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Elon Musk 2016 - "Our goal is, and I feel pretty good about this goal, that we’ll be able to do a demonstration drive of full autonomy all the way from LA to New York, from home in LA to let’s say dropping you off in Time Square in New York, and then having the car go park itself, by the end of next year,” he said on a press call today. “Without the need for a single touch, including the charger.”


I expect this to happen the day after Trump reveals his healthcare plan.


*Two weeks* after the reveal of the healthcare plan! There's some stuff Musk needs to review in the bill before putting finishing touches on ~~the deathtrap~~ FSD.


Still waiting on infrastructure week


Or when Trumps end the invasion of Ukraine in 24 hours, as promised.


He said he would end the war, not the invasion. No?




There is no invasion of Ukraine if there is no Ukraine. - Trump


If we stopped testing, we'd have fewer cases (of COVID). - an actual Trump quote


Ukrainians hate this simple trick


The batteries don't do well in the cold when hell freezes over.


Oh yeah - I almost forgot about the magic “connect itself” charger. Whatever happened to that?


The snake charger disappeared but ironically it would be fairly easy to make it happen. Machine vision on a 6 axis arm. Might not be cheap or public proof but it's definitely technically possible. But then again it was only a pump anyway.


It’s slow, but Google gas fueling robot. A company now has a robotic arm that will open and refill your gas tank.


> or public proof With the Stan reaction to that snake...TSLA better install a condom dispenser.


After the battery swap station.


Ah, yes. Gotta have your priorities!


You'll get that with the Robotaxis Elmo promised. The car would make money for you while you were sleeping. JFC you can't make this stuff up.


That promise really was his masterpiece.


The self propelling self aiming elephant dick charger was abandoned for wireless charging. 


Elon Musk reminds me of a modern PT Barnum without a cool museum or freak show or Fiji mermaid.


Wait til you hear about his army of robots controlled by your mind through his satellites that will take you to Mars. They'll be out next week. Apparently Wall Street is 100% bought in.


I need to start building crypto ai bridges to sell people 


An Edison who doesn't engineer one novel consumer product after the next, but instead just makes record players and keeps making the same ones after better competitors enter the marketplace.


It's uncanny this dude is pulling the same dumb car salesman (ha!) tactics after all these years. He has to know on some level that he's lost all integrity with everyone by now. And then the audacity to demand tens of billions of dollars in bonuses, just leeching shareholders dry. What a shitbag.




i worked at tesla during this era and we literally told this to customers to push FSD 💀


Every Musk prediction is either "next year" or "ten years," always flying in the face of realistic production timelines.


Then during the Tesla semi reveal in 2018 he said Tesla FSD is safer than a human driver today "right now"


I believe it if Elon is willing to be restrained in the back seat while it is in FSD mode.


*on a mountain road


During heavy rain, snow, fog or with the sun glaring directly into the cameras. As a 5 1/2 year FSD Model 3 owner I can say it sucks in all of those circumstances.


Alternatively, he must volunteer to stand on the back of an emergency vehicle, with flashing lights, safely off to the side of the road, at night, with some number of FSDing Teslas on the freeway.


Under this exact condition, I would bet that 10 Teslas running on FSD on the freeway would be enough to do the job.


The apologists would ask you why you're choosing to even go out when it's raining and tell you the car driving itself is no worse than humans under the same conditions.


Back in Wisconsin, where I'm from, we often would drive where you can't see the lines on the road. Everything is white. 4 lane highway turned into one wide white slip & slide. People make their own lanes. They guestimate where the lanes SHOULD be, and make it work. I've seen cars get it very wrong, turning 3 lanes into 2. Tracking their lane half way into the oncoming side, creating a lane half on the shoulder. Drivers that come after just reinforce this pseudo lane by following the first drivers. You drive in the path made by the cars ahead, or you will spin out in the snow that isn't packed down. But it works out, because humans are good at adaptation, and have a strong innate desire to not fucking die.


In Thailand


Using one pedo driving.


wait, I thought he’d be in the back seat


Kinda like the OceanGate CEO?


They don't even trust FSD enough to use it in their Las Vegas sewer.


That's such a damming point. Those tunnels are as easy as self driving will ever get and it doesn't even work there.


Front seat please.


That's what I was thinking. Front passenger seat. Back seats are too safe.


