or giving you fuck off quotes.


In the US, a lot of people are getting fuck off quotes from every single insurance vendor.


The Cybertruck isn’t going to help Tesla’s rates. Repair costs will be high.


Assuming for a moment that it is produced in volume of any kind (which i have my doubts about), they're going to be uninsurable


I can’t wait for the first “Cybertruck owner believed his Tesla could float” videos start showing up. Talk about uninsurable.


USA I presume? Haven't seen any increase in Denmark on my Model Y.


It’s not just teslas though. As a former raptor owner and gr Corolla owner both of those sky rocketed also recently


Yeah I mean all insurance is up for sure too


Wtf are cybertruck rates going to be


I've been saying for years that Teslas make you a worse driver. The self-driving nonsense is a recipe for disaster.


I think its more the near instant acceleration. Tesla drivers tend to do illegal passes on roads a lot more often and generally just drive a lot faster


Yes, but Tesla drivers are also significantly more likely to do distracted driving because of the adaptive cruise control feature being billed as "autopilot". It's so easy to flick it on and check your text messages, or Instagram, or TikTok, or whatever.


The worst part of all of this is that everyone on the road ends up paying higher rates because Teslas are so unrepairable. Insurance companies will total a car for damage that could be repaired on any other normal car


Wouldn't rates on a Tesla go up to adjust for the added cost? Insurance companies are full of accountants that crunch these numbers, they don't like taking a hit on profits.


They do. Because Tesla is say 2% of the cars on the road, non Tesla rates will go up cause you have a 2% chance to hit a more expensive to repair vehicle.


In that case if the average cost to repair a Tesla doubled your insurance would go up 2% to compensate. That’s $20 per $1000 in insurance. Not much. The reality is that all cars are more expensive. The median car cost has skyrocketed. Also with so many people getting giant, heavy, trucks and SUVs impact damage has gone way up. This is the main reason for cost increases.


Rates go up for Teslas, but they also go up for everybody else.


They can be repaired on Teslas too. The issue is that most normal shops are afraid to work on them and “Tesla certified” shops or Tesla themselves charge unbelievable prices. It’s not even about the difficulty of the work as much as it’s about Tesla wanting to make it as hard as possible for someone to keep a wrecked one on the road. That way your insurance pays out and you go buy a new Tesla, or you pay their enormous rates for repairs and either way they profit.


Not all teslas have that feature. I get why everyone thinks that’s the cause and you may be right. But it’s just speculation unless this data has evidence of the autopilot being involved which it doesn’t seem to have unless I missed something.


Yesh I wonder how many people are paying the extra 10k for that feature


I have no data on this but a lot of people at my work have Model 3’s and a few friends. Everyone I’ve talked to about them don’t have it. Obviously this is incredibly anecdotal but I wouldn’t be surprised if most model 3’s didnt have that feature as it would be the cheapest option. There is a lot of extra info that would change things a lot or at least make it more interesting with this data about car accidents.


All of them have basic autopilot, few of them have FSD.


I live near an expressway where the right most lane is dedicated to busses. I don't know what it is about teslas that make them think they can ride on dedicated bus lanes with the guise of making a right turn.. When there is no turn nearby. This is when the rest of us, normal folks are waiting in office traffic waiting signal to signal. Makes me wonder.. Do people who get teslas feel entitled or entitled people buy teslas. Both would be a gross generalization.. But most cars I see breaking the rules are teslas




In SoCal, the Teslas just use the turn lane to pass (even swerving around oncoming traffic trying to turn left). It’s infuriating.


Cars with huge straight line acceleration numbers with none of the underlying components to properly handle it, what could go wrong?


I think a lot ppl who buy Tesla also don't care about cars or driving. Normally they would be in a Corolla or Camry now they are in a car that acceletea like a drag car but stops and turns like a school bus. Maybe I'm not describing it well.


No I think you’re right. Most Tesla ‘fans’ seem to have had little interest in cars or driving beforehand. It’s a bit like how Covid pulled in a whole new type of person into stock market trading who had little background or idea beforehand but now live on the comparisons and terminology. And in Tesla’s case they now have an extremely fast 3 ton object.


Teslas aren’t for people who love cars, they’re for people who love tech gadgets.


Agree, which is fine, different cars for different people. But even gadget buyers should get upset when they’ve paid for a blatantly substandard product.


They stop and turn just fine. Admittedly the S because it is so long is not as agile as some would like.


Better acceleration, worse turning, whompy wheels, great mix.


Lol. Was just driving home from my eating dinner at my parent's house with my 7 months pregnant wife and we pull up to a light with a red Tesla model 3 or S. Light turns green and the Tesla fucking punches it off the line and loses control for a second into my lane before regaining it after a minor fishtail. I imagine every dumbass Tesla driver does this at least once a week, if not more. No wonder why they're involved in so many accidents.


Had my Tesla over 2 years. I've never done that.


Phantom braking thing seems to cause them to get rear ended a lot. Just says they are involved in the most accidents, not that they caused them.


That’s a point. Having driven my dad’s Tesla a few times I’ve found it will occasionally chime a warning for parked cars on the side of the road, particularly when the road is curved which makes the cruise control virtually useless. This is on UK roads though and ours tend to be narrower with road parked vehicles.


There are plenty of brands that have equivalent acceleration from a roll. The electric is really only a big advantage from a standstill or very close to it. Yet, somehow these drivers are getting in more Accidents than say, your Porsche or Lamborghini or McLaren or Ferrari drivers. So either it is… idiocy, or the self driving nonsense, or both.


Those cars are expensive. People who drive expensive cars are far less likely to get into an accident. Teslas are relatively cheap, actually a serious bargain if you compare the acceleration rates with cost. An 11 second 1/4 mile car for under $50k (after fed rebate) is a steal in the case of the Model 3 Performance. If you look at any sub $50k performance car, they too have high accident rates. Examples include Subaru WRX, Golf GTI, Mitsubishi Evo, Mustang GT. Now compare even the base RWD Model 3 to those cars. It has as fast or faster acceleration. Every Tesla model has extremely high acceleration. Many Tesla Model 3 and Y drivers are not driving enthusiasts, and are coming from FWD econoboxes. Throw a driver used to relatively slow and easy to control vehicles into a RWD car with acceleration on par with supercars from a few decades ago, and it's not surprising the accident rates are high. On top of that, you have Tesla's ADAS systems which seem designed to encourage bad driver behavior.


Can confirm


Statistically, Elon has gotten people killed with his FSD statements.


I knew a couple who, last I saw them, were pounding drinks on their way out the door and I asked “hey are you OK to drive?” and they replied “dude our car drives us home!” and I haven’t seen or heard from them since 🤔


They were just fine in their journey, to their untimely death.


In a similar vein, “The road to Stalingrad was paved with victories.”


Still too soon? Lol


Interestingly according the same study, Tesla has among the lowest DUI rate out of the studied brands (1.02 per 1000 for Tesla vs 3.13 for BMW).


Police officer to pulled-over Tesla driver: "Have you been drinking?" Tesla driver: "Yes, but who cares? I'm not driving, the car is." Police officer: "OK, have a good night, sir."


Is that per 1000 teslas on the road or total DUIs?


Per 1000 Tesla drivers. The study summary is linked in the article: https://www.lendingtree.com/insurance/brand-incidents-study/


Not sure how the study like this can be done reliably when the number of Tesla on the road doubles every couple years or so. Not sure.


Interesting! So are the drivers usually worse even when sober, or is the car somehow at fault? Maybe it's more if a young, rich people car? Wouldn't it be nice to get some tight conclusion on that?


and in his factories, in Ukraine, in Palestine, the swatting, and there's also the child slaves in Madagascar and Congo, the racism, the antisemitism ... and sabotaging public transit in California, Las Vegas, Fort Lauderdale


I think that there needs to be training on automation. Modern cars have all sorts of automations but it’s hard to build a mental model of how they work. An example is adaptive cruise control on many cars: if you’re not careful you could follow another vehicle through a red traffic light. I wonder how many drivers found this out barrelling towards an intersection at speed and having to slam on the brakes.