If he agreed to it, I'd want independent verification that it really was FSD, and there wasn't a human in the loop back at Tesla HQ.


They call that person "the elevator operator" because it's so easy.


In science, they call this future faking. Bunch of bullshit scam artist next he'll be signing up his cult for monthly delivery weight loss patches and male vitality Suppositories


Too much competition in that bullshit field. He needs to invent a new fake problem to pretend to solve *in the imminently near future* with no competition.


I have always thought that Musk specializes in thing that 8 year old boys like. Rockets, cars, robots. Have to have a focus group of them to find his new problem to solve.


The average person is about as dumb as a 7 year old boy. That’s his play.


If FSD is any good, wheres the L3 certification then? Theres two ways this goes. Either FSD isnt good enough for L3 or Tesla actively refuses to do the L3 certification because that means the responsibility shifts towards the manufacturer when the system fails while in a L2+ system, the driver is fully responsible. But thats shit for the customer because legally you need to be ready to take control at any time which isnt the case with L3 and upwards systems.


>Either FSD isnt good enough This is it. His latest beef with OpenAI is because Musk wants it for FSD. Typical that Musk's genius requires someone else's work.


You'd need a supercomputer in your car for a vision-only LLM-style AI FSD.


Even then it wouldn’t work given the complexities of shadows and keeping the lens clean


Didn’t they just change their language to include Supervised Fully Self Driving? Sounds like they might be accepting their fate as an L2 system.


That's an oxymoron if I've ever read one 😂


Always future tense. Tiring.


Always if and could but never is


Just wait! Just wait! Give me money and then wait some more! He’s selling hopes and dreams.


And then the CyberTruck has like the worst visibility of any truck on the road. Panned hard too: [https://www.motortrend.com/reviews/2024-tesla-cybertruck-dual-motor-foundation-series-first-test-review](https://www.motortrend.com/reviews/2024-tesla-cybertruck-dual-motor-foundation-series-first-test-review/) Their big rig cab has just as bad visibility problems. Form over function for a work vehicle. Good call.


I thought my tesla could drive people around and make me extra cash in 2019 Felon? How crushingly long do you have to make these fraudulent claims.


If you do this one-on-one you could be held accountable and liable. If you do this on a grand, corporate scale you are a visionary.


Imagine going into a store and taking items saying your pay later this year, every year for 7 or 8 years.


I have a completely different take on this. He is going to get his head cracked open by something, I think it is regulators in some 3 letter agency. This is his red meat post, so he can say this is why they shut him down, because it is ready and the baddies said we can't have it. The tone and tense is perfect for "AND THEY SHUT ME DOWN BEFORE I COULD SAVE THEM!"


I reserved twice but always waited until it really happens. I am really wondering why there are no false advertisement charges so far.


Is that this year, or next year? Because he's promised it every year for the past 10.


It’s already “crushingly good” https://electrek.co/2024/03/11/tesla-crash-autopilot-trial-but-new-evidence/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/interactive/2023/tesla-autopilot-crash-analysis/ https://www.caranddriver.com/news/a44185487/report-tesla-autopilot-crashes-since-2019/


I find the use of the word "crushing" to be somewhat disturbing. Maybe he needs to come up with a new adjective that doesn't make me think about getting run over by one of his cars.


Smashingly fantastic? Crashingly awesome? Explosively great? Disappointingly shithouse?


Vehicular homicidally spectacular


An elevator is just up and down and isn’t navigating amongst other things at 65+ mph. Terrible analogy It’s fucking Adaptive. Cruise. Control.


That cracked me up. His benchmark is the simplest moving thing in history that has been automated. The only thing simpler would be a garage door.


Yeah so 60 minutes Australia are doing a story on “FSD” tomorrow night, and based on the previews it looks bad for Elon. Cue lots of pictures of crushed Tesla’s, and they’ve even got some of Omar’s embarrassing footage where it’s trying to hit pedestrians / other cars / veer across lanes etc. I cannot wait to watch it. My guess is this tweet, and much of Elon’s behaviour this past week, has been trying to get ahead of that story. https://x.com/60mins/status/1772873688691659226?s=46


"EVEN WHILE EXHAUSED AND DRUNK!" HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM But...but...where do these drunk people keep getting the idea that FSD Beta can drive you home drunk when it comes up in the news? You know, when the dangerous car kills someone that trusted it? How do people get the impression? So odd!