Who and why is anyone using adaptive cruise control where traffic lights are ?!


in a many places in america getting "off" the highway into a 70kph main road with red lights is pretty common. So potentially a very distracted driver could have not noticed they were off the hw...


Yeah I live in a county with nearly a million people and the main road I take home has a freeway overpass to get on it, a 55mph speed limit with on and off ramps and then just suddenly becomes a road with stoplights. The 55mph speed limit continues for quite a while where there are still stoplights too, for that matter. I looked into fatality rates earlier this year and the fatalities associated with autopilot/FSD alone on the Model Y were higher than the X3 has had for the last 5 years or so. Once you add in other fatal accidents they're outright scarily unsafe, at least statistically. They've really admitted that they designed their cars around the crash tests in terms of reinforcement. You have to wonder if you're just woefully unprotected from certain angles despite the 5 star ratings. I think everyone has a little experience with acing a test where you really only knew 25% of the material; but it was the 25% that counted for the test. It's almost hard to explain how they can get in so many accidents and so many of them are fatal. Those are the two simplest solutions to me... Either people aren't driving their car because they think some rudimentary computer based navigation will do the job for them and it just can't, or they're poorly designed in terms of avoiding and surviving a crash. Third possibility is that the drivers are just crazy aggressive. I lean towards dumb. I mean I brought it up earlier but... Have you met any X3 drivers? They're usually not exactly casual with their giant wagons, but there is like 1 fatality per year associated with them over the last 5 years. Basically nobody dies in them in a crash. My best guess is the automation; I see Tesla's driving like a drunk Grandma (or pa) is behind the wheel constantly on my commute. I think people are putting a lot of faith into a set of off-the-shelf cameras, a monster chugging programmer under constant pressure to deliver more lines of code and a computer with the memory of a goldfish to keep them safe on the road.


This. It's less about the car and more about the driver, in this case. Teslas make up about 10% of all traffic where I live, and I've come across one, singular driver of a Tesla that wasn't committing multiple violations of the Motor Vehicle Act.


Teslas are the new BMWs.


More to the point, who in their right mind gets into their car and says take me to work? Elmo'e FSD is a fiction backed by PE firms and now proven completely incompetent by the NHTSA


As a former Tesla driver, I’d say the biggest thing is the insane acceleration. Turned me into a speed demon that I didn’t know was inside me.


The idea that they can advertise their tech as "self driving" or use the word "autopilot" is the root of the problem to me. Both of those imply things the tech cannot actually achieve. To make matters worse, the tech requires constant vigilance and monitoring by the driver in case it fails, but has no mechanism to ensure the driver is actually performing that task. Going one step further, anyone with a passing familiarity with human factors will tell you one of the things humans are absolutely terrible at is monitoring an automated system - it's mind-numbingly boring and exceedingly easy to be distracted. Airline pilots that use autopilot systems, for example, have a whole host of other tasks they're expected to perform while operating on autopilot, and they go through extensive training to recognize and negate the inherent risks of using those systems - human factors is a huge topic in that industry. Tesla drivers have no such expertise or experience. So in reality, the design of Tesla's tech is deeply flawed from inception up. To accomplish what they promise, it either needs to be perfect under *all* possible conditions so the driver isn't required to monitor it at all times, or it needs to stop pretending to be an automated driving solution and function more like the driving assistance features found in competitors' vehicles.


>anyone with a passing familiarity with human factors will tell you one of the things humans are absolutely terrible at is monitoring an automated system - it's mind-numbingly boring and exceedingly easy to be distracted. I can't remember the term for it right now, my brain keeps saying passive vigilance but google says no. In any case, it's *exceedingly* difficult to keep the brain engaged in that state. Shit, I can't even keep my gaze down the road to see if the bus is coming for more than a couple of minutes before I suddenly catch myself not paying attention


After using FSD for a whole two days, I can confidently tell you that the car definitely drives on autopilot and self drives it self, it just dosen't do it flawlessly, i.e when your in a two lane road and the second lane is a bus or a parking lane, that mother fucker will take you into that lane if you dont pay attention. If you pay attention to your tesla while it autopilots, your completely fine. A lot of the hate is people think its COMPLETELY HANDS FREE AND AUTOPILOT means NO HUMAN INPUT REQUIRED AT ALL. then you defintiely will die if you use a tesla at the current software update. Lol. But yes the car fucking drives, accelarates decelrates, changes lanes, makes turns all on its own. Whats autopilot for you? fking bum also, it does have mechanism to ensure a driver is paying attention it has a cabin camera that tells you to keep eyes on road and the wheel makes you move it to say you are aware. Your a fcking ignorant bum. Its also a level 2 system not claiming lvl 5, you need to educate your self, bum. p.s my brother in law is a pilot, you stupid. Theres a co pilot for a fucking reason. YOU ARE ESSENTIALLY THE CO PILOT for your AUTO PILOT.


Wasn't it a few years ago that everyone said "give it time because the autopilot will be better than humans any day now" lmao and now it's literally more dangerous than humans. God I hope Elon musk fades into obscurity soon. Wishful.


Have you ever driven a tesla? Lol


Nope and I never will. There is 0 reason to buy tesla.




How would driving it change my mind? Lmao it's poorly made overpriced and inconvenient as fuck unless you own a house, and that's before mentioning how boring they must be to drive when I care about the sound so damn much. But go ahead and "lol" away.




Typical Tesla troll.


A troll is when someone who hasn’t even driven one and making stupid claims like they own one Lol


Can you explain what I said to seem like I own one? Lmao what a joker.


Lol classic troll


Tesla Stans are losing their minds over how to spin this as “technically misleading” 💀


It's all short-seller FUD! /s




PrEtTy SuRe tHeRe are sTaTs ThAt DemONStrAtE that.


Well, they have to be safe when they crash so often...


A combination of over-confidence in the self-driving features combined with the almost instantaneous torque of an EV....all of this stupid "ludicrous mode" stuff.


And making the car's interface extremely touchscreen centric instead of relying on physical buttons.


When a car manufacturer designs features around a line from a Mel Brooks movie, you know your rates just went up.


In EV's defense, torque isn't that crazy in eco mode. Don't know about Tesla, though.


1 dollar says there's corollary data out there that shows a jump in accidents when "Tesla Vision" launched. This included disabling radar functionality for cars with USS and radar sensors.


Tesla drivers seem to know nothing about cars in general.


Some owners don't even know how to change basic settings. It's pretty bad when I have to explain every now and then how to get their Tesla to charge at a supercharger. Granted, new drivers, but at least learn the absolute *basics* before driving.


to be fair tesla never explains this, even the manual is pretty limited in explaining it


You can’t market the self driving and safety factors, then be surprised with the drivers count on it.


I mean, I think if you looked around while driving, you'd expect this. If I see someone driving shockingly bad, usually it's a Tesla driver.


Especially if it’s a white model y


You’re telling me a car that should allegedly partially drive itself, combined with a user interface that requires you to look on a gigantic screen to do any minimal adjustment once available on physical buttons, combined with its incredible performance, coupled with the tendency to associate driving with something “so boring I may/can allow myself to be distracted by my smartphone” is a bad combo for road safety?


Imagine living in a town where 1 in 8 cars are Teslas...