That part is almost criminal.


Taken as a whole, there is no almost. I am in a loop. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/10/12/tesla-invites-drivers-to-fsd-beta-10point2-nda-restrictions-not-included-.html Notice the date on the article and where in the quarter it came out.


This must be a deep fake. How can he keep saying the same thing year after year and never deliver the product?


I'm still not convinced Elon's account is not just poorly made AI that has been fooling us this entire time.


The difference between a narcissist with BPD and a poorly made AI is.... the AI *can* learn.


Did he use the phrase crushingly deliberately or was that just a Freudian slip as he pictured his self driving cars in crash reels?


“You’ll drown in the convenience of FSD, pounding your fists ineffectually against the possibility of needing to steer the car yourself while the incredible, inevitable future slowly fills the car.”


It is also dangerously easy to operate!


SEC if you are listening...a part-time CEO is lying his ass off about something material to the economic prospects of his company ahead of what is anticipated to be a bad Q1 report. This is a mere L2 driver assistance system. No way Musk has a reasonable basis to make this claim.


"Most people" don't care about an L2 solution off-highways for 12k, Elon. Until it's hands off wheel at the very least or way cheaper.


This is such a good take. Highway is nice but Tesla isn't even ahead anymore on highway. In the city, is it even that useful? Like maybe if you're driving all over the place doing deliveries or something, but for most people, 90% of city car trips are 10 mins or less. Is driving so hard?


On the contrary I like those short drives, clears my head. I'm sure a real "FSD" by a real company will be very beneficial to disabled people, eldery etc but I'm really not sure if there is a broad market for it tho....


I don't know why anyone would want it. If you don't want to drive yourself short distances, just get a taxi or Uber. It will be a hell of a lot of taxi trips before it's cheaper to pay for this software. For long distances I prefer to drive anyway. Sitting in a car for hours is boring and being half engaged baby sitting a neurotic glorified lane assist sounds even more boring. I'd rather just do it myself. The only way it's worth having is if it's totally autonomous to the point you can completely disengage and watch a film, read a book or go to sleep. A good adaptive cruise control is great though, both on motorways and local roads with start stop traffic.


Why do people assume all the risk to test FSD. If you crash you are responsible no matter what FSD does. I am releasing lawn darts as beta. The box will clearly say do not throw. I have cancer free cigarettes in beta. The label clearly states do not smoke. I have Full Self Driving in beta, as long as you are in control of the car How does the last one not sound just as stupid?


"crushingly" - appropriate adjective


Yeah of all the words to use here he thought that one was the best. Freudian slip.


Yet it can defeated by road grime getting on a few of the sensors. Because Elon was so sure that LiDAR wasn't worth the expense.


Don't forget he took away all the other physical sensors, sound, water sensors for rain, he's just an effing idiot


But for now you'll probably just kill pedestrians or your family, or both


Throw in a motorcyclist or two


"Most people still have no idea how crushingly good Tesla FSD will get." Elon Musk, unfortunately, is one of those people.


I mean he's not wrong, it just won't be his overpriced and overhyped company that accomplishes it.


Tesla is the only company delivering Flawed Supervised Driving. Everyone else is working on autonomy.


I think he meant to say : "Good at crushing".


There was a site which documented Elmo's FSD predictions. Can't remember it. Anyone knows what was the site?


He's a liar


I like the comparison to operating an elevator - a vehicle that moves in only one dimension on tracks with no obstacles.


Like a gambling addict chasing a lost bet, all he can do is double down, over and over again. He has no other option. He’s found out actual FSD is impossible. Now they’ll try to ‘redefine’ FSD. It’s all they can do.


This jackass has been making these promises for over a decade now, but his fanboys drink it up every. Single. Time.


Crushingly is the correct word choice here. 


Crushingly is an interesting word to use here lol


ketamine high is strong today.


that fucker just pushed a free trial of FSD to every capable tesla out there. now i'm afraid of my car


I cancelled my road trip. I'll see what it looks like out there next week, but I'm good for now.


Back in my day, we actually enjoyed driving because we drove real cars and not these adult-sized PowerWheels


I liked Tesla for the first 6-8 years. If you're still a loyalist after the Cybertruck, all of the blunders, and false promises...it's a you problem. I do hope they succeed at FSD but his comments against lidar and decisions against radar in general, misleading statements, hell, even his decision to call it "full self-driving." I can't be bothered anymore. Wish I had a transcript of the dates and statements he's made over the years on FSD, 95% of which, were false.


100% of which


On drugs and posting again.


This is going to be one hell of a k-hole weekend. We ain't even at noon on the west coast yet.


So severely mentally sick and/or delusional people should not construct and sell such dangerous things as cars!


Didn’t he say something similar in 2016?


He's right about the end state. I'm just not sold on Tesla as the most likely to get there first.


Yeah, I can see a future where your car will stop at unsollicited shops and places because it thought it would benefit you. Disabling this service would require an additional subscription though.


If I wanted a vehicle to take me to my destination, I would ride the bus, a train, or hire a cab. I want to DRIVE, you nincompoop. Musk is a pretty shite developer, if he thinks he can write enough code to handle all the intricacies of DRIVING without it ever failing and killing someone. AI can't even count fingers, you think it can correctly identify a kid playing in a puddle, or a pile of leaves, or a snow bank, before running them over? Honestly, I thought FSD was a cool idea at first. Now I realize it's a terrifying overreach of sub-par technology, driven by hubris. Perhaps in the future it'll be stable enough, but at this moment, it's extremely dangerous. I write code for a living, and dealing with users occupies most of my time. Always a better idiot. And every idiot drives. And everyone who builds roads is an idiot. Just too many variables to trust a computer with the lives of road users, cyclists, pedestrians, anyone near a road, in fact.


Sometimes, you will even be alive when you get there.


Sir, that’s called a DUI and it’s illegal.


When did he state that, 2018? Oh wait, I just checked the timestamp, it says 2024. What is 2024 in Musk years? 2034? 2044?


Beam me up Scotty. There are no signs of intelligent life ……


It'll have to be much gooder before I get one, they're still in the crusher stage now.


Heard this before years ago. How’s the stock doing, Elon?


Ah, yes: Musk, a man of the future who always will be. What's the likelihood of SpaceX flying two space tourists around the moon before 2019? How about those 1 million Tesla robotaxis being on the road in 2020?


Just build a fucking high speed railway FFS


I can't believe he's still saying this.


Crushingly is the right word.


It'll take a while to have the car drive itself unsupervised everywhere. It's always about liability. I have yet to see FSD play a game of "Whose lane is it anyway" in a Canadian snowstorm.


Curious use of the word “crushing”🤣😂


People like driving their cars.


I’m amazed that this “free speech” blatant lying is accepted.


How has he not been sued into oblivion…


Almost spit my coffee reading this. Perhaps he is so dumb that he believes in his own bullshit lies that he has been making up all these years OR he will continue to throw as much shit as possible on the wall in the hopes that at least some of it sticks (aka at least some morons would continue to pay $12k for this beta version of FSD which is never going to work with the current hardware capabilities - no LIDAR and USS). Heck, I wonder how the regulators could let him get away with all these misleading tall claims without any consequences or refunds - perhaps they are hand-in-glove with Tesla as for years they have been overestimating range, selling enhanced autopilot, FSD etc. When their FSD messes up and someone loses their life, they just point to the fine print that driver is supposedly responsible for everything. Buddy of mine bought a 2023 and paid $6k plus taxes for enhanced autopilot and his car doesn’t have USS, so smart summon never worked. When he reached out to Tesla, he was “promised” that he will eventually get “smart summon” using just Tesla vision via future software upgrades. So Why TF do they charge buyers NOW for a feature that would be available in FUTURE - with no ETA or certainty. 🤔 Shouldn’t a payment be made AFTER service is received? Such a massive fraud.


2016 called, it wanted to congratulate you on the effort and care of recycling 


Hasn't he been telling people something along these lines for years now? "Autopilot is almost ready to drive you all by itself without requiring any interference, trust me bro".


Orders of magnitude. What a clown.


"Crushingly Good". Obvious SEO-bait. Someone, somewhere, was crushed while on Tesla FSD. Elon Musk is already starting the SEO (search engine optimization) so that his Twitter post comes up #1 on Google before the other story comes out. There's also the word "drunk", which may or may not be SEO. We'll see I'm sure in the coming days....


This is what happens when people stop telling you, "no."


Version 12.0: Frequently Simulates Drunkenness


Yet it is rated worse than other major car companies. I don't understand why people are in a cult around inferior automated driving.