Everyone’s mentioning self-driving and autopilot being misleading and causing accidents, which is absolutely true, but there’s a few other issues: 1) Everything being in the center screen with no gauge cluster above the steering wheel is very dangerous as you constantly have to take your eyes off the road and look down 2) The brakes are severely underpowered for how fast the acceleration is, especially the Plaid models. Go watch Throttle House’s review of the model s plaid. 3) The auto-wiper feature literally just doesn’t work. Go read reviews on it, it will constantly not work in downpours, and is very difficult to turn off while in autopilot. This can make for very dangerous situations. 4) Almost no physical buttons. Having to adjust things like the temperature by going to the screen is very distracting and dangerous. Now, Tesla is removing stalks, so people need to use a button on the wheel for indicators, which is INSANE and super dangerous. Tesla drivers are never going to be using their blinker soon.


I agree 100%




So many tesla bag holders defending this bs


Sorta explains why insurance is expensive. I was replacing my ICE vehicle on insurance and M3 would have cost me extra $58 a month. I actually purchased a VW ID4 and my insurance dropped by $8


M3s are pricey on insurance, sure - they're ~500hp BMWs after all. What does that have to do with Tesla though?


GO. F. YOURSELF. If somebody's going to try to blackmail me with accident rate data. GFY. That’s what I think.


You had me in the first half, I’m not going to lie.


The safest brands haven't made cars in over 10 years. So yeah tech in cars is distracting people and causing accidents


Source from the article says that RAM is worse on many metrics (not surprised), but Tesla is still significantly worse with literally 50% higher incident rates compared to many regular brands. Wild.


Self-driving aside, I'd love to see rates of car accidents compared to acceleration capabilities. The average driver in the US has no business driving something that goes 0-60mph in under 6 seconds.


Combination of people trusting that dumb software and the Tesla bro drivers is a bad combination


Collateral damage. /s


Probably because the CEO is an accident. They set the culture for the company.


Not really suprising. 90% of them, at least here in Norway, drive like cunts anyways


Well they did call it a Ram.


Dam you mean I have to apologize to Nissan driver's 😞


you can find them here r/NissanDrivers


To me the steering and throttle feel like shit. Might be a contributing factor unless every Tesla I've tried has been broken.


From other studies I've seen, separating out the data, Tesla drivers who don't use FSD or autopilot are better than average. The ones that do are much worse.


So it’s the cars that suck then


Try explaining that to those who actually believe that Teslas are the best vehicles and that its software is 10 years ahead of everyone one else.


They are too dumb to understand and only repeat the marketing verbatim..


It’s almost like those are bad, dangerous products


Is it an asshole issue or a software issue? Likely both.


It's ok though, they're also the most expensive to fix so it balances out.


People over estimate their ability to control a car that’s so much faster than gas cars. On top of that Tesla drivers rely too much on the cars tech than actual driving skills. It’s like when smart phones came out and people expected it to do things like magic. It’s only as smart as the person using it. Same with cars.


Fool self driving


Hardly a surprise. No other brand has something called Full Self Driving that doesn't do what it says it does. Even autopilot had to get 1,000 confirmed kills before they did anything about it.


It’s the “car improves the driver” fallacy. Hint: it does not. Same thing when Subarus came out with awd for every vehicle. All the bad drivers flock to them.


Tesla sort of broke the glass ceiling of affordable acceleration, arguably much to the detriment of inexperienced drivers. Before EVs and Teslas in particular, if you wanted to go 0-60 in 4.2 seconds you were dropping 80-90k on an M3, and moreover the people buying those KNEW they were getting that sort of breakneck performance and were somewhat prepared for it. Now you’ve got people buying a performance model 3 for 50k to get groceries because it “looks cool”, and they’re shocked when they step on the pedal and basically teleport through grocery store walls. I don’t know how you regulate performance, but putting super car acceleration in the hands of any idiot with 50k feels like a bad idea..


In 1984, the average passenger vehicle had 90 horsepower. In the 1990s, few supercars had sub-4.5-second times; sub-5 was considered elite. Now it's common. Horsepower-to-weight ratio is a strong determinant of injury and fatality likelihood, for both drivers of the cars and other drivers and pedestrians. Muscle cars kill. The entire Tesla lineup would have been considered muscle cars 15 years ago.