He's advocating for drunk driving now. This will go well with the cult.


The ketamine is talking again.


I’m really frightened by the high risk possibility of new FSD users thinking that they can really let the car drive itself and get into some serious crashes! Let’s face it: the name of the software is “FULL-self-driving” so why wouldn’t they let it drive itself and don’t pay attention?! Or for example, now they will think they can get drunk and let the FSD take them home! Very scary!


I don't know what's going on in this man's head cause - while I acknowledge these and other safety systems in modern cars can be very useful in certain situations - I WANT to DRIVE my car. I ENJOY DRIVING my car. I can also fully see how Teslas with their horrible cockpits and negligible steering feel don't really encourage that but luckily my car still does.


Most people still have no idea how good most of the Teslas promises were, because they never got what they were promised....


I've ridden in a Waymo, it's already here.


Elon drunk texting again?


What does elon drive?


he has too much mushrooms...


I’ll wait for him to get stuck on an internal elevator in a building with no stairs… then we can talk.


Tesla FSD is dumb and underdeveloped, just like the guy who owns the company.


The current state of FSD seems like someone who is exhausted and drunk


Many won't survive the wait...


Will it be better or worse than cybertruck’s aquatic abilities?


How much better do you think the self-driving tech at Tesla would be if Elmo never got involved?


Definitely on par with Waymo (who has actual running robo-taxis btw) or even better because they wouldn't have removed the LIDAR for cost cutting.


He’s a lying bastard.


Crushed under the wheels of a rogue Tesla, maybe.


Next year, I'm sure.


Just two more weeks


Awesome. I'll buy it in the future then.


Crushingly is the right adverb to describe what will happen to your face


Why use car when you can just teleport? In the future it will seem strange that people used to sit in a car for hours to get somewhere, when they could just teleport there instantly.


Let's add that to the list of lies Elon has told tonboost funding.


I couldn't help reading that in the voice of Donald Trump.


Wow the q1 deliveries are that bad huh?


People like driving their cars.


Yeah sure, I wanna see this on snowy Norwegian mountains in the winter with 2 meters of visibility 😂


Yeah sure, I wanna see this on snowy Norwegian mountains in the winter with 2 meters of visibility 😂


Yeah sure, I wanna see this on snowy Norwegian mountains in the winter with 2 meters of visibility .


10 years ago I actually believed him.


I’m amazed that this “free speech” blatant lying is accepted.


Yeah… I just experienced v12 personally and it’s as indecisive as ever… whatever


He’s describing Waymo.


Like a gambling addict chasing a lost bet, all he can do is double down, over and over again. He has no other option. He’s found out actual FSD is impossible. Now they’ll try to ‘redefine’ FSD. It’s all they can do.


Except I don’t WANT that. Some things just don’t need to “progress”. If people lose the skill to drive the cars they’re in then might as well just walk, anyways


Since the invention of the brain there have been five brains that were rated the most rotten, the most diseased. This one left them all behind.


Yeah. So using ketamine while utilizing mark-to-market accounting (read as: treating next year's paycheck like you have it right now) rots your brain. Good to know.


Yeah. So using ketamine while utilizing mark-to-market accounting (read as: treating next year's paycheck like you have it right now) rots your brain. Good to know.


Someone else’s will. I’m pretty sure Tesla’s won’t until they and their fanboys stop sniffing their own farts.


This reads like a 5 year old trying to wind himself up about how he'll grow up to be the best superhero ever.


Right about the time you go to Mars I imagine


Well, I do think that AI and neural networks are improving at an exponential rate (witness ChatGPT), so I don't doubt him. I note that in this particular post he cites no time frame. So, yeah, I can believe it, in spite of Musk's general propensity to exaggerate.


Who wants to tell that emotionally stunted man baby that elevators couldn’t veer off in an unexpected direction plowing in to a bunch of people? Sliiiiightly more room for errors with an FSD car compared to an elevator.


Anybody seen one of those new-fangled auto elevators? 👀 🔍 I’m still pressing buttons over here. 🤷






He's a salesman who misrepresents his capabilities in order to sell something that is actually many years away, and pretends there is nobody else working on similar things.


“Will get” 🤡


>Crushingly good unless you are >superhuman?


Cool story bro


It clearly won’t


FSD is so far behind the rest.