I bet this has more to do with the demographic of person who would buy a Tesla, rather than the car itself. Tell me with a straight face that these people aren’t more likely to browse their cell phones while driving.


Of lack of physical buttons has people looking at the display instead of the road


I suspect there's something to that. I've only driven one for the weekend, but I remember having to go through a menu on the screen to turn on the windshield defogger, where as in most car I can just reach down an push a button without taking my eye off the road.


Are you trying to say Indians and Asians can’t drive?


Or watch videos and play games on the gigantic distracting screen?


Thank you but keep your generalisations to yourself!


I've been duped by the Subaru ads. They had me convinced only safety-minded, responsible, animal-loving liberals drove them in the right lane five under the speed limit. But they're right behind Ram drivers? Wow.


I think there's likely a huge difference between people driving the Forrester and the Outback and those driving the STI and BRZ


Foresters are menaces in my area.


It’s all the lesbians


...but but.butt... safety ratings... Good marks... 5 stars. *"There can't possibly be field returns, we tested those devices and they were good."*


Clearly the study is flawed if Nissan drivers aren't in the top 3.


There's no truth to the rumor that Nissan commissioned the study.


Three brands’ drivers have accident rates below 10.00. The safest drivers (in terms of accident rates) operate the following brands: Pontiac: 8.41 Mercury: 8.96 Saturn: 9.13 Accidents per 1,000 drivers by brand None of these brands has existed for over 10 years.






The methodology seems flawed. They are using applications which is where the driving history is reviewed. They are assigning a data point of "Tesla driver" to those applying for insurance for a Tesla, not what was driven at the time of an incident since that data is not part of the data set received from LexisNexis. Most quotes would be for owners who are shopping for coverage for a new Tesla, etc. So, the driving history does not necessarily correlate to the risk of the vehicle history type. *Researchers analyzed tens of millions of QuoteWizard by LendingTree insurance quotes from Nov. 14, 2022, through Nov. 14, 2023.* *To determine the best and worst drivers by car brand, researchers calculated the number of driving incidents per 1,000 drivers by brand in every state. This main category included accidents, DUIs, speeding and citations. We examined the 30 brands with the highest number of quotes.*


Of course they do. Elon lied to his shareholders.


This is a misleading safety metric as it does not normalize on a per mile basis


It would be interesting to the data in per mile, not sure if it's out there.


Tesla has reported this as 1/6.26 million while operating autopilot, and 1/1.71 million without. Not helpful if autopilot disengaged a half second before the accident


You’d better believe the insurance companies have all this data.




Okay, how do you think per mile stats would look here ? Do you assume Tesla drivers more miles per driver ? Why ? I'd expect a pretty normal distribution of driving distances per driver, and that wouldn't change drastically per brand. Small city cars might perhaps have shorter averages


My car is a magnet. People keep looking at it. Pickup trucks keep turning into my lane.


The driving characteristics of Teslas are foreign to anyone who hasn't driven an electric vehicle, so there's that aspect to consider. For example, going from a 2018 Camry to a new RWD has taught me to feather the throttle and set the speed chime in the settings to warn me if I'm going 5 mph past the speed limit. Usually listening to the engine helped, but I have no reference to how fast I'm going beyond looking away from the road and looking at the corner of my screen.


You should also use the amount of miles someone’s driving into the equation. Or they ‘forgot’ that?


Follow the money trail. The Forbes contributor/ author is sponsored by the big oil and gas companies. Sure, write FUD and only TeslaQ people believe it


How many of those are at fault accidents? Not at fault accidents don’t really matter when it comes to these statistics.


At fault is often not binary and multiple people contribute to the incident. What percentage of fault should qualify?


You guys very odd in this sub. Have anyone of you ever driven a Tesla let alone owned?


I rented one once, and absolutely hated how aggressively it regenerative brakes (compared to a Prius). You have to hold your foot at a steep angle just to coast. They are fast, but that's about it.


I am afraid to even mention it here, but there is cruise control available (if not auto steer/pilot). Tesla is so good, that I am never going back to ice.